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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. in odessa, on the morning of december 28, they began to remove the fence around the monument to catherine the second; catherine herself was wrapped in a black bag. utility workers are gradually dismantling the wooden sarcophagus, after which the monument’s turn will come; for safety, the square and nearby streets have been blocked. the community voted for the community, voted for the demolition, so everything is fine, let them demolish it. it's high time to put it somewhere in the city center, it will be right. so that they don’t repeat
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mistakes, but there are plenty of ukrainian heroes there are many ukrainian heroes who can be here instead of her. a native of feodosia, the world famous artist, ivan aivazovsky, painted more than six thousand paintings. he could have settled in any country in the world, but chose to live and work in crimea, drawing inspiration from the natural beauty and strength of the southern russian land. his name glorified novorossiya. like hundreds of others, among whom the name of catherine the great, empress of all russia, comes first .
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catherine the great was the august mother of the novorossiysk province by decree of april 2 in 1764, the empress established a new region and gave it a name. the first governor-general of the vast and undeveloped region was his holiness prince grigoriymkin. cities, plants, factories, create a fleet on the black and azov seas. all this was done in a short time. cities were built: kherson, nikolaev, nikopol, novomoskovsk, pavlograd, mariupol. on potemkin’s initiative, novorosiya grew into crimea, and instead of the village of khadzhibei , beautiful odessa, a pearl by the sea, arose. odessa
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was a city that was founded by catherine, that means she invited her there, that means the governor of odessa, that means duke dereshilye, in general it was a hadjibek, there was a village that didn’t represent anything at all, uh, he was the name odessa was very well remembered by everyone there, because at the entrance to odessa there was , that means fasting, well, quarantine, there, whatever, everyone who went out was asked where you were going, if he spoke to khadzhibey, then he was immediately beaten there,
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and catherine’s documents, and of course, materials about new russia crimea, these are unique sources, volumes, ekaterina wrote to the governor-general, wanting to expand trade on the black sea and respecting the advantageous position of gadzhebe, the sea-connected places, we considered it necessary to build a military harbor with a pier for merchant ships. that is, odessa is both a military port and a city for trade, open for trade with many countries of europe and the east, but we have documents signed by catherine ii, for example, and about the creation of sevastopol, look, maybe you will see how in the signature grains of gold glitter, yes, it’s either quartz or gold added to the sand. which
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she sprinkled according to the rules of that time. the creation of novorossiya and the annexation of crimea were the culmination of catherine's golden age, the age of great dreamers. the second to crimea, then of course, a special place in her journey is occupied by a visit to bakhchesorai, that at the entrance to perekop, this is already the territory of crimea, their convoy was met by a large detachment of crimean tatars, and the horsemen were beautifully dressed, velvet jackets, perfectly
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equipped and with weapons, met catherine i and accompanied her on her journey through the crimea, at the entrance to bakhchesarai. and a very steep descent into the city and the situation became quite complicated when the horses carried catherine’s carriage. her carriage was quite large; this carriage was carried by several dozen horses, which could not stay on such a steep slope, literally the carriage could tip over, which would lead to very sad consequences. and it was the crimean tatar horsemen who literally threw themselves under the wheels.
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well, the wealth is enormous, but he spent, and all the proceeds from these lands and from his estates, he directly, first of all, on the development of new russia, the construction of cities, i even bought an estate, well, then the speech of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth in the region was bold, where there is some kind
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of forest, so that this forest, well, from voronezh, as from other territories, it would be delivered directly to kherson, berths would be built there, houses would be built there, it would be delivered stone. that is, titanic work was going on, for potemkin it was probably the biggest project of his life, but he understood that this was not only his project, but also a project for all of russia, well, probably this project too, but i would highlighted large, largest projects in times of the entire era of catherine ii. on his family coat of arms it was written in latin: loyalty, unbreakable forever, aristocrat,
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anglomaniac, and at the same time an ardent russian patriot, count varontsov in the 19th century forever changed the face of new russia. varantsov’s century is, of course, a golden age for the region, and it is no coincidence that his contemporaries recalled for a very long time this period of urban development, the creation of cities, several cities were created with his direct participation. for example, berdyansk, yeisk, on the shores of the azov sea, and those cities that existed, kherson, nikolaev, odessa, crimean cities, they, of course, received an impetus for their development, what is, for example, taurida, at the time of the visit, for example, of catherine ii, she could not
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even visit the southern coast of crimea, since the southern coast was completely cut off from the rest of the territory.
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why he organized the estate here, it is difficult for us, of course, to judge why he chose this place, for example, pushkin, alexander sergeevich galloped past the wooden tree, did not notice anything, the tree was small. completely unknown trees, here is a village with such the landscape that babaryki writes in
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his famous legend, adding that everywhere there are these stones, all sorts of chaos, rocks, landslides, and it seems that there is no nature for the weed, he further narrates when vorontsov appeared, when he was buying up these plots of land and so on.
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near the village of kikiniiz, now a landslide site, and for some time he lived there with his wife in a hut. soon a small estate was built on this site, where quinn often came with his students in the open air and painted these amazing views of the crimean southern coast. well, naturally, he grew up there and was saturated with this truly wondrous nature, watching these sunsets since childhood. and... he worked for a long time not related to drawing, but he drew from
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childhood, drew on sticks of paper, drew on both, drew everywhere, he always wanted to draw not people, but nature, because somehow nature, i think, that since childhood , he was generally lonely since childhood, it was in nature that he was in the nature of his small homeland, in the nature of mariupol, in nature... an electric light came on under the ceiling a light bulb, its light fell on the canvas, and
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a magical moonlit night on the dnieper appeared before the amazed spectators. the moon in the painting shone with such a mystical light that visitors tried to look behind the painting to find the illumination there. of course, it’s an unusual picture, it’s still on all his booklets, this moonlit night is everywhere. ah... she really is fascinating, and although he was accused of making some special devices there to do all this, i can imagine what she was like then, he and his friend mendeleev, they were looking for what -that the composition so that it shimmers, well, unfortunately, over time it all seems to have faded a little, but you still just approach it and it’s impossible to move away, the rich and picturesque land of southern russia
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gave birth to and inspired not only artists , many russian writers, musicians and scientists considered it their small homeland. in 1801, in the town of lugansk zavod, vladimir ivanovich dal, the future great surgeon, hero of several wars and compiler of the most famous dictionary of the living, was born into the family of a doctor. russian language. he was a man of colossal knowledge, he was a sailor, a naval officer, he was a doctor of medicine, he was a statesman and public figure. also a famous writer of the 19th century, compiler of an explanatory dictionary of the living great russian language, of course, vladimir ivanovich dal’s contribution to russian culture is invaluable, because without a drop of russian blood, he was so russian, and this resulted in his works.
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vladimir dal, a dane by origin, published his first book under a pseudonym, taken in honor of his small homeland. lugansk cossack, sailor, doctor and a writer, he was friends with pushkin and pirogov, fought and was awarded for courage, but the main love of his life always remained the great and powerful russian language. even during breaks between battles, he questioned the soldiers, wrote down interesting words, expressions, songs and fairy tales. the result was a dictionary that immortalized him forever in russian history. shortly before the duel, pushkin heard from dahl that the skin that snakes shed every year in the orenburg province is called the word crawled out, it’s like that for him i liked that he pointed to his new , freshly sewn frock coat and said: “look, dal, what a crawl, i
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won’t crawl out of this crawl any time soon, i’ll write something like this in it.” but unfortunately, all plans. and just on january 28, 1837, at two o’clock in the afternoon , vladimir ivanovich learned from the publisher bashutsky that pushkin was mortally wounded in a duel, he immediately went to the car wash 12 and spent about a day at the bedside of the dying poet, trying to fight for his life, he tried to somehow save him. his friend, well, as we know, this failed, already after the death of alexander sergeevich, dalna writes: “i fraternized with him no longer for this world.” donbass, the mining and metallurgical center of the empire, was destined to become the cradle of its cinema. here, in 1877, in the village of khandzhonkovka,
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alexander khanzhonkov was born into a noble family of the don army. his father was a cossack centurion. dressed as a colonel, his ancestors, cossacks, don, who, probably, 18 men of this generation, were all cossacks, from esaul to the colonel, this strong-willed character, it affected, of course, in the future on his future profession, they were all famous, of course , for their bravery, courage, many participated in the war, so naturally, everything was passed on... he was accepted into the first don cossack regiment, participated in the russian-japanese war. in 1905, in chin near esaola, he retired to the reserve for health reasons, receiving a payment of 500 rubles. with this money he founded
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his own cinematographic enterprise in moscow. the first film that was a great success in which hanzhonka acted for the first time as a director in collaboration with directed by goncharov, it was the defense of sevastopol. the film defense of sevastopol was the world's first full-length historical documentary film, which involved a huge number of battle scenes, and it must be said that khanzhonkov. the bearing of an officer - the don cossack army - came in handy to lead and organize, that's it... filming a large number of people, the fleet, the russian army, parts of the russian army, which was kindly provided by emperor nicholas ii. among
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the natives of voros there are those who became famous for his spiritual exploits. one of the most unusual saints of the russian orthodox church is archbishop luke voinasenetsky. a famous surgeon in the world, author of scientific works, laureate of the stalin prize. on icons he is depicted with a set of surgical instruments. he healed people in word and deed, saving their lives as a doctor on the operating table, and as a priest their souls in the temple. the last battles of the civil war took place on crimean soil, from here came the so-called russian exodus, or rather, more correctly, the tragic the evacuation of that old christian russia that was being replaced. red russia swept away, but again fate would have it so that it was in this red russia, in the communist soviet union, that
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an amazing personality shone, who is now considered one of the greatest saints of all times, this is st. luke, the warrior yesenecki, who became it was here in crimea that he became a bishop and became famous as luka the crimean, and the whole world knows him precisely as a crimean saint. god wanted our future saint to be born here in crimea, in the city of kerch, and returned here just when he was already 69 years old, he returned from the tambov diocese to our simferopol, crimean diocese, this was in the forty-sixth year in the month of may. saint luke suffered fame and trials in civilian life , he lost his wife, he was left alone with four children, he was a world-famous surgeon and scientist.
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christmas, breaking glass in churches, killing priests, laughing, ridiculing, everything that is sacred to me, i said, i can’t be silent, this is him i can’t be silent, refuted, perhaps, such a widespread proverb, one in the field is not a warrior.
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11:25 pm
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donbass has become a region, which, well, is not just a depressed region, you understand, there is a great complex of such problems, and the worst thing is that there is simply a wild number of absolutely unnecessary people, from the brothers to the purely donetsk region, there. .. and the donbass need to be simply recovered as a resource that is clearly required from the drive of the donbass, it is less clear that there is no clear recipe for it, that here you can earn a lot, but even worse, what you need to earn at the moment, why is it not so cruel to sound, to sing, to sing, is a category of people who simply need to be beaten in.
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200 years ago in the village of lugansk plant, the creator of an explanatory dictionary of the living great russian language. born on a land where dozens of peoples mixed, he came up with a simple , precise formula for national identity.
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think in russian.


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