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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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people in the state duma said that interaction between the executive legislative branch is becoming closer and closer, this works for the prospects for more effective development of our country.
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so, at a plenary session, the state duma adopted a draft resolution on the approval of mikhail mishustin as prime minister. 375 deputies voted in favor, 57 abstained, and there was not a single vote against. according to the procedure , mikhail mishustin held a meeting with factions, and then spoke at a plenary meeting and outlined priorities in the work of the cabinet of ministers at coming years. i consider the president’s message to the federal assembly to be the basis of the government’s work in the next 6 years; these are key... of course, in cooperation with the federation council, with the bank of russia, with regional leaders, development institutions, with public organizations, associations ready to engage in creative activities for the benefit of the country of our citizens. for this. we concentrate on the main
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directions: the first is the development and strengthening of the economy, the second is ensuring technological sovereignty, the third is digital transformation, fourth - saving people and supporting families with children, fifth - improving the well-being of citizens, and finally sixth - balanced development of the regions of our entire infrastructure. well , now the message that just arrived with the mark lightning. the state duma sends a resolution on the approval of mishustin as prime minister to the president of the country. well , about the statements that were made today within the state duma, about 3 trillion rubles are provided in the federal budget for this year to support russian families. - said mikhail mishustin. he talked about how it is necessary to improve existing assistance tools. for parents , the housing issue is of significant importance. the same mat-capital, by the way, is most often used.
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to solve it, well, people often resort to borrowed funds, therefore, on the instructions of the president, we will continue the program of issuing family mortgages for another 6 years while maintaining the basic parameters. families with the birth of their third and subsequent children until the end of the thirtieth year will still be able receive the required 450,000 rubles. for repayment of the housing loan accordingly. the government has introduced relevant legislation. draft to the state duma, dear deputies, i hope that you will consider it in the near future. another important aspect is education and the quality of training, which should be improved in all institutions, mikhail noted. parents, of course, always want to give their child the best education; it lays the foundation for future success in adulthood, but here too. it is important to be able
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to place your child in a modern, comfortable environment equipped kindergartens, then to schools, therefore , together with the regions, we will intensify the work on updating and repairing preschool educational institutions; in those settlements where the problem of lack of places is especially acute, we will continue to build them , including at the expense of federal funds, the modern generation - these are millions of talented... youth and children. it is very important to carry out this work together, of course, with our regions. another task of the new cabinet of ministers is a large-scale modernization of the healthcare system. much needs to be done to further improve the quality and availability. treatment and this
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can only be achieved through coordinated actions at all levels, relying, of course, on feedback from citizens and the medical community. in the next 6 years. it is necessary to completely modernize primary care, this will allow an additional more than 7 million people to detect diseases in a timely manner and, of course, begin timely therapy. on behalf of the head of state, we will continue the fight against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases. we will also continue to create conditions for prevention and introduction to a healthy, active lifestyle. it is very important here to create a culture of caring for one’s own health among people of all ages, in general undergoing medical check-ups, regular exercise, this should become the norm for everyone, so that every person understands that such self-care is today the biggest and most useful contribution to
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one’s own future , all these measures will be reflected in the new national project, and among the tasks of the cabinet of ministers is to ensure economic independence of the subject... reliable tools for improving the quality of life of people. the changes should affect the salaries of public sector employees. the government will strengthen the targeting of all support measures, and of course, the main tool will be employment development, increased labor market flexibility and, very importantly, wage growth. on behalf of the head of state , a new model of payment for public sector employees is to be formed. at first. in pilot regions, and then scale it up throughout the country, doctors, teachers, other social workers, medicine, education, culture, science, must receive decent remuneration for their work, we need, of course, long-term mechanisms, including a revision
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of university admission targets so that their graduates meet the requirements of companies, regions and the economy as a whole, such a task, well after the voting procedure, he thanked the state duma deputies for approving his candidacy for the post of prime minister. i would like to thank you for approving my candidacy for the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation. elections, those held in march demonstrated the large-scale consolidation of society around the head of our state and his course of development. and despite the differences. views on many issues, today you first of all supported the president’s decision, expressed your readiness to act to achieve the tasks he set, together with the cabinet of ministers, which will work, including under my leadership. the government
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will make every effort to implement the initiatives voiced in the president’s address, as well as achieve new updated ones. and goals development, we’ll come back to this topic, now there’s a short advertisement and we’ll continue, don’t switch, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need halva, take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay off, make purchases or it’s easy to get rid of credit card debts with holva magni. the price is right. anniversary cookies, 49.99. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - simple
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can, iota, now to the latest data from the ministry of defense, they talked about the results of the special operation for the week, from may 5 to 10, in response to the kiev regime’s attempts to damage russian energy and industrial facilities, the russian federation suffered 27 group strikes with high-precision long-range naval weapons air -launched, including aeroballistic hypersonic dagger missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which energy industry facilities, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and railway infrastructure of ukraine, in addition, air defense systems, arsenals, fuel bases, workshops for the production and... repair of uncrewed boats of unmanned aerial vehicles, temporary deployment points of national formations
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of foreign mercenaries, as well as the accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine at railway stations were hit loading. within a week, units of the western group of troops liberated the settlements of kativka and kislovka in the kharkov region, and also defeated the formation of nine enemy brigades in populated areas. makhovka, novoselovskaya of the lugansk people's republic, novosadovoe, donetsk people's republic and senkovka of the kharkov region. 14 counterattack-assault groups, three brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and a brigade of the national guard were repulsed in the areas of the settlements of krakhmalnaya in the kharkov region, chervonaya debrova in the lugansk people's republic and grigorovka in the donetsk people's republic. enemy losses in a week in this direction amounted to 1,015 military personnel. tank, of which two leopards, manufactured in germany, five armored combat vehicles, including
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an m111 armored personnel carrier made in the united states, five automobiles and 23 field artillery guns, including five western-made. a us-made counter-battery counter-battery station was also destroyed. the division of the southern group of troops, during active combat operations, continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. they defeated manpower and equipment. tank, six armored fighting vehicles, including the m113 armored personnel carrier made in the usa, 26
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vehicles, 35 guns of gunfire, of which 13 were transferred to ukraine by western countries. in addition, two us-made counter-battery stations, as well as three field ammunition depots, were destroyed. a unit of the troops center group, as a result of successful actions, liberated the settlement of novokalinovo, donetsk people's republic, defeated the formation of 12 brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and repelled 48 enemy counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of semenovka, solovyova, ocheretina and netaylov. in donetsk people's republic. in a week in this direction, the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 2,360 military incidents, four tanks, of which one leopard made in germany and two abrams made in the usa. 16 armored fighting vehicles, including two bradley infantry fighting vehicles, made in the usa, and
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the mardor infantry fighting vehicle, made in germany. 32 vehicles, 30 field guns. a unit of the vostok group of troops improved the tactical situation and inflicted defeat by the formation of two mechanized brigades of the armed forces ukraine and two teroborona brigades in the areas of the settlements of urozhaynaya staromarskaya vodyanoye and prichistovka of the donetsk people's republic during the week, enemy losses in this direction amounted to 860 military personnel and seven tanks. eight armored fighting vehicles, 19 vehicles and 17 field artillery pieces. units of the dnepr group of troops, within a week , defeated the manpower and equipment of three brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as brigades of marines, the defense of the national guard of ukraine in the areas of populated areas of zolotaya balka, takarevka, ivanovka, mikhailovka,
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tyaginka, stepnoe, kherson region and pavlovka, zaporozhye region. the counterattack of the assault group was repelled. 118 mechanized brigade north of the village of rabotino, zaporozhye region. over the course of a week, in this direction, the enemy lost up to 240 military personnel, nine vehicles and 20 field artillery pieces, 11 of which were us-made m777s. missile forces, artillery and unmanned aerial vehicles destroyed groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation. missile warehouse western-made weapons. in the area of ​​the city of odessa, radio stations of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system, as well as detection and tracking of p19 air targets. in addition, the fuel warehouse of the joint center for logistics of the armed forces of ukraine was hit. aviation and air defense systems shot down a su-27 aircraft of the ukrainian air force, and also destroyed three
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atakom operational-tactical missiles made in the usa, 17 guided aircraft bombs ( destroyed: 594 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 23.900. 9,437 field artillery pieces and mortars, as well as 21,570 units of special military
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to be done first and how, said mikhail mishustin, speaking today in the state duma. maria slobodenskaya has all the details. the created new management model of government work allows us to cope with serious challenges. the efficiency of the government apparatus has increased, and the coordination of branches of government has improved. in the coming ones. there are no fewer tasks, and they will need to be solved in close cooperation with the state duma, the federation council, bank of russia, regions and development institutions. there are six main areas of work, as mikhail mishustin said when speaking to deputies. they were outlined by the president in his message to the federal assembly. this is strengthening the economy, ensuring technological sovereignty, digital transformation, saving people and supporting families with children, as well as improving the well-being of citizens and the development of regions. one. goals by 2030 to become one of the four largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity, while an increase in the volume of output of goods and services should be accompanied by an increase in the level of
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income of citizens. the government will act through the further formation of a supply economy. the volume of industrial production will have to be increased by tens of percent, and this will require additional investments. and we expect that not only the state, but also the responsibility. businesses will contribute to this, including through participation in the formation of long-term resources in the domestic market. when increasing volumes production, it is important to take into account that goods need markets, including abroad. in 2030, compared to 2023, exports of non-raw materials and non-energy goods should increase by no less than 2/3. and the supply of agricultural products is one and a half times the level of the twenty-first year. priority employee.
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just as we do not intend to in any way limit the opportunities for domestic companies to operate in foreign markets. the sme sector has a special role; the income of employees of such organizations should grow faster than the economy as a whole. another important vector of work is technological sovereignty. the government is implementing systemic support measures for a wide range of products. thanks to them, the volume added value of manufacturing industries by the thirtieth year. should increase by 40%, and the share of domestic high-tech goods and services based on our own developments will increase by one and a half times. the government is now
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finalizing the formation of nine technology projects. all these results should become the basis for improving the quality of life in all regions, they will be supplemented by a comprehensive system of supporting families; this year alone , about 3 trillion rubles are provided for social measures for them. all the most effective mechanisms - maternal capital, family mortgage programs, payments to repay housing loans for families with many children - will be preserved and improved within the framework of the family national project. two more specific tasks are reducing poverty and increasing incomes
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. tools to improve the quality of life launch initiatives. on behalf of the president, economic independence and give the government has prepared a program for modernizing the utility industry. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin noted that this is one of the most concerning topics for citizens. we have a large number of regions, where especially taking into account the concession. in the area of ​​heat supply, water supply, there are a lot of complaints, so we need to help the relevant ministry, housing and communal services construction, so that they have specialized institutions to solve this problem, but also of course, formalize all this, so that there is a responsible person, so that there is a specific last name, first name, the volume of infrastructure budget loans for the regions
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will be increased annually by no less than... 250 billion rubles, the returned funds will be used to issue new loans. also, the government will continue to work on the full integration of new regions and achieving the all-russian level of development there will ensure full support for the participants of the northern military district. the new composition of the cabinet of ministers, which is currently being formed, will solve all the assigned tasks.
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so, the state duma approved the candidacy of mikhail
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mishustin for the post of prime minister. and the corresponding resolution is then sent to the president, work in the lower house of parliament today has been intense all day about what the faction leaders expect from the new cabinet, let's ask our correspondent anton potkovenko, he is in direct contact now. anton, greetings, what statements were made in the state duma today? yes, yuri, greetings, parliamentarians expect a lot from the new cabinet of ministers, but they also offer a lot.


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