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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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with the new composition of the government, he gave his first instructions, the president stated the need to act in unison with parliament and the regions, to quickly resolve personnel and financial issues. on the eve of his state visit to china, putin gave an interview to the chinese news agency senhua, topics including the development of bilateral relations, the resolution of the conflict in ukraine and the formation of a multipolar world. in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military defeated fortified positions. completed the combat mission calculations of the most powerful mortar in the world - a tulip with 240 mm caliber shells. they allow you to break through even three-meter concrete walls. the west openly allows the kiev regime to use its weapons on civilians and refuses to condemn such terrorist attacks. russia announced this at a meeting of the un security council. vladimir putin gave the first instructions to the new composition. government, the president, in particular
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, stated the need to act in unison with the regional parliament and promptly resolve personnel and financial issues. brief the head of state held meetings with members of the cabinet of ministers after signing the decree on appointments. the president said that he plans to meet with those who are not included in the cabinet of ministers today, and the previous composition will receive state awards for worthy work. anastasia efimova will tell you what else vladimir putin paid attention to during the meeting with the ministers. there are many tasks ahead and for confident development it is important to act together, the president reminded the new government, with whom the head of state met on tuesday evening in catherine's hall of the kremlin. as vladimir putin recalled, the cabinet was updated with six new ministers, four of whom - sergei tsevelev, anton alikhanov, mikhail dekterev and roman starovoyd - until recently headed russian regions. the government has been renewed, we have six new ministers. four of them came from the regions
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of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them had experience working in the federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they have acquired even more experience, knowledge, feeling this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will apply all their best skills and all their achievements in russian regions.
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has been worked out, in other words, all the necessary decisions have been made, which means that nothing should interfere with the practical implementation of the assigned tasks, while the head of state urged not to stop, implementing plans for the next six years. in a short time , personnel decisions will have to be made at the level of ministries and departments so that the team is fully formed, for everyone who worked in the previous composition of the cabinet, vladimir putin will present state awards. quote: this is the right decision. i signed a decree on awarding state awards to colleagues who served in the previous government with dignity, i think this is the right decision, i want to thank you for this work, congratulate you on state awards, i also intend to meet with colleagues who left their posts in the government of the russian federation , i also want to thank them for their work and agree on how and where they could... all their knowledge and skills in new
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areas so that their knowledge and experience were not lost, they could work effectively for the benefit of the russian people.
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on the whole, has been preserved, has been strengthened by the governor’s corps, and this is also very important, this will allow us to ensure, on the one hand, the continuity of those state programs and national projects that we were involved in, on the other hand, the feedback that colleagues from the region will bring here, very important. as vladimir putin recalled, it will be determined in the near future financial support for plans, mechanisms to support families and citizens, businesses, this is a continuation of the work that has been carried out over the past... your team, it is ready to begin solving all the assigned tasks. russia positively evaluates china's initiatives to resolve the conflict in ukraine. vladimir putin stated this in
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an interview with the chinese news agency xinhua on the eve of the state visit of the prc. the president emphasized: the plan put forward by beijing speaks of the need overcome. cold war, the importance of respecting international law and the un charter. this approach could become the basis for future negotiations. we want a comprehensive, sustainable, fair settlement of this conflict through peaceful means and are open to dialogue on ukraine, but these must be negotiations that take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including our interests. coupled with a serious conversation about global stability. about security guarantees both for the opposing country and, of course, for russia, and these must be reliable guarantees, and the main problem is precisely the reliability of any guarantees, since we are dealing with states whose ruling circles prefer a world order not based on international law, but an order based on
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the rules that they constantly talk about , but which no one saw, with which no one agreed, and which, apparently, change depending on the current political... situation and the interests of those who invent them. vladimir putin also paid attention to the position of the west. the president noted most people on earth consider our planet a common home, where all residents have equal rights, but countries that consider themselves to be part of the so-called golden billion have a different point of view. separately, vladimir putin focused on bilateral relations between russia and china. the soviet union was the first in the world to recognize the prc on the second day of its existence. and this year the countries are celebrating. i have noted more than once that our peoples are bound by long-standing and strong traditions of friendship and cooperation, and this is one of the most important foundations of bilateral relations. for 3/4 century our countries have come a long and sometimes
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difficult path. we have fully taken into account the historical experience of our relations at different stages of their development. today we understand how powerful the impetus is for all-round rapid development. kyiv regime on the belgorod region. regional authorities report that air defense shot down several targets on approach to belgorod. two civilians were injured, a woman had shoulder injuries, a man had burns, both of them were hospitalized. a private residential building caught fire in the village of dubovoe. now these are the frames on your screens,
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firefighters are fighting the fire, fire crews and police can be seen on the spot, seven more houses in this settlement were also damaged, windows were broken, roofs were cut, two were hit by debris. tires and power line. the roar of explosions was heard last night in ukraine. the message also came from the city of sumy. local publications, no details yet. lead, a new series of detonations occurred in kharkov, the eighth in a row in the last 24 hours, explosions thundered in kherson, under the control of the kiev regime, sirens air raid warnings in the regions of ukraine sounded several times during the night; in total, this regime was announced in four regions. in the special operation zone, military personnel of the western group of forces destroyed several ukrainian armed forces vehicles with ammunition. scouts using drones detected the advance of enemy equipment to the front line. the coordinates were transferred to... the control point, the crew of the fagot anti-tank complex quickly moved to the indicated area,
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the fighters hit the nationalists' vehicles with precise blows, then the military personnel escaped guns from firing positions so that the enemy does not have time to strike back, hitting the targets of heavy equipment, that is, if possible , destroying the enemy on foot, that is, who moves in groups, found the target, that is, moved forward. to his point, but completely controlled the exit of his crew, which was there, they turned around, made an exit from the installation, worked, hit the target, turned away, left, didn’t find themselves, no one saw us, no one heard us. russian units in the southern donetsk direction were destroyed recessed control points and fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces. powerful defensive structures were destroyed by large-caliber mortar shells. tulip, no other country in the world has such a weapon, a tulip can pierce even three-meter concrete walls,
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our war correspondent eduart punigov will talk about the work of the combat crew. tulip is the most powerful mortar in the world, each shell weighs 240 kg, it has enormous destructive power and can penetrate even the most fortified defensive positions. to successfully complete a combat mission, the soldiers need to get as close as possible to... they need to drive at maximum speed so that the installation is not detected by enemy artillery or drones, a couple of minutes to deploy, the crew is preparing to open fire. the mortarmen first take aim, aerial reconnaissance transmits updated coordinates, after which fire is aimed at killing, usually the second or third shell flies right at the target. the tulip is usually used to hit the most fortified or strategically important structures on average 9 km. and we work on strongholds, bunkers, pillboxes, ordinary high-explosive steel mines, they penetrate up to 2-3
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m, concrete shelters, they completely destroy them inside. after a series of shots, the soldiers dismantle the installation as quickly as possible and immediately return to the shelter. the main danger to tulips are fpv drones that fly at speeds over 100 km/h. we leave every day, that is, at night, always at night, well, in any case, there are three goals. there are definitely always two there. the artillery base camp is relatively far away from the line of combat contact, approximately 20 km. enemy drones fly here much less often than on the front line. usually they are intercepted by our air defense crews, who are on duty along the entire front line. but tulips are still always camouflaged in the forest belt and covered with branches on top. artillery from buryatia and the eastern group have been working in recent months on one of the most tense sectors of the front.
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the weapons transferred by london can be used for attacks on russian territory, including outside the zone of a special military operation. in the north in the omsk region, the number of houses in areas flooded as a result of floods is growing, there are already more than a thousand of them; in the ustishimsky district , the water level in the rts has exceeded the record values ​​of eight years ago. regional center. may completely go under water, heavy rains complicate the situation, 2/3 of the monthly norm has fallen in the past 24 hours alone, entry into the village of ustishim is closed, only special vehicles are allowed in, the evacuation continues, over a thousand people have already been evacuated, it was decided to send children from the affected villages to summer camps camps, and the vacation will be free, now news
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economy, maria grigorieva joins me, mazha, good morning, economic ties between russia are strengthening. and china. rum, good morning, yes, now i’ll tell you where the greatest dynamics are observed. moscow and beijing have long made a conscious choice in favor of equal, mutually beneficial economic ties. vladimir putin stated this in an interview with the chinese news agency xinhua on the eve of his state visit to the prc. as the russian leader noted, strategic cooperation in the economy is developing, good dynamics are observed in supplies russian agricultural products to the chinese market. initiatives are being implemented in the context of investment and turbulence of economic turmoil . such results against the backdrop of the global west, vladimir putin said, once again confirm the correctness of the choice of the sovereign course. trade and economic relations between our countries are developing at a rapid pace, demonstrating
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stable immunity to external challenges and crisis phenomena. over the past 5 years we have been able to. year it amounted to 111 billion dollars, then last year it already reached 227.8 billion dollars. at the same time, more than 90% of payments between our companies go into national russian-chinese trade turnover. if in 2019 currencies. therefore, it would be more correct to say that bilateral trade now amounts to about 20 trillion rubles, or almost 1.6 trillion yuan. china has been our main business partner for 13 years, and russia in 2023 immediately rose to fourth place in the ranking of commercial counterparties of the prc. the european union buys less lng again more than russian pipeline gas. berliner xait writes about this with reference to official statistics. from january to april, eu countries cut
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lng imports by 8% year-on-year to around 41 billion. cubic meters, pipeline gas during this period was almost equal to liquefied gas, supplies increased by 5% to 40 billion cubic meters, the lion's share went to russia over 7 billion cubic meters, this is plus a quarter compared to last year. the german publication makes a very unusual conclusion for the current povet market: buy pipeline gas in russia quite profitable, especially against the backdrop of competition for lng with asia. the us and europe have new differences. regarding the use of frozen russian assets, the new york times writes that washington and london promoted the idea of ​​complete confiscation of the assets themselves, and not just seizure of interest, but a number of countries, including european ones, came out sharply against it, and were supported by christina lagarde. the head of the ecb understands perfectly well that if 200 billion euros are taken away at once, the status of the euro itself as a reliable reserve currency
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can be forgotten. american edition claims that complete confiscation is no longer discussed, but there is disagreement on interest income from... russian assets. the european union would like to transfer this money to the kiev regime once or twice a year, but the united states insists on much more frequent transactions. but of course, everyone is confused by the question of liability if the conflict ends in peaceful negotiations. washington wants to shift everything to brussels, but brussels, of course, does the opposite. and at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rate today is the dollar is 91 rubles. 35 kopecks euro 98.66. and for now. on this all. novel. masha, thank you. now to the most recent messages. it is necessary to act in unison with the parliament and the regions. vladimir putin set this task for the ministers of the new government. the president met with the cabinet of ministers after signing the decree on the appointment. moscow supports beijing's initiative to resolve the conflict in ukraine. vladimir putin stated this in an interview with the chinese
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xinhua agency on the eve of his visit to china. it starts tomorrow and will be the first trip abroad. another ukrainian attack nationalists on belgorod were repelled by our air defense this morning. several air targets were shot down on approach to the city. according to the governor, a private house in one of the villages caught fire as a result of being hit by a shell. two people were injured. more than a thousand house plots were flooded as a result of floods in the north of the omsk region. the entire usteshimsky district is threatening to go under water. the level of rts is growing. they complicate the situation. 2/3 of the monthly norm fell in one day. which route will the silk road rallyrath take this year? about this and not only in sports news, in a couple of minutes. magnet - the price is what you need. kvass ochakovsky, 99.99. the state has abolished
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fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles for free, withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! say no to silicone and yes shaoma shampoo - 90% ingredients of natural origin for healthy , beautiful hair, take care of your family with shauma. shaoma - care from roots to tips! i didn't sign up for this! but i signed up for the gazprom bonus, every day with me, bonuses and discounts are at hand, they buy only with benefits, everyone thanks
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and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program. vtb! choose the categories you want every month, for example, clothing, groceries , sporting goods, and get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card in rubles. thank you, thank you. now sports news, the issue will be presented by danila makhalin, good morning, the russian women's football team will play two matches with the national team of uruguay, what dates are they scheduled for, good morning, the meeting will take place.
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at the end of the season, football kaliningrad has a dilemma, an endless discussion between fans, what is more important for the baltics right now, to stay in the premier league or? winning back, the red and white had almost the entire match ahead to fix everything, but despite the huge number of goals moments, we didn’t manage to score that evening, let’s watch
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the game one more time and honestly tell us, honestly tell us how it should have ended 1:6, 1:6, well, it didn’t end, because such things happen, this is final football. whistle, baltika passed spartak reached the super final of the russian cup, this is the first reaction of the fans of the baltika club. their team in the premier league is on the verge of relegation, but in the russian cup there is only one step left to the trophy, and on june 2 in luzhniki baltika will play in the super final for the russian cup with the winner of the pair zenit cska. guys, look how confident we are, we are confidently pursuing our goals, so i hope everything will be fine in the baltic. i like it here, so i'm very honest. i’m very happy just to reach the final with the baltic, think about it, we have a very strong team, you can’t imagine, it’s all about character, look at the full stadium, i’m
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delighted, i’m happy. i'm happy, that's all. for the first time in its seventy-year history , baltika is laying claim to a major trophy. on june 2 at luzhniki against zenit or cska, sergei ignashevich’s team will not be favorites again, but in the cup everything is possible. with what feelings will you watch the zinit cska match tomorrow? who will you prefer, zenit or cska? honestly, this is the finale, it’s the little things that make all the difference. you go out, tune in, everything depends on your game, then you will win the cup. this is one match, one. the final.
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the end is near in the english football championship, where leader manchester city arsenal only have one match left to play. london arsenal were in the lead with 86 points, but city had a game in hand against tottenham away, but guardiola's team did not misfire, erling hollan made a double, scoring one of the goals from the penalty spot, although the key episode occurred a few minutes before the end of normal time, when the tottenham player, a korean... a dream forced the defender to make a mistake, and kanji ran to the goal alone, but ruined the moment, played well goalkeeper artega. city won 2:0 with one game remaining and is ahead of arsenal by two points. in the last game of the season, mancity will play at home to westham, and arsenal will play at home to everton. russian tennis player karen khachanov was defeated in the 18th masters finals in rome, in the fourth round match, khachanov
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lost to the chelian. scored in two games in two tiebreaks 67-67. the only representative from russia at the rome masters was daniil medvedev, but he, being the fourth racket in the world, lost in two sets with the sixteenth racket to the american tommy paul, one6 and 4:6. and again, medvedev was unable to win any tournament at least once in his career for 2 years in a row, and therefore lost a large number of rating points. gandabalists of the capital. cska won the first match in the final series of the championship playoffs russia against chekhov's bears near moscow. the meeting took place in moscow and ended with a score of 26-25 in favor of the hosts. the army team took the lead in the best-of-two series 1:0 following the results of the regular season, cska and the chekhov bears took the top two lines of the tournament table. at the same time , the army team suffered their only defeat from their opponent in the final, where the top scorer so far is
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csk player daniil shishkarev. he has seven goals to his name, the second match will take place on may 19 in chekhov. organizers of the silk marathon rally a group of several crews formed a group and set off on an expedition to carefully study the route of the race, which will take place in july of this year. the silk road 2024 will pass through the territory of two countries, russia and mongolia, starting in tomsk and finishing in ulanbatter. over the course of 11 days, participants will overcome about five. crossing various natural areas. in total, the general reconnaissance of the route, which involves some kind of reconnaissance, will last about a month. based on its results, the fourteenth edition of the raid rally will acquire its final outlines will receive all necessary approvals. that's all about sports for now. see you in the next part.
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