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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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the ukrainian punitive forces, people constantly flocked from every street, from every house, on the road we were also met by people who shouted, intimidated, who commented that if these lists were known, we would be persecuted, but we were not afraid, we were walking, and so you go, but in some roundabout ways, you think, suddenly there are machine gunners there too. and then you look, and there are people, my god, the whole left bank came together here at the hotel, now it was demolished during the fighting, they saw, god, how many of us, it turns out, the whole city was in favor, mariupol, the radicals took it by force for 8 years, they turned it into a powerful fortified area, and...
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it turned into a machine for intimidating racketeering and protecting other people's business. it is known that the owner of the city, oligarch akhmetov, paid azov residents $600,000 for the protection of his enterprises, from the ilcha and azovstal plants. we are with these we did not meet the azov people. when they settled here near the soyuz cinema, at first it was scary to just walk by, because they often provoked glory to ukraine. they screamed, and you had to, naturally, crow glory as a hero in response. therefore, we bypassed them on the tenth road. the punishers had several training bases in mariupol and its surroundings. one of them is on the left bank. a school named after yevgeny kanovalets, one of the leaders of the un nationalist movement, was opened here. former azov citizen nikolai shushura worked here as a sports instructor, training militants. prisoner of war since may 22. many
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guys imitated some american special forces, even the management gave me programs there as navy seals, for example, training according to the navy seal system, a feature of the national battalion was its commitment to paganism, the azov people took as a basis the scandinavian beliefs in the god of war auden, they used the ironic signs of the black sun and a wolf hook, similar to the symbolism of nazi germany, they were sewn onto clothes, pricked into form of tattoos. roses, when someone there, excuse me, did something bad there, they sent him to the so-called pit, he sat there for some time to atone for his guilt, they laid him on his stomach, they took such sticks and he filmed in public shirt, they quilted him there. in azov, black raids were often practiced, usually at night, groups of mortar men went out to shoot, not to the training ground in the border area, and rained on the civilian population of the donetsk people's republic, nowhere according to the documents of the higher authorities.
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live in the petrovsky district, the hottest ukrainian militants have been mercilessly shelling all 10 years, but the son continued to fight on the side of azov for 2000 hryvnia a month, the mother always asks for love, will people forgive, neighbors, if i stay, i will be a disgrace, a stigma for my parents, it’s better for me not to show up in general, so that they would think that there, excuse me, everything is bad with me , they forgot everything about me and... excuse me, this is not
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just for the world, not for the sake of the sergeants’ faces, material things. “thank you very much, fighters of the azov punitive battalion knocked the dirt off american boots they are slurping camp gruel, on the parade ground of a colony for prisoners of war, ukrainian seals
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are marching to the soviet katyusha." i was born on may 9. we all know that this is victory day, and so they named me miroslav, he glorifies the world. since 2015, he has glorified the war, a lawyer from kiev joined the azov battalion when fierce battles were taking place in the south-east of ukraine. over the course of 7 years, he rose to the rank of sergeant. he imprinted his devotion to the ideas of nazism on his
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body . killed, he is not from mariupol, but also almost his own, in dnepropetrovsk he sold candies from the red october factory. by the beginning of the twenty -second year, the azov punitive battalion consisted mainly of those who grew up in the southeast, but already with reformatted brains. it was they who shot at a peaceful city when the russian army was just approaching the outskirts. how many times will they destroy us here, especially if you know that there is a cannon behind your house? she shoots in that direction, and from there she flies here, you take it away, what did you put behind the house, but they sent swear words on this everything, or when this sniper was sitting on
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the roof, he shot our girl, a tenth grader, he shot her in the back, she was so small, it was clear that she was a girl walking with bottles. the problem, for example, was water, when we were under shelling, that is, we knew that there was a huge area in stennis, where people come for water, we all lay down on the ground, fell, because the shelling began, exits were blocked, cars they were shot, heavy armor destroyed high-rise buildings, knocking out apartment after apartment. until the entrance collapsed, people hiding in basements, cooking over fires, these memories do not leave his head, always with a rapid pulse, frozen tears in his eyes, oh, dear mother, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, there’s a toilet here, yes, there was a kitchen,
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thanks to her we survived, he remembers how the building swayed when an artillery shell flew onto the second floor, rising up... his old life disappeared. the office where he worked for more than 15 years turned into a pile of bricks with a gaping hole in the wall. when the shelling subsided, sovetsky carried a chair into the yard and received patients. in the clinic there were still supplies of medicines, soviet gave them out for free, pharmacies, shops, everything was closed, and people were sick. ukraine was more afraid, because the russians were expected as liberators who would come, yes, peace would come, they were waiting. the guys from the dpr came. and we exhaled, yes already, i remember how on may 4, while we were putting things in order in the apartment, we came home, took a swim, i lay down, and i thought, lord, it’s all over, thank god, now there’s peace, silence and peace, but again there was peace in mariupol, but the war went on, the industrial city
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has now turned into a construction city, the facades of burnt houses were restored, entire neighborhoods were restored... rebuilt. st. petersburg builders occupied the stage of the drama theater. it was blown up on march 16, 2012. classic style. round staircases rush up. up, the light-painted walls were smoked and burnt. the explosion that collapsed the central part of the building occurred on march 16, 2022. by this time, the theater was being used as a bomb shelter. there were always many residents here, in the basement of the theater they hid from shelling, next to the building on the asphalt there were large letters written children. the roof fell directly onto the audience seat. theater director natalya goncharova. at the moment of the explosion, i was inside, there were a lot of people, they were hiding in the basement, standing on the stairs,
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the sounds of a piano could be heard from the stage from the darkness, someone was knocking on the black and white keys, drowning out the fear of war, i was between the first and second floor, i was in this time i heard a very wide , booming explosion, when i stopped flying, i opened my eyes and i saw that in front of me everything was very, very white, just a wall lay. and the majority of people died there when a wall fell on them while they were preparing food, but already in september of the twenty-second, the actors of the drama theater appeared on the stage of the mariupol philharmonic, since then they have been passing off the premiere as...
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in the fourteenth he stayed in ukraine, probably this is how it should have happened. mariupol has returned to peaceful life, explosions and shots are not heard here, no one is hiding in basements, the city is being restored. the avenues are filled with elegant facades of rebuilt houses, schools, clinics, but the largest factories stopped, azov-stal will definitely not be restored, they will fight for ilic. this can be said to be the heart of the blast furnace plant at the ilch plant. in the twenty-second year
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they were stopped and mothballed, so they can be launched. with the start of the svo , production at the mariupol metallurgical plant named after lich was transferred to hot preservation mode. however, everything ended in a complete stop, the blast furnaces were extinguished. the ukrainian military, units of the thirty-sixth marine brigade, were stationed at the plant. workshops equipment is damaged, but not.
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tymoshenko, she basically stated that donbass needs to be fenced around the perimeter with barbed wire and bombed, in general they made this promise. fulfilled, they also tried to fulfill the promises that petro poroshenko gave, that our children
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would live in basements, there would be no school, there would be no training for them, in general, they also fulfilled this promise quite seriously, yes we we didn’t want to live from that ukraine, but to get away from a direct conflict, from a direct military conflict, from a war, we of course, they wanted to, but, unfortunately, we were not given such an opportunity, gorlovka schools switched to distance learning, the city began to be shelled with such force that it was scary to leave the house, the children and teachers no longer studied. were on duty when a polish-made mine flew into the assembly hall, the geographer was discussing something with a student, a blow to the heart, instant death, elena ivanova did not have time to wish her ten-year-old son good morning, he was still sleeping when she left for work. one of these shells hit specifically at our school, the second shell hit the football field of our school, the third shell hit
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an unfinished house located near the school, that is, it turns out that the radius of fire was actually our school. for 10 years they have been living in anticipation of peace, they promise to have new classrooms, physics, chemistry, computer science, laboratory equipment is already outdated, the eighty-third year of the last century, it will be written off to the museum, following the old potyphon, dear, kind adults, take me away, i’ll go dawn,
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in donetsk the first hail shells that ukraine struck a peaceful village and hit a school early in the morning, when the students were just getting ready for classes. lessons were canceled that day, and peaceful life began to collapse in the mining village. in 1914, the war began and
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the ukrainian army set up a kindergarten and school for us. and now our children go to kirovsk. my daughter calls, says, “mom, says, there are red rockets flying across the bus, well, rockets are flying, and we, parents, nothing, but here there is rustling and flying everywhere overhead, and i can’t even do anything, i can’t leave the house to see the child .” pick up, and even where should i go take it if there is shelling, the position of the ukrainian army was only 300 m, there was a line of combat contact, people lived under constant shelling for 8 years, rocket fragments were sticking out of the windows, the water supply was already broken, gas...
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they couldn’t get through to the leadership they say they abandoned us here, so to speak, but what should we do? well, they suggested to each other, let's surrender, and one said: if you surrender, i will shoot you in the back, houses burned by the flames of fires are washed, walls are being restored, breakdowns in tanks shells are laid with bricks, at the entrances, as before, local grandmothers gather to remember the war, a journalist from the city bulletin of severodonetsk remembers... these are those who grouped themselves into some kind of communes, let's call it that, the easier it was to survive, to work for work lyudmila rides
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a bicycle, there is no connection in severodonetsk, no internet, an interview can only be arranged in person, the next issue will contain a note about donors who donate blood for wounded soldiers, she will devote a few lines to the victory memorial cleanup, eternal ukraine was unable to extinguish the fire. in the lugansk printing house, printing presses are launched at night, 29 regional newspapers come into the homes of readers with a new agenda, they are distributed free of charge, and although in lugansk an air raid warning can be announced up to ten times a day, the city is increasingly immersed in peaceful life, and this needs to be done write. we have stability, we have jobs, we have a good income, we have a lot of... many exhibitions, we have a lot of events for children, we have so many educational programs, we have factories are opening up, jobs are being created.
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lugansk parks are by moscow standards, with bike paths, cozy lawns that are laid out with carpets, street musicians play on weekends, creative evenings by the fountain, not a single bench is empty, and the sky above is inviting in spring, as if there was no fire 10 years ago.
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do it, now wait, let it cool down, that’s what, now we’ll see what we can do with this cartridge case, over 10 years millions of cartridges, cartridges, pieces of metal from tank shells have passed through this forge, what the soldiers brought from... the private, clearing the deadly steel with fire, tempered his own faith in victory, the faith of everyone who did not betray donbass during the long and difficult years of the war. i was the first to receive a denrovsky passport,
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and my family all received a danrovsky passport, and i was glad that i received a denrovsky passport, when russian passports began to be issued, my family all received them, and i am proud. huge, the trees are all broken, the houses are broken, i cry, i walk, i say how much i love, i, at that moment i only realized that i i love my city, our victory, in my understanding, is to make sure that ukraine can never again boast that it is the strongest army in europe, so that it can never be considered by the west. and europe as an instrument against russia, we must knock all this exaggerated, pumped-up militarism away from them. the war still burns with the withering fire
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of death, but with each victory of our army the front moves away from peaceful cities. donbass won its right to return to russia. it was a long and terrible path, for some long in life, for others at the cost of life. and everyone understands that recognition is not the end of the road. this is summer, the sky, the plot, i know, but when sadness is in my soul, i remember.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious,
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there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? is it necessary to mobilize all resources? give us a general idea of ​​how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure?
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vladimir putin congratulated the residents of the dpr and lpr on the tenth anniversary of the founding of the republics. on may 11, 2014, a referendum was held, during which the overwhelming majority of donbass residents supported the sovereignty of the region. they refused to support the policies of the kiev regime, which came to power as a result of a coup. hundreds of houses are flooded in the ust-ishimsky district of the omsk region due to spring floods. level. water in the irtysh and ishim rivers is already half a meter exceeds the dangerous event level and continues to grow. the dam in the disaster zone, 14 settlements, could not withstand the water pressure ; mass deaths of livestock were reported. more than 300 people were evacuated. the us presidential administration believes that israel could use american weapons in violation of international humanitarian law. such conclusions are contained in the text of the white house report to congress. that night, israel carried out air
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strikes in the urban area. gaza and rafah. palestinian sources report death more than ten people. israel claims that aircraft only attack terrorist targets. ukrainian armed forces fired at the suburb of belgorod, the village of dubovoe. a local store was hit. according to preliminary data, eight civilians were injured. in addition, as a result of shelling in the ssu, more than 40 residential buildings in three settlements of belgorod were damaged. region, operational and emergency services are on site. next is advertising, and then a film by arkady mamontov, the real history of novorossiya, about the events of civil times wars of modern history. it’s in the knee, there’s no sleep, maybe it’s in the neck. pentalgin extragel contains the maximum dose
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of the substance for pain. inflammation of the pentalga.


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