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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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why is the estate not being restored, although even money was found for this, a historical and architectural investigation was carried out by our alexander karpov. the only estate near moscow for the 16th century, which miraculously survived the very edge of the sparrow hills, for the last 80 years could only be seen from a bird's eye view, a sensitive object since the time of beria. the institute of chemical physics was founded here in 1943, large people worked here who... were involved in the creation of an atomic project in the soviet union, a paradox, precisely thanks to the regime of utmost secrecy this royal royal palace has been preserved, but today, alas, it is on the verge of complete destruction, we are seeing signs of disrepair, this wall is supported by supports, plus here we have a slope, that is, it can simply collapse, which is completely calm at any moment, the palace is like a monument , is absolutely unique in that three centuries, three eras and three of...
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centuries, already under nikolai yusupov , greenhouses and columns were added to the palace according to the designs of the great gilardi and bavé, but the prince, having bought he abandoned the arkhangelskoe estate near moscow, and after his death , the hero of the war of 1812, count mamonov, was settled here under police supervision, who was declared insane by the highest authorities, hence the name mamonov dacha, an evil ridicule of rumor. this was one of the founders of the decembrist organizations. a man who
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apparently considered himself a true peasant king, he was not even allowed into the garden, he died as if by accident, he doused his dress or robe with adicalon and dropped fire from his pipe on it, and this is already 1924 unique footage from the film cigarette box from mostselprom , on the former mamonova's dacha is a museum of the peoples of the ussr; finally, in 1943, the palace was given to academician semyonov, the founder of the theory of chain reactions. and the nobel laureate for the institute of chemical physics since the same year there has been no major renovation in the closed area. fizharan receives many instructions from the department of cultural heritage of the city of moscow, and these instructions indicate that cultural heritage sites of federal significance are in unsatisfactory condition, and the structures, foundations, and there are signs of disrepair of these objects. for the first contract restoration dates back to 2004.
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the prosecutor general's office imposed a ban, since there was little left of the monument, and the state land was being built up with commercial high-rise buildings. soon, by a strange coincidence, the palace almost burned down; the institute's employees suspected that someone had their eye on the golden hectares of the sparrow hills. it seems like you were going to build something here, tell us, i know, we would love to know, we shot these shots 10 years ago, but these today nothing has changed, three hundred years old... the walls keep falls from the cliff there are still the same rusty supports, despite the fact that behind the walls there are still laboratories researching, for example, the physics of ignition and detonation. the other day the ice seemed to have broken; the ministry of education and science decided to finance the inspection of the emergency building. according to available estimates, the approximate size is 29 million rubles. the next stage is design, that is, it will be clear whether reconstruction is required or reconstruction is not required. we enter the memorial
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office of academician nikolai nikolaevich semyonov, the founder of our institute. right there is no russian federation title to this premises; this is former residential real estate, which now does not belong to anyone. the institute does not yet have the right to spend this allocated money on these premises. but according to the law, funding is allocated only for the entire facility. a restoration that has been sought for decades. now in question, a unique three-hundred-year-old monument that has survived all wars and revolutions can now be destroyed by banal bureaucratic red tape. alexander karpov, egor vorobyov, pavel glazunov and luna agasieva, a week in the city. the state duma will today consider candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers, and extended meetings of relevant committees are planned. my colleague, alexandra suvorova, is now working at okhotny ryad, she is joining the broadcast. sasha, greetings, tell me how it goes. approach, where i described the main
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points of how the overall procedure for considering candidates for the position of member of the cabinet of ministers will proceed, now i will tell you about it in a little more detail. today the relevant committee will consider those names which the prime minister had introduced the day before as candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers and ministers. the relevant committees, as vyacheslav volodin noted, will work today for about 6 hours, from 12 to 18:00 during the day there will be press approaches, where, based on the results of these meetings,
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all ministers will be considered, and of course, today is the most the main questions, they will be discussed in committees about what topics can be raised, our colleagues asked this question to vyacheslav volodin, let's listen to his answer: it’s impossible to imagine no matter what question is asked, you must be prepared for any question, so those who come to the committee meeting today
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already know in the state duma the day before about the reshuffles that are possible if the state duma approves these names. denis mandrov may become the first deputy chairman of the government; his candidacy has been nominated. in addition, dmitry patrushev, currently acting head of the men's agricultural enterprise, and vitaly sovelev, currently acting head ministry of transport. and besides, there are also five new surnames, four of them are this. heads of regions now, in addition, first deputy minister of agriculture oksana lut, her position will be considered, she will be considered a candidate for the position of head of this department, and besides, there are also now new candidates for positions in the ministry of transport, the ministry of sports, and also in two other
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departments, this is how those names that were already announced the day before are assessed in the state duma, let's listen, absolutely... obviously, they all have experience either working in the industry, or working at the federal level, in the executive branch, in the legislative branch, so the proposed composition is professional, has work experience, and we, of course, hope that everyone will benefit from this, the quality of the work of the authorities its effectiveness will be higher, accordingly. but time should show how successful it will be in these positions for the candidates proposed for the position. well, throughout the day we will talk about the main statements made here in the lower house of parliament. dasha, you have the floor. thank you,
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my colleague alexandra suvorova was in direct communication with the state duma. now there is a short advertisement, and then watch the continuation of the week in the city program. this have not happened before. russian cold, 150 g of invisible, rich taste in one glass. try this real ice cream, russian cold. great, incredible taste. are your items faded after washing? use weasel gel. it maintains fabric strength and restores light. things look like new three times longer. no, i erase with affection. megamarket - just grow with us, that's it corporate party, for hangovers enterum, entersorbent sellers at the megamarket are changing the world,
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up to 25% on any vtb card, in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, selfish, that means i got it from him i already have heartburn, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have your food, heartburn, this is easier, heartburn from food, take it to put it out, fight heartburn, pain and heaviness. with increased acidity in the stomach, it is active from the first minutes it extinguishes from zhobu it extinguishes prinebal i love to cook imagine tadam you don’t eat mayonnaise now i eat it because it’s a brand i love to cook i created a new mayonnaise pure without sugar without vinegar without starch it’s just as tasty and don’t do anything extra create without restrictions pure mayonnaise bright taste is more useful.
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this is a week in the city, the main stories that happened nearby, here our circus left, the dogs remained in moscow, immediately a dozen and a half four-legged artists can end up on the street, without care, without attention, without a well-deserved pension. for many years they delighted audiences with their funny tricks, but... suddenly their number was removed from the repertoire, and now, it seems, no one needs trained dogs, what awaits them now and is there a chance that the life of the former manege stars will not become truly dog-like, our alexey knor, a boy like that , was looking for a way to help the furry circus performers , boy, how old is he, well , about five or six, most of his life the arena spotlights applause, a dog named cat until recently was a circus performer, now he risks becoming... a stray team was reduced and well , as they say, there was no place for my
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dog ​​number mom came up with the number taisiya has been with him for over 60 years, a hereditary trainer who has traveled almost the whole country, but recently the administration of the shepito rainbow circus decided to remove the production from the repertoire. now i have 15 dogs, two ponies, three cats, if a four-legged artist is the property of the circus, then by law the circus gives him a pension and a dignified old age and should. if this does not happen, and the circus decides that they cannot contain these animals, then the russian state circus always gets involved, but taisia ​​obrucheshnikova’s dogs belong to her personally, which means and the fate of the pets is in her hands, the artist cannot take them all home, 15 elderly dogs will not fit in a small apartment, it is unclear where to put them. for now, the four-legged performers are kept here in the circus pavilion, but how long they can stay there is unknown; their owner is worried. that in a couple of months all the animals may end up on the street, although the russian state circus assures that they will not leave animals in trouble;
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maintenance, expenses for food and medical care for animals are currently financed from their own funds russian state circus. and yet, stories when animal artists are written off as unnecessary are not uncommon; age, state of health, complex character, there are many reasons. the bear asya has been living in a cage in a private shelter for 20 years; she was once also an arena star. she used to.
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for ourselves, we’ll take the young cat to the theater. meanwhile, despite the assurances of the russian state circus, the trainer is looking for owners for her dogs, volunteers are helping her, two labradors have already found a new home. alexey knor, ilya popov and lona agasieva, a week in the city. in moscow, there are not only financial pyramids, which for some reason easily find investors. there is another echo
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of the nineties: pseudo-religious pseudoscientific sects. now they are disguised under signs. schools of personal growth, academies of successful success, universities of meditation and spiritual practices, the phrase is meaningless, but with a claim, our compatriots go there, pay huge amounts of money for training courses, this often ends in tragedies, even suicide. one of these companies is now acting particularly boldly and cynically, robbing denis vaskovsky managed to get into a hypnosis session of the self-proclaimed messiah and leave there in his right mind. galina ivanova’s son left his wife and has not been home for two daughters for 2 years after he started studying at school. in life, something, something was missing, then he went to the internet, went and found this creation. a thousand exactly the same seekers gathered in
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a concert hall in the city center. they don’t sing or dance here, they listen to a lecture about global problems of humanity. human beings is the main task set before those who are part of the global governance system, these are vaccinations, this is the existing education system. the lecturer, if only this is his real name, someone, denis kozlov, speaks , at first glance, convincingly and smoothly, but somehow too much. the unconscious must become conscious and be directed toward creating a conscious environment. for those who, having paid 5,000 for the first session, did not immediately understand the guru’s revelation, paid additional classes, for... the creation of trust atmosphere of group cohesion, conversations on abstract topics, watching movies together, singing. now another group of kozlov’s devoted students is ready to begin jointly solving a complex task, increasing their own attention and luminosity for their own and the common good. and each of us , like a small spark, is capable of igniting this
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flame. and guru kozlov continues to broadcast from the podium about the special purpose of everyone. a lot, there really are some aliens walking around, from the aliens, the goats quickly moves on to those present and about their chosenness from among other people, then there are many people, and not people in their own free presentation of the history of the planet. before the second flood , power was poured out; it was not yet a perimeter. after such incendiary amateur lectures on physics, astronomy and religious studies, anna yarshova ceased to be interested in family matters and children. in first place is the saradeniya school and its latest revelations. at different points. the globe there are the same images, they are not human, only an appeal to the police helped return anna to family, or rather, the mysterious metaphysical school itself excluded her from the list of students, obviously frightened by the eye, just like a zombie, the person no longer knows why he went there, forgets about it, but there are promises
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of some mountains of gold, in fact, the school receives the money, each adherent brings tens, or even hundreds of thousands to the cash register. purchasing manual books in attempts to find meaning in kozlov’s pseudoscientific rubbish, psychic energy, which, as a result of incorrect tension, aggravates the course of processes with the release of inharmonious reactions. solid and a lecturer that inspires public trust, looking straight into the camera, one of the half-forgotten symbols of the nineties, a chumak who convinced millions that he was capable of turning water into medicine at a distance, kashpirovsky, who passed off long meaningless chatter as sessions of therapeutic mass hypnosis. ah... and 30 years later , moscow had its own healer of souls. a sect that acts as a pseudo-psychological training, but at the same time. occult slant. kozlov is still a young pseudo-project, and it is difficult to predict which direction he will take next. maybe it will come down to flogging the wrongdoing adherents, as practiced by andrei popov, the so-called god kuzya.
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kozlov, by the way, already has a big title, spiritual leader garad, whatever that means. must lie in front of her in blood. or maybe he will limit himself to concerts and seminars, each of which brings him several million, like koshpirovsky, who, by the way, is still treating, and who, despite numerous attempts, was never attracted. for his outright quackery, horses, horses, brother, don’t be sorry, how many families have already broken up due to the destructive sessions of the goat is unknown, for those who have discovered that a loved one has ended up in a sect, experts advise to be patient and not try to solve all the problems in one day, they are interested there, they have appeared there new friends, acquaintances, they are united by a common interest, so if you try to speak directly, get out of there, his denial mechanism will turn on, but at some stage... obviously you can’t do it with the help of law enforcement agencies, but for now the sect is being created , not meeting no resistance, it is moving across the country; branches have recently been opened in altai and st. petersburg. denis vaskovsky, alexey
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knora, lon agasiv, alexander ovsyanikov, a week in the city. and about the truth. the past week was also easter, bright week, as it is called in the church calendar. this is a time when you absolutely cannot swear, break promises, or wish others harm. of course, it’s better not to do this at any other time. but on these 7 days especially and in all orthodox monasteries and churches during holy week it was possible listen to the festive bell ringing, enchanting, majestic, divine, and anyone can try themselves in the role of a bell ringer; such is the tradition, what else would be ideal to do at this time with those who did not waste time, igor ageenko met. congratulations friend, spring is the beginning of a new life, so you can start a family life. under this motto, the wedding season opened in the capital; traditionally
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, he found double benefits in one day. well , at least every year, now we will celebrate two holidays on krasnaya gorka instead one, the red hill itself, for our
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wedding. this spring , three more places will appear in moscow where newlyweds will be able to legalize their relationship. the project for on-site marriage registration, new addresses of happiness, has been operating in the capital for 5 years now. there are more than 30 locations for young people to choose from, from ancient mansions to modern skyscrapers of the capital, from stadiums to ostankenskaya. historical amphilades and openwork stairs for photo sessions will be available for newlyweds, and a special feature of the two locations will be live musical accompaniment. together with andrey maiseinia in on the eve of krasnaya gorka , over a thousand couples will legalize their relationships in moscow, some of them will still have a wedding according to orthodox custom, which had not been celebrated for a long time before may 12. that is , during the entire period of lent, the sacraments of marriage were not performed during bright week, essentially due to a special church celebration. on the bright resurrection of christ , the sacraments are also not performed, the sacraments of the wedding; on the week of antipascha on krasnaya gorka - this is the first day when it is allowed to celebrate the sacrament of the wedding, to perform the sacrament of the wedding. in addition, red hill
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ends the bright week, that is, the week after easter, when orthodox believers actively celebrate the resurrection of christ. these days, anyone can try to ring the church bells. it is believed that in the old days, it was on these days that the monastery bell ringers looked for students from especially gifted guests. about the bell ringer. head, and this is part of this culture, every day we have a solemn holiday service, as on the first day of easter, a procession of the cross is performed, during lent we do not have holiday trinells, they only ring one bell. everyday, so slowly, rarely, all the bells ring for easter, but today , as part of the celebration of the red hill of novkh , a russian record will be set, as part of the first
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wedding festival , 150 couples from kaliningrad to kamchatka will exchange rings here, this festival itself will take place here all week. igor egienko, yaroslav aulov, sevlavich in neli borisova, a week in the city. the may holidays that we were so looking forward to are already behind us, now we are waiting for summer, which is a small life. it was a week in the city, we will be back in exactly 7 days to tell stories that happened near us. see you. pain, spasm, premium buprofenval, it reduces pain. take dertavirin renival, it helps with abdominal cramps. we trust renival, we choose renival. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more
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already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have heartburn from your food, this is easier, heartburn from food, take it, extinguishes it, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, active from the first minutes , extinguishes and extinguishes the job, hello, about the main legal events of the day. the correspondents of the program will tell you how the duty department and i maxim movchan will conduct it. krasnoyarsk and moscow investigators managed to solve the murder of a schoolgirl by delving into the depths of the mind. to obtain the necessary information, experts turned to a special technique and recalled the smallest detail in the memory of a key witness. but 18 years have passed since the massacre. details and unique footage that were broadcast for the first time in the story of olga zhurinkova.


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