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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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and we will take what to hide, we will take what we see on the international market, despite all the difficulties, we still get some things that are not of the same quality and character as a heavy flamethrower system, but these are mobile things, they are double triple there also for civilian purposes, of course they can be adapted for...
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this is one of the main tasks to ensure the overall success of victory. let's finish the atom, it will be freer. yes thank you. this was footage of the meeting between the president and military personnel, which took place in the kremlin 7 may after vladimir putin's inauguration ceremony . and now let's return to the events of today. after the victory parade on red square, vladimir putin and leaders. foreign countries took part in wreath-laying ceremonies at the eternal flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier, then the russian leader, together with the president of belarus alexander lukashenko, commented on the strategic exercises of the two countries, this was not used as a training exercise, since it was located on the territory of belarus. russian nuclear
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weapons, then this time we offered our friends, allies, and the president of belarus asked about this to take part in one of the stages of this exercise, we conduct them regularly, this time they are carried out in three stages, at the second stage, belarusian colleagues will join our joint actions, the corresponding instructions are from the ministry of defense and in general.
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so there is nothing unusual here, this is a planned work, but in the meantime we are going on air from the hall of fame, the victory museum, where the names of 11,800 heroes of the soviet union and heroes of russia are placed on marble slabs who were awarded these honorary titles for the exploits that were accomplished during the great patriotic war. and now from this place, from a place of perseverance and fortitude , we have the opportunity to be transported to the most... picturesque point from where we could watch the parade, of course, we are moving to the very center of moscow, where alexandra suvorova works, alexandra, greetings again , what are your impressions and what is happening in the center of moscow at these moments, now an hour after the end of the parade. dasha, gosha, greetings again, it’s very nice that not only we, being at the actual height of a seven-story building, can judge the beauty of this location, but also... our spectators and
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my colleagues, now after the parade, of course, work is underway to to completely prepare the territory of tverskaya red square for... the usual full-fledged life and work, now everyone has already dispersed from here from red square and from tverskaya and makhovaya streets, but i will remind you that this is the place where we are, and firstly, from here you can really see everything, tverskaya street, where else? in the morning, the first columns of equipment and the alexander garden had already begun to gather, where immediately after the end of the parade, vladimir putin , together with his colleagues and guests of this parade, laid the heads of other states. flowers to the tomb of the unknown soldier, and of course, we were a little closer physically than everyone else to the aviation part of the parade, until recently there were no reports about whether it would take place or not, many had doubts, of course, due to the conditions, because ours, for example, period, it is not only beautiful, but the windiest, everything worked out, and
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we saw those figures that flew here in the sky of the capital, at the beginning it was the figure of rhombus, the russian knight. the swifts showed cuban diamonds, as my colleague stanislav bernwald noted while in kubinka, which is not to be confused with the cuban diamond. that's exactly what he carried here, these are nine planes. what is the main feature and only ours can do this , there are different types of aircraft at a very small distance from each other. on the one hand, these are swifts, light fighters mig-29, on the other hand, these are russians knights are heavy multifunctional aircraft. and then he carried it through. here are six more planes that painted russian tricolors in the sky above the capital, of course, this action could be seen both by us here on tverskaya and, of course, by all the spectators on red square who are in front of their tv screens, of course, now, as i already
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said, here such work is already underway on assembling equipment first of all, i will remind you that we were not alone here, our colleagues are working on neighboring roofs, for example a colleague from... russia, evgeniy roshkov is also here with we were nearby, a total of 9.00 people took part in the parade, these are directly those who walked along red square and about 75 pieces of equipment, this includes the air unit, and part of the parade that drove here along tverskaya. this is how the parade was, this is how we saw it, and of course, i congratulate everyone on the holiday of the great victory. colleagues, the floor is yours. alexandra, thank you, congratulations on the holiday. we will add on our own that the flight of our aerobatic teams took place at an altitude of up to 500 m, very low, very low, of course, here, but in direct communication with the studio from the center of moscow was alexandra suvorova, about those to whom we owe the present, about the challenges that our generation is accepting, in his speech
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before the start of the victory parade on red square, the head of state emphasized the special importance of the mission of the feat, those who is fighting neo-nazism now, participants in a special military operation, the memory of the heroes is great... we bow our heads to the veterans of the great patriotic war who have left us, to the memory of civilians who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, in front of our comrades who fell in the fight against neo-nazism in a righteous battle for russia, a minute of silence is announced.
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victory parade together with foreign leaders and of course with veterans. next to the president, watching the parade was yevgeny petrovich kuropatkov, a participant in the great patriotic war, a retired captain of the first rank. in june 1941, he was drafted into the army, and on july 19 he took the military oath and was sent to the front line with the order to fight to the death. kuropatkov participated in the defense of the cities of the heroes of stalingrad and leningrad. participated in... for the sake of victory on june 24, 1945 in moscow on red square, after the war he graduated from the military academy, served in the soviet army, and for more than 30 years in the missile and artillery department of the ussr navy. in july, evgeny koropatkov turned 101 years old, and
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also, and next to the president , alexandra semyonovna aleshina was sitting on the podium. during the great patriotic war, she dug anti-tank ditches under... also during the war, alexandra semyonovna graduated from a women's sniper training school, then she herself trained more twenty snipers. the main symbol of the parade is the victory banner of the great patriotic war. it was traditionally carried out by the military honor guard. 79 years ago in the spring. in 1945, soldiers of the 150th idrez infantry division hoisted a red assault flag on
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the leistag dome. for every russian, the banner of victory is sacred. this is a relic that was handed down to us by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who gave their lives for the sake of the world of our future. and now about the equipment that today passed through red square more than 75 units. technicians took part in parade on red square. this is how a mechanized column of military equipment passed by. according to the tradition of recent years, it was led by the t-34 tank under the battle banner of the first guards red banner tank army. then came a column of universal armored vehicles of multifunctional value tiger mm and many target armored vehicles of the ural military-industrial complex. for the first time on red square , samples of special kal-camas armored vehicles with 4x4 wheels and protected ambulance lenses were also presented. they. intended for solving problems of comprehensive support, search and evacuation of personnel from the
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battlefield. the military equipment of the missile forces and artillery was represented by high-precision iskander-m missile systems; today, with their help, missilemen, with their sudden and powerful strikes, cause irreparable damage to the enemy in the zone of a special military operation. parade spectators were also able to see a column of s-400 triumph anti-aircraft missile systems. the combat characteristics of the complex, which were laid down by russian designers, were fully confirmed by the results practical application during a special military operation. and, of course, the russian nuclear deterrent forces also took part in the parade. a mechanized column of strategic missile troops passed through red square. it includes launchers of the yars missile system of the 54th guards missile division. highly mobile complex. an accurate weapon capable of hitting a target almost anywhere in the world and invulnerable to the enemy. so, russia
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celebrates the day of the great victory, throughout the country, parades, solemn processions, military displays technology. and let's move now to the region and see how the parades went there. the military personnel of the honor guard company, which was formed, enter the square in parade formation. january 28, 1968 to serve at the mamayev kurgan memorial to give military honors to the heroes who died during the great patriotic war. the soldiers are dressed in modern uniforms of the three branches of the armed forces of the russian federation, the ground forces, the air force and the navy. the parade squad is headed by the company commander. by area the parade squad of the main directorate
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of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the volgograd region, personnel in the uniform of fighters of the legendary tenth rifle division of the mcvd troops, is passing. in the summer of 1942 , the division's soldiers were the first to defend our city and fought with superior fascist forces until the regular units of the red army arrived. army, the parade squad of the road patrol service battalion, police lieutenant colonel, vitaly, the parade squad of military personnel 255, motorized rifle, volgograd-gorsun, is marching in a solemn march red banner regiment named after shumilov. the parade squad is headed by the company commander, holder of the order of courage of the guard, captain vladimir budasov, who walks in the parade formation.
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the composition of the brigade faithfully serves the fatherland, on the square there are personnel of the 28th separate radiation chemical brigade. and biological protection, the parade crew is headed by the battalion commander, lieutenant colonel sergei kritskov. a unit of the 40th guards red banner missile brigade is in parade formation. the parade squad is headed
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by the head of the radiation and chemical service and...
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the parade squad of the volgograd technical school of water transport named after admiral of the fleet nikolai sergeev is approaching the podium. the technical school is the only educational institution in the volgograd region that
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teaches naval professions. at the head of the crew is major. reserve andrey maluev. the parade of girls, cadets, codet classes, and the ministry of internal affairs of the russian federation completes the parade. at the head of the calculation is lieutenant of justice, natalya koskova. today in educational institutions of the city more than 4,000 cadets are studying in volgograd and the region.
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on the square of fallen fighters is one of the symbols of the great patriotic war, the best tank of the second world war, the legendary t-34. in 1942, every second tank that fought on
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the country’s fronts rolled off the assembly line. regional public organizations, stalingrad motors and the stalingrad don army also traditionally demonstrate their equipment on the square. heavy motorcycles m-72. motorcycles were produced in large series from 1941 to 1960. the soviet military
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all-wheel drive passenger car gaz-67 continues to move. invaded by troops since 1943, the vehicle was used for standard and reconnaissance purposes, as well as a light artillery tractor. on the square of fallen fighters. chinese all-terrain vehicle willis. the willis entered the red army under the land-lizza agreement in
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the summer of 1942. soviet all-terrain passenger car gaz-69. in combat formation it replaced the gaz-67 vehicle. produced from 1953 to 1972. legendary sis-5 trucks, vehicles towing a 57mm sis-2 cannon and a 45mm anti-tank gun model 1937. soviet medium-duty truck gaz-51, the first prototype vehicles were created before the great
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patriotic war. serial production began in 1946. during the entire production period, more than 3 million copies of all modifications were produced. newspaper gaz-63. soviet. an off-road truck, produced from april 1948 to january 1969, used as a chassis for various special military equipment and as an on-board vehicle. the pmz 2 fire truck on the zis-5 chassis was produced over twenty years, and was the main assistant to firefighters in the pre-war, war and post-war. periods of a simplified fire truck asu-20 on the chassis of a gaz-51a vehicle. the compact machine,
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despite its simplicity of design, could transport up to one and a half tons of water to a fire. btr-82 and the russian armored personnel carrier is the best in its class. armament is provided by a rapid-firing thirty-millimeter cannon, coaxial with a pkt machine gun. there are russian t-80 tanks on the square. the t-80 tank is a tracked, highly mobile combat vehicle with cannon and machine gun armament, intended for...
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on the square of fallen fighters, a kamaz car towing a howitzer d-20 cannon. the d-20 is one of the first soviet card systems capable of firing conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. the kamaz vehicle continues to move, towing a 152-mm mstab howitzer. designed to destroy tactical weapons and nuclear attacks.
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uaz patriot vehicles bring up the rear of the parade line of military equipment. since 2015, patriots have replaced the old model of the ulyanovsk automobile plant uaz-23562 with cities in the troops.
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banner groups carrying the state flag of the russian federation and the victory banner are walking across the square. accompanying the banner group of the company honor guard of the three types of armed forces, ground forces. space force and navy. the commander of the honor guard company, captain yaroslav chakunov. standard bearers with standards of ten fronts of the great patriotic war enter the square at the final stage. karelian, baltic, first, second, third, belarusian, first, second, third, fourth, ukrainian and leningradsky. the parade squad of the 102nd motorized rifle is marching solemnly.
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major vladimir ivanenko. the personnel of the unit, performing special tasks during the fighting in the donbass, continue with their professional successes the glorious traditions of the older generations of front-line soldiers. the parade squad of the 183rd training center for training aviation specialists of the russian aerospace forces passes by the stands. the parade squad is headed by the deputy chief.
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selfless work and efficiency, that's it the components of success of the military personnel of the russian ministry of emergency situations, prevention, rescue, assistance, this motto, in the best possible way, reflects the meaning of the activities of rescue soldiers. the passage of parade crews of mechanized columns begins, they include military equipment from the times of the great
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patriotic war. and modern samples with


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