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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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to act in unison with the parliament and the regions, to quickly resolve personnel and financial issues, this is vladimir putin’s first instruction to the new government. after signing the decree on appointments, the president held a brief meeting with the cabinet of ministers and said that he was planning a meeting with those who were not included in it on wednesday and that the entire previous... composition would receive state awards for worthy work. what else the president paid attention to at the personal meeting with ministers, anastasia efimova will tell. there are many tasks ahead and for confident development it is important to act together. the president’s reminder to the new government, with whom the head of state met on tuesday evening in the catherine hall of the kremlin. as vladimir putin recalled, the cabinet was updated with six new ministers, four of whom are sergei tsevelev, anton alekhanov, mikhail. six
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ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them having previously worked in the federal government, now having worked in the territory, they have acquired even more experience, knowledge, a sense of this territory where they worked and the territory in general, and very... i expect that they will use all their best skills, all my achievements in the regions of the russian federation, in order to solve the problems facing them at the level of the federal government, with maximum effect, at the same time, i count on the fact that the government leadership and all colleagues will work in parallel work tracks will provide them with the necessary assistance.
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in order for them to act successfully, as the president clarified, most of what needs to be done in the next 3 years has already been worked out, in other words, all the necessary decisions have been made, which means that nothing should interfere with the practical implementation of the assigned tasks, while the head of state urged not to stop, implementing plans for the next six years. in a short time , personnel decisions will have to be made at the level of ministries and departments so that the team is fully formed.
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positions in the government of the russian federation, i also want to thank them for their work and agree on how and where they could apply all their knowledge and skills in new areas, so that their knowledge and experience are not lost, they could work effectively for the benefit of the russian people and the russian state. decrees on the appointment of members of the government of the russian federation and directors of services were signed by the president on the same tuesday evening. each of the ministers went through the approval procedure in the state duma, for the first time in full in accordance with the amendments to the russian constitution adopted in the summer of 1920, and as the head of the cabinet clarified, this approach increases the level of interaction not only with the legislative branch, but ultimately with the citizens of the country. all the candidacies for deputy prime ministers and ministers that we discussed with you were approved by parliamentarians, for the first time in accordance with the constitution.
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as you said, all the relevant procedures, and here i want to say that this procedure increases the level of interaction between the executive and legislative authorities, this is what openness does. when we see, including from parliamentarians, that feedback from people that you always talk about, the composition of the government, you know, has generally been preserved, has been strengthened by the gubernatorial corps, and this is also very important, this will allow us to ensure on the one hand the continuity of those state programs, national projects that we were involved in, on the other hand, the feedback that colleagues from the region will bring here is very important, as vladimir putin recalled, in the near future define. financial support for plans, mechanisms for supporting families and citizens, businesses, this is a continuation of the work that has been carried out over the past months, in general everything is clear here, the government, as the head of the cabinet clarified, addressing the president, this quote: your team, it is ready to begin solving all assigned
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tasks. presidential decrees on the appointment of deputy prime ministers and ministers of the new government, as well as directors of special services, have already been published on the krem website. let us remind you once again about the main changes in the composition cabinet of ministers denis manturov became the first deputy chairman of the government. previously, he combined the posts of deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade. dmitry patrushev, the former head of the ministry of agriculture and vitaly savelyev were promoted from ministerial positions to the posts of deputy prime ministers. he headed the ministry of transport. the ministry of industry and trade is now headed by anton alekhanov, the former head of the kaliningrad region. andrei belousov became the new minister of defense. previously, let me remind you, he was the first deputy prime minister of the government. former governor of the khabarovsk territory mikhail was appointed minister of sports dekterev, oksana lut rose from first deputy head of the ministry of agriculture to minister, roman starovoyd, ex-head of the kursk region, now minister of transport, sergei tsivelev, former governor of the kemerovo region, now
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heads the ministry of energy. london threatens tbilisi with a deterioration in relations, and washington with sanctions and calls to change course. reaction to... today's vote in the georgian parliament, during which the law on foreign agents was finally adopted, the meeting was accompanied by the traditional rally, however, as noticed in the russian foreign ministry, it is already clear that western sponsors simply deceived and threw their georgian wards into the barricades, and it is logical that all this supposed struggle for liberal values ​​is accompanied by aggression against journalists, the zvezda tv channel reported that protesters attacked a correspondent boris ivanin is monitoring the situation in georgia. the square in front of the georgian parliament on shata rustoveli avenue, after the high-profile law on foreign agents was adopted, turned into a confrontation between the opposition and security forces. to to avoid unrest
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, they brought police equipment to freedom square, not far from parliament. the building itself was put on red alert, especially after demonstrators tried to break through the iron barriers. the georgian opposition escalated the situation all day; by evening the protest ceased to be peaceful, dangerous objects flew from the crowd, and the instigators began to be detained. after the adoption of the law, two opposition parties declared a boycott of the parliament, whose deputies could not interfere with the progress of the meeting, although they tried very hard. to the hall some came as if to a street protest wearing a respirator and goggles. the intense debate quickly escalated to a fight. the brawl, after which it was necessary to call a break, was provoked by the opposition; the soviet football player and now deputy mikhail kavilashvili had to fend off political and other blows from his opponents. young people think that by standing there they are serving national interests, but in reality they are acting against
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the sovereignty and statehood of their own country, and they are incited by people who themselves are without clan and without tribe. among the main instigators, paris-born president stranishvili. veto, but it will be a symbolic veto, just as this russian law is symbolic. she seemed to have forgotten that the law, which she calls russian, is actually copied from the american one, only much more lenient in terms of fines. the document is intended to streamline the activities of the republic of non-profit organizations that are financed from
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abroad, and it is they who are now inciting protests. well, who benefits, those european and american forces who want to use georgia according to type. ukraine against russian federation, it is absolutely obvious that such huge amounts of money that the united states and european structures poured into georgia were not poured out of love. to the georgian people, yes, as they declared it, but because of using georgia at the right time for their own interests. the head of the british foreign office expressed extreme concern about the situation in georgia, because the law on foreign influence will greatly limit this influence, including from london. we actively support the georgian people, we made it clear that this bill is flawed. petty revenge of an englishwoman, an announcement on the doors of the british embassy in tbilis, reception.
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georgian prime minister irakli kabakhidze called them frivolous. moscow regards the actions of the west as an attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of the republic. they have already said more than once that this is absolutely an internal matter of georgia. we don't want to interfere there in any way. on the one hand, we state the strong desire of the georgian leadership to insure their country against overt interference in their internal affairs. actually, since the vast majority do this. countries of the world, on the other hand , we again see unveiled interference in the internal affairs of georgia
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from the outside, we even hear threats of applying sanctions against georgia if they pass this or that law at home, what is this if not direct interference into the internal affairs of georgia? brussels also tried to intervene, right during the voting, threatening georgia with obstacles on its way to the european union. however, the law on foreign agents was adopted by an overwhelming majority, 84 votes for only 30. for the chinese nuclear power plant, preparations are already being made for shipment along the difficult bolgodonsk-tanwan route. as
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rosatom reported, the parts have already been shipped from the production site: the tenwan station is the largest economic cooperation project between moscow and beijing. the nuclear power plant is being built according to the latest russian design, and by the end of the year several more elements of power units will be sent from the rostov region to china. report by veronica bogma. a few minutes before the team. we were driving, representatives of rosatom of the plant and the customer put symbolic signatures on photographs of finished products, this is the second nuclear reactor vessel and the eighth steam generator that atommash ships for the tianban nuclear power plant under construction in china. translated from chinese, the nuclear reactor vessel has been successfully adopted, and these words are worth a lot. the chinese side controlled the production process at all stages. the specialists lived in algadonski. for several years, along with many professional terms in russian for sure remember the word pan, that’s what
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its creators call it with love in a homely way, this is complex energy equipment. it’s hard to work with the chinese, what’s hard, what’s good is easy? it’s easy to work with them, because they are actually very competent specialists, they are very technically savvy, and they have a great desire to make products, but the problem is that... we are being pushed very hard, but there is no rush here: 70% of the time, what goes into the production of each unit is quality control, input, ultrasonic, x-ray, flaw detection, testing of mechanical properties from casting of a metallurgical billet to shipment. at the same time, welding of the closing seam of a nuclear reactor vessel for another nuclear power plant is underway in the same workshop. in india, this interesting technological process will continuously last 2 weeks. many stages...
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members of the russia 360 expedition discovered a spy buoy in the arctic, travel.
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there seem to be a lot of signs of such markings here. moreover, it may not be a peaceful russian buoy, an enemy apparatus, the expedition members were ready, because even earlier they had received a description of the spy buoys and seen them in photographs. it turns out that such objects that transmit information overseas are often found here. interestingly, the buoy was not located near the border, but in our russian waters. we received information from special services about what is happening here in the water area. in the area of ​​the bering strait there are spy buoys, and in general there are buoys that collect all kinds of information, information about our ships, information, and in general about everything that is marked by crops, so pass it on. friends took a chance and opened the protective casing; the durable case contained electronic filling, a battery for autonomous operation,
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a system for receiving and transmitting information, possibly even for digital underwater communications, a spy. they took the buoy with them and handed it over to the competent authorities who will deal with this device. bogdan really had a hooligan idea, to confuse john, who receives information overseas, to throw this buoy into the pond near his dacha, but duty took over. we will save russia from spies. yinks kurbatova, maya lenova, to lead. in the moscow region , preliminary results of the entire reconstruction of federal roads in the region were summed up. as reported by the governor of the moscow region. road facilities are under construction, 23 of them are of federal importance. the head of the region also spoke about the largest important facilities that the authorities will launch this year. a decision was made in 2013 to modernize the road network in the moscow transport hub. this is
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a presidential program that has been actively implemented for almost 10 years. the region is growing. regions of russia, this is more than 4,500 positions. the event became the first official event within the framework of the russia-islamic world international economic forum. dozens of sessions, round tables and signing of agreements are planned. all the details are in the report by diana
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disaeva. this is a universal set; this seasoning is perfect for meat and fish. add juicy vegetables and fruits. products meeting halal standards were placed on the shelves of the kazan halal market. more than 4,500 items, for example, kyrgyz dried fruits. organic clean products such as apricots, nuts. seven more countries are participating in the exhibition. dried fruits were brought from afghanistan, sweets from kazakhstan, here you can find iranian drinks, azerbaijani juices, tea, indian and even sri lankan. and now we have just approached the stand from turkey, national treats are presented here, this is baklava and... fresh meat, exquisite horse meat sausages from the farms of neighboring bashkiria, eight types of kozylyk only we produce, young horses, any product.
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the number of its participants, this reflects the importance, the need to further develop relations between russia and... with the islamic world, about 12 million dollars - these are the products we sold for export precisely according to halah standards, but this year we are increasing the plan by approximately 16 million dollars . plans to export not only halal-branded products for the next 5 years were discussed in annapolis at a meeting on the implementation of the national project international cooperation and export. even president vladimir vladimirovich putin set a goal - this is an increase in neither raw materials nor energy exports by at least 2/3. we'll install it already. we have specific tasks to develop industrial exports, develop exports of agro-industrial products, develop infrastructure, build new industrial parks, logistics centers and port
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infrastructure, both in russia and abroad, where tatarstan supplies its products. more than 100 countries where we supply all our products. today, of course, our leaders are turkey, china, belarus, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, azerbaijan and the cis and european countries. there will be a list of countries. only to increase, the dialogue will continue on the sidelines of kazan-expo, the business program of the russia islamic world forum will bring together 18.00 guests from 85 countries, dozens of sessions, round tables, signing of agreements are planned, the forum of young diplomats of the oic countries will also begin work. diana dasaev, iskandar tyumenev, rinats khebgareev, lead tatarstan. the caen film festival in france opened, but not without scandals; hundreds of technical workers are threatening to disrupt the events within a week if management does not meet them halfway. huge staff headquarters trains demands compliance with its rights to increase wages. emil mirsaev will tell you more. according to an already established
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tradition, any major event in france, be it the world cup, the olympics or anything else, begins with a major strike. now, on the first day of the 7th cannes film festival , they decided to loudly remind hundreds of event employees about their rights. people of different professions, press agents, decorators.
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the logical impact on our employees of the film festival, the almost non-existent work-life balance, overwork, the feeling that you are an expendable variable, people lose self-esteem, uncertainty in knowledge and skills is growing, but this is not the only scandal, before the eyes of the participants a criminal case is unfolding against the key person of the festival, the head of the national center for cinema and animation , dominique bouton. three years ago, according to the prosecution, he abused his godfather. son, a twenty-year-old student, but this did not prevent the french ministry of culture from extending the official’s powers. the young man said that the godfather tried to hug
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him in the bedroom. having received a refusal, he began to rape. the victim has withdrawn into himself. the young man lost weight, suffered panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. the trial will begin almost immediately after the end of the film festival on june 14. prominent figures in french cinema are already demanding bud's resignation. under the petition at first. hours after its publication , hundreds of people signed up, and recently hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the headquarters of the national film center demanding the same. no, we cannot say that we were heard; rather , this is a dialogue of the deaf. i have a feeling that i stand in front of a wall of silence, unshakable, with all kinds of formulations and rhetoric that are well thought out, but do not enter into dialogue, because dialogue is when you tell each other the truth, looking into each other's eyes and using real words. a comment to the french television channel bfm tv was given by the famous actress judith gadresh, who will arrive in cana tomorrow with a short film mitu, specifically about the fight against harassment. starring a thousand victims
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of sexual violence, adding fuel to the fire are rumors that in the french press since the day a revealing article with a list of sex offenders in national cinema will be published one day. there are people who tell me to shut up, instead i need to talk about violence as much as possible, and the peephole of these stories frees you from decades of verbal imprisonment and fear. experts note that such a poisonous bouquet is the beginning of a series.
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a famous russian journalist, publicist who collaborated with our channel, hosted the replica program, and on top of everything else, a real legend of the domestic blasphere. his page in zhezhe, where he wrote under the nickname mr. parker, remained one of the most read and in demand, regardless of what topic the texts appeared there. they, of course, were very different, from serious political analysis, to humorous and satirical notes, or simply witty. it is difficult to argue that it was kononenko who largely determined the language of the modern runet and, in general, made, without exaggeration, a huge contribution to its development. maxim kononenko was only 53 years old.
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