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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. we will expose all fakes. the new government will rely on the development of priority sectors, including projects of technological sovereignty, the military-industrial complex, the agricultural sector, and the manufacturing industry. despite external pressure, the manufacturing industry has shown growth of 35% over the past 10 years.
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lives of our citizens, meaning technological support for the production of innovative medicines, medical products, fertilizers and high-performance equipment for farmers, equipment for energy security and, of course, all types of reliable, comfortable, environmentally friendly transport. close attention will be paid to the development of shipbuilding; according to denis manturov, this year it is planned to deliver over 110 civilian ones. ships,
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108 were built last year . several new space exploration programs are also starting, the main one of which is the construction of our own orbital station, funding will begin this year. the most important task is to support the aviation industry. it is necessary to increase the share of domestic aircraft in the fleets of russian carriers. to increase the territorial connectivity of the country, it is also necessary to continue the development of roads and railways, as stated by the candidate for the post of deputy prime minister, vitaly savelyev. we also pay great attention.
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marat khusnulin said in the state duma. the main driver of our program is housing construction, the task is to increase the volume of construction by the year 30 to build almost a billion square meters, this means everyone. the fifth meter in the country will be new, and i want to say that over the past 4 years we have been meeting these plans; in 4 years , 388 million square meters of housing have been delivered. alexander novak, as deputy prime minister, plans to focus on incentives to create an efficient and competitive russian economy and ensure an influx of new investment. first of all, it is necessary to implement a national project to increase labor productivity. annual growth should be 2.8%.
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it is planned to involve at least 40% of large medium-sized enterprises of basic non-resource industries. all this is necessary for russia to join the four largest economies in the world. development. industrial development, new production, development of technological and financial sovereignty, fair competition, private initiative and, most importantly, the growth of citizens' incomes. it is planned to provide not only domestic demand with our own goods, but also to enter promising foreign markets,
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to do this, launch joint investment projects with friendly countries, increase transit along international corridors. among the priority areas is still the development of fuel and energy. complex and gasification of the country. now its level is already one of the highest in the world - 74%. more than a million contracts have been concluded under the social gasification program, of which 950,000 have already been completed up to the boundaries of the sites. another task on the government’s agenda is the development of the it industry and digitalization of public administration. this was emphasized by the candidate for the post of deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko. one of the tasks facing is before us today. increasing the speed of movement of budget funds, we understand perfectly well that money is a tool, money management greatly increases the efficiency of completing tasks and achieving goals, we have digitized and optimized the procedure for redistributing
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funds within the state program of national projects, today money moves twice as fast in compared with the nineteenth year, while we have each. among the priorities is the development of the agricultural sector. he spoke about plans to improve its efficiency dmitry patrushev, who is also nominated for the post of deputy prime minister. according to him, over the past 10 years, harvests in the country have grown significantly; for grain, they averaged 100 million tons. thanks to this, russia remains a reliable supplier on the world market, and food exports are planned to increase in the future. the mechanisms that exist have shown their effectiveness. since 2000, our agricultural production has almost doubled, and the grain harvest in 10 years has already exceeded 100 million tons on average. our milk production volumes are growing and accordingly, the increase was 4 million tons. let me remind you that
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mikhail mishustin made a proposal for a new government on may 11. the structure of the cabinet of ministers will include 10 deputy prime ministers, including the first, as well as 21 ministries. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on may 14 , 1501, the italian amerigavchi, one of the most famous discoverers of the era of geographical discoveries. before that, he participated in the spanish ones. expeditions across the atlantic ocean, this time the ships were equipped by the king of portugal. ameriga was the navigator, but then for unknown reasons, he took command . i explored the coast of brazil and discovered a convenient beautiful bay, which i called rio de janeiro, which means january
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river, because it was january. but most importantly, ameriga understood before him not the shores of asia, as his predecessor christopher columbus believed, but a new continent. in a letter to my friend. he wrote. quote: these countries should be called new light. our ancestors had no idea about them, according to everyone, this is the most recent discovery. these letters were then published by german cartographers, matthias ringmann and martin waldse müller , who named the fourth continent in honor of amerigo america. of course, this was unfair to columbus. still, he was the first, but the name stuck and nothing could be changed . on may 14, 1948 , a new state appeared on the world map - israel. the declaration of independence was announced on this day by one of its founders, david bengurion. this the step followed from the decision of the un general assembly to create
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two states, jewish and arab, in palestine, which was ruled by great britain under a league of nations mandate. but the arab one never appeared and the arab countries began military operations with the aim of destroying israel. the ussr helped him survive, which was the first to recognize israel. deyura helped with the supply of weapons. moscow hoped in this way to strengthen soviet influence in the middle east, but tel aviv began to focus. to the usa and the west. then the soviet leadership decided to support arabs, and after the six-day war of sixty -seven, relations with israel were severed, they were restored only in ninety- one, yet, despite all the political changes, moscow did not deviate from its principled position. the need to implement all un resolutions on the palestinian-israeli conflict, including the creation of a sovereign palestinian state with its capital in east jerusalem. on may 14, 1955, europe was finally divided into two camps. in
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contrast to the north atlantic alliance there was the warsaw pact organization or warsaw pact was created. the agreement was signed in warsaw. the ovd included socialist countries - albania, bulgaria, hungary, east germany, poland, romania and czechoslovakia. nato appeared back in 1949, but moscow was slow in organizing its bloc and did not want to aggravate the situation? even soviet participation in nato was proposed. and the trigger was the admission of the federal republic of germany to the alliance, after which the soviet leadership did not hesitate. the warsaw pact emphasized the need resolve conflicts by peaceful means, but united armed forces were created and assistance was guaranteed to any member of the bloc that was attacked. by the end of the eighties, the number of ats troops reached almost 6.5 million people. both blocs were instruments of the cold war, but after soviet perestroika the collapse of the socialist
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system, the ats was dissolved, unlike nato. the united states and its allies, contrary to their promises , began to strengthen and expand the north atlantic alliance to the detriment of russia’s national interests. may 14, 1973 the united states launched its first and only orbital station, skylab, into space. we were already launching it then. salute station the americans wanted to surpass the ussr. they made their station more spacious, but it also weighs almost four times more than 77 tons. skylab was visited by only three expeditions. from the very beginning there were system failures and emergency situations. the third crew was already having difficulty maintaining the equipment in working order. the astronauts were so tired that they even went on strike, turned off communications and rested all day. however, on skylab conducted many important scientific experiments. but the americans still refused to use it further. there were plans to save the station and
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raise it to a higher orbit, but they didn’t. skylab operated for 7 months, and remained in orbit for more than 5 years while they decided what to do with it. as a result, the fall of such a colossus to the ground caused panic. it could not burn up entirely in the atmosphere, but fortunately the fragments, weighing 18 tons, mostly fell into the indian ocean, the rest on australian territory, without hitting anyone. this is what this day was like stories. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. it has already been tested for durability, ink
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created to last for centuries, and this is not a beautiful metaphor, copies that fall into the hands of restorers are often several centuries older than their saviors, for us this is a very important event, the libraries of our country, like the libraries, i think, of other countries are the custodians of very important cultural heritage, books, documents...
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of course, we must take care of them, such tens of millions of documents. take care, share your unique experience with others, perhaps attract new associates to this amazing profession, because restoration. incredibly rare craftsmanship, there are only 450 specialists in the whole country, the process is painstaking, each artifact has a special approach, these two ancient maps of the caspian basin and the northern ocean from the storages of the russian state library have not been spared by time, the paper is contaminated with old grease stains, it seems that the relics are forever disfigured, but restorers give such
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the document is a chance for a new life, after all the processing, all... washing , restoration will be carried out, all losses will be made up, creases and tears will be fixed, and if necessary, the item can be duplicated on thinner paper, this will give it strength and durability. looking at the result of this work, the average person will call restoration an art and will be right, but the masters themselves more often compare their work with the craft of doctors, whose task is to diagnose a disease and find the most effective one.
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library restoration is very different from museum, work on each document can last from a month to a whole year, specialists eliminate tears, creases, replace lost pages, clean from dust, dirt, mold infections, restore bindings, covers and decorative elements of books, forsations and coptals, i weave it with from the very beginning, i selected the threads for floss according to the type that... we had originally selected on an old coptal, we kept from this coptal, from this binding the cover, under the skin on this cover we found a section of thread, that is, here this we selected this thread for our coptal, and restorers always have a lot of work to do, the russian state library is the custodian of one of
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the largest collections of rare and valuable books, about a million book monuments, the rarest... copies produced in the capital's printing houses occupy a worthy place in the library collections. the first printed russian book, precisely dated by the apostle ivan fedorov, which has an exact publication date, 1564, with which we actually begin to count russian book publishing.
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books and monuments require certain storage conditions, temperature no more than 18°, humidity. within 50-60%. in order to guarantee safety, rare books are issued only to researchers for scientific purposes, and for ordinary readers book monuments are available in digitized form. at the moment we are scanning the book project book monuments from the book museum, with high resolution. muscovites can request a pdf file of unique publications in large metropolitan libraries, which have long been engaged in digitizing their impressive. we have digitized quite a large number of collections, in particular the complete works of gogol, which every scientist, working at the dacha to form references, can easily take with him, even in his pocket, and then refer to this publication when compiling this or that article. gogol's house on nikitsky boulevard, where
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the great russian writer lived the last 4 years of his life, unites in itself. and a library, the rarest books are stored here, from complete works, classics to chinese, to rare handwritten folios in western european languages, as well as unique collections of sheet music and much more, in total the library’s collection numbers 206,000 volumes, a special pride is nine lifetime editions of gogol, one of them evenings on a farm near dekanka. of course, those publications or albums that are very well illustrated attract attention. look what an amazing book, it is large format, there are illustrations by makovsky and other famous artists, they are all done, you see, how...
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makes worn-out books available to readers again. restoration artists are not afraid to take on any work, be it reprinting a periodical or restoring
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a book monument. we receive completely diverse publications for restoration, each of which requires a special approach. in particular , an album with drawings and diagrams has now arrived there for restoration. it is a half-leather binding. we see here a leather spine, bound covers with marbled paper, it is of course is in a difficult state of preservation, we see various types of damage, this volume has serious damage, the drawings are falling out of the binding covers, the original pages are covered with protective fabric, the restorer can cope with all these troubles without difficulty, the glue in this case is already dry in principle, the fabric by...
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in order for the reader to have information about each copy of our collection, we process them, create a bibliographic record, enter them into an electronic catalog, from the electronic catalog the reader knows what we are own it and can take advantage of it. the electronic catalog of the moscow main administration allows everyone to find out their ancestry. this was made possible by the digitization of more than 11 million metric pages.
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but also the rank, as well as the class of a person. information about witnesses was often included in marriage records; in the chronicles of the deceased one can find information about the causes of death and even
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the place of burial. in addition to metric books, the main archive also stores confessional statements, essentially an analogue of today's population census. every year the priests made lists who came to church for confession before the holiday of easter. and here, in addition to the full composition of the family, he also indicated. age, yeah, that is, you can understand, yes, what year, what composition the family was in, how many children there were, whether grandparents were alive, who managed to get married, who didn’t manage to get married, this is very convenient for gynecological searches, and metric books and confessional statements are available for issuance in the reading rooms of the main department, the condition of the books is carefully monitored by custodians, and, if necessary, the publications are transferred to the restoration department, regardless of... the fact that almost thousands of documents, including especially rare ones of historical value, have passed through the hands of specialists , they still
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approach each new page with special trepidation. this feeling of importance and such a chill in the back, it still exists, because you understand that we are lucky, and we see these documents and can still read them. a reverent and delicate attitude towards the pages of history, be it an official document, a work of art or a simple note from the past, this is, first of all, a sign of respect for one’s ancestors, for one’s culture, for oneself. since life is often compared to a book, new chapters are not written from scratch; first you need to read the previous one. your brother, there in the donbass, in the aurora battalion, he’s alive, no one will know anything. alexander mikhailov. in short, you need to go there.
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this is war, war. vitaly kishchenko. you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you. get ready. without a trace. no, that won’t work, i came for him. i have to find him. nadezhda markina. very much like him similar. sergey gorobchenko. tell him that he has no brother, he was killed. alexey shevchenkov. that's where they went. yours was them, then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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where are you from? it's 2124, it's not science fiction, it's love. i don’t understand, you don’t mind, do you? 100 years ago.
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the inevitability is great.


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