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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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was passed by an overwhelming majority, 84 votes in favor and only 30 against. having learned the results, the demonstrators on the street reacted violently, and president slame zarubeshvili, who signed the law to which the law will now go, only adds fuel to the fire of protest; she has repeatedly promised that she will veto, but the ruling georgian dream party can overcome it. boris ivanin, irina zaborskaya, yulia tyushevskaya and anna pogonina. news. it's a big information evening, that's what it's all about.
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in kharkovy, a board for director ephrus is being demolished, although his son dmitry krymov supports the kyiv regime, where is he now? considers the situation critical and calls the capabilities of the armed forces seriously limited. these are excerpts from a surprisingly pessimistic interview that... was given to the new york times by one of the seemingly key witnesses to the ukrainian victory, namely kirill budanov, the director of the terrorist gur in this case, for some reason, does not promise to drink coffee in russian cities and does not build himself as a brilliant intelligence officer, on the contrary, confirms that the kiev regime essentially missed the beginning of active operations by our troops in the kharkov region, that is, he was not ready to stretch the front, and now he is at a loss as to how this very front could be stabilized, in short, a face
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full of complaints and openly defeatist reports, obviously in the hope of a reaction from the western masters, from whom kiev is still waiting for additional help, although washington and brussels are unlikely to be able to solve the main problem in the ssu, which anton potkovenko will specifically explain. anton, hello, well, it looks like there are holes in the defensive lines, well there was simply no one to shut it up. greetings, well , yes, kiev is really starting to run out of people, and those whom they are trying to evacuate simply don’t want to leave. the terrorist budanov is panicking or pressing for pity, or most likely both, one of the most odious kiev terrorists, the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine phoned the new york times from a bunker in kharkov, they write so, he depicted the situation of the armed forces of ukraine with the american newspaper the blackest colors. weapons are few, front are stretched thin, and most importantly, ukrainian forces have minimal reserves, this is a direct quote, here. one more to catch up: i
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used everything we had, unfortunately, we don’t have anyone else in reserve, that’s how it is? he, by and large, recognizes the catastrophic situation with the ukrainian mobilizers, but there is another aspect that we should not write off is that it is in the kharkov region that budanov’s rdk formations are located in krakina, which are directly connected to the mokraina mountains, and he is like a patron . he sees that little by little this is his, this is his praetarian guard, which he wanted to use in not the hottest areas. budanovsky’s cry from the bunker “we are on the brink”, this is according to zelensky’s principle, not in direct text, but in essence , to beg from the west for new supplies of weapons. in addition to begging for the next deliveries, but this statement and panic is an attempt to cover up their weaknesses. place, if you are a military
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intelligence officer, if you position yourself that you know everything and can get everyone, then why didn’t you foresee what’s happening now? in the kharkov direction, the armed forces of ukraine really don’t seem to have any reserves, including mobilization reserves, that’s what one of the former employees of the kharkov berkut unit told us, you can’t show your face to him, there are relatives left in the kharkov region, and the tskashniks are fierce there. in many ukrainian villages there are simply no more men, children, women, disabled people and old people left, and this trend is growing more and more than... more people are being caught by tskashniks, as they are now called by ludolovs in ukraine, in 2014 the first in russian spring has risen after all kharkov, already on march 1, kharkov residents went to the square, created self-defense units,
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it didn’t work out with the kharkov people’s republic then, but there were really a lot of pro-russian citizens, now look people. the kharkov region, to put it mildly, is not too keen on evacuating. this is a fragment of a bbc story from volchansk. an elderly woman, clearly not in the mood to go anywhere, no matter how much the police stand over her. so that's a rag. rag. the cameraman immediately turns off the camera because the western story about evacuation away from. the scary russians obviously didn’t go according to the script, but the woman is right, the ukrainian security forces are terribly afraid of our troops, that’s how it should be, but civilians have absolutely nothing to fear, that’s why they don’t actually want to evacuate, especially understanding how exactly this evacuation happens, one of my friends
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told me that they were evacuated, loaded onto buses, simply taken to a field where there were tents, and settled into tents. they lived for about a week, after which they were told: that’s it, excuse me, let’s move out, now they’ll bring in new evacuees, but you’ve already lived a little, let’s go somewhere and look for a place, people just don’t trust the authorities now. here’s another example, the already evacuated residents of the kupinsky district are trying to return back to plant their vegetable gardens, now is the time, the ukrainian authorities write about such returnees, well... would people really think about seeds, about seedlings, if they were really afraid of the russians , if citizens do not want to evacuate, it means they do not want to have relations with this state, they do not want belong to him, even if they want, then
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at least they are not afraid of the state that is called the aggressor, but budanov is afraid in his bunker, because no one will stand up for the terrorist, no matter how much you bow to the western press. anton potkovenko and the depression of the ukrainian nazis, well, almost the entire group involved in undermining the northern streams has been established, former verkhovna rada deputy andrei dergach said in an interview with the belta agency, he emphasized that at the moment the well-known names are not only the perpetrators, but also the curators of the terrorist attack, and more the ex-deputy revealed the schemes by which the biden family and his business partners finance terrorism. details in the material by maria valieva. in words, they condemn, in reality, they finance. ex-deputy verkhov.
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the seneca company, this is a company that is affiliated and owned by biden's son, where he received money, we showed all the postings, all these postings are in the possession of congress and the congress of the united states actually uses these documents to prove influence trading. criminal case in ukraine against the company burisma, linked to hunter biden, a lover of perverted naked parties, was closed after a bribe of $50 million, six of which was paid in cash. ukrainian law enforcement officers even filmed everything, arrested the one who took such an amount, thereby shocking european viewers, and then the case was hushed up, according to a secret court decision, the money was given to the military unit of the gur, the ministry of defense of ukraine. after that, the northern
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streams began to explode there, a series of terrorist attacks began, the heads of the ukrainian special services, malyuk, budanov, they don’t hide, if you open an interview, that they are holding the event for... budget mess, they managed to identify the entire group involved in undermining the northern streams. the participants were trained according to data from the derkach in the zhytomyr region in ukraine in romania, next to the nato base. burgomaster andrei. roman chervinsky, this is kuznetsov sergey anatolyevich, officer of the seventh counterintelligence directorate of the sbu, then varava oleg yuryevich, ruslan rudenko, this is the former deputy mayor of the white church, svetala marina aleksandrovna, woman 50 years old, one of the best technodivers of ukraine, her husband is also engaged in technodiving, a technodiving instructor, in fact, they served as a cover operation.
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secretary of state for europe and asia. dmitry peskov called on denmark and sweden to listen to the words of derkach and draw certain conclusions. we do not have any mechanisms for exchanging information with the kiev regime. yes, you can hardly imagine them now. if this information can. serves some kind of attention, then, probably, this is what the danes, swedes and other. due to the disruption of northern flows, germany lost 300 billion euros, the former nord of ukraine emphasized. there are legal and political forces in germany that are ready to help with the investigation of this monstrous crime. derkach also announced washington’s sponsorship of other terrorist attacks in russia and the murder of a journalist.
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containing russia and causing the greatest damage, that is, the public is taught that terrorism is an accessible form of work in the conditions of hostilities there. according to a former deputy of the verkhovna rada, the creation is underway basis for conducting fair international legal proceedings, investigating facts of terrorism, corruption, crimes against freedom of speech and human rights by nato member countries. their actions affected millions of people in serbia, afghanistan, iraq, and the north. in africa and syria , ukrainian citizens are suffering, because whoever runs the country strictly follows all
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the instructions of the west. maria valieva, evgenia zemtsova and yulia tyushevskaya, news. but let's return to the situation at the front, a spectacular video from the right bank of the kherson region, where a drone the dnepr group of troops spotted an entire squadron of enemy drones. they were obviously prepared for launch, but did not have time. since having received the coordinates of such a convenient target, our artillery will immediately understand. worked, but the enemy accordingly lost at least a dozen uavs, as well as several launchers along with operators. all this relates to the issue of the russian reconnaissance and strike contour, thanks to which accumulations of ukrainian armed forces equipment are identified and destroyed very quickly. and who knows, maybe that’s why the west is hesitating again regarding the transfer of f-16 fighters to the kiev regime. let me remind you that just yesterday it was stated that ukraine would receive the first of them from denmark no later than mid-june, but it seems to be a guarantee. personally to the prime minister of the scandinavian kingdom, but now they have again decided to shift the deadlines to the right, and
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this time copenhagen’s excuses sound simply mocking to the junta, as evgenia nipot confirms. evgeniy, hello, well, they say someone heard something wrong? alexey, hello, apparently there are problems with the danish language, which is heavy and difficult even for its carriers. kyiv: we have a cancellation. the scandinavians once again beckoned to ukraine with their wing, but then, apparently, the braking parachute worked. extreme. became a local journalist who confessed to his audience, saying that he misunderstood the words of his prime minister, who, it turns out, announced -16 months later, but the news about the june supersonic appearance of nato fighters over ukraine spread across the local media, victory, flashed rapidly, the giants, remembering the famous song, only managed to see a white hell, again the supply of danish aircraft, in which...
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our state officially warned that the transfer of such aircraft, their appearance on our territory, or close to our territories, we will consider as the appearance of nuclear weapons carriers, because f16, in these modifications is a carrier of a tactical nuclear weapon called the american -made b-61 bomb, which is stationed in
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european countries. a number of other factors cannot be excluded, firstly, catastrophic... everyone admits that the west is too slow when i i hear that the excellent czech initiative for the supply of ammunition will only be launched in june, because before that it was not clear what the funding would be like, it makes my hair stand on end, but an even bigger problem is the lack of personnel. ukraine is gradually bleeding, they cannot form a sufficient number of reserves. so, does it make sense to transfer even outdated, but still
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expensive f-16 fighters or air defense systems? germany in return for its destruction. the cheetah and egiris will deliver new samples, or rather, he promises to deliver, but with the blown-up american patriates it is more difficult. poland, for example, reports that it will not sacrifice anything, since the country itself has been waiting for complexes for 17 years, the country itself does not have what it needs for its own defense, therefore zelensky, without exaggeration, begs blinkin for new patriates, at least two for kharkov. quote: today we need two systems. and a patriot for the kharkov region during a meeting with the us secretary of state, who urgently arrived in kiev to reassure local bones. the last time he was in ukraine was after the failure of the counter-offensive at the height of the political conflict between zelensky and zaluzhny, and now he repeats it like a mantra: help is on the way, you only have so much money, equipment, we will definitely accept you into nato in the future, but you
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just need corruption overcome corruption, which is corroding the rear and the front. we know these are challenging times, but we also know that help is on the way, some has already been delivered and more is on the way, and this will make a real difference in the fight against ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield, and we, like many other partners, are committed to helping ukraine succeed on the battlefield. but will all these western supplies help when there is such theft? the british, for example, are not sure that what was promised will be able to turn the situation in favor. regime, or at least give it a chance to withstand the russian onslaught, they are not sure that, for example, the shells will be brought to the battlefield in time, so the militants doubt that the ukrainian combat vehicle will ultimately withstand the risk of stalling due to problems with the engine, one complains from the predators, apparently, are under threat not only to the military machine, but also to the political one. blinkin is trying to somehow preserve this very
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mechanism of the kiev regime, in the form in which it now exists, so that everything doesn’t just fall apart, and... which could simply lead to the collapse of the front, the collapse of the kiev regime here the fall of this junta, which seized power in ukraine. while ukrainians are dying at the front, blinkin feeds his charges with promises, and they with his pizza oaths, hold out until the last ukrainian, they you just need to give something else, something that will delay the inevitable a little and burn well on...
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they repelled a counterattack of the assault group of the 120th territorial defense brigade in the staritsa area. the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 135 military personnel, two armored combat
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vehicles, seven vehicles, a vampire reactive fire system combat vehicle, a 152-mm d-20 howitzer, a 32-mm gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, and a strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system combat vehicle. and the gepard anti-aircraft self-propelled gun. produced in germany. bugrovatka in the southwest of volchansk, having occupied it, the north group reached the seversky danets river. the successful attempts of our troops to cut off the ukrainian group in volchansky, what is left of it there, and supplies from the south are evident. the forces of the ukrainian armed forces are obviously running out, i would like to transfer reserves to this direction and to ambush others. avdeevskaya, there is a total retreat to the west. after leaving berdyche, every attempt to counterattack in this area turns into failure. at the shopping.
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for our guys, the platoon commander was awarded order of courage, he led the group, cleared everything, took one flin, destroyed the rest of the enemy, thereby ensuring that the group entered, cleared, and came out without losses. personnel shortage coupled with a shortage of weapons is a ubiquitous picture in the ranks of the ukrainian army, and this is confirmed every time by those who run to our side with their hands raised, they say they don’t even feel sorry for the money spent.
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soldiers chip in from the money they receive, their salaries, we chip in on cars, guys, we have nothing to fight with, we have a shortage of shells, i don’t know if this is in one direction or in all directions, we have a shortage of shells, we have a shortage of equipment. we are simple, simple, we are just meat. operational-tactical aviation and artillery, the day before the production and storage workshop of drones was destroyed, ammunition and fuel depots were hit, in particular in those areas of the kharkov region that former military personnel still call the rear; in kharkov, the target was the temporary deployment point of the military police, where new battalions were being formed armed forces of ukraine to be sent to the front line. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. the team has come a long way at last has proven the effectiveness of the product. this is how the telegram channel rybar today comments on the successful tests of the project of people's unmanned boats, which are assembled in
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the tula region with the support of both local authorities and the federal leadership, including the ministry of defense, well, here are eloquent videos of test launches. the drones really work properly, approach the given training targets at a very decent speed, and then explode spectacularly, that is, they do exactly what you should expect from such products. this goes without saying. very unpleasant news for the kiev regime, since for a long time it considered naval drones to be its exclusive weapon, but in the foreseeable future it will obviously be faced with the regular use of similar boats against the infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, here of course i want to find out which specific targets can become a priority, vadim zavodchenkov was looking for answers, vadim, good evening, there’s enough explosives to blow up some bridge, easily alexey, they’re not just called floating factories, let’s add a list of phobias of the armed forces of ukraine, fear of large bodies of water, the first
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use of a russian unmanned boat has been confirmed, a kamikaze surface drone is moving towards a training target, an explosion is heard a few meters before it, this was done so that the damage was maximum, the final product. this project is not only a prospect for the navy, in order to use it, for example, as a torpedo or missile carriers, as a bapul carrier on a neural network that works, carriers of electronic reconnaissance equipment, as well as engineering reconnaissance of various water areas. managed contact the designers of the people's bek, they are not yet ready to reveal the appearance and exact characteristics of the boat, but they told something: the product is a small boat
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with... a combined inertial satellite and optoelectronic navigation system, capable of sailing away from the operator for 250 km, has protected communication channels, but the most impressive figure is the mass of the warhead, 250 kg with the possibility of increasing to 350, floating plant. the drone was created by tula gunsmiths, and the main one. does it generally perform tasks in the nwo zone? the the crewless boat is produced at one of the juices in the tula region, by a team united by the same interests, we do everything for our own money, we got together with the guys, chipped in, spent it and there were a colossal amount of various difficulties, but they do not stop us. naval drones are a rare case when the enemy has something, but
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... we practically don’t, but there are objective reasons for this: firstly, kiev had ready-made models almost from the very beginning of the north military district, they were donated by the united states and britannia, who once invested money in the development of surface drones and wanted to test their risky know-how, and secondly, unlike the independent ones, we have a fleet that such boats are trying to resist in general. for russia, the development of naval drones was not an urgent problem, but this does not mean that we will not find how to use them; targets for quotation of mikaza, for example, could be the coastal military infrastructure of the kiev regime, the supports of bridges along which the ukrainian armed forces are supplied, and also little that what remains of military shipbuilding is independent, hidden workshops where they assemble and...
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boats and submarines, because what is an unmanned boat? this is the same torpedo, only in a different form, we didn’t need to control it - here are uncrewed boats for solving combat missions, now we are thinking about it, in general, the problem of uncrewed ships, submarines, aircraft - this is all our future, the near future, and it will be controlled by artificial intelligence.
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threats to the enemy from the sky, from the land, from the water, so much the better, let them be afraid. well, by the way, a little about british generosity, it has a downside, we have perfectly learned to resist naval drones, but the enemy is completely unprepared for such attacks. vadim zavochenko, you are unmanned boats. the president of georgia announced that she would veto the energy bill. today , the georgian parliamentarian... adopted it in the third final reading, the reaction of the state department is not surprising, and the entire georgian opposition is calling on the west for a tough reaction to the decision of a sovereign state. the us assistant secretary of state has already stated that washington imposes sanctions against the georgian authorities if democracy is undermined in the country. it is not specified what criteria will be used to evaluate the degree of presence of this very democracy. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. ukrainian courts intend
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to make a decision. in favor of the central control commission , it will be possible to automatically appeal from the trench, and even an intimate detachment of dry land soldiers, in order not to be sent to zero, will have to spend the night with the commander. we watch to know everything about russia, the best
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