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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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to act in unison with the parliament and the regions, to quickly resolve personnel and financial issues, this is vladimir putin’s first instruction to the new government. after signing the decree on appointments, the president held a short meeting with the cabinet of ministers and said that he was planning a meeting with those who were not included in it on wednesday and that the entire previous composition would receive state awards for worthy work. anastasia efimova will talk about what else the president paid attention to at personal meetings with ministers.
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there are many tasks ahead for confident development it is important to act together, a reminder from the president to the new government, with whom the head of state met on tuesday evening in the catherine hall of the kremlin. as vladimir putin recalled, the cabinet was updated, six new ministers, four of whom - sergei tsevelev, anton alekhanov, mikhail dekterev and roman starovoyd, until recently headed russian regions. the government has been renewed, we have new ones . six ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them had experience working in the federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they have acquired even more experience, knowledge, a sense of this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will use all their best skills, all their developments in...
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they could apply all their knowledge and skills in new areas so that their knowledge and experience are not lost, they could work effectively for the benefit of the russian people and the russian state. decrees on the appointment of members of the russian government the federation and service directors were signed by the president that same tuesday evening. each of the ministers went through the approval procedure in the state duma, for the first time in full accordance with those adopted in the summer.
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what makes this possible for the legislative authorities is the interaction between the executive and openness, when we see, including from parliamentarians, the feedback from people that you always talk about. the composition of the government, you know, in general, has been preserved, strengthened by the governor’s corps, and this is also very important, this will allow us to provide one on the other hand, the continuity of those state programs, national projects that we were involved in, on the other hand, the feedback that will be brought here...
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let us once again recall the main changes in the composition of the cabinet of ministers. denis manturov became the first deputy chairman of the government. previously, he held multiple posts. deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade. dmitry patrushev, the former head of the ministry of agriculture, and vitaly sovelyev were promoted from ministerial positions to the posts of deputy prime ministers. he headed the ministry of transport. the ministry of industry and trade is now headed by anton alekhanov, ex-head of the kaliningrad region. andrei belousov became the new minister of defense.
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previously, let me remind you, he was the first deputy prime minister of the government, the minister of sports, the former governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, was appointed from first deputy head of the ministry of agriculture to minister. oksana lut rose, roman storovoyd, the former head of the kursk region, now the minister of transport, sergei tsovilev, the former governor of the kemerovo region, now heads the ministry of energy. and another personnel decision, mikhail mishustin appointed head of the federal customs services of valery pikolev, former vice-governor of st. petersburg. the corresponding order of the head of government was reported by the press service of the cabinet of ministers. valery pekolev, previously worked in the government of the leningrad region as ampred for security, came to the regional administration in 2019, as vice-governor, coordinated the work of the committee on security, ecology, and migration policy. he was one of the authors of the st. petersburg program for the restoration of objects and infrastructure of mariupol, and still oversees its implementation. besides,
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vladimir putin made the appointment in the presidential administration, according to the decrees of the head of state, which were published on the official legal portal. formation, its staff was replenished with several new assistants and advisers. by decree of the head of state, anton vaina was reappointed as head. alexey gromov and sergey kiriyenko remain first deputies. maxim oreshkin, who was promoted from the post of assistant to the president, was appointed deputy head of the administration. dmitry kazak, magometslam magomedov, vladimir ostrovenko and dmitry also remained deputies peskov. he also retained his post as presidential press secretary. yuri sviridov was appointed his deputy.
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igor komarov - in the volga federal district, vladimir yakushev in the ural federal district, anatoly seryshev in the siberian federal district. anton kobikov, igor levitin, valery fodeev and elena yampolskaya were appointed advisors to the president; sergei ivanov was appointed special representative of the president on environmental issues and transport ecology. state duma, alexander kanovalov in the constitutional court. let me add that the new appointment in the administration has already been commented on by its head, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. in particular, he spoke in more detail about what
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issues some of the assistants and advisers will take control of. the president signed many decrees concerning the presidential administration. oreshkin became deputy head of the administration, he will deal with economic issues, as he actually did in his previous status, as well as transport issues. assistant to the president medinsky, in addition to his previous volume of issues supervised, related to history, with the historical heritage, will now also deal with cultural issues, together with him yampolskaya, who was appointed advisor to the president, will interact on cultural issues, as well as... polskaya will, under the supervision of sergei kiriyenko, be involved in the topic of youth policy. dyumin, the new assistant to the president, will oversee defense industry issues, deal with the state council and oversee sports in the presidential administration. nikolai
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platonovich patrushev also became assistant to the president, he will deal with issues shipbuilding, this will be one of the main, so to speak, areas of his supervision. but there will be others, perhaps edel gereev, who became an assistant to the president, he retains his functions, these are ecology, climate, and levitin, who became an adviser to the president, and special representatives. on international transport cooperation, it will mainly focus on the international transport route, north-south and northern sea route. units of the southern group of russian troops inflicted massive fire defeat by the formation of the armed forces of ukraine near several settlements of the dpr, according to the ministry of defense, the result of such attacks was the elimination of over 500 enemy personnel, but there are also those who make the right choice by surrendering. read more. vgtrk military correspondent alexander sladkov. a ukrainian
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prisoner escorted by a soldier of the nevsky volunteer brigade. they told you about the year fourteen. the truth is behind us, god is with us. we did not betray our ancestors. we did not betray the memory of our fathers and grandfathers who fought. what are you, a painted dollar dollar they gave away the paper, all of europe. donetsk front - direction of the chasovo yar. ukrainian prisoners are taken here almost every day, most of them recently mobilized. swamp, mud. the position is not staffed. how many people did you have in the position? at first two people.
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vision of the assault battalion of the nevsky brigade they began to fire at us, and then the assault group came in and assaulted us, i wanted to run away to a neighboring position, i just jumped out of the hole, they threw grenades, i was a little shell-shocked, fell into the grass, they came up to me to say, i’m still alive, took off the armor and jacket dragged, are you glad you got it?
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to be honest, we’re already sick of it, well, where, where are you going to run, you’re running away, you know, to prison
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, they’re putting you in prison, you don’t want to go to prison, you don’t want to go to prison, but you don’t want to die here, you don’t want to die, you don’t want to go to prison, we have such a situation , what do you think in general, why did this happen? they fought against which people, against donetsk, please tell your former comrades what you wish for them, maybe you want to say hello to someone? yes, hello, there’s no one in particular to convey, i want to convey to those responsible, that don’t go to war, it’s not yours. alexander sladkov, pavel vydrin, galim vergasov, lead donbass. almost the entire group involved in undermining the nord streams has been identified, former
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verkhovna rada deputy andrei derkach said in an interview with the belta news agency. he emphasized that at the moment there are well-known names not only of ukrainian performers, but also of their american curators. more from berlin, mikhail antonov. biden's business partners, the cia are ukrainian divers. new data makes it possible to link these entities into a single criminal chain behind. terrorist attacks on the nord streams. the corresponding statement was sent to the investigative committee of russia, as well as to the justice authorities of the usa, germany, france and cyprus. one of the co-authors of the investigation, a former deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine.
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her husband is also engaged in techno-diving, a techno-diving instructor, in fact, they performed the function of a cover operation, a dive, perhaps a fake installation of initialization means. the new investigation does not contradict previous information outlined by american journalist seymour hirsch. the fact that the mining of gas pipelines was carried out in the summer of twenty-two during the nato baltops exercises, and the detonation was carried out on september 26 of the same year via a radio signal from a norwegian aircraft. the ukrainians were needed solely to divert attention from the real customers and perpetrators of the terrorist attack. when a cover-up legend is made, it is done quite well, we do not take away the experience of the cia or mishest’s experience in preparing a cover-up operation, they have quite a lot of experience in using proxies and using legends
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to form a certain position and deflect responsibility. radon, engaged in the disposal of radioactive waste. by the way, it is possible that he was involved in attempts to create a dirty bomb. colonel of the ukrainian special services roman chervinsky, apparently the coordinator of the operation from kiev, was under investigation for abuse of power, but mysteriously disappeared from the pre-trial detention center at the end of april.
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for carrying out terrorist activities, after that, the northern streams began to explode there, after that dugin’s terrorist attack was attached, a series of terrorist attacks began, for us it is absolutely clear that the biden family, the partners of the biden family, are participants, proven participants in the financing of terrorist activities. the investigative committee of russia began checking the facts stated in the statement. the question is whether other recipients will show interest in this case, in the usa, france, cyprus, where burisma is registered, germany itself lost about 300 billion euros from the energy shock associated. with
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power outages, especially painful for precision manufacturing. european lawyers have a broad prospect of working with private and class actions. at the same time, at the official level , germany has completely lost interest in the investigation, not to mention transferring it to the international level, with the initiative recently taken to entrust the case to the un. does germany support this initiative? i would like to redirect you to the person whose area of ​​responsibility is the investigation, in this particular case the general prosecutor. yes, but my question was whether the federal government supports the initiative for an international un investigation. the attorney general is unlikely to help me with this question.
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shame is inevitable. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. on the eve of his state
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visit to china, vladimir putin gave a written interview to the chinese xinhua news agency, which was already published on the kremlin’s official website. here are some quotes: relations between russia and china are at their highest ever the history of the level continues to strengthen, despite the difficult situation in the world. the partnership is based on the principles of equality and trust, as well as mutual respect for each other’s sovereignty. moscow and beijing have the same positions on key issues on the international agenda. and russia, putin said, positively assesses china’s approaches to resolving the ukrainian crisis. according to the president, it is important that beijing understands its root causes. state, highest in diplomatic status. putin's visit to china on may 16-17 will be his first foreign trip after taking office as president of russia. putin will visit beijing and harbin. this is a response to last year’s
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trip by chinese president sidinping. his first foreign visit after being re-elected to office was to russia. according to russian presidential assistant yuri ushakov, putin’s program of events during his visit is intense. first of all , the ukrainian crisis is on the agenda for negotiations. stressed that the prc understands its reasons. also, vladimir putin and sidzenping will discuss the situation in the middle east and asia region. in addition, the heads of russia and china are scheduled to have an informal meeting, in which the new minister of defense andrei belousov and the secretary of the security council sergei shaigu will also take part. in turn, at negotiations in an expanded format as chairmen of the bilateral commissions of russia and china. deputy prime ministers dmitry chernyshenko, denis manturov, alexander novak will be present.
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in the historical quarters of harbin, min-min knows every nook and cranny, the characteristic turrets, stucco work, a lover of harabin antiquity even opened a small museum, there are many pictures of the old city and truly unique things, like this fanograph. the city where vertinsky and chaliapin performed regularly was generally the center of russian art, the first ballet school in china, the first music school, and this despite the fact that harbin was built as a station of the chinese east. railway, it determined the development of the entire region, from economics to science, the famous khorbin polytechnic institute, the forge of engineering personnel in china, grew out of the technical school of the chinese eastern railway. this building. was
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built in 1906 as a russian the imperial consulate in 1920 was transferred to the russian-chinese technical school. in 20 years of living in harbin, the head of his russian club has never once felt like a stranger here, because, according to chinese signs, even the smell here is reminiscent of russia, you are immediately transported back to those times, the atmosphere here is similar. this is about the aroma of fresh bread, in carbine it even became the chinese word leba, and millions of chinese. tourists who come to the north of the country sweep it off the shelves, and with it the sausage. on the main pedestrian street of junyang, famous like arbat, russian products are the main souvenir. it was not by chance that harbin was called eastern moscow; the historical center is literally saturated with russianness, take, for example, the visiting card of the city, st. sophia. there are so many churches, even former ones, in the sofia museum now nowhere else in china, alekseevskaya church on the corner of gogol street. local grandmothers
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here now dance every evening. here is a small pokrovsk church, the only functioning service in two languages. father alexander, who took this name at baptism, prays for peace with the parishioners. from the temple to the monument to soviet soldiers , 300 meters along the red army street, in 1945 she liberated harbin from the japanese, and today they remember well how they greeted soviet heroes with flowers. the soviet union
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was the first to help us become strong. carried out inhumane experiments on living people, developing biological and bacteriological weapons, and there were russians among the prisoners. tamara aleksandrovna pekareva was sent to detachment 731 in august. second. these holes are in the walls. there were pipes through which ammonia flowed. the japanese were calculating the reaction body to the cold, apparently preparing for war with the soviet union. at the huang shan military cemetery in the suburbs of harbino , the graves of soviet soldiers are carefully looked after. now stella has been restored. and the point is not that china is waiting for a russian president, it’s just that there is a special attitude towards the general pages of history. and in preparation for the large-scale economic forum that our countries will open here on friday.
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native harbin residents are being taken out. on the embankment with a brush. russia is a friend, a formula without which mutually beneficial cooperation. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news from harbin, china.
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