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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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mikhail mishustin has been appointed chairman of the russian government. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. 375 state duma deputies voted for mishustin’s candidacy, 57 abstained and none voted. bottom. for the first time will
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approve the composition of the government, with the exception of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs and the power ministries. new powers appeared after the adoption of constitutional amendments in the twentieth year. mikhail mishustin spoke in the state duma, but before that he met with vladimir putin. i would like to first of all thank you for the trust you have placed in me. the tasks that put before the federal assembly in their message, and of course, those.
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which the country needs. to ensure work without interruptions, the plenary meeting of the state duma was held even on a day off. before the discussion began, mikhail mishustin held separate meetings with representatives of all factions. new people declared their support for him. the communist party of the russian federation was interested in the financial and economic bloc of the new government. liberal democrats talked about demography, ecology and assistance to the region. a just russia for the truth pointed to the continuation of the fight against poverty.
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united russia promised to support the government in all issues of russia's development, mikhail mishustin said while speaking in the state duma what exactly needs to be done first. alexey konopko has all the details. by law, the president had 2 weeks to present his candidacy, but the head of the country named mishustin 2 days after he took office. and a few hours later, the prime minister and the candidate for this post in one person arrived in the duma. amendments to the constitution gave parliament new powers and new responsibilities. deputies in the hall they were filming the historical moment on their phones; there were still 3 hours before voting, but the chamber did not immediately hide its attitude towards the candidate. but the standing ovation is for the work of the outgoing cabinet; the president set priorities for the new one in his message. 6 years
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to reduce the poverty rate, ensure an increase in the share of wages in the volume of gross domestic product, the government will strengthen the targeting of all support measures, on behalf of the head of state, it is necessary to form a new model of payment for public sector employees, doctors, teachers should receive decent remuneration for work. non-merger exports should grow by 2/3, agro-industrial exports by one and a half times, imports, if all goes well, will drop to 17%.
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the budget for spending powers increased from 21 trillion to 36, where did you see this? a situation of challenges, sanctions, threats?
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for most ministers, the weight of the position
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is the head of government who proposes names to the new cabinet, and in the near future he will be faced with global tasks, the future tax scale, for example, has many subtleties, we face a complex tax reform of those who... what are excess incomes, and we want to solve all this here right away, this is a huge danger. and on the strategic horizon, the tasks of the country and government are to become one of the four largest economies in the world. the mishusin government takes office under extremely difficult dramatic conditions; today we are forced
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to wage a war on two fronts: to fight against nazism, nato and bandera, it is imperative to overcome technological backwardness.
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the large-scale consolidation of society around the head of the elections held in march demonstrated of our state and its course of development, and despite different views on many issues, today you first of all supported the president’s decision and expressed your readiness. to act to fulfill the tasks set by him together with the cabinet of ministers, which
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will work, including under my leadership, the now confirmed prime minister will propose the structure of the government, and then specific names for it, the parliament plans to discuss them at the beginning of the week. alexey konopka shchedrova, maria radimova, yulia brileva, sofia petrosyan, news. army over the course of a week, russia launched 27 group strikes with long-range precision weapons against military enterprises, as well as... energy and railway facilities in ukraine. all targets were successfully hit. the settlements liberated: katlerovka, kislovka and novokalinova. during this time, zelensky’s formation lost another 6,500 soldiers and mercenary officers. 17 tanks were destroyed, including three german leopards and two american abrams, and 35 other armored vehicles. 126 self-propelled guns, howubs and missile systems were eliminated. about the situation on the frontavel line.
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for anything, we were simply ready, the motorized rifle infantry fighting vehicles of the 150th division of the southern group of forces compare their infantry fighting vehicles with a tank, they are not inferior in efficiency, they say they are superior in maneuverability and stealth, the enemy also gave their name to this armored vehicle, they call them silent tanks, they are not they hear, but the efficiency is the same caliber. it’s quite effective, its projectiles are very noticeable,
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so they don’t like the fact that they can’t detect us, but we work and leave. the bmp easily makes its way through the forest and will enter the desired location turn in dense buildings. it didn’t let us down, she’s smart, we love her. motorized riflemen are working in the artyomovsk direction, where it is now very hot, in the rear cities, soldiers of the central group of troops are helping local residents restore memorials to the fallen. during the great patriotic war. the grieving mother is the main symbol of the great victory in ilovaisk. memory of our fathers and grandfathers. these days the memorial is expanding. this drawing in a fashionable graffiti style was left by ilovaisk schoolchildren. of course, it fits into the overall concept of the place. total in the republic has already put in order more than half a thousand such monuments. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydonovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko. news: donetsk people's republic. the authorities of st. petersburg began a large-scale inspection of the carrier company, the bus that fell into the river. the investigative
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committee reported that seven people died. most of the passengers were saved, thanks in part to three natives of dagestan who, without hesitation, dived into the icy water to help people. details of the accident from ekaterina fisenko. passenger bus having rammed the car, it knocks down the railing and flies off the bridge into the car wash. having fallen, it still swings for some time on the water. then. drowning, cars instantly stopped, a passing ship threw its entire supply of life jackets into the water, life preservers flew from the bridge. from a height you can see the hatch in the roof of the bus, it was torn off by eyewitnesses, just guys who were passing by on the embankment and without hesitation jumped from the bridge into the icy water, through this hatch they managed to get one person, all the special services appeared somehow straight away... .
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and when i saw it, i immediately jumped on, swam to this bus, i was able to immediately pull, open the hatch, and there was an elderly woman there, and i helped her. the victims remember with horror the terrible minutes, everything was completely filled with water, instantly, i don’t know, some seconds, a fraction of a second, i don’t know, my wife and i were holding hands, and i lost her right in the cart, i was leaning against the ceiling with my back , in order to collect the remaining air somewhere there, the special services
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arrived with lightning speed, divers descended into the bus, tried to pull people out, artificial respiration was performed. right on the deck of the boats on the way to the shore and the ambulances, those resources and means that are available in the institutions, and these are duty teams, these are consumables, medicines, everything is enough to provide comprehensive assistance to the victims. the rescue operation has been going on for about 40 minutes, so far about eight people have been rescued from the bus, and now all the boats have been driven away from the roof sticking out of the water, apparently in order to try to get the bus out. i can see it from the crane behind my back. under the roof of the empty one the slings came down on the bus, and the crane pulled it to a more convenient place. now we see that the bus has already been lifted, the whole process took about an hour, and now it is being inspected by police officers and the ministry of emergency situations. the footage from the cameras shows that the bus is moving at high speed, apparently losing control right along the pedestrian part, smashing the anchors of the naval museum and
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dividing fences, a criminal case has been opened. the head of the department ordered to give the proper amount. fined for gross violations, in the period from january twenty-two to the current at the moment, the district courts of the city of st. petersburg, the taxi limited liability company was brought to administrative responsibility 23 times. based on the results of the consideration of the cases, the legal entity was fined in a total amount of more than 3.5 million
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rubles. traffic at the scene has been resumed, an investigative measure is underway. continue. ekaterina fesenko, sergey ishchenko, evgeny kostin, maria slyaguzova, galina orlova. news: petersburg. let's return to the main news. the state duma approved mikhail mishustin as head government. the head of the fair russia for truth party, sergei mironov, and the head of the new people faction, alexey nechaev, gave their assessment of the work of the prime minister to our channel. please share your vision and your opinion regarding the candidacy of mikhail mishustin.
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here you can work on wheels, especially the government, i don’t know whether it will be reassigned or not, it left a lot of groundwork from the last step, there were strategic sessions on a number of sectors and industry and the national economy, and social spheres, so here you can the wheels will continue to work, this is a big - a big advantage, and at the same time it is important that
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the government does not live in yesterday , remembering how it was in the soviet union, how it was in tsarist russia, you know. we are very fond of all kinds of conversations about the past, the government lives in the present and, like the party, new people strive to build the future, the fact that we have been lagging behind for years, we now see it, how we are already beginning to accelerate to catch up, and somewhere like, for example, in the field of artificial intelligence, russia is already among the top five countries in the world for the development of this area, maybe even in construction, but we are going to become leaders in this area, this is the attitude to do, and not talk, it is characteristic of the consensus among the elites that now exists even with...
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new people are about technological leadership, this is about development industry, and here we also find a very great mutual understanding with the government, for example, on april 1 i was with mishustin, and we showed our
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project, the very next day the minister called me, 2 days later we met with him, he showed where they were already something from this they do, for example, they propose to do it differently, but very constructively and i say something, let’s add this too, because we... thought that we would do this later, in principle, yes, we can do it now, the task is worth increasing the number robots in russia by 10, and maybe even 20 times in 6 years, we have not solved such a problem in size, probably since the great industrialization of the soviet union, this is a challenge that is not ordinary, and this can either be played with reporting later, or it can be done , this is the challenge, and so are we we take part of the responsibility to do this, this is one example of how the government works today, it seems to me that it’s good, i was glad that such speed, yes, how many strategic sessions have passed, where it’s very detailed, it doesn’t matter whoever
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speaks, is it a minister or is it a deputy, is it an expert, if it’s all about business, then it’s about business, without veneration, scraping, this is work for the result, not for the process, we need this, thank you, thank you very much for the detailed answers, we talked with... nishaev leader factions new people in the state duma said that interaction between the executive legislative branch is becoming closer, this works for the prospects for more effective development of our country. now we are talking with sergei mironov, with the leader of the a just russia faction for truth in the state duma. sergey mikhailovich, hello. we know that the faction supported the candidacy of mikhail mishustin. please tell me why this choice, why this statement? well first of all we we saw that mikhailovich mishustin
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faced difficult times when he was chairman of the government: firstly, a pandemic, secondly, unprecedented sanctions, both, the government under his leadership passed with dignity, this is the first, second for all proposals , which come from our faction, mikhail vladimirovich reacts adequately, firstly, he hears, he listens. he doesn’t completely agree, but he always has arguments, and it’s always a professional conversation, and we really appreciate attention to our initiatives, which are not are postponed, are not washed away, and many, by the way, are eventually implemented, so we had every reason to support his candidacy, and it’s just that your colleagues also say that mikhail mishustin knows how to hear, and maybe just volodin’s statement is connected with this; this morning he spoke about this, that mishustina is a deputy. they know, this is probably what we have, but of course, the fact is that we have constant meetings, we have regular contact, moreover, if necessary, i, as a leader,
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factions to call, there is always a return call, well, sometimes not immediately because i’m busy, but on the same day without fail, by phone we sometimes very often coordinate important issues that arise on the current agenda, well now, as reported by the information the agency, in the coming days, will most likely agree on and approve the candidates proposed by mikhail mishustin, deputy prime ministers of most federal ministers, excluding mit and the security bloc. please tell me from the point of view a fair russia for the truth, what accents, vectors, what directions for the new cabinet could be, so i know that there is a lot of demographics in social policy, well, firstly, i am glad that today my colleague asked a question to mishustin, he himself ...
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and well, mikhailovich is great for us, since these are after all the powers of the president, he said, i ’ll ask the president for advice, i hope that we will really see something in this vein, just as we are convinced that you need either a separate ministry or some other body, maybe an agency for demography, the president sets very important tasks until 1930, until 1936, i now respect the viewers of the russian tv channel,
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a regulatory body that they can look at, how is everything being accomplished? well, it’s somehow strange when i’m in charge myself, and i’m immediately controlled by my subordinates, in this regard, our proposal is that rosstat should be directly subordinate to you, the president, for housing and communal services, if i’m not mistaken, it was proposed by the ministry, an agency of the ministry huge problem, we saw what kind of interruptions there were in the moscow region in other regions, and of course here, firstly, of course, we need to look at all this
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even about privatization... responsibility, deputies are power, not only legislative, representative power, we we represent the entire multinational people of russia, and now we, deputies, representatives of the people, take responsibility for the appointment and approval of the prime minister, deputy prime ministers, ministers with the exception of security ministers, who are appointed by direct decree of the president, this means that we not only coordinate, as was before, but we take responsibility,
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then... our voters, among other things, can ask us why you approved such and such a minister, and we are not doing well in this direction , and we must respond, and we must take action, so these are not only new functions, not only new opportunities for the state duma, first of all, this is a new responsibility, responsibility first of all to our people, thank you, thank you very much, thank you very much, we talked with sergei mironov, head of the parliamentary faction just russia for truth. talked about the new regulations for the approval of the prime minister of the russian federation, mikhail mishustin. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, the opportunity to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be
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