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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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our correspondent varvara nevskaya will tell you more about the statements and questions and assessments that are being heard today in the federation council. joins us, yes, varvara, we welcome you to the broadcast of facts, well, how are consultations going in the upper house of parliament, what statements were made today, colleagues, i welcome you, indeed, work is in full swing in the federation council, and as they say here in the press service, consultations will last until late in the evening, and i think that even at 8:00 pm work will continue here. let me remind you that the hearings began at 11 am in the international affairs committee, and acting foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived for the consultation. and after the official procedure for presenting the candidate, speaker of the federation council, valentina matvienko, said that the upper house of parliament was glad that lavrov’s candidacy was introduced by the president. speaker asofeda recalled that lavrov, a career diplomat, who has come a very long way from atache
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to... all aspects related to banking secrecy, which, well, which are banking secrecy was once such a symbol of this neutrality, that’s why our cause is right, and if they want it on the battlefield, it will be on the battlefield, hearings took place in the federation council committee on defense, consultations were held there on the candidacy of andrei belousov for the post of
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minister of defense of the russian federation. the need to work on issues of social security for participants in a special military operation and told which areas in his opinion are the most sensitive and require immediate solutions, we still have something to work on here, i’ll just note a few things, this concerns payments for housing, and is related to
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the provision of housing for fso participants. this applies to payments to civilian personnel in military units, this applies especially to medical care, i think it is absolutely a mess when participants. who come on vacation, are driven from civilian medical institutions, sent to hospitals, which are often simply overcrowded, this issue must be resolved, this also applies to excessive bureaucracy and paperwork associated with confirming benefits in in military cases, the fund, indeed, let me remind you how it was noted yesterday in the kremlin, and today this thesis is also repeated. the speaker of the federation council also voiced that the military component will remain the prerogative of the leadership of the general staff, the head of which remains valery gerasimov, and hearings on the candidacy of vladimir kolokoltsev for
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the post of head of the minister of internal affairs were successfully held. valentina matvienko stated that the senators have a positive attitude towards his candidacy, and also noted that the biographies of the candidates, whom the president introduced - all these people deserve special attention because these are all people with enormous, very extensive work experience behind them. during the hearings , kolokoltsev called the fight against corruption one of the priorities of the ministry of internal affairs. 50 billion rubles, which was caused by corrupt officials, this damage was almost completely compensated as a result of operational investigative measures
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in relation to...
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and also hearings took place at this very moment already in yes varvara, thanks from the federation council with the latest news our correspondent varvara nevskaya. the federation council committee on budget and financial markets unanimously supported the candidacy of boris kovalchuk for the post of chairman of the accounts chamber and recommended that the upper house of parliament appoint him to this post. here's how the committee discussion went. let's watch it right now. dear colleagues, today we have an important issue at the committee meeting that we
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must consider. the constitution of the russian federation and part one of article seven of the federal law on the accounts chamber of the russian federation. i present the candidacy of boris yuryevich kovalchuk for appointment to the post of chairman of the accounts chamber of the russian federation. all required by law. documents are offered. president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. dear valentin ivanovana, i give you the floor. thank you, dear senators and committee members.
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today you and we have an unusual meeting. for the first time after amendments were made to the constitution of the russian federation. we hold committee meetings in accordance with current legislation and regulations. by consideration of the candidacy for the chairman of the accounts chamber, as you know, a number of changes were made to the constitution, which... the democratic structure, well, this kind of country and the confirmation of our change is a stabilizing factor in the entire political structure of the country, the balance of powers between the various branches of government, and
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of course today... the chamber is on its work agenda, this year we
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also sent a number of important proposals for auditing the expenditure of infrastructure budgets that are provided to the regions, well and a number of others, you know this, you formed, i will not repeat, taking into account the instructions given by russian president vladimir vladimirovich putin to the federal assembly and its inaugural
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activities. i follow his work, despite his
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young age, he has already gone through a serious school, and he worked as an assistant to the deputy prime minister, he was the director of a government department, he worked in commercial structures, he knows the ins and outs of the financial component, and for the last more than 10 years, in my opinion , yes, almost
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he was in charge for 15 years. it seems to me that the choice of the president is correct, and boris yuryevich will certainly cope with this job. i think that today not only will there be a dialogue between senators, members of the committee and the candidate for the post of chairman of the accounts chamber, but boris, listen to your
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recommendations, what to pay attention to, what in your opinion needs to be changed in the work of the accounts
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chamber, how to do it... there was a good tradition in the work of the federation council, once a year the chairman of the accounts chamber held a meeting of the heads of the audit chambers of the constituent entity of the federation at the chamber site regions of the settlement and the federation, and we also discussed here and thanks to the discussion on the platform of the federation council, the law on
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regional audit chambers was adopted, it was discussed for a long, long time, including amendments were made to the law on the audit chamber. therefore , please pay attention to this too, further, i think that in the personnel structure we should give the opportunity to senators of the russian federation , within the framework of our quota, to have the opportunity of such an elevator if the senators wish, if they meet the required criteria, meaning for the position auditors, but we
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’ll discuss it all together later. yes, thank you very much, dear valentina ivanovna, dear members of the federation council, first of all i would like to thank the president of the russian federation, the chairman of the federation council and members of the federation council for nominating me for the post of chairman of the accounts chamber. the accounts chamber is the highest body of state external audit in relation to federal budget funds, state extra-budgetary funds, and federal property. other resources operates on the basis of the principles of openness and transparency. it is important to note that the accounts chamber does not have the right to give political assessments of the decisions made and must objectively and effectively build its work, strictly based on the requirements of the current
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legislation. dear members of the federation council, today our country faces the most important tasks of economic and social development. which we must implement, despite the serious sanctions pressure present. everyone should do everything possible to provide our military personnel with everything they need, including both material support and supplies of necessary military equipment for various purposes. based on this, the coordinated and effective work of all government bodies is one of the key elements for achieving the set goals. in this regard, the accounts chamber should build its work based on the tasks of increasing the efficiency of spending budget funds and
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the timeliness of delivering the relevant funds.
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economic growth of the russian federation, all these are the most important areas for improving the quality of life of our citizens and increasing real incomes of the population. our country has entered the top five leading economies in the world, despite all the sanctions and restrictions that are present, and the implementation of these national tasks will allow us to maintain these positions and move confidently. forward. second, technological sovereignty. a sufficient number of decisions have been made on this topic, so i will not list them; we all already understand the importance of solving this problem. under the sanctions, we were denied access to a whole range of technologies, some of which were once stolen from us during the collapse of the soviet union. for many years, western countries tried to close a number of russian production facilities and buy up shares of russian
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companies. in relation to family members, participants in combat operations, provide direct support to these families, special attention must
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be paid to receiving, special attention must be paid to providing medical care for wounded soldiers, in case of impossibility to continue military service in type of injuries received, to provide assistance in employment and social support, another important priority is, of course, the implementation of the state defense order. and fourth, control of pricing for products of the military-industrial complex, the task was set by the president of the russian federation and the security council. in this regard, the accounts chamber must, within its competence, organize high-quality interaction with relevant ministries and departments to solve this problem. i voiced the basic principles, main approaches, which i see in my activities, but of course. their composition and quantity will change in the process of work and achievement of goals. i would like to inform
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distinguished senators about the principles that i will use as the head of the accounts chamber in my activities. the principle of openness is expressly stated in the legislation. the accounts chamber is, among other things, a body of public control of our citizens over the expenditure of budget funds. in this regard, it is important to ensure transparency and objectivity in our
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activities. so difficult, but starting to understand this or that problem, you understand that the root lies elsewhere, i have given a simple example from the field of electric power, where i worked for almost 15 years, in the event of a technological disruption of the power supply due to an incident at the facilities of the network complex, in accordance with the law, formal responsibility lies with the network company and one of the most common violations is the fall of trees in winter, leading to the breakdown of
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power lines. board of the accounts chamber, and you all know that this is a body that consists of 15 people, a deputy of twelve auditors, the head of the apparatus with the right of advisory vote and the head of the accounts chamber, and only one of the members of the board worked in the accounts chamber for more than 2 years before being appointed to the corresponding position, in this regard we will contact to the federation council with proposals to consider the possibility for... for employees of the accounts chamber apparatus, the management of the accounts chamber apparatus, to apply in the medium-long term for positions in the corresponding positions, of course, if approved by the federation council and the state duma. this, in turn, will allow us to attract even more young and ambitious specialists to work. and the fourth principle is constant work with the strategy of the accounts chamber, approved by the board.
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dear boris yurievich, you have already touched on this in your speech. however, i would like to briefly answer the question, which of the main areas of activity of the accounts chamber do you consider the main ones, based on the need to contribute to the solution of those tasks that were set by the president in the message to the federal assembly, thank you, as a result of the announcement of the message to the federal assembly a week ago, decree number 309 was issued, which defined the national development goals of our country for the period until 2030 and... the prospect until 2036, in in accordance with the decree, the government was instructed to introduce a corresponding unified plan for the implementation of all measures, in this regard, the first task that will face the accounts chamber in this direction is joint work with the government, with the chambers of the federal assembly on the qualitative, objective and realistic establishment of all indicators of national
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projects, this will be carried out as part of the preliminary... audit, which the accounts chamber conducts on a regular basis. it is also important to note that indicators should be broken down by year so that everyone can closely monitor the pace at which a particular national goal is being implemented. another point that i would draw attention to is the importance attracting business to the implementation of national projects. in a number of areas, co-financing from commercial organizations is directly prescribed. this also needs to be carefully monitored so as not to shift all costs to budget sources. the third question, probably, as a priority that we will raise, is due to the fact that a significant part of the funds will be directed to investments in the form of creating new facilities or modernizing existing ones, it is extremely important to track the cost of goods and work and


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