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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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there is russia-africa, parliamentarians pay similar attention to relations with other regions of the world, including latin america, there was also a parliamentary forum on this topic last year, and valentina ivanovna personally launched many initiatives of parliamentary diplomacy, including parliamentary, parliamentary forums for women, elected representatives of the people, including interaction in the asia-pacific region and of course within the framework of the interparliamentary... assembly of the cis, all this significantly reinforces our overall work on the implementation of foreign policy, approved by the president. yesterday at a committee meeting following our discussion, valentin ivannovna, together with her colleagues, formulated a number of wishes that we took into account, including those related to the organization of the practical activities of our foreign institutions, including that.
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in this part, we have monthly plans for each direction, but implementation requires literally daily and even frequent inclusion of being in constant communication, this is the first, second, the enemy learns quickly, the situation is related to the use of new technologies changes literally weekly, we are here...
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we are talking about recruiting the armed forces. i specifically want to emphasize to journalists that we are not talking about mobilization or some kind of emergency measures. he talks about planned measures, but nevertheless this process has already been launched, like a conscription of citizens, this contracting is especially important and here i would like to pay special attention to what will also have to be dealt with as a matter of priority, these are all issues related to military education, here accumulated, there are certain problems, at the same time, sergei kuzhegetovich and his colleagues have done a lot of work, but nevertheless we need to constantly keep this area in focus, constantly develop it, especially taking into account the experience that our armed forces
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acquired during the special military operations, and another issue, which is also of course a priority, is the issue of social protection of our military personnel, a lot has been done here, but also yesterday at the committee we discussed this issue in detail, in quite detail, there is issues related to the timeliness of payment of allowances, there are issues related to housing, there are questions related to the availability of medical services and those medical services provided by civilian institutions for...
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the adoption of the federal budget for 2024, 25, 226, significant expenses were provided for for these purposes. the share of these expenses in the federal budget, as you well know, is very significant. in your
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opinion, is it necessary to strengthen control over the expenditures of the military department in matters of execution state defense order and uh. other expenses, thank you, and you know, i would answer your question, well, firstly, thank you, exactly for the question, secondly, i would answer it like this, control is a tool, and the result is increased efficiency state defense order, this is the key point, now, if i answer, if i answer more substantively, in terms of content, what is required here is, of course, a phased gradual transition to a normative normative principle, the ministry of defense is engaged in this work 1918, at one time i also had a hand in
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starting this process, it is necessary to move in this direction in order to fully ensure the entire combat strength. the composition of the armed forces with all types of allowances, based on the regulations, in terms of equipment costs, in fact, from my point of view, the key issues here are key issues related to the transition to long-term contracts with price controls, here is control, strengthening control well...
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capital construction and investment projects, here, from my point of view , a significant strengthening of control over the expenditure of these funds along the entire chain is required and... including, probably, keeping in mind the main goal, the main task, of creating new types of weapons, and not new types of weapons, requires very clear synchronized planning and implementation of the creation of infrastructure for the protection and use of these weapons, these are the questions we require, we need to ensure synchronicity here, thank you, andrey removich, you said that
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one of the key components of success in achieving the goals of a special military operation is the speedy introduction of innovations and breakthrough technological solutions. thanks to our joint efforts, we have made changes to the civil code. now andrei ramovich , on behalf of valentina ivanovna, we are monitoring the situation with defense industry enterprises, but we have identified a number of problems. how would you feel about our proposal again? we need to join forces, we have specific proposals to immediately remove these barriers that prevent defense industry enterprises from introducing innovations. thank you. well, dear lelia solatovna, you and i have been working for a long time, if his memory serves him right, probably 7 years on these issues, a special road map has been developed and is being implemented. i think that you and i will have to return with... taking into account the new positions, we must return to these issues and work them out, there
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are a lot of unresolved problems, i will not dwell on them now, but i want to emphasize that security issues should come first. thank you, andrey rymovich, the questions for you have been exhausted, maybe do you want to say something, please, if such an opportunity, if possible, thank you very much, dear valentina ivanovna, dear senators, the president of the russian federation putin has given me great confidence, i would like to dwell on two key tasks that were set before me by the president. the first is to ensure full integration of the economy of the armed forces into the general economy of the country, taking into account the objective growth of defense spending, which has already exceeded 6.7% of the country's gdp. this task is not easy. comprehensive involves first of all, optimization of military spending; i want to emphasize that optimization does not mean
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sweeping reductions. optimization, first of all , means increasing their efficiency, so that every ruble of budget money that our citizens ultimately pay brings maximum effect to business. this also applies to allowances and the production of supplies of new military equipment and weapons and personnel support. the solution to this problem involves. the need to closely integrate the work of the ministry of defense and the work of civilian departments, especially in areas such as social security for military personnel and especially participants in a special military operation, access to high-quality medical services for ip participants, what i just talked about, in the field of scientific research and development, including civilian and dual-use in the field of training specialists only military, but also civilian, in the field of development. domestic digital technology solutions, and of course, in the field of production of equipment, materials and technical equipment. i
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have now specifically touched upon the issues of the whole a number of civilian ministries and departments, not only the ministry of industry and trade, but also the ministry of higher ministry of education and science and the ministry of digital development and a number of others, the task is, of course, for us to establish interaction and work with them, everything that is effective, advanced everything in the country must work to achieve victory, to ensure that the tasks of the armed forces are solved. i would like to note that during my work in the ministry of economic development, in the government apparatus, as an assistant to the president, and especially in the last 4 years, as the first deputy prime minister, i have accumulated extensive experience in systematically organizing the work of various departments. we have developed good relations with all members of the government, including long-term, working and friendly ones. relations with first deputy prime minister denis valentinovich mantrurov, i believe that this
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factor will also work for the result. the second task set by the president is to make the military economy and the work of the ministry of defense as open to innovation as possible. this concerns not only new technologies, but also personnel training, as well as new forms and methods of management. including, we are talking about realizing the benefits that modern digital technologies provide . digital platforms, in this regard, i would like to emphasize that our advantage today is a huge reserve of personnel supply, these are people who have undergone a special military operation, the president is not...
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for achieving victory, ensuring the achievement of the military-political goals of the northern military district set by the president, while i want to specifically emphasize this, with minimal human losses: i am fully aware of my responsibility to the country to to the russian people, before the president of the russian federation, in accordance with the planned assignment, i undertake to use all my strength, health, if my life is required to solve the assigned tasks, and you know, i... have always been guided by the principle, so i want to call it, i try to be guided by and i will be guided by the reinforced concrete principle, you can make mistakes, you can’t take, this is what i want to finish with, thank you, andrey, thank you, please take a seat, the floor is given to vladimir
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ivanovich bulavin, chairman of the committee on security defense, please, dear valentin ivanovna, dear colleagues, at a meeting of the federation council committee on security defense, with the participation of the chairman of the federation council, valentina ivanovna matvienko, deputy chairman of the federation council, consultations were held on the candidacy of andrey iranovich beloosov proposed by the president of the russian federation position of minister of defense of the russian federation. meaningful answers were received to all the senators’ questions, andrei removich expressed his vision of work in new position, the committee’s conclusion is available, taking into account today’s discussion, the committee recommends that the federation council recognize the consultations on the candidacy of andrei
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iremovich belousov as valid, thank you for your attention, thank you, vladimir ivanovich, are there any questions? thank you, dear valentina ivanovna, dear vladimir, dear vladimir alexandrovich, according to statistics, over the past year the number of crimes committed using information and communication technologies has increased by almost 30%. claimed damage preliminary amounted to more than 156 billion rubles.
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a special department has been functioning in the russian ministry of internal affairs for the second year already. if i understand correctly, it's called the cybercrime department. nevertheless, the situation remains complex and we do not see any qualitative observations or qualitative changes, i apologize. vladimir alexandrovich, in your opinion, what is the reason, what measures are being taken by the ministry and what else needs to be done and what kind of help we need, as a legislator, in this acute problem, in this acute problem, which concerns our entire population in this matter. thank you, thank you for your question, this is indeed a very problematic issue, it concerns the citizens of our russian federation, i can say that based on the results of work in 2023, we stated 34%, the share of these crimes related to information and telecommunication
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technologies is 34% - this is in the total mass of all types of crimes that have occurred. committed last year, this year the growth continues by 17%. not only did the growth of crimes related to this increase triple with unauthorized access to computer information. so in order for any citizen to understand what we are talking about, yesterday our press service covered a story in the media when employees identified and detained a group of such... scammers, what is the mechanism for committing a crime, and they hacked an account portal of public services received access to personal data. and from these citizens, who really exist, they took loans, took micro loans, turned to microfinance institutions, took loans, then cashed them out through
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citizens, whom we call drops, a bill to introduce criminal liability against citizens is already in the government at the exit on our initiative, these funds were seized , the damage caused from this type of crime amounted to. last year 156 billion rubles, of which 8 billion were thefts, 137 billion were fraud, 113 thousand of our pensioners and also 7.00 minors became victims of such crimes, this is the most painful issue, and the capacity of the internal affairs bodies is evidenced by the following the fact is that over the past year we are in the same qualitative and quantitative state, yes, we have created such departments, such separate divisions, we have increased the number
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of completed crimes investigated by 20%, but still 20% compared to a threefold increase in the number of crimes, related to access, unauthorized access to computer information, these are incomparable things, what are the difficulties in disclosing? of this type of crime, a significant part of these crimes are committed abroad first turn from ukraine, we have not yet forgotten those reports in the liberated regions of ukraine, where entire call centers operated for fraudulent transactions in this area, new criminal schemes are constantly appearing, to counter them, of course , measures, additional regulatory measures are required. regulation, and the main difficulty is that we cannot work proactively here, because the internal affairs bodies get involved in this work when a crime has already been committed, when money has already
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been stolen in various fraudulent ways and used various fraudulent schemes, they have already been cashed out, and practically at this moment we are already getting involved in the work after the fact, and the solution to this radical solution to this issue depends not only on the ministry of internal affairs. well , it depends on the central bank, on other regulators, on mobile operator companies, on regional owners of server systems where government service portals are hacked and we informed the ministry of digital development about this, respectively, in order to increase the impact and strengthen control over the preservation of personal data in this matter. also from the owner of media resources for the prevention of this type of crime, because prevention means a lot, now, probably, our fellow citizens have noticed when on television, in other
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media, calls and voices of our pop stars are heard, calling on our fellow citizens not to believe those voices, those calls, those numbers that... using telecommunication technologies , substitutions are made and not to fall for the bait of these scammers and not to give them access to their personal data to their accounts in order for this money to be stolen. according to our experts, most of these crimes are committed by hacking into government service portal accounts. are there platforms for this?
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really concerns thousands of thousands of our fellow citizens, i already mentioned the figure 113.00 only the socially protected layer of our population , pensioners, suffered only last year, now we have already developed a bill on our initiative, in the government, as i said, it is on the way out, of course we we need the support of the legislation, the legislator in order to support this law, and we have already held citizens accountable for the consequences...
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a small amount in his account provided to the attackers cashed this money and transferred it for some percentage, of course, he must bear this citizen responsibility for complicity in the commission of this type of crime, and we also believe that it is necessary to empower preliminary investigation bodies with the powers to suspend financial transactions and obtain information banks of telecom operators without a court decision in cases, i emphasize, that do not require delay, this problem can be solved through joint efforts, we had types of crimes that, through legal regulation, i gave this example yesterday at a meeting in the committee, when literally with the stroke of a pen , our current regulatory framework, we have leveled out, zeroed out one of the most common types of crimes, such as the theft of state license plates from
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different stands at different levels repeatedly the problem of understaffing in the internal affairs bodies is raised, what has changed in this matter and what exactly the ministry is doing to increase the attractiveness of the service in the ministry of internal affairs system, thank you, i will start from the end of your question, i will answer not what we are doing, we are doing everything, everything we we can do it, we will do it, i will answer that we cannot do it, we cannot
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print money. to increase wages as the main motive for attracting service in the internal affairs bodies, the situation has simply not only changed, it has worsened. can to say that today we have a shortage of personnel, 152,000, this is on average for all regions, and if we take regions such as primorye, for example, there is a shortage of 25% of personnel, magadan - 24%. tula, literally a neighboring region to the capital, 23%, what does this figure indicate, this figure suggests that one employee of the internal affairs bodies works for four, if we are talking about servicing the territory, for example, a district commissioner, or rather, four employees work for one, i'm sorry, but if you take it by service,
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for example, urossk 53%. the sverdlovsk region is a powerful region, industrially developed. the patrol service is understaffed by 88%. criminal investigation - 62. but even if you take the patrol service in moscow, for example, in the krasnoselsky district 78% is not a complete set. but since we have touched the capital region, we all live here, our relatives.


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