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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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igor prikhanov has all the details. in the omsk region, due to flooding, a state of emergency was introduced in three districts, about 800 houses were flooded. rescuers are evacuating residents of nine settlements. a large-scale protest against the law on foreign agents took place in tbilisi. protesters took to the streets demanding his recall. the first presidential round has ended in lithuania. during the elections, none of the candidates managed to get the number of votes necessary to win. the federation council today begins consultations on candidates for positions of heads of law enforcement agencies, as well as the ministry of defense. the day before they were proposed by vladimir putin. our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, is in the upper house of parliament, and she joins us. varvara, greetings, tell us how these
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discussions will take place. alexander, good morning. let me remind you that russian president vladimir putin sent to the federation council candidates for the positions of heads of ministries and departments of the security bloc, as well as the head of our foreign policy department. and today consultations will be held in the upper house of parliament within the framework of relevant committees. it is known that consultations will begin at 11 am, as the council’s press service confirmed to us. based on the published document , there is only one thing: the president has proposed ex-first deputy prime minister andrei belousov as the new minister of defense; again, as they said in the federation council, he is expected here by 12 am.
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is more open to the most rapid implementation, which is why at the current stage the president decided that the ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian , end of quote. also dmitry peskov noted that the appointment will not change the current system of coordinates, since the military component will remain the prerogative of the leadership of the general staff, where no changes in the leadership are expected, and its head.
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valery gerasimov will still remain, but what about other candidates, consultations on which will take place today in the federation council within the framework of committees. according to the press service of the department, vladimir putin proposed reassigning vladimir klokoltsev to the post of head of the ministry of internal affairs, alexandra kurenkov to the post of minister of emergency situations, sergei lavrov will still remain minister of foreign affairs, konstantin chyuchenko should. to head the minust, sergei naryshkin for the post of director of the foreign intelligence service, alexander bortnikov, for the post of director of the federal security service, viktor zolotov, for the post of director of the federal service of national guard troops, dmitry kochnev for the post of director of the federal security service and alexander lints for the post of head of the main department special programs president, and is expected to work on the council today.
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or any recommendations to the head of state, but it contains essential information, taking into account which the president will make a decision on the appointment, but we will closely monitor this process and will tell you everything in the near future. alexandra, what are we waiting for? thank you, our correspondent varvara nevskaya spoke about the start of consultations in the federation council on candidates for the posts of head of security forces. but in the state duma. in turn, today
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are considering candidates for the positions of deputy prime ministers, including first deputy chairman of the government. they were introduced into the lower house of parliament by previously appointed prime minister mikhail mishustin. and now come to us live. our correspondent natalya solovyova joins. natasha, greetings, how will the review procedure proceed today during the plenary session? yes, sasha, hello, i’ll start with the fact that this past week actually turned out to be quite tense for the entire group. they don’t work on this schedule. only deputies, but also the entire apparatus of the state duma. the day before there were committee meetings, several at the same time, today there was a plenary meeting. the meeting also starts at the wrong time, 2 hours earlier will be unlimited in time. indeed, today deputies considered candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers, and today they should approve them. topics, main topics that were probably discussed on the sidelines, and maybe
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not directly related to today’s candidates, but nevertheless also important, this is , firstly, the candidate proposed president for the post of head.
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an experienced person in this position, but there were still issues that needed to be discussed, that’s why: for the first time, the entire block of demography, it is now concentrated in the hands of one deputy prime minister, birth rate,
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mortality, immigration, this has never happened, so the question is, which keeps the president awake, the issue of demography, we are sure that we now, well, we simply don’t have. there is no chance to solve it, we have already discussed those topics that are the most difficult, but firstly, of course, there is a lack of personnel in healthcare, especially in primary healthcare, and this needs to be addressed, there are common approaches, there is understanding, first of all, the issues of wages and housing. well, let me remind you once again the names and surnames of the candidates, indeed they have not changed, only their powers have expanded, transport logistics, vitaly sovelev, agro-industry and ecology, now instead of victoria abramchenko, this is dmitry patrushev, the deputy head of
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the cabinet also remains alexander novak, dmitry grigorenko, dmitry chernyshenko , but now he is asked to supervise, by the way, in addition to science, higher education, sports and tourism, also... tastes try your favorite flavors ice delux and the new papaya mango only at a tasty point
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was heard the night before in different regions of ukraine. already in the morning, reports of a new series of attacks came from kharkov. where exactly this happened and what consequences the local media did not specify. explosions also occurred in the city around midnight. a little earlier, the same information was received about the situation in... a rescue operation found 15 dead under the rubble, 17 were saved, including rescuers who were injured as a result of a repeated collapse. we will find out all the details from our special correspondent igor pikhanov, he is at the scene of the event. igor, hello, what is the situation now? hello, alexandra, at
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the site of the shelling, where the collapse, where an apartment building partially collapsed. house, rescue work was completed at approximately 6:30 am, the ministry of emergency situations reported this, these works were, this work was carried out all last night, interrupted only during the missile danger signal, during shelling from ukrainian militants, at the moment the removal of the rubble is completed, now employees of municipal services have begun work, they are cleaning the territory, now i will ask the operator to show. a large number of utility equipment are working, a large number of specialists from management companies, this territory is detached because an apartment building is tilted, and there is a possibility of collapse, therefore, the territory is cordoned off, the residents of this house are not allowed to approach him, people
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were evacuated, they were given places in temporary... accommodation centers, in addition, volunteers are on duty here, this whole tragedy that happened in belgorod paid the residents of the region, people came here people come from all over the region, bring food here, food products, bring things for the residents of this house, and hot meals are also organized here for emergency services employees, for doctors, for police officers, as well as for workers municipal. services, let's give the floor to volunteers, we gave out various blankets, cookies, there are full set meals that were donated to us, well, they weren't donated, but brought by different restaurants, people, citizens, that's water in general, they all gave out that these are
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blankets, this is for the guys who worked here, and for the guys who worked directly there, for... napkins, which were also necessary, a lot of sugar, tea, in general, everything to feel more or less warm and comfortable. the head of the region today announced that everyone residents of the damaged house will be provided with all necessary assistance. let's listen to the comments. this morning we will continue to work, we will continue to work. our expert organization for examining and studying the technical condition of a damaged residential building, based on the results of this work, we will make further decisions on its fate. we have 36 people in the temporary accommodation center, those residents whose apartments
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were damaged, the bulk of them have dispersed... thank you igor pikhanov, about the situation at the site of the partial destruction of the house after the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces in belgorod. we will discuss the latest news from donbass with the head of the dpr denis pushilin, he is joining us now. denis vladimirovich, hello. hello, alexander. the day before, belgorod was subjected to
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a massive attack by the ukrainian armed forces. but now it seems that the kiev regime has a supply of shells. how are you? ukraine before the kiev regime as a whole, and donetsk was also subjected to shelling on the tenth, on the eleventh day of the tenth anniversary of the republic, there was also a civilian casualty, enemy. but acts in the following way and this does not depend, unfortunately, on the shortage or lack of weapons, missiles, the enemy, as soon as he begins to suffer a certain kind of ...
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population and destruction, it is only to push the enemy to such a distance that he does not allow casualties among civilians could not physically reach our populated areas.
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that on may 10 and 11 there were shellings of donbass, how do you generally assess today’s situation? the situation remains complicated,
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alexandra, this is due to the fact that this is how since the enemy is once again turning his attention to the civilian population, trying to at least turn some situations around, to make them at least victorious in some part, because... here is the shelling on may 11 of the paradise restaurant, here they are, and only civilians died there, yes, staff members died, and the staff died in this restaurant, but nevertheless, this allowed the enemy to talk about some kind of destruction of a number of employees there, military personnel, etc., which of course is not corresponds to reality there, but nevertheless less this is at least some kind of, but here is joyful, let’s say, news for them, here is an attempt to switch, here is the attention of the internal audience, from the difficulties that
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are now happening right on the front line and the difficulties that our military personnel create for the enemy, and you recently said that the removal of the head of the kiev ukrainian regime could be beneficial to western countries, that’s why you think so? the logic here is simple, why i assume that we cannot exclude a scenario in which the west will still be more profitable eliminate zelensky rather than even produce there. authorities as a result of some next maidan, well, we are being pushed towards this by several logical consequences, well, first, on the twentieth, zelensky loses
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his legitimacy, in essence , the hands of western patrons are freed up here, and this could really be the maidan, it will be very easy for him to organize, there are a lot of dissatisfied people, especially taking into account the forced mobilization, taking into account the adopted law, and which also frees the hands of the trade center, and of course, here it can still maybe that’s why i’m even more inclined to the scenario of zelensky’s liquidation, because here the west gets additional advantages, because they can blame us there, they can blame russia, for zelensky’s liquidation, which will give some opportunities defined there there on the information agenda, at least, so i wouldn’t rule out any scenarios and this is according to...
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how did they celebrate the tenth anniversary of the formation of the dpr in donbass? alexandra, unfortunately, so far, as we would like to note, our anniversary, the operational situation does not allow, it does not allow. after all, there is sound logic in terms of ensuring security for our residents, for our citizens, for whom this is undoubtedly a holiday, because this is a very serious date, who would have thought that events would unfold like this, but nevertheless for it’s a holiday for us that we are celebrating our first anniversary, we are celebrating such a milestone date as a subject of the russian federation, so local events were certainly held in our cities, there were concerts, and
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flash mobs. this and, of course, our youth were included, who created the atmosphere of the holidays in our settlements, these are, of course , car rallies, but one can say that they were the most massive, the most significant, also for the donetsk people's republic there was a celebration at vdnkh, at the russia exhibition, where many other regions, which have become extremely close to us over the last period, could join us. time and of course together there was an opportunity to celebrate and watch the concert with our talented performers, it was possible to participate in a number of other events, of course, in the presentation of the second edition of ilin nikitin’s book, a book in spite of, which tells and details how and what we thought in the fourteenth, fifteenth year, when we made the decision, when the formation of donetsk took place people's republic,
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and a number of other events that were really... but for us, well, they were significant, and denis vladimirovich, let's talk about the economy, by the thirtieth year in the dpr they expect to overcome the russian average level of development and achieve self-sufficiency, how do you plan to do this? alexander, here everything is also absolutely and simply complicated, difficult, because it is difficult to plan and, well, detail the plan, taking into account the fact that... we have no understanding of the time frame for the liberation of the territory that remained under the occupation of the ukrainian regime, and this should also be included into the logic of restoring enterprises, launching these enterprises, of course, creating jobs, filling the budget taking into account these enterprises, at what stage they will be connect, so here it is probably more difficult, if we talk about simplicity,
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simplicity... we still connect with the flow of fairly serious investors, this flow is increasing because it is becoming interesting. to conduct business here, again taking into account the special conditions of certain gaps, certain niches there that were formed as a result of military operations, well, related security measures and other things, as well as free economic zones that operate here and there are more and more residents, well, let's just say, there is something to do, there is something to focus on, we have an understanding in the general context of how we will... fulfill
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our budget and how we will reach a understandable and familiar state for donbass, when it is on its own can provide and can help other regions when the need arises. well, by the way, speaking of new projects and investments in the dpr , they plan to create a fishery farm on the pavlopol reservoir in wusi kalmius. at what cost, what is the payback? of the project, in what time frame is it planned to implement it? and this is just one of these non-specific projects in earlier periods , well, when there was no time to think about it , when the concentration was still on large industrial enterprises, now such projects are emerging for the development of agriculture there, just in the direction of the fishing complex, and here
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the hydrographic network and the mild climate of our region play a positive role, which allows us to create everything the necessary conditions just for a spawning farm that has grown up on which this is... one of the projects, of many projects, but nevertheless it is the closest in terms of implementation, and now i think.


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