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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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the current situation so that an accident does not happen. it turns out that the pilot himself, everyone who was on the ground in the cars at that moment was really on the verge of death, and no one will give any guarantees that this will not happen again. alexander karpov, timofey falileev, lika dzhevakhishvili, veronika tarasova, lead the duty department. yes i understand. at least eight people in the indian city of mumbai became victims of advertising in the literal sense. the thirty-meter billboard could not withstand the pressure of the hurricane wind and the collapse. in people, but as city authorities believe, there may still be people under the rubble, it turned out that the structure with a total height of more than fifty was damaged . the ten-story building was built illegally, the wind caused other destruction, it knocked down metal structures on parked cars and shopping arcades. let me remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news is in our telegram channels, the duty department is led by an honest detective, follow along with us
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, we have everything on this, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. krakin loses his tentacles. ideological nazis, terrorists of the rdk and other evil spirits, who else has come to kharkov. no money, no lines of defense, the gouleiters of the kharkov region seem to have stolen big. the militants accuse local authorities of corruption and complain about colossal losses due to the lack of fortifications. he dreamed of growing to the title of hero of russia. the gold star was awarded posthumously. sevastopol donated parts to drone operators killed in battle. corporal nikita mechtanov and vyacheslav pastukhov. how were they hunted?
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ukranazis, did not go to bandera empty-handed. azovs grenka was buried according to all the rules of the cargo cult. they put coke, lego and a happy meal in the coffin, and cheeseburger cookies on the grave. this is why ukrainians are dying. she called for shooting at the kremlin and destroying moscow. the great-granddaughter of lyutchik chkalov will answer for her words. daria bogdanova was put on the wanted list, where is she hiding now for how long? i've already said it. so, within 24 hours, units of the russian group northern troops again improved the tactical situation in the kharkov region. in addition, they successfully repelled five counterattacks by ukrainian assault troops, who lost two tanks, a pair of armored combat vehicles and up to 250 manpower. as the russian ministry of defense clarifies, the enemy was hit by fire from leptsov to volchansk, almost along the entire line of active operations of our armed forces. well, among the high-tech people
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there were many who cling to the last chance to survive, prudently, calling the volga, that is, surrendering. this is in in principle, a familiar picture for any direction of the northern military district, but still, specifically in the kharkov sector , an interesting nuance catches the eye, namely, that weapons are often assembled by ideological ukronazis from the banned kraken, the brotherhood battalion and similar terrorist formations, many of which have already visited during interrogations and now nothing interferes, well , firstly, in the search.
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constant exercises, periodic trips to the combat zone in the sector of the front where there was a breakthrough, we were used like a fire brigade, the position was completely dismantled by artillery, the assault detachment jumped into our okupa and began throwing grenades at us. we were asked to surrender, usually by notorious nationalists, all volunteers, because they were mobilized into this unit. from experience - they don’t take combat operations, these captured soldiers, now they all, of course, look pathetic, and the most important thing is that these people really get what they deserve, this is the most important task for me, because in my opinion, there should be this crime without punishment, what is he, this krakin, banned in russia, punitive, in short, an officially reconnaissance and sabotage unit of the gurov ministry of defense of ukraine was formed in the spring of twenty-two, precisely from gurovites and terrorists. another national battalion of azov, all
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krakino residents, volunteers, their specificity is barrage detachments, that is, driving their own people to slaughter, and assault operations, holding strongholds . the backbone of krakin. in kharkov there were militants from azov, which was defeated in mariupol, the apple did not fall far from the tree, in ukraine people say that the krakins are even more frostbitten and more brutal than the azov people, so it’s still the same public. together with the kraken, in the kharkov direction, our fighters also covered other terrorists, the underdogs of the vlasovites, the banned rdk. this is the same notorious rabble that is ready for money. do whatever you want, you have to kill, that means they will kill, you have to rape, that means they will rape, for me, to be honest, there is no difference, this is a fighter of the so-called rdk, yes, or this is a fighter of the ukrainian kraken, that ’s all, well, say, crumbs of one pie,
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there will not be a strong difference in the form in where they should be, this is in handcuffs and captivity, this is a fresh selection of photographs of prisoners from the kharkov direction, they are, well, not very plaintive, rather puffed up, almost defiantly, many of them have unambiguous tattoos, that’s who is interested they want to impress with their imaginary bravado, those who are ready to make terrorist attacks on russian territory were selected there, for this they need people with certain brains, to bikren, that’s why all these krakens ended up there, there were new units, some kind of sunshine, which we for the first time, well, of course , to name...
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as a rule, is missing, the sectarian extremist brotherhood, the banned kraken and other terrorists of all kinds incited by the kiev regime, they were all drawn to our borders in their tentacles, well, it’s all the more painful to lose them now, well, in addition to the success in the northern group, more advantageous positions are occupied by fighters from the south, central and east, that is, a family who are carrying out tasks to liberate the donetsk people's republic; within 24 hours they eliminated more than a thousand ukrainian militants, as well as put a lot of them out of action. units of enemy equipment from the german leopard tank and the us-made m-119 gun to the italian melara howitzer and the british sau brart. details in the reports of alexander katsub and mikhail andronik. we strike from an ambush.
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the guided missile hit the target. come on, come on, come on, come on, clean up, clean up, clean up, clean up. camouflaged in a forest belt. non-technical equipment of the armed forces of ukraine is on fire, the anti-tank crew of the west group of troops urgently changes its position. we conduct surveillance, look for dugouts, firing points, enemy equipment and after once the observation has been carried out, the target has been fixed, and then we work on it. what caliber is the rocket? 130. combat work with the first rays of the sun; at dawn the enemy is most vulnerable. at this time, according to intelligence data, the militants are rotating their strike forces. forces, pull together equipment, artillery mounts and infantry to the place of a likely breakthrough. our crew operates as covertly as possible, accuracy and speed, speed of decision-making are the key to the success of the fighters of this unit. the strike is coordinated by the operator
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of a reconnaissance drone, a column of caustic thick smoke from damaged enemy armored vehicles, visible several kilometers away. let's consider ourselves like this. snipers on heavy equipment, quickly made a trap, and accordingly, that is, they worked, hit the target, curled up, left, did not reveal themselves, no one saw us, no one heard us, our aerodeveloper. detects a new enemy target, the operator of the portable anti-tank missile system fagot is already at the ready. this is a very accurate weapon, but again it all depends on the terrain and weather conditions. almost hitting the target 100%. an accurate pre-emptive strike hits the enemy at a distance of up to 4 km. such a missile is capable of capturing a target moving at a speed of up to 60 km/h, literally piercing the vaunted multilayer one.
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assault units of the motorized rifle brigade of the guards tank army of the west group of forces continue to develop the offensive on this sector of the front. alexander katsuba and alexander malyshev, lead: kupinsky direction kharkov. the crew of the t-80 bv tank of the tenth regiment of the twentieth motorized rifle division, which operates as part of the southern groupings of troops, firing from a closed firing position. the commander of a tank company with the call sign yerevan graduated from the moscow higher combined arms command school, and says that each such combat trip is carefully planned. the day before, the task is set to work there or capture the forest.
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so we are not fighting the consequences, but
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the cause. the assault on one of the settlements in the donetsk direction in this extremely unfriendly landscape among flying fragments and falling tree trunks, even for such formidable machines as tanks, is necessary help. the tank support combat vehicle is a very formidable weapon, two front-line 30-mm grenade launchers, two rapid-firing thirty-millimeter cannons, anti-tank guided missiles, a whole active complex. defense, heat traps, thermal house curtain, which do not allow the enemy to target the combat vehicle. the commander of a five-man crew with the call sign "bear" went to the front as a volunteer, started as a grenade launcher, takes care of the vehicle as if it were a crew member, the caterpillar, as the tank crews affectionately call it, has more than once brought a whole column of equipment. the enemy is running, yes, or the enemy is just trying to dig in somewhere, to burrow into a certain hole, or he is running because it is very threatening. things when at the same time, now both ags and thirty are working. very different people, whose paths
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would hardly have crossed before a special military operation, are now risking their lives and doing very important work together, bringing a common victory closer. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, magomed bashir aliyev, donetsk people's republic. well, in continuation of the front-line reports, epic footage from the kharkov region on the other side of the contact line, where the enemy, well, seemed to be planning to gain a foothold on prepared defensive lines, instead, look for yourself. we're filming, we're filming, quickly, everyone, well, as it's easy to see, on dry land, as soon as they came under artillery fire, they abandoned the idea of ​​​​engaging with our fighters in battle, here, perhaps, it cannot be ruled out that an important factor was... the banal lack of cover behind trees clearly cannot hide from such an intensity of arrivals, and from trenches with
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for some reason the pillboxes are not visible, although it would seem that the kiev regime should have strengthened the border zone. moreover, zelensky personally spoke recently about the readiness of fortification work there, they say on the map they showed him deep trenches, firing points buried in the ground, and dragon teeth, and in general everything looked powerful, quote. where did it suddenly go? a few weeks since... we found ourselves without fortifications, they write about billions of hryvnias stolen from this very profitable business, they remember yatsenyuk’s impregnable wall made from the chain-link mesh, and complain that over the years , well-fortified bunkers should have appeared on the border, in some areas there were not even minefields, they are asking whether this is crazy
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theft or sabotage, to repel an attack, information, the bank abandoned one of the responsible officials, who said that there were fortifications, but paodal, quoting at a certain distance, about 15 kilometers, they say that the russians will soon reach them, information throws are generously possessed, information throws about the fact that to build a fortification of the first line of defense at minus three floors under constant enemy fire, as one military man said today - this is absurd, because this is a great danger for military personnel, engineering units and civilian personnel who are building defensive lines, and yet a month ago, zelensky squinted from the sun... inspecting the construction of defensive lines in kharkov region, in the picture there were trenches, the so-called dragon tooth, and excavators. the video showed two. construction equipment, the rada says, is now almost in greater short supply than military equipment, and there simply isn’t enough of it. it turns out that the head of the regime took part in another high-budget production;
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in less than a year, the kiev regime allocated about a billion dollars for the construction of fortifications. in april it is.
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they are doing it for simply laundering funds, it is done in poor quality and not professionally from the point of view of tactics, a report was compiled, a report was made, the defense line in pavlograd was done, but this is just zilch for a photo on instagram, and not only in pavlograd, and this is not only in pavlograd , this applies to dnieper, zaporozhye and other cities; let me remind you, it was spent on this more than a billion dollars, about 38 billion hryvnia, one of the experts on the air of a 24-hour telethon very... clearly made a reservation, saying that the money was stolen, and it was invested in the public business of the kharkov region, where the situation for the zelensky regime is now the most acute, with brutal they attacked the local authorities installed by kiev with anger; there were few censorship words addressed to the head of the region, sinegubov, and his subordinates in publications. we can witness how these
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corrupt officials will talk about how, after the victory of russia, that they acted in its interests, in fact... sabotaging all engineering work, so these people who have neither honor nor conscience, they don’t care what they do, they don’t care who to blame, the head of the bluegubs region is trying according to the old ukrainian habit of blaming everything on the allies, they say it was because of their delays that everything turned out this way, the subordinates are also trying to play along, but somehow it doesn’t fit, it sounds like the fortifications were built, but maybe not so densely, they are being built now, are being fortified, the city is very close to border and carry out some construction work... it’s very difficult now, everyone who worked was able to do what they could, working under fire is very dangerous. zelensky is trying to stop the situation with the advance of russian troops in the kharkov region by personnel changes for the second time in 2 months, i am the commander of the group, instead of yuri galushkin, a man with a telling surname, mikhail dropaty. it was he
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who threw his armored personnel carrier at people on may 9, 2014 in mariupol. the moment was captured on video. military. the criminal is just groggy controls an armored vehicle, but will such rearrangements help? it is clear that the armed formations of ukraine will offer serious resistance, and there is no need to talk about the complete absence of fortifications, but it is good that due to ukrainian corruption there are much fewer of them than there could be, and this is reported by the militants themselves, who cannot withstand the heroic onslaught of the russian fighters. in belgorod, seven were wounded after... today's shelling by ukrainian militants, the missile threat was declared several times during the day, the threat of new attacks continue, while only in the morning rescue work was completed on shchorsa street, where the day before, after an attack on the ssu, an entrance collapsed. the bodies of fifteen dead residents of vysotka were found under the rubble. a spontaneous memorial has appeared at the site of the tragedy, but when visiting it, citizens are asked to be extremely careful. from belgorod, reporting
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by alexander revunov. the area around the tragedy site remains sealed off by police officers. the threat of collapse of the surviving part of the building is still high. residents of neighboring entrances with all precautionary measures alone, they let you into the apartment to take away documents and some of your personal belongings. shock, uproar, scream.
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at night , colleagues from the federal center came to the aid of belgorod doctors; after examination and consultation, it was decided to send six victims to moscow, including a one-and-a-half-month-old baby, accompanied by his mother, who was sent by air ambulance helicopter to a russian children's clinical hospital. we have one patient left in the regional hospital who is seriously ill, all other patients are of moderate severity. both in the second city hospital and in the regional children's hospital hospital, all medical assistance is provided. belgorod residents began bringing flowers to the site of the tragedy. the regional authorities promised to begin
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paying financial assistance to all affected residents of the nashchors high-rise building. andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. news belgorod region. now a short advertisement is what will happen next on our broadcast. i didn’t go to bandera empty-handed. azovsya. they buried him according to all the rules of a cargo cult, they put coke and legos in the coffin, cheeseburger cookies on the grave, this is what ukrainians are dying for. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. pinoplex boards
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the look is simultaneously serious, like an adult’s , and spontaneous, like a child’s. this is exactly how the daughter of the russian hero nikita mechtanov looks at the gold star that her father earned in the zone, but will never be able to pin on his dress uniform. this touching and telling photo was taken in sevastopol in... both mechtanov and pastukhov died on the same day while performing tasks in the kherson direction. both were operators of fpv drones, and were considered the best in their calculations, which is why the missions that became their last sent together. the soldiers
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received the country's highest rank posthumously. but their courage, courage and amazing combat results are already recorded in military history, which will be supplemented by boris ivanin. at the cost of his life, he stopped the enemy who was trying to cross the dnieper. for this feat, the ethereal operator with the call sign mechta was awarded the title of hero of russia forever. and so he, thirty-year-old corporal nikita mechtanov, followed in the footsteps of his father for military service, he died in the donbass in 2015, so for... participation in a military special operation became in every sense a matter of honor, and his life was cut short last october under krynki in the kherson region. before the outbreak of hostilities, he served under a contract for almost 5 years in sevastopol, where the award ceremony was held now, it was timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the city from the germans. fascist invaders, such is the continuity of generations: the title of hero of the russian federation was also awarded to freiter,
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mechdanov. the gold star medal is given to the hero’s wife, ilinia alexandrovna mechtanova. they met their wife while studying at the talyatin military technical institute, we were in the same group, and so we went through life together. to support her husband, elena became a volunteer from the first days of the ukrainian conflict, collecting parcels for the front, and, as she recalls, he was always eager to go to the front line, saying he was needed there. but he was not afraid to take risks, he understood perfectly well that it was dangerous, since they were already being hunted, because indeed he had been a nightmare for the enemy on the dnieper for a long time, but he treated his profession, his service and to duty, giving himself completely, he is worthy of this highest award, he confidently and courageously walked
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towards his goal, well, in peaceful life... nikit worked as a fireman, in


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