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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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nothing to explain in the sixth year, so here i think there is no longer any need to expect what we should expect from him, well, by the way, he constantly goes to the baltic states and poses there in military uniform, that is , everything is clear here too, here is the head of the forein office instead of david cameron will be david lamia, by the way, a representative of british guyana.
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there is posedun, yes, well, well, that is, here in britain, well, we shouldn’t expect any changes at all, yes, nofis, as it formulated its strategy back in the tens of years on the confrontation with russia in eastern europe, he won’t give it up, of course, david cameron is now trying to create certain problems for us, it was correctly noted here that even in the cis space, he drives it as if it were his own home, there the central asian country distributes , albeit small, but to those no less grants, but 50 million pounds, it seems to us that this is not very much.
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then there will be no agreement, so there is no need to be modest, this is the only person, no, these are all, this is all the hope that they themselves, no, let me remind you, we will achieve liberation with our own hand, very there were wise words, mikhail mikhailovich, when i hear when some hopes are associated with a change in the political course in the united states, in the united kingdom, i personally express my hopes.
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if we talk about military science, then a number of such very sensitive blows were dealt to it in the period 2008-2012, but it still has not recovered to, let’s say, the requirements of the time, what needs to be done first of all is, of course, to sharply increase the standard -job categories of military scientists, salaries of civilian personnel involved in scientific research organizations, and by and large... the fact that we have not everything with military science, thank god, can even be judged, well, by the presence of open publications, since not everything in this matter is secret, well, in general, sometimes i even want to ask, where are our clausewitzians, shlifins, where are their publications at the world level, well
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, somehow there are obvious problems with this, as for the problems of the number one military university, then - i mean military academy of the general staff, graduation... which, in fact, i and i am, what i want to say in this regard is that there is an extremely necessary sharp increase in the staffing categories in the leading departments, strategy, operational art, command and control, why? because well, the fate of the country will be decided precisely on the battlefields, and it is decided and decided by its people, namely those who have received the appropriate education, the appropriate ones. service, appropriate passage, and if attention is not paid to this, the consequences may not be the most positive. of course, definitely tasks the minister of defense will have a lot of priorities, but still, on these issues, i would
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pay attention to their solution, because a lot depends on military science, military education, well, in this regard. and as for a few words of context. on the line of combat contact, then what needs to be said here is that assessments, especially from the opposite side, are the most contradictory, some representatives of the ukrainian expert community say, yes, they do not have the forces there to, for example, take kharkov by storm, but they do not have such opportunities, i just want to ask them in this regard, mostly these experts are located either on the territory of lithuania, the czech republic or the united states, where can you see this?
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that is, it is still necessary to distribute personnel among all formations, formations, and weapons and military equipment, reserves of material forces, material resources , and estimate, and estimate in what sequence this series of operations will be carried out in order to achieve the desired results, so it is quite possible that
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these actions are the successful actions of our troops near kharkov - this is not even the direction of the main attack, perhaps even the armed forces, our military leadership.
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logic, it seems to me, there is a very important principle here that distinguishes the appointment of andrei removich belousov now from the way civilian politicians are appointed in the west, this is a different logic, there they supposedly exercise control over the military, here the president of the russian federation does not need to do this additionally, there are simply the tasks of building certain, as i understand it, management decisions, military economics, military economy, that’s the task, by the way, when stalin made such appointments, let’s say after himself.
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all this together has a great cumulative effect on the west, in fact, they
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are now forced to hold their conference in switzerland against the backdrop of the obvious successes of russia, the consolidation of russian power, as evidenced by the latest personnel appointments, and simply the incredible squabble that is happening in kiev , well, listen, when the head of the main intelligence department there accuses... commander-in-chief of the armed forces that he is to blame for the failure in the kharkov direction, you know, this evidence is so serious, i’m not talking about information failures, when they really tried to create such a ... propaganda curtain that it doesn’t mean anything , and completely failed, ukrainian society did not accept this explanation, we see from the reaction and against this background the very idea of ​​holding the same conference in switzerland was discredited, because they set themselves up, they simply allowed a colossal stupidity, barel and others, declaring that there can be no other formula other than the zelensky formula, against the backdrop of these
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events, this is just zilch, not a statement, and i think the west now, i don’t know if... they have some kind of such a complete plan for relations with the russian federation, but it is impossible to underestimate the enemy, however, it is impossible not to state the obvious such confusion, which also cannot exist, here they talked about building up the european military-industrial complex, they don’t know how, in may, early may in warsaw a conference was held and the minister of defense vladislav kasinya kamysh and many others were there, they seemed to talk about it. they don’t know how to do this, and look how they line up, the poles say: we are ready, but we don’t have money, who will give us money, give us the europeans, the europeans say, but we don’t have much money either, who will? americans, americans, we have already given to the ukrainians, there is no money for you, in the end, well, it seems that business should be interested in this, new orders, but nothing like that, they have been over the years business has been dispersed into the service sector, into
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the consumer market, it is inflated, this means that the consumer market will have to be narrowed, this means... the quality of life must be worsened, what is a statement, to switch to a war footing of the economy, but citizens of european countries are ready to switch to these rails, and we see how such a reinvention of europe is taking place, an anti-russian belt has formed, this is of course the baltic states, scandinavia, a little bit of the netherlands, this is such a train, i would say, of sound rational politics, for some reason it almost coincides with the borders of the former austria-hungary and is not yet ready to analyze why this happened, but nevertheless these countries. who had very difficult relations with russia, are now pursuing a policy in their own interests, well, absolutely sound, these are france and germany, where the leaders are actually going against public opinion, aggravating relations with the russian federation, everyone else who is sitting and watching is paying off as best they can , it’s interesting that spain is behaving, it recently declared, but we’ve already given everything to ukraine, we’ve set everything up, leave us alone,
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we have our own affairs, everything, we have completed everything, everything, everything is fine with us, with us, we will deal with other issues.
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it’s immediately much better, simply because it has changed, accordingly, we trust the president, mishustin too, it’s off, but the bosses in russia are not 35 members of the government headed by the president as the political leader, there are 3000 or 3000 of them, before these - then this impulse will arrive, which, i’ll tell you this, give me the right to reassign. leaders of russian theaters, i will turn this country in any direction, this a good reason to arrest you, why and how why, because? i don’t know who you are addressing, but you are proposing a coup d’etat, and not a theological one, since you immediately say that in any direction, that is, if you have a unique technology that is so dangerous for
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our country, then competent people should take a closer look at you organs, now we will continue advertising after it with a new composition, where are you from from the eleventh b, no, i’m from the eleventh b, we are also from the eleventh b, eleventh b. in the eleventh b. i only need one boy, here it is, i had to make such a journey to watch this good film, why are you so lucky, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful filming, it excites, all this, these were all the emotions, this it was very cool, this was the first film, which i was absolutely delighted with, the humor is good, i need to get to school at 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but they haven’t done that before. wait, i hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask, how could you, here turn out, what a meeting, sometimes you want
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to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, super, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years in the future, just the day before... the kiev regime killed the belgorod region, according to the latest data, 19 civilians, 19 civilians. the world did not flinch, did not pay any attention. in all the statements of the officials nothing was said. the russian genocide is ridiculous, as formulated by the nazi scumbag scholz. but. one of the american idiots says: so what? well, they dropped nuclear bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki, we need to give the israelis now so that they too drop nuclear
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bombs. you know, every time i see what happened, the ukrainian nazis killed 19 residents of belgorod. before that, they killed several over the course of 8 years. hundreds of children and several thousand civilians of donbass, they burned in odessa and came up with the idea that the number was about 50, although in reality it was much higher, they tried for 8 years to investigate the crimes committed on the maidan, coming up with the heavenly hundred, and never were able to prove who killed, so you killed yourself, then ukranazis appeared, who happily said that... they did it, don’t expect that the west will pay attention to this, don’t, today there are new terrorist attacks in the kursk
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region in the lugansk people's republic, they are chasing civilian cars with drones, killing civilians, there is no need to look for brothers in them, and there is no need to tell us that we should feel sympathy, i have... all sympathy for our citizens, not to the nazis, yes, we are ready to show mercy to those who surrender, to those who renounce nazi ideology, but we can respond terribly.
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a fairy tale doesn’t work out, but it’s impossible to come up with a new storm, it doesn’t work out, stop expecting that the world will understand everything, the world won’t understand anything, the world doesn’t care about us, the world will applaud murder, the world doesn’t talk about democracy anymore, about the choice of the people , the world doesn’t say, but the residents of donbass have been fighting for their choice for 8 years, and the residents of crimea immediately made their choice. and kherson and zaporozhye voted for democratic elections, in contrast to the system, say, existing in germany and britain, where there are no direct elections of leadership at all.
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democracy, don’t tell fairy tales, what kind of democracy is there, there is no democracy for the west, the territory must return, and if people don’t want to, these are, moreover, the same people who told us during the war against international terrorism in the caucasus, what and how we should do, how we should listen to everyone, how we should give everything to everyone, now suddenly they say: no, no,
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then let the civilians decide for themselves what they want to do with the nazi bastard who occupied kharkov. budanov arrived there, his mother’s little pie, who leaves people to die over and over again now, near volchansk and other places, and it turns out that his fighters are rather weak, there’s a lot of talk, ours are sorted out, these krakins surrender, pederostic ones and so on surrender, well, budanov. they begin to blame syrsky for all the failures in the ssu, but now remember that syrsky is generally russian, it’s his fault, all together the ukrainians believe that the west is to blame for everything, they provided military assistance late, of course.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake or change your voice.
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we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. at the same time, ukrainian officials also demand from sponsors and say: here are 3 billion, it seems that the russians can say it’s not enough, we need hundreds of billions, hundreds, but what is it, why do you need hundreds of billions if the poles, for example, say that we refuse to lead negotiation about agricultural products, because
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everyone is a negotiator. what happened?


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