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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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in the capital 10 we continue our morning broadcast , here is what we have learned by this hour: consultations will begin today in the federation council on the candidates proposed by the president for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies and imid. vladimir putin proposed andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense. sergei shaigui will become secretary of the security council. the federation council will present the results of the discussion of candidates tomorrow, may 14. early in the morning, russian
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air defense shot down several air targets over belgorod and the belgorod region. in the city itself, they completed the analysis of the rubble on site collapse of a high-rise building entrance. the death toll by this hour had risen to 15 people. 17 people were pulled out alive from the wreckage. an alleged spy was caught in primorye. according to the fsb, a local resident worked for ukrainian intelligence, collecting and transmitting information that could be used. against the russian armed forces. during interrogation , the detainee admitted that he began to cooperate with the ukrainian side on his own initiative. a case has been opened under the article of treason. in three districts of the umsk region due to the flood, a state of emergency was introduced and about 800 houses were flooded. the most acute situation is in the ustimsky district. rescuers are evacuating residents in nine settlements at once. the water in local rivers has been rising rapidly for several days now, and movement has been limited to five. so, in an hour, the committees of
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the federation council will begin consultations on candidates for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies, as well as the foreign ministry. the day before they were proposed by vladimir putin. our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, is in the upper house of parliament, she is in direct contact again. varvara, greetings, tell me all the details and now, in general, what is the situation in the federation council.
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based on the published document, there is only one thing: the president proposed appointing former first deputy prime minister andrei belousov as the new minister of defense; his upper house is expected by 12 am. it is known that the previous head of the ministry of defense. sergei shaigu will replace nikolai patrushev as secretary of the security council of the russian federation. as the kremlin explained the day before, explaining the appointment of belousov to the post of minister of defense, today there is a need fit the economy of the security bloc in general and the ministry of defense in particular into the economy of the country. and let me quote the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. quote: today , the winner on the battlefield is the one who is more open to innovation.
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the general staff will still be valery gerasimov, what about other candidates, consultations on which will be held today in the federation council, according to the press service of the upper house of parliament, vladimir putin proposed reappointing vladimir kolokoltsev to the post of head of the ministry internal affairs, alexander kurenkov for the post of head of the ministry of emergency situations, sergei lavrov for the post of head of our foreign policy department, konstantin chyuchenko for the post of head of the ministry of justice. for the post of director
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of the foreign intelligence service, alexander bortnikov, for the post of director of the federal security service and viktor zolotov for the post of head of the russian guard, dmitry kochnev. to the position of head of the federal security service and alexander lints to the position of head of the main department of special presidential programs. another new appointment and candidate expected here today in the federation council is a candidate for the post of chairman of the accounts chamber. let me remind you that the day before, vladimir putin proposed appointing boris kovalchuk to this position. it is known that today there are consultations in the federation council. is taking place within the framework of committees, consultations will continue tomorrow, but already within the framework of the plenary session, as a result of which the upper house of parliament plans to adopt a special resolution, it is important that this document is not involves decisions on the support of proposed candidates, or any recommendations
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to the head of state, but this resolution contains significant information, taking into account which the president will make a decision. thank you, our correspondent varvara nevskaya spoke about the start of consultations in the federation council on candidates for the post of head of the security forces. and in the state duma today they are considering the issue of candidates for deputy prime ministers, including for the post of first deputy chairman of the government. submitted a composition proposal to the lower house parliament, previously appointed prime minister mikhail mishustin, as noted in the lower house, will take several discussions.
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demographics, we are sure that we now, well, we simply don’t have a chance not to decide. we will consider denis valentinovich manturov for the post of first deputy prime minister, we will support him, of course, manturov is a great specialist, and we are confident that we truly have technological sovereignty, all issues related to industry will be resolved adequately, as they should be in accordance with ...
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there are the most difficult ones, but this is the first one, of course, there is a shortage of personnel in healthcare, especially in primary healthcare, and this needs to be addressed, there are common approaches, there is understanding, first of all , the issues of wages and housing, chernushenko, who presented a program for the development of science for the next 10 years, not for 2 -3 years, for 10 years, highlighted key areas.
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the second representative of the government in the state duma, please, in accordance with part of article 112 of the constitution of the russian federation, the chairman of the government of the russian federation federation mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, having submitted to the state duma the candidacy of denis valentinovich manturov for approval for the post of first deputy chairman. government of the russian federation. please review and approve. thank you. please, chairman of the relevant committee on industry and trade, vladimir vladimovich gutinev. colleagues, we
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are organizing our work in accordance with the established order of discussion and regulations. at the beginning of the presentation of the government representative authorized to present candidacy. then. the committee's decision is announced by the chairman of the relevant committee, in this case, the chairman of the industry committee, followed by a speech: the candidate for the position in question with programmatic theses in the direction that he will lead to the government and coordinate the work, then questions from the faction, and so on for each candidate, as let’s just consider all the candidacies, speeches by representatives or leaders of political factions who will express their...
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submitted by denis valentinovich the program of main activities corresponds to the goals and objectives of the government of the russian federation, defined in the presidential address to the federal assembly in the presidential decree on the strategic national development goals of the russian federation. based on the results of the consideration, the committee unanimously recommended the candidacy of denis valentinovich manturov for the post of first deputy, chairman of the government of the russian federation. please support. thank you, vladimir vladimirovich. the floor is given
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denis valentinovich mancha. please, denis valenitenovych, questions will then be asked at the central podium. please. dear vyacheslav viktorovich, dear deputies of the state duma, all these years we have closely interacted in... various areas and , first of all, of course, the formation of all those state programs that are being implemented today, in which the deputy corps actively participated, and were formed for this government support measures and the regulatory framework, all this made it possible to lay a solid foundation for the industrial the economic development of our country has given us the opportunity to replace imports. to withstand covid and adequately respond to the sanctions that
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we face every day. despite the external pressure that has been growing since the crimean spring, the manufacturing industry has grown by 35% over the past 10 years. thus , we have good groundwork for solving all problems and achieving the national development goals outlined. in the presidential decree, in the post offered to me, i am ready to continue coordinating key areas of the project technological sovereignty, their implementation is envisaged in all sectors, the development of which affects the improvement of the quality of life of our citizens, bearing in mind the technological support for the production of innovative medicines, medical products, fertilizers and high-performance...
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along with this, we will direct even more efforts to increase the defense capability of our state . today the russian defense industry. is the most powerful in the world in terms of production volumes of main types of weapons and military equipment, however, the geopolitical situation dictates...
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my terms of reference also include the development of space programs; the list of tasks for ruscosmos, determined by the president, will be implemented in the format of a national project. our corporation needs to move forward in a number of areas. the first is the build-up of satellite
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constellations. we have already achieved sovereignty in provision.
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is on the agenda of issues that dear colleagues, everything i said is being worked out by the government in close contact with the state duma. i would like to thank you all for your assistance, support in these areas. and i would like to express my deep gratitude to you, vyacheslav viktorovich. for the attention you give to the areas we are involved in. i am confident that our dialogue will continue successfully, and once again i would like to thank everyone and am ready to answer all questions. thank you. thank you, denis valentinovich, dear colleagues, today , as i already said, we are considering
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candidates for approval for the post of first deputy, chairman of the government. in fact, we should probably note that the chairman of the government did the right thing by holding consultations, discussing these issues from the state duma, by proposing candidates for people who do not need to study, who do not need to start all
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over again, the candidature is well known to us. so that the first deputy chairman of the government is responsible for industry, raise the status of a person who... must create conditions for the development of our industry, technologies, without which there is no future, without which we cannot
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compete, but also of course be responsible for this bloc, defending its interest, the chairman of the government said that he would definitely consult with the president. this initiative is interesting, but the decision further needs to be worked out together. you know that following a conversation with the president , a decision was made, and the structure is approved by the president, that the first deputy chairman of the government is responsible for the industrial block, for this position.
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as you know, the president of the russian federation vladimirovich putin supported the appeal of gennady andreevich zyuganov and veterans border guards about the restoration of the construction of the fourth ice-
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class ship derzhinsky in the history of the fleet. what measures are you planning as first deputy prime minister for financial support for usc, taking into account rising prices, import substitution, including ship equipment, timely payments for state orders, and the return to the state of enterprises that suffered during privatization from ineffective owners. and training of new personnel, thank you, thank you for the question, this is really important, one might even say, the basic industry, without this today it is impossible to implement and carry out logistics deliveries of those goods that are formed by our industry, naturally the main emphasis is placed... on the execution of the state order, we agreed with the ministry of defense on the transfer from indicative prices to
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fixed ones, this process took some time after the completion of that inventory, which was carried out, i am sure that in the future there will be no problems that existed before when the agreement was signed.
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modernization of enterprises belonging not only to the troops, but also to other private companies, which create conditions for development and construction in the main basins of our country, and if we talk about modernization, this is what the state program for the development of the military-industrial complex is aimed at, today it is actively underway... the implementation of a program to update fixed assets, these are modern machines, technological equipment, dock program, taking into account the fact that docks were purchased for europe back in the seventies, they, of course, are already obsolete, so we will continue to actively invest in this industry,
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to make a conditions. primarily for civil shipbuilding, last year alone 108 ships were delivered, this year there will be more than 110, and until 2030 funds have been pledged to the fund, the national welfare fund, and funds are also being attracted from private enterprises, thank you for your attention , thank you, denis valentinovich, please, koshel’s ldpr faction. as part of our trips to the regions with fellow deputies, we are required to visit various industrial enterprises and one of the key problems that is at all enterprises will announce to us a shortage of personnel, which today is one of the most major limiting factors in the development of our industry, there are several specific solutions that our faction
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proposes to implement, these are free training in all technical specialties, the creation of our own training centers and branches of professional -technical schools with benefits for businesses that are ready to invest in the development of vocational education, additional guarantees for employers who attract employees, workers under apprenticeship contracts, finally reviewing the regulatory framework for part-time work, what do you think about our proposals, and what else are you planning? vladimirevich, you touched on an extremely important topic, it is urgent today in terms of providing industry personnel. i can give an example: in just over the past year, we have attracted more than 500
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thousand people to defense-industrial enterprises alone. today, there are about 260 thousand specialists from various sectors asking for inquiries from all sectors of the manufacturing industry. professions, and by 2030 this is 1,700, of course, for this we need to jointly implement these approaches, keeping in mind, this is the ministry of education, with the ministry...
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to deal with automation, the introduction of modern


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