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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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a terrible tragedy in belgorod, the kiev regime carried out a terrorist attack, they cannot cope with emotions, after an extremely successful movement in our native kharkov province temporarily occupied by the nazis, they continue to shell with everything they can, they fly, they hit a residential building, an entire entrance collapsed, a ten-story building . they rushed to the rescue, cleared away the rubble, at that moment there was a secondary collapse, the roofs collapsed, at that moment a number of rescuers were right on the spot, clearing out the rubble, all regions of russia and the moscow region first of all offered their help in order to help evacuate people. the exact number of dead victims is being clarified. i want to draw attention to the heroism
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of our people, that is, they understand that it is dangerous, but they simply run not from, to the place of the tragedy in order to help, while belgorod is very significant that this is the place where the people in power showed their absolute unity and footage where, without trying to get on camera, you can see how governor vyacheslav glodkov is simply working as one of the rescuers, he helps clear the rubble, that is, there already not to ranks, not to ranks, that is , we just need to urgently try to do something, and they do it as best they can, this is just so that there are no illusions about who we are dealing with, well, kiev naturally began to sing its song that we are ourselves blew themselves up. that we blew up this, we
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blew up that, that this is our bomb, no, this is absolutely not true, this is a blow to what specific means, this ministry of defense even gave, there are several different versions from point to british or french missiles, for which in fact really need all these bastards delivering to punish in the most severe way, and... in kiev there is also mad joy, that is, mad joy, this is to all those who say that, well , really, no, everything is clear, they cannot hide their joys, for many years bander, their patrons tried to dehumanize the russians in the eyes of the ukrainian public, in the end they themselves lost their human appearance, by and large, now when we look at these people, they want...
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what kind of emotional drama will they have to go through, when all this dope of the ukrainian propaganda will subside and it will become clear, just as you know, i told you how a bbc correspondent came up to me in the kremlin and began to say, well, it’s so simple, stop the war, withdraw the troops, i look at stephen and understand that he’s just from another world, for which there is no... for which
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the avenue of angels does not exist, for which the blood of the russian people killed in odessa means nothing. that is, for the western narrative all this is not there, they are like deprived people, they are some kind of ephemeral butterflies, that’s all they are it started on february 24, no, just february 24 came because the west tried for 8 years not to see the tragedy of belgorod, and how many such tragedies happened in donetsk over these 8 years, in gorlovka, that’s why. we will not stop, we simply do not have the right to stop, and we must tell the truth to the west, including, in this regard, by the way, a very good article was written by dmitry anatolyevich medvedev, a really
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large, serious, deep article explaining both the nature and support of nazism of the thirties , well, since the twenties, dmitry. takes america's role in this and carries out absolutely fair parallels to today. the west generally behaves in an interesting way, right? he gradually, suddenly gradually begins to see something. but look, yes, there is absolute vulgarity in everything that concerns the russian-ukrainian conflict, and look what is happening in israel. when now suddenly the americans were forced to say, well, yes, apparently, there are signs of human rights violations, if you remember before that, the first phrases were, well, are you saying that israel is a democratic state, the israeli army is acting in accordance with
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the highest standards, so no, there are no human rights, it makes no sense to talk, but now everything is different. it already turns out that there is a reason, so you look at the international criminal court and they will stop putting pressure on them. interestingly, even biden said something on this topic in an interview with cnn. i want to ask you about what's going on while we 're sitting here talking. it is, of course, israel that strikes rafah. i know, mr. president, that you have suspended the delivery of 200 pound american bombs to israel out of fear that they can be used in any offensive against rafah. were these bombs, these powerful 2.0 lb bombs used to kill civilians in the gas? gaza civilians have been killed by these bombs and other methods they use to target populated areas. and i made it clear that if they enter in rafah,
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but they have not yet entered in rafah, if they enter in rafah, i will not supply weapons that have historically been used to fight rafah, to fight cities, to solve this problem. we are going to continue to provide security for israel in terms of the iron dome and its ability to respond to attacks like those that have recently occurred in the middle east, but this is simply wrong, we are not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells that were used for this, artillery shells too , and artillery shells. so, just to understand, what they are doing now is rafah, it is not yet rafah. as you said, no, they did not penetrate into populated areas, what they did was happened right on the border, this is now creating problems with egypt, with whom i have worked very hard to make sure we have a helping relationship, but i have made it clear to bibi and the war cabinet that they will not have our support
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if indeed to invade these populated areas, the invasion of the belogorod province was fine, but the fact that the american nato... in some czech republic there is already more than half of all the heavy equipment that was there, we have already ground in ukraine. if you look, the data there is from 50 to 23-22% of european participating countries. the poles are already directly saying: well, yes, there are our troops there, they are inventing in what functions, but
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they are there. that is, of course, this is a war with nato. and therefore, i think we need to act absolutely decisively. well, goodby, britain is not great at all, but very small, but apparently they will like it in the shortest possible time, learning to breathe under water, getting to know posedon means they won’t like it, and meanwhile our situation is completely different, look, yes, here we are now cabinet members are being confirmed government, you will pay attention to the personnel composition,
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look at the department of deputy prime minister nouk and advanced additional functions. what did alexander nouk do? he is one of those people who has behind him the experience of very specific, real, microeconomic knowledge, he worked as a financial director at a major enterprise, there for 10 years, he went through the provincial school, look how the governors have grown up, now they have entered the government, savilov has been vital , now deputy prime minister, vitaly savilov, a man with unique experience, gigantic, wonderful knows.
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products, we need to move on to producing at home and as much as possible, with us we need to understand, not to buy on the side, to achieve a reduction in unemployment and almost zero level, to increase labor productivity, to increase the level of income of our citizens, all this against the backdrop of special military operation, which is de facto now a war with nato, and we are doing this, despite some... vulgar noise coming from the west, that is, some crazy people, finnish president
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stoop does not see any other solution ukrainian conflict, except through the battlefield. okay, well, we’ll soak them, then we’ll have to take on the zafins. all those who, thanks to russia, once survived for centuries and received their statehood, are now among the first to yap, be they finns, poles, or tribaltic. to correct, but in my opinion, this was originally planned, because, well, we understand well, there are 150 million of us, excuse me,
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there are about a billion of them, so, of course, the mobilization resources are different, so do you think that we will be with you riflemen to understand weapons, but no, so come to your senses, please, come to your senses while you have such an opportunity, come to your senses, well , this is a statement by... many numbers of units that sent their soldiers, a few nuclear bombs, but we'll send it. andrei, of course, is always against it, but i
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think that’s enough, they are confident that they can escalate, and such escalations that occur are beneficial to them when they overthrow a little, and i think it’s necessary without losing their minds, you don’t need to immediately become strategists for america, you just need to give america has the opportunity to watch how europe is perishing in its current state and ask itself the question: does america want to perish along with europe? throughout american history, the answer has always been the same: no. they don't care what happened in europe. money yes.
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you think we are fools, vekusya, if you are looking for an idiot, look in the mirror. alexander mikhailovich, well, a very important topic has been touched upon, why and how the west is acting today in relation to russia, indeed, i don’t want to say that it should not be underestimated, but some confusion should be present in his actions, after all, he still cannot interpret for himself how this kind of
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pressure led to the fact that we not only survived, but we set the rules of the president. and as a result, the government has such tasks that go beyond their understanding, they are actually difficult even for us, so i think that this reaction is quite natural, we just need to continue our own actions, our policies, since this is the best answer on their sanctions, well, not only sanctions, but their behavior in general, on may 7 the inauguration of the president, may 9 is a great victory holiday, but i literally wanted to say two words why i connect these two events, because it is impossible not to return to some extent to may 9 in general to the events of the forties of the last century, in fact it was a victory not just on the battlefield, it was a great victory for our army, but it was a victory in the rear, when we say that it was a great victory of the military armed forces, it was a great victory and economic, and i will just remind you that by forty in the second year we lost the territory where they lived
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more than 40% of the population, 50% of industry, agriculture there is more than 60%, and so on. but we were able to withdraw not just 2,500 factories, move them, including 1,500 of the largest factories, we were able to establish production and resume industrial potential in literally a year and a half, but there was a fox, and we, as self-respecting people, we pay tribute to these actions, but we must understand that, after all, for the most part it was already after the kursk bulge, let’s be objective, lendlis was for us, but nazi germany. germany has goods and services worth 33 billion dollars, this is only france, so in fact here one must have a very balanced and objective attitude
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towards lenliz, but the main thing was done by the hands of russian citizens, which is why stalin said that... like a russian warrior fighting one on one with the fascists he defeated this evil spirit, so the home front workers , fighting one-on-one with germany and its accomplices, actually defeated germany, and we know that by the year forty-seven we not only restored industry to the pre-war level, but we abandoned cards and so on, i would like to remind you that in the forty -third year the institute of atomic energy was created, the academy of medical sciences was created in the forty-third year, the institutes of physics and chemistry were created in the forty-fifth year, that is, i wanted to say, that even then the leadership of our country paid tribute and looked far ahead, understanding the power of the russian, well, soviet state in this confrontation, when we are discussing the seventh, the inauguration of the president, because look, he did not have time, as they say , to go through this holiday for us, right away
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on the same day , a presidential decree was published, which comments, but this is a waste of time... because in fact everything has been said, just read it, i just want to note some important points here, because speaking about this decree about the may decrees of this year, we must say that after all, the president set a very clear, qualitatively new task for our country, look what was said, because i would like to draw an analogy when we talk about the victory in the forties in the second world war, in great patriotic war, i would like to say that why this was, well , perhaps, yes, because there was a goal... what about healthcare, that is, we need to talk about strengthening the health of the nation, he talks about preserving the family, he talks about life expectancy, he talks about ,
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that prosperity should grow, that we should develop a person’s talents, his abilities, we should form a personality based on patriotism, and a socio-economic attitude towards our own country, we should create a comfortable and safe living environment. yes, many more were said there. and it was by defining such goals and putting them forward that the president showed that not just gdp growth, not just the growth of export markets there should be at the forefront, no, these are all ways and mechanisms for achieving the main goal, the humanitarian goal, human development.
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projects, this is a comprehensive plan for the development of infrastructure in the broad sense of the word, and finally, a strategy for the development of the entire country, regardless of where which regions are located and what their level is, it is necessary to level out everything that this means that we put an end to the question of the market or the plan, but it is clear that this is all together, it is clear that without macroeconomic planning it is impossible to achieve all this, accordingly, we even insist, we continue to insist that the government still needs to take one more step or step and still, we should single out gosplan 2 as a separate institute, name whatever you want the institute that would be engaged in
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bringing tools and mechanisms in accordance with our goals, because look what the president is talking about, fourth place in terms of ppp is, well, fourth in the world in terms of purchasing power parity, but to achieve this we must develop at a rate not of 2.5% or 1.5%, which the financial and economic bloc or the central bank are talking about. when we talk about the need to achieve this exact goal, uh, by 40%, there is a little more increase in manufacturing growth, to achieve growth in the manufacturing industry of more than 40%, this means per year, but until the thirtieth year this is more, this about 6% per year, again more, again these are numbers that go beyond any forecasts, no matter where they came from the west or from within the financial and economic bloc, finally, when you and i talk about this, we must understand why this happens? yes , because today the president, realizing that with the current monetary policy, these tasks are a little difficult to fulfill, he, as a wise man, showed us all and the government that we need to look for ways,
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look for solutions, if there is this goal, it must be achieved, it can only be achieved by finding financing, even in such difficult conditions, through the rates of the central refinancing bank, find ways of subsidizing, others, which, by the way, were demonstrated by the same denis manturov, by the way, the same view was concerned with the fact that politically and economically russia should become part of the collective west and not always in favor of russia, then today in the conditions svo, of course, the political aspect went to the side, because well, it’s impossible for someone to voice
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this kind of expression, but the economic ones allow themselves to ignore not only our criticism, but also the remark in general on this on this on this topic, so we can say that we need to overcome this rather than with concrete steps and actions, today in the state duma there is a conflict in view of executions, again you don’t, well, excuse me, i’m doing something like that. yes, i think that it is necessary to clearly carry out the tasks set by the president, so today, but i would like to say why today this aspect is important, important consultations in the state duma, tomorrow we will have the approval of deputy prime ministers, and on tuesday we will have ministerial approval, i would like to say that today it will be very difficult for the liberal bloc to hush up this procedure, because according to the legislation, that is , the constitution, today the duma is endowed with special powers, approval.
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that mishustin’s report was also pleasing, because there is a clear understanding, a systematic approach, an understanding of the tasks that go beyond the limits of the thirty-sixth year, where we clearly understand today the prospects of our beautiful country, and i am sure that today this statement that will take place is guarantee that we will not just have a solution to focal problems, namely systemic solutions to problems to achieve true sovereignty,
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the economic sovereignty of our country. well , in this regard, it is no coincidence, yes, the most terrible phrase that they heard in the president’s speeches was that the fate of our homeland will be decided only by ourselves. it’s interesting that the briton tried to refer to this topic in such a way that it’s very difficult, it’s a terrible responsibility, but we’ll have to. now that you talked about the period of the great patriotic war, i would like to remind you that the german car fleet is mostly the same consisted, well, in particular of those that were produced. at the opel factories, yes, owned by the american concern general motors, well , just a little, so when the americans, here dmitritorevich well reminded them that during the numerian trial, when industrialists who were collaborators of nazi germany were tried, the ministers of economics were told that you then start with yourself, because most of the enterprises belonged to american capital, the american banking system did everything.
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