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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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the need to balance the budget of the tomsk region and others will correct me, in my opinion, only seven territories in russia are in such a situation are reflected. resolutions
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following the days of the constituent entities in the federation council, in particular the potomsk region, so i ask you to pay attention to this and confirm our calculations in dialogue with the ministry of finance. thank you. thank you, nikola andreevich zhuravlev, please. thank you, dear valentin ivanovna, dear colleagues, i want to thank boris yuryevich for the systematic speaking for very professional answers to questions, and most importantly for a strategic vision.
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headed for almost 15 years, i’m talking about interao, and the company really, really greatly increased its efficiency under his leadership, achieved quite serious successes, first of all, in the modernization of fixed assets - a large investment program was approved and is being implemented, and most importantly, these are investments precisely in the regions that we represent in the federation council, i’ll tell you from my own example... such investments have never been was in our region, for which many thanks personally to boris yuryevich and his team, you will agree, offer to return him to interau, be careful, please, i would like to ask you to support the committee’s proposal and... approve borisvich to the post
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of chairman of the accounts chamber. thank you, dear colleagues, well, there really is such satisfaction after considering this issue, the feeling that boris yuryevich, well, has already been working in the accounts chamber for at least 10 years, yes, when he managed to figure it out and prepare in this way, this speaks, firstly, about his a serious and responsible attitude towards the proposal that has been received, and secondly, that it is educated. a broad -minded, intelligent person, a modern person who understands much wider than the boundaries that someone imagines for the accounts chamber, this is such a fresh look, i agree with nikolai andreevich that this is a vision of the development strategy of this important institution, you see, this is not for accountants sleeveless, these are not auditors, this is not accounting. this is
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the most important state control body, and today, of course, it also needs reboot, in my opinion, in the image of boris yuryevich, it seems to me that this is an example of such modern, brave, determined young people who know how to do it and what needs to be done, or rather, i know how it needs to be done. his biography, despite his young age, is a man who has already gone through a unique school, in the government apparatus, and the director of a government department, large companies like rosatom, in his last position, for almost 15 years he headed the interao company, nikolai andreevich. the company has grown so much under his
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leadership, both qualitatively and quantitatively and meaningfully, he is a person with such an analytical mind and... very active, that ’s what i like, he is active, if he speaks, he does, if he thinks something is wrong, he again finds he knows how to make decisions, of course, such a school and such a unique experience that he went through is what is in demand today for the head of the accounts chamber, you know, you need to know the kitchen from the inside, financially from the inside. economic component of legislation, today, well, maybe each of us on the presidium, each of us, we will not name the numbers of laws, decrees of all decisions that relate to clear knowledge, what law, what
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normative act, what decree, understanding how to develop this body, and at the same time respect for what has been done.
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according to the regulations, in accordance with the regulations , we have a secret vote for the candidacy of the chairman of the chamber of accounts, i ask you to replace the work cards with secret voting cards, dear colleagues,
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a proposal has been received to appoint: to the position chairman of the accounts chamber of the russian federation, boris yuryevich kovalchuk. please vote. voting is underway. document number 134. colleagues, the decision was made unanimously. let's congratulate boris yuryevich on his appointment. chairman of the accounts chamber, and so that he leaves our meeting with full confidence and feels like a great leader, i would like to hand him a copy of our resolution.
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so colleagues, the last battle, it is difficult, it is the most difficult, change cards, change
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cards for work ones and continue, fourth the question is reported, please, to exclude him from the list of candidates and does not interfere with the certification of the rest of the list of candidates by the election commission. in addition, restrictions are provided for persons with the status of a foreign agent to fill selected positions in public authorities. the candidate’s obligation to terminate this status by the time he submits documents for his registration is established. colleagues, i note that the current regulations already provide for measures to exclude foreign influence on individuals. applicants for elective positions. thus, a candidate in federal and regional
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elections is obliged to notify the election commission about the alienation of foreign financial documents before submitting registration documents. the law proposes to implement a similar approach to foreign agents. failure to comply with the requirement to terminate this status will be grounds for refusal to register the candidate and exclusion of his certified candidate. well, it was a broadcast of the plenary session at which they took place consultations on the appointment of ministers of the security bloc and heads of special departments, in addition, as we just saw, the head of the accounts chamber was appointed, he became boris yuryevich kovalchuk, we are working on the sidelines , just a few seconds ago boris yuryevich passed by us, they wanted to he was also asked to comment, but he refused to give it, we were told that in the coming days there will be a full-length, full-length interview at the accounts chamber, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and there will be an opportunity to communicate with journalists it will be, in general, from here from the backdrop
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it was quite interesting to watch what was happening, the live broadcast, all our viewers saw it live, and here we watched this internal logistics, the internal drama of what is happening today, and it was quite interesting, because in this format of approvals , not even approvals, but consultations of the ministers of the security bloc, it took place for the first time when we are talking about all the heads of departments. applicants, so behind what is happening here within the walls of the federation council. i'll tell you a few interesting details. firstly, the candidates all arrived in advance at 2:00 in the afternoon, when the meeting began, everyone was already here, they were placed in a separate room, they walked there, past us, but did not give comments. then, during the start of the meeting , one by one they again.
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in more detail, here i will briefly mention that it was a short speech, three questions that the candidates answered, at the end of the plenary meeting there was a general vote on the resolution that these consultations took place, i will remind you that the norm on holding consultations are contained in the constitutional amendments that were adopted, and in fact the main composition of the power bloc of the cabinet of ministers is undergoing this for the first time, as i already said, leaving the meeting room, it was the first to go through this procedure. minister, a candidate, it’s probably more correct to say for now, for the post of minister of foreign affairs,
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sergei lavrov, we managed to briefly ask him how he generally assesses this procedure, let’s see how you like this format of consultation, i like it, this is a short one i like it, really about a lot says, because almost everyone who was able to ask this question positively assessed what is happening today within the walls of the federation council, talked about the openness of power, that there are senators. representatives of the electorate, representatives of citizens, and citizens should have the opportunity, through their representatives, to have an idea of ​​what they are doing and what tasks are facing them, including the law enforcement agencies, but i would like to remind you once again that these consultations are held with the full strength of the law enforcement bloc for the first time though for one of today’s interviewees, let’s just say, this is not the first time this procedure has taken place, but i will also talk about this a little later, and today, of course, mainly...
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i think, well, it would be too presumptuous, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, remember, i promised to talk about a candidate who, not for the first time, of the federation council has gone through a similar procedure, this is precisely the head of the ministry for emergency situations, he had already gone through consultations when appointed to the previous cabinet of ministers, so our the question was answered that this format is not new for him and there were no surprises, well...
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and work, we are doing good work, in fact, as for the preparation and work with the aviation of the ministry of emergency situations of russia in decent condition, in fact, i can directly report, and as for the challenges that we face within the framework of, well, natural and man-made fires, we will try, we will try to increase this work, but most importantly, we will take care of the personnel, the head of
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the space during this conflict will deplete and material and human resources of these states and stop their struggle with their
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geopolitical rival, that is, the bloc of western states, the bloc of western totalitarian-liberal regimes, the struggle for the formation of a new, fair, multipolar one. the world has an understanding of what kind of actions these could be, thank you, yes, well , the format of the interview is in the kulars, it is what is called on its feet, the interlocutors are not always ready to answer the full range of questions, some of the applicants today did not want to communicate with journalists, but one of those who commented was the head the russian guard, viktor zolotov, commented in detail on the tasks facing his department and answered our question about the transfer of heavy weapons to the russian guard. we have a future - of course , personnel training, this is the most important thing, and the most important thing is what i always talk about and have been talking about, this is , of course, combat readiness, combat readiness,
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this is exactly what we talked about in this regard, we raised the issue out of necessity in order for us to have heavy weapons, tanks, artillery, mortars, this is an important component, this is an armored fist for to give an answer to the enemy, both internal and external, internal ones... we have already seen it, it happened, there was practically one already, thank god it ended like this, but in life everything happens, so you need to be prepared for absolutely anything, lack of ammunition now there are no such problems, now there are no such problems, moreover, i want to say to praise my deputy, who worked for a while in the ministry of defense, he was there for a whole year, and during his work i want to say directly that there were no questions about weapons there, food ammunition, deception, he resolved all these issues and left with dignity, returned to the russian guard again, that’s why.
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well, actually, these are probably all fragments of the interview, all the comments that we are ready
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to show now, if we have the opportunity to ask a question to someone else, we will definitely return with them live, well, i want to believe that all today’s interlocutors are in the near future, when they finally take office, they will receive full powers, give a full-length interview to our channel and will have the opportunity to dwell on those or... now a short advertisement, we'll be back later.
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