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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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at a plenary meeting, the state duma approved the candidacy of mikhail mishustin for the post of head of the russian government. 375 deputies voted in favor, 57 abstained, and there was not a single vote against. the lower house of parliament has already sent a corresponding resolution to the country's president. today, according to the procedure, mikhail mashustin held meetings with factions, and then spoke at a plenary meeting and outlined priorities in the work of the cabinet of ministers for the coming years. maria kudryavtseva will tell you all the details. at the beginning of his
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speech, which, by the way, was not was regulated by time, mikhail mishustin recalled that just recently in april, here in the state duma, he presented the government report for 2023 as a whole for the last four years, during this period it was possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the state apparatus and improve the coordination of all branches of government. i consider the president’s message to be the basis for the government’s work over the next 6 years. federal assembly, these are the key priorities and, of course, a large-scale program of socio-economic development that you and i, dear deputies, are facing implement it together, of course, in cooperation with the federation council, with the bank of russia, with regional leaders, development institutions, with public organizations and associations ready to engage in creative activities for the benefit of our country.
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it is necessary to make, of course, a decision may be the main task now, but what about solving the housing problem and extending the family mortgage? for parents , the housing issue is of significant importance; the same maternity capital is most often used, by the way.
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to solve it, well, people often resort to borrowed funds, therefore, on the instructions of the president, we will continue the program for issuing family mortgages for another 6 years while maintaining the basic parameters. families at the birth of their third and subsequent children until the end of the thirtieth year will still be able to receive the required 45,000 rubles for repayment of the housing loan. the government has introduced the appropriate ones. bill to the state duma, dear deputies, i hope that you will consider it in the near future. another an important area is education, and here, among other things, we are talking about the modernization of kindergartens and schools, and we are talking not only about federal funds, but about the initiatives that subjects across the country now have. parents, of course, always want to give their child the best education, it...
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lays the foundation for future success in adult life, but here, too, the opportunity to place the child in modern, well -equipped kindergartens, then in schools is important, so together with the regions we will intensify our work on renovation and repair of preschool educational institutions, in those localities where the problem of lack of places is especially acute, we will continue to build them , including at the expense of federal... funds. the modern generation consists of millions of talented, purposeful, caring citizens. we must, of course, give them a decent start, opportunities for their self-realization, and we will begin to form youth and children within the framework of a new national project. it is very important to carry out this work together, of course, with our regions. according to mikhail mishustin, it is important to completely modernize. people,
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a lot needs to be done to further improve the quality and accessibility of treatment, and this can only be achieved through coordinated actions at all levels, relying, of course, on feedback from citizens and the medical community. in the next 6 years, it is necessary to completely modernize primary care, this will allow an additional more than 7 million people to detect diseases in a timely manner and, of course, begin timely... therapy, on behalf of the head of state, we will continue the fight against diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer and other diseases. we will also continue to create conditions for prevention and initiation of a healthy, active lifestyle. it is very important
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to create such a culture of caring for one’s own health among people of all ages. in general, undergoing dispensary testing and regular exercise is a must. become the norm for everyone, so that every person understands that such self-care is today the greatest and most useful contribution to one’s own future, all these measures will be reflected in the new national project. in president vladimir putin outlined the national development goals: the poverty level should be below 7% by 2030, and the horizon for 2036 is less than 5% poverty level. in general, a very important area is income growth. the government will strengthen the targeting of all support measures, and of course, the main tool will be employment development, increased labor market flexibility and, very importantly, wage growth. on behalf of the head of state, it is necessary
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to form a new model of payment for public sector employees, first in pilot regions, and then scale it up throughout the country. and doctors, teachers, other social workers. new jobs and stimulate income growth, work also continues on the construction and repair of roads throughout the country, but at least 75 airports throughout the country, in all regions, will also be updated, and a program for the modernization of housing and communal services will be prepared. the government, on behalf of the president
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, has prepared a program for modernizing the utility industry; let me remind you that the amount of funding from all sources will amount to 4.5 trillion rubles. huge investments will help. to ensure an improvement in the quality of services in this area for 40 million citizens, so that people feel comfortable, so that their homes are warm, there are no interruptions in water, electricity, and of course, air roads, we will continue their repair, construction, operation, and for strengthening the connectivity of the territory, we will update at least 75 airports, you remember, the president spoke with such an initiative in his message, another priority for... the future is the full integration of new regions, achieving the all-russian level there socio-economic development, and we will continue to pay special attention to this, the priority is not only the integration of new regions, but also support for participants
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in a special military operation, our main task is to support our defenders who are participating in a special military operation, we will continue to provide them with everything necessary and equipment, with the president after the approval of his candidacy in the state duma. former ministers and deputy prime ministers continue to work in acting status until approval of the new government. i would like to thank you for approving my candidacy for the post of chairman of the government of the russian federation. the elections
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held in march demonstrated the large-scale consolidation of society around the head of our state and his course of development. and, despite different views on many issues, today you, first of all, supported the president’s decision, expressed your readiness to act for the tasks completed, and to fulfill the tasks he set, together with the cabinet of ministers, which will work, including including under my leadership. the government will make every effort to implement the initiatives voiced in the president’s address, as well as achieve new updated development goals. in the morning, vyacheslav volodin reminded that they continue to work, despite the weekend. maria kudryavtseva, viktor kazakov and... on other topics, every week
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the number of settlements increases, which during a special operation come under the control of the russian army in the ssu suffer serious losses and even western equipment does not help. denis alekseev collected information for week. each appearance of the russian tricolor in settlements liberated from militants is preceded by the most difficult work. footage of the clearing of the queue on the avdievsky front is an excellent confirmation of this. stormtrooper fighters entered the village in small groups, constantly dodging enemy fvedrons. like here, a drone with ammunition miraculously taxied in the wrong direction and missed. our guys were saved by the trench. ocheretina was an important milestone for the armed forces of ukraine. they fought to hold him back for several days. our guys entered through the industrial zone out of the blue. the ukrainian command understood perfectly well where to expect the offensive from. after which
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the enemy began to control the railway even more strongly, we had to fight on two fronts, two companies of mine acted in forest plantations and cleared another path, so that there was another route, how can we get to the industrial zone in order to further act in the direction of the populated sector, so and knocked out every meter, waiting moment by moment and... current ocheretina became at least the fourth settlement on the defense line of syrsky, which was not destined to last a long time. the center group's control zone continues to expand. during the current week, another village has been liberated; the formation of twelve brigades in the ssu suffered serious losses and retreated to the west in the avdeevka direction. a unit of the eight center group, as a result of successful actions, liberated the settlement of novokalinovo, donetsk people's republic. defeated the formation of 12 brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and repelled 48
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enemy counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of semenovka, solovyova, ocheretina and netaylov, donetsk people's republic. over the course of a week, in this direction, the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 2,360 military personnel. and the west group, which is actively advancing in the kupinsky direction in the kharkov region, liberated at least a minimum of... and ukrainian armed forces facilities in a week. these shots were taken in another area of ​​the kharkov region, closer to volchansk. a precise strike destroyed a bridge
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that militants used to transport ammunition closer to the state border. the kiev regime is making unsuccessful attempts to damage russian infrastructure. and that's what it ends. from may 5 to may 10, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to cause damage to russian energy and industrial facilities, the armed forces of the russian federation inflicted 27 group attacks. strikes with high-precision long-range sea-based airborne weapons, including aeroballistic hypersonic dagger missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which energy industry facilities, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the railway infrastructure of ukraine were hit. one one example of the work of our units is covering the state border. operators of fpv drones are eliminating observation posts of the ukrainian armed forces, which militants are trying to set up nearby.
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let me remind you that before this, the state duma approved the candidacy of mikhail mishustin. exit. it’s profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone
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construction is easy to find on avito. huge selection of products from suppliers. and low prices, all that remains is to build, take avita and build! a large ejection of solar mass has reached our planet. this saturday on earth, for the first time in 20 years, a magnetic storm of the highest fifth level may occur. what does this mean for people and technology? why have magnetic storms begun to occur more and more often, and is it true that we are expecting them in the near future? solar superstorm, dmitry naidov will tell you all the details in the “question of science” section. weather-sensitive people are in for a difficult weekend. the earth is again in the grip of a magnetic storm. the flares were recorded by the sun on wednesday, may 8, and thursday, may 9, and just now
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the charged particles reached our planet. behind over the past few days, there have been several class outbreaks. usually the substance moves, well, let’s put it this way, if it was a powerful flash and the flight speed is high, then it’s about a day. the news itself is sad, but here’s some more: since the beginning of may alone, the sun has experienced almost three dozen flares, of which five are of the maximum power class x. what's going on with our star? now this first week in may, well , the sun is very highly active, it was completely unpredictable, that is, all forecasts are more th...globally, globally, what is happening is explainable, that is, this next year the sun will be capable of such events. so-called solar flares are ejections of coronal matter, essentially
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explosions in the atmosphere of a star. if they occur in the direction of our planet, expect a magnetic storm. flash power is divided into five categories: a, b, c, m and x, from weakest to strongest. each letter is specified by a numerical coefficient. for example, scientists estimate the events of may 8 as x1, the outbreaks of thursday as x1 and x2.2, in on monday there was an x4.5 emission, that is, an even more powerful one. a coronal mass ejection, spreading in planetary space , is already called an interplanetary coronal mass ejection, which, in fact, is sometimes recorded near the orbit of the earth, and the greater the impact of the interplanetary ejection, the more powerful it is. the faster the ejection, the more powerful the subsequent geomagnetic disturbances recorded, and accordingly , the larger magnetic storms
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are recorded, but the activity of the sun is not a constant, it either increases or vice versa decreases. there are so-called cycles of solar activity, the most striking of which is the eleven-year cycle. during this period, our star manages to go from its minimum intensity. solar flares to maximum and back, the fact that the sun is now raging means that we are approaching the next peak, the previous peak was the previous one in the twelfth, fourteenth years, well, adding 11 years to this period, but in general it was possible to foresee in advance , that in the twenty-third to twenty-fifth years intensity will be high, it has arrived, but at the same time, of course, specifically all the minutes during this surge they are always unexpected, how powerful the outbreaks will be at the peak can be predicted. you can, for example, the previous cycle of solar activity, which ended in december 2019, was relatively calm, but the one that coincided with the change
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of millennia, on the contrary, was marked by a high intensity of coronal ejections. in 2003, a flare with a power of x-28 was recorded, this is the highest value in the history of instrumental observations, but most likely not the highest in history. we have. there are , oddly enough, good statistics for thousands of years, because trees and denarochronology help us here, by studying trees, tree cuts of different ages, trees that have died there a long time ago and are already somewhere in the archaeological layer, we can including reconstructing the picture of flares of such powerful solar emissions, but over the past few thousand years. it turns out that during periods of high solar activity , the isotope accumulates in tree rings. carbon-14 with two extra neutrons. using this marker, for example, scientists were able to prove that in 774-75 ad,
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a flare with a power of at least x-90 reached the earth. there was a slightly weaker flare in the mid-19th century, at least x-46. true, the fact of this event does not need to be proven; it is widely documented. this was at the beginning of september 1859. the famous carrington event took place on the sun, when a flare occurred , this solar ejection flew towards us, well, it’s called a coronal mass ejection, in short, the solar ejection flew matter, a lot of it flew, there was a very powerful flare, then, roughly speaking, the earth was already covered with this very solar matter, there was a strong magnetic storm, and aurorae were observed in india and in...
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in space, they are not protected by the earth’s atmosphere , for us, for those living on the surface, this, this is such a shield, yes, which protects us from additional solar radiation, and satellites, communication satellites may also be in danger, for example, contact of charged particles with the magnetosphere occurs approximately 7000 km from the surface of the earth, their speed is enormous from 400 to... as a result, the solar wind pulls the earth's magnetic field into a trail that resembles the tail of a comet, and much stronger than people,
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technology senses this. the sun is an extremely rare event. this week, the observed sunspot ar-3664 has reached a size comparable to that observed in the mid-19th century. and the spots that caused the carrington events are formed by the sun once every 40-60 years, but magnetic storms from them occur on earth once every 500 years, since the flow of solar mass does not always fly from the celestial body towards our planet.
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this means a repeat is not coming soon. well , equipment will survive weaker storms, and even more so people, and in general the proximity of the peak of solar activity is, in a certain sense, even good news, especially for lovers of bright photographs and videos, because the stronger the sun flares, the brighter it is in the sky of aurora, polar lights. now there is a short pause, and then our broadcast will continue with a special report by denis davidov, the grave of an unforgotten soldier. o how the memory of soviet soldiers is preserved in slovakia and hungary.
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