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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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deputy president in the commission on the military-industrial complex, and he is deeply immersed in this work, he knows very well the pace of production of military-industrial products at specific enterprises, he often visits these enterprises, and... you already know
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that this was also previously reported that from the ministry defense under the president , the fsvts is being placed, and its work will also be headed and supervised by sergei shaigo, and well, actually shaigo will continue to work in this area, which he knows well. knows perfectly well from the inside, together with his colleagues and partners from previous places of work. vladimir putin proposed for consultation to the federation council the candidacy of andrei belausov for the post of minister of defense, which was previously held by sergei shaigu. in the previous government, belousov worked as first deputy prime minister. sergei shaigu himself has already been appointed by presidential decree as secretary of the council. nikolai
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patrushev has been relieved of his post as secretary of the security council due to his transfer to another job. the president proposed the candidacy of sergei lavrov for the post of head of the ministry of foreign affairs. the head of state also proposed candidacy of alexander kurenkov for the post of head of the ministry of emergency situations. vladimir kolokoltsev was proposed for the post of minister of internal affairs, and was proposed as chairman of the accounts chamber. chuychenko was proposed for the post of head of the ministry of justice, viktor zolotov was proposed as the head of the russian guard, dmitry kochnev was proposed as the director of the federal security service, the president proposed sergei naryshkin for the post of head of the foreign intelligence service, here is another proposal from alexander bortnikov for the post of director of the federal security service. there is an additional
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meeting on may 14 for consultation on candidates for the positions of ministers of the security bloc and foreign affairs. well, let me remind you that according to the constitution, the president appoints ministers responsible for matters of defense and security of the state, as well as foreign affairs, after consultation with the federation council. and this is how the press secretary of the head of state, dmitry peskov, commented on the president’s proposal. decrees on security forces were received by the federation council.
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federation and was also appointed by decree of the president of the russian federation, secretary of the security council of the russian federation. nikolay platonovich. relieved of his post as secretary of the security council due to a transfer to another job, he continues to work, over the next few days we will inform you where nikolai platonovich will continue his activities, andrei belousov has been appointed minister of defense, as you know, here i would like to talk a little to clarify,
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the ministry of defense is responsible for placing all orders in industry, this is not a critical figure yet, but we are gradually getting closer due to known reasons, due to known geopolitical circumstances around us, to the situation in the mid- eighties, when this share of the expenses of the rural bloc in the economy was, i repeat once again, not critical, but it is extremely important, and it requires a special attitude, it is very important to fit the economy of the power bloc into the economy of the country, to write it off with so that it
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corresponds to the dynamics of the current moment, the second thing that is probably important to note is today on the battlefield...
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the introduction of all advanced ideas to create conditions for economic competitiveness and that’s exactly why, that is why the president chose the candidacy of andrei rymich belovus, as for the military component, this appointment is in no way...
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in the position of secretary of the security council, he will at the same time be deputy president in the commission on the military-industrial complex and he is deeply immersed in this work , he is excellent knows the pace of production of military-industrial products. on specific enterprises, they often visit these enterprises, and mm, you already know that it was also previously reported that from the ministry of defense under fsmtc is being removed from the presidency, and its work will also
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be headed and supervised by sergei shirbo, and... well, in fact, shaigu will continue to work in this area, which he knows well, he knows perfectly well from the inside, along with his own. colleagues and partners at previous places of work. well, we’ll return to the topic of the new government later. the ukrainian army has been conducting massive shelling of belgorod and the region all day, targeting civilian targets. they hit places where there might be a lot of civilians, including shops and even children's rooms. disassemble
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rubble, it is known that 11 people were killed, as reported by the governor of the belgorod region , vyacheslav glodkov, three more died in other places, 25 people were injured. igor pikhanov has all the details. today, all day long, ukrainian militants have been attacking the belgorod region, using vampire multiple launch rocket systems, and also using them. tactical missile dot and alha missiles are also used. most of the air defense unit's shells are shot down while still in the air, but some still fall on residential areas. sector. at about 8:00 pm , another blow was struck on belgorod; residential buildings, bus stops, and parked cars came under fire from ukrainian militants. now the staff of the operational services will find out the information, they will find out. the scale of the damage, and also the most important thing is that if, after a second strike, the victims
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are suspended only for the duration of the missile danger, search and rescue work is suspended - on shchorsa street, at the place where the rocket hit a residential building, where an entire entrance collapsed, this is approximately 40 apartments , there now about 400 people work, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations, who came here from all over the region, and are also located here. dozens of volunteers, employees of management companies, all this heavy equipment is clearing away the rubble, the work does not stop for a minute, they managed to save one victim, the man was taken to the regional hospital, he has serious injuries, but he is receiving all the necessary help, and unfortunately information about that there were dead, 20 people injured, including two children, it turns out that all of them necessary medical assistance, smoke, there is no smoke on this side of the entrance, there is just a hole instead of an entrance, only the top floor and the entire
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entrance is gone, i remembered that i have two students living in this entrance, two students in the first entrance, so i ran straight to house, suddenly my help is needed, due to the threat of collapse, all residents of a ten-story apartment building were evacuated, it is impossible to approach it, the territory is cordoned off by police officers,
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an examination of the houses, and then, in accordance with the examination, we will make a decision on the future fate of the house. search and rescue operations continue in the dark , rescuers have installed special lighting devices for rescuers. loses hope that there may be living people under the rubble, they regularly arrange a moment of silence, that is, construction equipment, the rescuers stop their work, ask everyone who may still be there to respond, they constantly listen, in addition, they are helped by canine handlers with specially trained dogs do not regularly comb this area, except moreover, dozens, or even hundreds of local residents continue to arrive here, these are volunteers, they offer their help, but... the authorities say that their help is not required, there are all the necessary specialists, but people
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bring food here, bring water, they are feeding hot lunches to the people who live in this house, we brought masks, gloves, hot meals, we have hot tea, we have sandwiches for the guys, uh, what else do we have, it’s warm, and what the residents need now is to those who help clear the rubble in this min. people respond in the belgorod region, in belgorod, whenever something happens, our whole people unites, so everyone participates, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity, and probably not everyone has the opportunity.
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belgorod. accurate shooting in the kharkov direction. it is from there that the kiev nazis are firing . the russian army is now trying to do everything to push the enemies away from the border, our military commander evgeniy podubny about the advance in the kharkov region. these are the shots that best illustrate offensive actions our fighters in the kharkov region. a subdivision of the north group was able to break through the front a few days ago and make wide gaps in the enemy’s defensive positions. nine points along the border have already been liberated; fierce fighting has already begun on the outskirts of volchanskaya in the leptsov area. this city and this village
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were used by the militants of the kiev regime for several months to deploy multiple launch rocket systems, the calculations of which were carried out. some of the czech-made rocket systems and personnel our troops managed to destroy. the command of the north group conducted a continuous hunt for those involved in the murder of civilians. but in order to secure beloguriye, it is necessary to push the enemy back from the state border. now our units have already destroyed dozens of horn strongholds and artillery that was located in close proximity to the front line. air defense communication systems. our fighters have already managed to capture more than fifty militants of the kiev regime. some of them are volunteers from units that known for a series of war crimes. prisoners of war? which of you served in the krak? the three prisoners of war in this formation are
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members of the kraken brotherhood. the personnel of the first unit are known for murders and rape. and the kraken was created by marauding by kharkov neo-nazis, former militants of the azov formation. the brotherhood is the brainchild of the russophobe korchinsky, known in narrow circles. while still a member of the unaso, he fought against russia on the side of militant terrorist groups in chechnya, and then formed a virtually christian ultra-right sect. both formations of war criminals are supervised by the main intelligence department of the kiev regime. under what circumstances? we entered, was captured on may 10, entered the position on may 9, at about 3:00 a.m. they began to cover us tightly, well, it clearly flew straight into the trench, well, in general, there were signs that there would really be an assault, in the morning happened, we received information about the movement of groups, that well, they were moving towards us, at some point, when we
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were positioned in espeshkas, it happened, well, oversight. russian soldiers found themselves in a trench, we started to get into a fuss, well , we didn’t expect it, we missed chances, during the battle on may 9, oh, 10, we fought with russian troops, they threw grenades at us, and we took cover in a dugout, after that, we laid down our weapons and raised our hands up and asked not to kill us, we went to the surface, the unit. what does he even do? yes, basically they either send to these, to - problem areas of the front, yeah, well, that is, they use the reserve, the reserve, well, the fire brigade. the enemy retreats and carries significant losses, in the past 24 hours alone , our troops managed to destroy more than a hundred militants from the units that supported the work of the artillerymen that carried out attacks on
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belogorye, while the general staff of the kiev regime began to transfer reserves from other sectors to... the worse the situation of the armed forces of ukraine at the front, the the kiev regime is hitting peaceful neighborhoods, this is another lesson from donetsk. there is an explosion in the skies over the belgorod region almost every hour, the air defense crews of the russian army are doing everything possible. to minimize the threat from side of the formations of the kiev regime, the enemy uses not only rockets, now the enemy is also using missiles from operational-tactical complexes and... attack drones, but such a tense situation will continue until the moment the enemy is thrown back to the line from
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which he is simply physically will not be able to fire at belgrade from multiple launch rocket systems. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week. belgorod border area. the russian army liberated four more populated areas point. gotishche, krasnoye, morakhovets and oleynikov in the kharkov region. zelensky’s formation lost over one and a half thousand soldiers and mercenary officers in just one day. four tanks were destroyed, including another american abrahams and five other armored vehicles. 38 self-propelled guns, howitzers and rocket systems were eliminated. near the village of manvelovka, four mi-24 helicopters were burned and a mi-8 helicopter was hit. air defense forces shot down a mik-21 fighter. the authorities of the omsk region
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decided to partially evacuate children, women, elderly people, and patients central hospital, damaged by floods in ust and shimsky district. neli skobelkina is monitoring the situation. sandbags around an electrical substation. the situation is now difficult in the village of ashavany. the day before, the water level here rose so much that the earthen dam was washed away, the water flooded 125 houses, and this settlement can now only be reached by boat. the governor of the omsk region personally went to those affected by the flood. we have to assess the scale of the disaster to find out how else we can help local residents, everything it’s normal, and this is the village of ebarkul,
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drinking water was brought here using special equipment for the residents remaining in their houses, and at the same time , the evacuation of those who until the last hoped that the water would not come was underway. not only food and water, but also animal feed are now being delivered to flooded villages. wall for pets , village of ashivanno. ready for dispatch , now an emergency commission is working in ustishim together with the governor, there are also heads of the regional ministry of health, energy, housing and communal services, agriculture , transport. to the remaining residents of the flooded villages are provided with targeted assistance, rescuers help evacuate things if necessary, transfer citizens to safe places. if you have nowhere to go, there is a temporary temporary hospital, where they will feed you, find you, put you to bed, an apple, a bun, hot tea, everything will be provided, a doctor is on duty around the clock, as if the tv is working. dry, bed, pillow, everything is there, due to the flood situation in bustishima , a regional state of emergency was introduced on may 12 , evacuation is ongoing, people are sent by buses to tevris, tara,
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muromtsevo and znamenka to temporary points placement. meanwhile, the water in the shima and irtysh rivers is growing rapidly, more than 300 houses are flooded, about two dozen settlements remain cut off from the world, and traffic is limited on five sections of roads. it is possible that in the coming days large water may come to tara and muromtsevo. the retyzh level in ustishim has increased again over the past 24 hours. according to omsk hydrologists, the river in the north of the omsk region in flooded areas has already exceeded the critical mark by more than half a meter. as for omsk, within the limits in the city of irtysh, the irtysh behaves calmly; as we see, the coastline is slightly flooded; according to preliminary forecasts, the irtysh within the city should not exceed the critical level. neli skabelkina, alexander. lead omsk. vladimir putin proposed for consultation to the federation council the candidacy of andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense,
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which was previously held by sergei shaigu. in the past, belousov worked as first deputy prime minister as part of the government. sergei shaigu himself has already been appointed by presidential decree as secretary of the russian security council. nikolai patrushev was relieved of this position due to a transfer to another job. the president proposed the candidacy of sergei lavrov to
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the federation council, which will hold an additional meeting on may 14 for consultations on candidacies for the posts of ministers of the security bloc and foreign affairs. let me remind you that according to the constitution, the president appoints ministers responsible for issues of defense and security of the state, as well as foreign affairs, after consultation with the federation council. but in the meantime, the relevant state duma committees supported all candidates for positions deputy prime ministers and ministers in the new government. what are your recommendations?
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it makes me happy, and i was sure that real transport workers would come to such positions and would work for the benefit of russia. it was proposed to the former head of the ministry of agriculture, dmitry patrushev, to oversee the agricultural sector and ecology in the post of deputy prime minister; his place will most likely be taken by the first deputy head of the department, oksana lut; patrushev himself reported to the state duma about the main achievements of the industry. since 1918 , our agricultural production has grown more than . on 16%, and the food production index over the same period increased by almost 20%. and most of the indicators of the food security doctrine have been achieved, morat khusnulin will most likely continue to supervise the construction sector in the government. we reported on the key issue, this is a future national project, infrastructure for life, which we must approve in the near future. we
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have made a big leap. in the field of construction and not only housing, but in general modernization of this system, now we have housing and communal services, and today we also talked about this in great detail. it is expected that alexander novyk will henceforth oversee not only the energy sector, but also issues of economic support, as well as anti-sanctions measures. a very detailed, informative, businesslike list of the main directions for the development of the fuel and energy complex in our country for the next 6 years. in accordance with the tasks set by the president of the russian federation in his message, including gasification, achievements certain target levels, these are issues related to technological sovereignty, the development of russian technologies, the introduction of new modern energy technologies, including nuclear ones. most likely, alexey overchuk, in the status of deputy prime minister, will continue to be responsible for international cooperation. it is expected that tatyana golikova will be in charge of the social sphere, and dmitry
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grigorenko will continue to be responsible for... the president formulated this, including financial parameters, in an address to the federal assembly and secured this with his according to the may decree, the new task is to form governments now as quickly as last time.


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