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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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director of the corps, colonel valery obgei. on the square of students of the voronezh kavetsky school named after alexander vasilyevich svorov. students of the kobek school have repeatedly become winners of festivals and olympiads at the regional and federal levels. over 20 years , more than 400 cadets graduated from soviet school. the cadets of the city cadet corps are marching in parade formation. over the 10 years of its existence , the corps was four times among the top three cossack cadet corps in russia. training takes place in the cadet corps. we are located. in the hall of glory of the victory museum,
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here on marble slabs are placed the names of 11,800 heroes of the soviet union and heroes of russia, awarded these honorary titles for exploits accomplished during the great patriotic war, in the center of the hall is a ten-meter bronze figure of a liberator soldier. so, now we invite you to once again watch the main parade of this day, the parade on red square.
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meeting on the left, on the edge, to the sounds of a counter march, minister of defense of the russian federation, hero of russia, army general sergei shaigu heads to the center of red square to receive a report on the readiness of the moscow garrison troops. the parade is greeted by the minister of defense, commander-in-chief of the ground forces, army general, oleg solyukuv. comrade minister of defense of the russian federation, troops of the moscow garrison. for the parade:
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commemorating the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, built, commanding the parade, army general salyukov! in accordance with the procedure for holding a military parade, the minister of defense and the commander-in-chief of the ground forces begin a tour of the parade grounds calculations of the troops of the moscow garrison. today , over 9 military personnel, including more than a thousand, are taking part in the ceremony.
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“hello, comrades, i congratulate you on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war; the ground forces have stood strong throughout their long history.” enemies
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of the fatherland, ground warriors, as in the harsh years of the great patriotic war, step by step liberate the world from the minions of neo-nazism and the international community. coherently and decisively, in the most difficult conditions. hello, comrades, to you. congratulations on 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. hooray! hooray! the minister of defense congratulated
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the parade crews of the aerospace forces on victory day. pilots.
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hello comrades, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. hooray! the minister of defense congratulated the parade crews of the strategic missile forces on victory day.
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southern participants of the parade, suvorov, nakhimov, young men and students of the kronshtat naval cadet corps. army general sergei shaigu made a detour
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troops are sent to the central podium to report to the president of the russian federation, the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces. russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin.
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dear citizens of russia, dear veterans. comrades, soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, midshipmen and warrant officers, comrades, officers, generals and admirals, soldiers, commanders, front-line soldiers, heroes of a special military operation, i congratulate you on victory day, on our most important, truly national, sacred holiday . "we honor our fathers and grandfathers, great-grandfathers, they
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defended their native land, crushed nazism, liberated the peoples of europe, and reached the heights of military and labor valor. today we see how they are trying to distort the truth about the second world war, it interferes with those who are used to building their own, essentially, colonial policy."
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smolensk and kiev, in heavy, bloody battles from murmansk to the caucasus and
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crimea. the first three, long, the most difficult years of the great patriotic war, the soviet union, all the republics of the former soviet union almost one on one fought the nazis then, as if by military might. almost all of europe worked under the wehrmacht. at the same time, i will emphasize. russia has never downplayed the importance of a second front of allied assistance. we honor the courage of all the soldiers of the anti-hitler coalition, members of the resistance, underground fighters, partisans, the courage of the people of china, who fought for their independence against the aggression of militaristic japan. and we will always remember, never. let us never forget our common struggle and the inspiring
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traditions of alliance. dear friends, russia is now going through a difficult, critical period. the fate of the homeland, its future depends on everyone from u.s. today, on victory day, we realize this even more acutely and clearly. and we are always equal. for the generation of winners, brave, noble, wise, for its ability to cherish friendship, to endure adversity with steadfastness, to always be confident in oneself in one’s country, to sincerely selflessly love one’s homeland, we celebrate victory day in the context of a special military operation, all its participants, those who is on the front line, on the line of combat contact... these are our heroes. we bow to your perseverance and self-sacrifice, dedication. with you,
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all russia. our veterans believe in you and worry about you. and spiritual involvement. the generation of heroes of the fatherland is inextricably bound to your destinies and exploits. today we bow our heads to the blessed memory of everyone. whose life was taken by the great patriotic war. in memory of sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, grandfathers. great-grandfathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, relatives, friends. we bow our heads to the veterans of the great patriotic war who have left us, to the memory of civilians who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, to our comrades who died in the fight against
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neo-nazism, in a righteous battle for russia. announced. a minute of silence. so now we are returning to the kremlin.
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dear mr. president, dear friends, once again allow me to cordially welcome you to russia in moscow, translation is working, everything is functioning, i am very pleased to note that we have already talked about this with you today. that you have already come to russia, not for the first time, you pay great attention to the development of bilateral contacts, but today you are on victory day, this is a special day for all of russia, for the entire former soviet union, bearing in mind that enormous contribution, these enormous sacrifices that were brought to
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the altar of victory by the peoples of the former soviet union. i would like to note one more circumstance, russia made a certain contribution to supporting the struggle of guinea bissau for independence, we just talked about this in private, helped the formation of besai statehood, contributed to the expansion of the economic scientific and technical potential of your country, the connections between our countries are based on long traditions of friendship. in the principles of equality of mutual respect. last year, let me remind you, we celebrated the half-century anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. interparliamentary and interdepartmental contacts are maintained at a good level. today we have the opportunity to discuss the progress of implementation
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of agreements in various areas in bilateral agreements, and to consider further steps to develop cooperation. i want to note that students from your country continue their studies in the russian federation, we are ready to increase these quotas. russia and guinea are united in their approaches to resolving many pressing issues on the global agenda; we speak from similar positions regarding the formation of a multipolar world order and security. and i hope that this is the contact on key issues. will continue, we are paying special attention to strengthening relations with the countries of the african continent and helping to ease their debt burden. following the results of the st. petersburg russia-africa summit last year, in which we also took an active part, it was approved social, solid package of joint documents, including a detailed
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declaration and a specific action plan until 2026, are attached. all the necessary efforts for their practical implementation, as you know, the new dialogue format established, the ministerial conference of the russia-africa partnership forum at the level of heads of foreign policy departments, we are working on organizing the first such meeting in november this year in sochi, we count on participation in it and head of mid guinea bisawa. dear mr. president, this is not the first time you have come to ours. country, however, there has not yet been a state visit to russia, i am pleased to invite you to visit the russian federation on a state visit, we will come to an agreement. at a time convenient for you, i will also look at my schedule, we will coordinate this time, but i ask you to keep in mind that we are waiting for you on a state visit, thank you very much,
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dear friend, thank you very much, i am very glad to be here as yours.
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to a constant partner, this will never change, so today at this table there are people who are very actively they are listening, there is the head of the general staff, generals, they all lived here at some time, they studied here in academies, in russian educational institutions.
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now we are expecting meetings at the level of foreign ministers at the level of other representatives of the russian federation. over
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70% of our military personnel and civilian officials were trained in the soviet union. this is the level of interaction we maintain with russia. we are celebrating the 79th anniversary of the victory. president of the republic of guinea bissau moros sisokombalo, and we continue to watch the parade on the red square.
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thank you, our dear veterans, comrades, friends, may 9 is always very emotional. it’s a poignant day, every family honors its heroes, looks at photographs of dear, beloved faces, and
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remembers relatives. their stories about how they fought, how they worked. victory day unites all generations. we are moving forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free, safe future for russia, our united people.
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at one linear distance, the first battalion is straight, the rest are to the right on the shoulder!
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alignment to the right, marching steps, the ceremonial passage of the parade squads is headed by the commander-in-chief of the ground forces, army general, oleg solyukov. since 1940, parades on red square have been opened by a company of drummers from the moscow military music school named after lieutenant general valery khalilov, and the head
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of the school commands the parade squads. honored artist of russia colonel alexander gerasimov. young musicians set the pace and rhythm of the parade movements. banner groups with the state flag of the russian federation pass by the stands, the banner of victory and the banner of the russian armed forces. the banner groups are accompanied by an honorary guard of the 154th separate commandant.
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three graduates of the school were awarded the title of hero of russia during a special military operation. pupils of the tverv suvorov military school lead the parade.


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