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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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the whole world now has a very serious american question, it’s not even that it’s...
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it means that they are preparing for something else, in my opinion, and - here then in this case it arises, well, since it doesn’t matter there there is no consensus, so to speak, there is a lot of discord in washington right now, in my opinion, it can’t end in anything other than a civil conflict, but before this conflict passes, we are really between two dangers, or maybe some combination of these two dangers , yes, get involved in one, two, so to speak, probably in two parts. world, let's say, into
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conflict, well, because there are not just the interests of some abstract america, democracy there and so on, but really the same elite groups, because taiwan is not only a processor, they have already evacuated, they are trade routes, and the south china sea, well, here my colleague will tell you in more detail, so to speak, these are also trade routes, if you lose control over them, you will lose a lot of things, in this sense, for example, here is another important point: this american law on ban on importing russian uranium is more than just another sanction. when jake salevan, national security advisor, president of the united states, says that the united states is regaining its leadership in the uranium sector in the peaceful nuclear sector. it is necessary to understand the state of uranium springs in the usa and canada. they are practically empty or are in a condition that would take a long time to restore. where will they take uranus, where will they turn their eyes, that’s how it is. very important, but there is
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little choice, that’s it, that’s why i don’t go any further i will, i won’t say where they will go next with their day not far from our border, that’s it, that’s why there are a certain kind of dangers that the chinese comrades also need to take into account, by the way, since they also have interests on the same mainland , that we are in, it also makes sense for them to take this into account, but as for european leaders, this seems like such a funny thing to me, because nothing depends on them, but... i like, for example, jose barel, i have already said more than once that he has said everything again that’s right, well, for example, he said that europe risks becoming a civilian victim of the strategic competition between the united states and china, but this will indeed be the case, in my opinion, here the united states will most likely hold back, not the united states, but the administration’s data, that what the conservative counter-lit will do is a separate conversation, well, if these people remain in power, and before the elections they...
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here, too, there may be a situation where in fact there is a plan, well, i don’t know whether it’s plan a or plan b, about shutting down significant part of the world, so to speak, this very dollar economy, especially since by that time they consider that either there is no other way out, or a sufficient amount of resources purchased for these same dollars, which they themselves imitate, have already been transferred to the territory of the countries under their control , well, let’s put it this way, the friendly countries of latin america have this very sound, well, for example, like the same ones... taiwanese factories, like the german
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auto industry there and so on, then they can take significant chunks of this very thing, which means the dollar space can simply be reduced and deleted from there. he has a difficult situation, the internal market needs to be developed, in my opinion, it’s like one of those problems that has not yet been solved, the belt and road does not lead anywhere now, well, because everyone understands, europe itself admits that it will become a civilian victim this confrontation, that’s why they blackmail him, but they impose appropriate
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sanctions against him, they say: look how we can punish you, that is, in my opinion, this is really such a serious thing, returning in conclusion to the very beginning, and we... in this sense, have no choice but to build our own economy, our own model, if they join it, or if we, together with someone else, make this new economic model , then this needs to be done faster, because this is already a race against time, apparently, because the economic indicators of the united states are falling, and they claim that they are growing, and this is always very bad, especially for everyone outside the united states, as i already said, be wrong you can take it, you can’t take it, well, yes. but they didn’t hear, they didn’t hear, well, i heard, when by the way, i’m curious about the approval of the government, some completely new quality of the government, because well, ministers are a common thing, but they speak before the duma, here somehow this is a new discussion, i somehow started listening to one healthy minister and somehow got stuck,
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it was interesting, that is, somehow everything happens completely differently, listen, well, modern people speak well , this it’s completely different from what we’ve heard before, that’s for sure, but i once... heard one thing, to which, it’s clear, the relevant federal minister said that it’s no big deal, we ’ll deal with it, but it’s still like this... then there are some terminological things, for example, overheating of the economy, here, here , overheating of the economy, yes, yes, well, well, you see, but overheating of the economy - well, that’s not the point, this is a liberal-globalist term, that means that in those countries where it is not necessary, gdp suddenly grows, although we do not allowed. this is what overheating of the economy means, and there is also a classical definition, as they give in their own, so to speak, clear dictionaries, this is gdp growth, i’ll quote it now, straight from a textbook from one of the universities, not supported by fundamental factors, so here this means that
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regarding the overheating of the economy and fundamental factors, there is a fundamental factor here, the old world is being destroyed, a transformation is taking place, so this is fundamental. all circles, all issues that are on the agenda of russian-chinese relations, here, but i would like to say a little about the situation that is developing around china on the eve of this visit, you know, because we talked a lot about chinese-american relations,
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we talked a lot about economic, about sanctions, so it must be said that in the last time , the situation around china is changing very quickly, almost in the twenty-fourth year, one can say that... politically, relations with the united states, blinken’s departure from china, the arrival of the ambassador, refusal, none of the chinese officials saw him off, already speaks about the nature, so to speak, of relations, political relations with the united states, scholz’s pisits, the meeting with macron, with fonderlein, here is sedzenpin’s trip to europe, especially to western europe, because serbia and hungary there are a completely different question, completely different another meeting. and other relations, they show that in general, relations with the united states and the european union, despite all attempts, meetings with biden, some, so to speak, hopes for a certain settlement, a certain success is not given, and that the west’s attitude towards
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china remains and even moves along the same trajectory of increasing, so to speak, confrontation, if we also look at the situation that is developing in southern china. sea, as the united states forms military blocs, which, so to speak, are aimed at containing the so-called china, in fact, simply so to speak, threatens the security of china, here is aokus. here is south korea, japan, here is the philippines, with endless clashes in the south china sea, but it seems to me even more amazing, i just looked now, this is the situation that is developing around china within the framework of the american sanctions that they have imposed, about this, if i may, right after a short pause, because the situation there is really quite unique, yes. where are you from from the eleventh b? no hello, but i'm from eleventh b. we are also from
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the eleventh b, eleventh b, in the eleventh b. i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to watch this good film. what do you sound like? very i liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful filming. all this, these were all the emotions, it was very cool, this was the first film, that’s what i was really excited about. the humor is good, i need to get to school 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but it’s not like that yet, wait, hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask, how can you even end up here, what a meeting, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, super, this is the situation, yes, this is it situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years.
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go ahead, please, well, now that means the third most interesting, the most indicative from my point of view, so to speak, an indicative sphere that shows the true nature of chinese-american relations, what sergei ovidich lavrov also spoke about, what we talked here about the fact that the united states does anything.
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very large orders, they immediately impose sanctions against them, immediately, absolutely, the same thing in china, so, here is a new tour sanctions against china, began in march of twenty-three, when five companies were accused of trade relations with iran, and these are all telecommunications companies, and they would actually have been subject to sanctions, then this is already october of twenty -three, this there are already 42 chinese companies, again all this... in the modern sector,
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let's say, which also find themselves under american sanctions, they are generally prohibited from purchasing any, so to speak, products in the united states, they actually to say, they are alienated from the market in which they actually worked, this was the twenty-third year, so to speak, then we come to this period, to our period, on the eve of the visit, apparently, in the united states they decided what needed to be done here. a particularly strong blow, and here we see that in april they impose sanctions on four chinese technology companies, and you know why? they help strengthen china’s defense capability, that is, that is , the wording is very interesting, that these four companies, they help, yes, chinese companies that help strengthen the defense capabilities of their own, and their own country, and that means they, so to speak , in april they introduce such sanctions, on may 1, as you remember, to propose a sanction, for example, in the blinkin style, you know who is to blame for corruption in ukraine, well, who's to blame for
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the corruption in ukraine, according to blinky, russia, right, so, look, democracy in ukraine will weaken if citizens stop believing that they can hold their government accountable and eliminate flaws in your system from the inside. it is not surprising that putin sought to weaponize corruption in ukraine. the emirates there are turkish companies, including 21 chinese companies, well, on may 1, may 9 , the next sanctions are already against 37 chinese
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companies, again high-tech ones, which, as they write from... yes, yes, that is, we see that by the time of such a big event, so to speak, this visit, we see that the united states, so to speak, has simply noticeably strengthened and intensified this policy of sanctions, you see, and here again the question arises, do they really not understand in a certain sense that this policy will ultimately,
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so to speak, suffer an absolute collapse, but they succeeded, frankly, in december, biden introduced, this is another thing, already against us and china, against our relations, in december biden introduced secondary sanctions against chinese banks for trading with us, this, of course, turned out to be a very serious measure, because we have long said that the chinese banking system is such a heel, this is that part of the chinese economy, which is most integrated, most dependent, works, so to speak, in the dollar system, so for them any... the payment system between us and the chinese, according to some estimates , has very significantly begun to decline somewhat , and chinese exports to us, because payments do not pass and, accordingly, everything begins to stop and it seems to me that this question, this will be one of the priority
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issues that we must solve, because there are different options how to get around it, how... to repel this american attack , attempts, of course, well, there is experience in chinese-iranian relations, that is, there are jobs there, well, there are different ones, there is also through bitcoins, there is also through trash, the americans actually also control everything, yes, you can look at different options, the simplest option, as it seems to me, is to just take a suitcase, get on a plane, fly to china in 8 hours, the payment has gone through, the goods have arrived, that’s all, this option, maybe it’s not, well, it could be the system there is a lot of barter. well, the chinese are beautiful and cause difficulties, because in yuan the same banks that work in dollars will operate and new banks will not work now, then the americans will fine the correspondent bank until the chinese leave the dollar market, will there be anything to grab a correspondent member for,
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chinese? so to speak, local, well, that the americans are well aware of, so to speak, the chinese banking system, i would introduce counter-sanctions, but the chinese introduced counter-sanctions, by the way, i would implement asymmetrically, i would, for example, say, withdraw the sanctions regime, and we are introducing an anti-sanctions regime, that is, for example, we are canceling all the sanctions that have been imposed against north korea, yes, this is also very important, by the way, because in principle only the security council can impose sanctions, since the americans take it upon themselves.
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to say, the possibilities, i think that in sanctions, there are different options, different, so during this visit we will of course discuss this issue, because it is very urgent, because trade is going on today, why is it not possible, for example, to create a dual currency zone, well, for example, our banks are already under sanctions, so what’s stopping us, for example, from in a number of chinese territories, with a number of chinese , they work only in purely ruble schemes, that ’s the problem, no, well then it should only be our banks, please? well, okay, they will agree, sooner or later they will come to this, but there is no such thing, but they will be joint capital, well, this is necessary, we need to introduce an alternative financial system. yes, yes, yes, in the end this is not beneficial for the americans, if they want to maintain global dominance, then they are actually forcing us to create our own,
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why should we do what is beneficial to them or it’s not profitable, we need to do what ’s profitable for us, we need to forget about the americans altogether, just forget, listen, there are only a little less than 400 million, that is, it’s a lot to strain so much, in china there’s one and a half billion, in india it’s about that much already, that we so we’re stressing about these, let’s just let it be there somewhere. in the distance, by the way, let them return the land to the indians, please, american sanctions have long been known to be double-edged weapons and in the near future counter-sanctions will only be used more and more often, the americans know this, china has already introduced sanctions against the united states of america in europe are now frightened by possible counter-san.
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and we and we have nothing else that is interesting, they are now returning to russian raw materials in a roundabout way, because they understand that this has hit their economy, but
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the train has partly already left, they have already lost a lot on american liquefied gas, which was three times more expensive, and you have to pay to reorient yourself towards democracy, it’s not possible to reorient yourself back so quickly, the same macron constantly... says that in europe are concerned about the same anti -inflation law that was adopted in america several years ago, perhaps more than anyone else, and if the americans officially say that this law is directed against china, then in fact they are again the losers it turns out europe, well, if now macron in an interview with bloomberg, in all seriousness, together with a journalist, talks about what will happen if... china takes sanctions against europe, they say: oh, they will stop buying our cognac, jokes, jokes, but europe littered with solar panels
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chinese production, electric cars and so on, well, they were very stupid when , in addition to this, they also partially abandoned cheaper russian raw materials, because they still didn’t succeed completely, again, new figures indicate that... they they are returning to this again, but as for conflict in the world, a global conflict is still possible, the danger of this remains, and this danger exists - in at least three points, this is eastern europe, this is the situation around china, there is not only taiwan, there also the philippines, and this of course, the middle east, the majority of informed people, even western politicians and analysts, say: that the slight calm that has now arisen in the middle east region is only temporary, and these dances over the abyss that
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we observed, the ammunition has run out, what, because of what, the ammunition ran out, no, it was just that everyone was really scared that a big conflict would start, but its danger remains, we will be dancing over the abyss in the near future, i believe... we should teach the israeli prime minister netanyahu should think strategically like the americans, so that he abandons his plans together and, for example, accepts the plan
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of the united states of america for the reconciliation of saudi arabia, i am simply amazed that the americans do not understand that the same plans are in place in the middle east, they still matter , and for netanyahu, for israeli society, this is very important, as well as for the palestinians, for whom everything is seething and who cannot stop, so this is a small temporary lull, i assure you soon.
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