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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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and children in russia, this is exactly how they behaved on the territory of the soviet union.
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welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats. every 30 seconds a bell rings here in memory of the people burned alive, this village is not on the map of belarus, khatyn, but... one of the symbols of the tragedy and sorrow of the entire soviet people. march 22... one of thousands of facts
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indicating a deliberate policy of genocide towards the population of the soviet people. in belarus alone , 9,200 villages and hamlets were burned, of which 186 completely destroyed along with the inhabitants. none of them were ever revived. village after village was cleared, jews were exterminated there, lists were drawn up, they were introduced, on the eve of the attack on the ussr in april of forty-one , military subordination was introduced, that is, this was naturally known, not to mention that the robbery of the territory was supposed,
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the population was supposed to be driven away for labor work, separate instructions were drawn up there, the german generals wanted to diligently clear themselves of all this, according to german data... by the beginning of 1942 during the year, about 4 million people were captured, that is , about 70% of all soviet soldiers captured by the germans during the war. most of them are captured in the first years and even months of the war, when nazi troops rapidly advance into the interior of the country. since time immemorial, russians have been accustomed to the harsh, ruthless intervention of authority. quote from... supreme command of the wehrmacht, may 14, 1941. the okw demands the adoption of merciless measures against the civilian population, wehrmacht soldiers receive complete exemption from responsibility for committing
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any violence. following this, on june 6 , 1941, the wehrmacht issued an order on commissars. commissars are not recognized as soldiers by any international law. protection does not apply to them; immediately after the start of the war , this attitude applies to all soviet prisoners of war. already on june 28 , the sixth day of the war, they immediately created a camp for prisoners of war. what kind of camp is this? 100,000 people, approximately our prisoners of war in minsk, in the open air, surrounded by barbed wire, it was even impossible to sit there, they would have stood there for several days, which we understand with you, this is a field, yes. without a roof, fenced with wire, step behind the wire , shot, maybe they’ll give you some kind of gruel, or eat grass, that’s it, the trees there were gnawed to a height of one and a half human height, that’s it, all the punishment was eaten, you know, such barbaric conditions for
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the soviet people , it is the leadership of the wehrmacht that deliberately regulates it, as a result , hundreds of thousands of exhausted prisoners of war die on the way to land, the policy of murder, executions is not only the ss, it is also the wehrmach, that is, the wehrmach tss is, in fact, structures of the same level, they carried out this criminal nazi policy. hundreds of thousands of atrocities were committed by the nazis during the years of occupation on the territory of belarus, ukraine, russia, and these crimes against humanity were committed by wehrmacht soldiers and officers. they are first released from criminal liability by american and english judges at the nuremberg tribunal, and then they are also absolved by halder’s new chroniclers, while in the service of the united states.
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1950 landing in korea. the ussr sends military advisers to help the korean army, aviation air defense systems. in this regard , the value of the german branch of the historical branch of the us army increases. the americans want to see not only the german perspective on the war, but also resort to the expertise of wehrmacht generals. halder's general staff is asked to review the us army field service regulations. published in 1950.
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civilians collaborating with us federal agencies. based on the german experience generalized by the american army , military historical works are written, and officers receive academic degrees. americans used these materials. the same samuel marshall - published a significant number of books, specifically with analytics, based on what? but he didn’t see the war, he knows him, this is from the memoirs of german generals. and accordingly , these memoirs became the basis for writing historical works; with american money
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, a basic layer of materials was created, on the basis of which later, over the course of 50-60 years , the history of the second world war is still being written. under the patronage of the cia, halder and his subordinates managed to form stable myths: idealistic about the german army, disdainful about the soviet one. in general, the army leadership of the wehrmacht chose. like hitler’s victims, the reasons for germany’s defeat were obvious factors, such as frost and lack of roads in russia, but not the power and professionalism of the red army. quotes from halder's diary. wehrmacht soldiers always showed miracles of fortitude and fighting spirit everywhere. the soviet command is tactically much weaker than the german one. halder was very critical of russian tactics. russian offensive tactics. a three-minute fire raid, then a pause, after which an infantry attack with a shout of hurray in deep
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-seated battle formations of up to 12 waves, without support from heavy weapons fire, even in cases where the attacks were made from long distances, hence the incredibly large losses of the russians, in essence it was the other side of the coin is that there is a certain, so to speak, image of the russians as somehow poorly organized, but having no problems with...
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there are no soviet documents, no one even bothered to look at the german documents, that’s all they believe that, for example, what upsets me most of all is that even here manstein believes, instead of saying a minute, let’s check how much, but he didn’t have any triple superiority of the crimean front, the superiority was precisely on the side of the germans at a specific point in time in may 1942, but this is not... no one bothered to check. in addition, the historical department under halder's leadership managed to magically separate the real culprits of the war from the massive atrocities they committed. these same ideas absorbed by the americans and the british, who were involved in writing the history as part of the project. in germany itself , a paradoxical situation has been developing for years. in a divided, defeated country , they have been silent about... the past for many years and listen to the voice of the vanquished, who are interested in this silence. the awakening begins only in
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the nineties, when the gdr and the federal republic of germany unite into united germany. a photo exhibition was organized, it was published there and books were published separately, there was germany versus the soviet union there. it caused a mixed reaction in germany herself. how did the wehrmach really participate in this crime, this cannot be, halder told us in melentin’s diary, this is pure wehrmacht, here you go, but gradually it... it seemed to be growing, and some reorientation, let’s say, did not until the end, not completely, but some reorientation, after all, of public opinion, of western germany, and then of the united germany, it happened. the project led by halder is not the only one supervised by the intelligence services of the united states and great britain. historical myth-making
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after the second world war , it only gained strength for the formation and spread of mythology. the rape of berlin, the unknown history of the war. an article by a bbc correspondent appears under this heading. the author refers to the research of the historian beevor, but the main thing is the diaries of a
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red army officer, lieutenant gelfand, published in russia, in which the bloody everyday life is described without embellishment. red army, soviet soldiers raped countless women on the way to berlin, but in russia today few people talk about it he says, the numbers are also mentioned: 100,000 women in berlin and 2 million throughout germany. western media instantly pick up the resonant topic. the black myth immediately becomes part of the anti-russian information campaign. the red army has come to berlin and will rape 2 million german women. where did they get them from?
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the myth was created by one of adolf hitler's closest and most faithful followers, propaganda minister joseph goebbels. the myth was launched in hitler's germany to intimidate the population, to maintain their obedience, so that the germans would fight until the very last moment. today, the united states is considered among the european allies.
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worship of the executioner from the sss by high-ranking officials at the state level is observed, perhaps, for the first time. canada, september 22, 2023. this is how yaroslav gunko, a veteran of
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the fourteenth volunteer infantry division of galicia, is greeted in parliament with a standing ovation. formation of ss troops. hitler's germany, among others, the former nazi is receiving a standing ovation from canadian prime minister justin trudeau and ukrainian president vladimir zelensky. the entire territory of western ukraine, i would say, infected with fascism. modern europe. desecration of demolition of monuments to soviet soldiers-liberators in latvia. poland, bulgaria. after world war ii
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, more than a million red army soldiers and officers were buried in central and eastern europe, and approximately 400 monuments to soviet liberating soldiers were erected. over the years, russia, as the legal successor of the ussr, has concluded bilateral agreements with many of these countries providing. proper order, but currently in the maintenance of military burial monuments in in most european countries no one remembers these agreements anymore. these are the forces that are pursuing an anti-russian course; in the end, they want to ensure that russia is defeated. there are plans to split russia into 16 separate territories. in this russophobia, something similar is flourishing in estonia. in latvia and lithuania. there has also been continuity of personnel since the post-war period. these were the fascist regimes that existed there. today, monuments to soviet liberator soldiers in europe
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are under threat. many memorials are already destroyed. in the west they are trying to abolish everything russian, to erase the facts of world history. these are pagan savages, which modern europe actually practices. here.
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soldiers, officers, the cemetery is looked after, its german military cemetery near sevastopol is guarded, in russia, unlike many countries , more than 25 thousand germans in europe are buried here, they honor the memory of the dead, even if they were enemies of the state.
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the dead buried in this cemetery call for peace, written on a stone slab installed at the entrance to the territory. in currently in russia the state protects almost 690 military graves, memorials and memorial signs about soldiers of enemy armies. unlike europe.
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and those who are doing here now in europe will simply burn in one, when war is on the threshold, and we know what war means, the ancient gods awaken, and the heroes rise from the ason, when war is on the threshold, 300 shooters appear, and after there are millions of them. millions, millions, millions, millions, millions, everyone is ready when war is on the doorstep? when war is on the doorstep,
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when war is on the doorstep.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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may 1944, just liberated sevastopol, life against the backdrop of war, war against the backdrop of life, children banging spoons on plates, devouring porridge, girls, there are mothers, what kind?


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