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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 8:30am-8:59am MSK

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i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed. you were waiting for spring, now spring
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is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. news from sergena chas, briefly. at a brief meeting with the new government, vladimir putin gave the first instructions; the president stated the need to act in unison with parliament and the regions, to quickly resolve personnel and financial issues.
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well, in general, it is convenient and useful if handled skillfully, on the other hand, there are risks, in including loss of personal data. a large-scale conference for google aio developers, this time entirely dedicated to artificial intelligence. this phrase was the first thing that was heard from the stage along with the words about google’s aspiration, and how many hundreds or thousands of times it was repeated later is impossible to calculate without neural networks. as far as ordinary users are concerned, we are primarily talking about... the next version of
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the android mobile operating system, which will significantly at least it is built around the large gemini language model, which is considered to be at least as good as the famous solution from open ai. its peculiarity is that this model is initially multimodal, that is, able to read, listen and see equally, and can absorb a huge amount of information as context, for example, up to an hour of video or one and a half thousand pages of pdf files. so, the main innovation of the future. google assistant voice assistant is giving way to the gemini application, in principle it is available now, but not in all strange ones and as a separate solution, more like a chatbot, like gpt chat. now it has been turned into an assistant that runs on top of any application, and , most importantly, automatically uses data from this application as a context, that is, it understands what is currently open, for example, a video or document, questions relate to the content of this particular one.
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media, you can even send a signal to your assistant using your smartphone camera. associated with actively promoted such personalization is the second important announcement of the google conference, light version. which will work directly on a smartphone, without transferring user data to the cloud, it is proposed to entrust it with a completely confidential task, as an example they gave a scenario in which such a model eavesdrops on telephone conversations, analyzes them and can detect attempts at telephone fraud, for example, first this will work, of course, on branded google pixel smartphones, well, search on android smartphones will also be neural network, that promises a new set of wonders, beyond. mobile operating system, all numerous google projects also receive support from jemenna’s generative neural network, first of all, of course, everything related to business processes, there is generally an endless set of scenarios, starting with the ability to automatically select everything from mail, organize them in xls- a table and get
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some kind of cost analysis in the form of a graph, well, they couldn’t get around the topic of generating content based on a text query, images of music, and now videos in google, however, usually a very winning topic, it didn’t bring much excitement, a rather monotonous presentation, perhaps because with the incredible abundance of absolutely amazing solutions, there were hardly any announcements about the launch of live demonstrations, that is, like last time, there was a feeling that in reality it’s all not very good yet it works, well, we should note that right before the google conference there was a big update of our understood. let's amplify the drama, once upon a time in a world not too different from ours, there was a robot named bite, do this in a robotic voice now initiating dramatic robotic voice,
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once upon a time in a world not too different from ours, there was a robot name, on the agents, despite the protests of the usa and the georgian opposition, more on that in a couple of minutes. it is profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners, a free sbercard, a favorable rate on deposits, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan, and this is nice for me - 4,900, but yes, of course. extinguish, but your food gives me heartburn, with this i already have heartburn from it, let’s keep it simple, heartburn from food, take it, it extinguishes,
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fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, is active from the first minutes, extinguishes and extinguishes the butt, children grow. and we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses, a payment sticker, apply now for a children's sber card, an adult approach. just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you with a discount of 300 rubles on the first order can soseson anywhere appetite dad can
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only dad will tame dad can dad even animals for appetite a snack won’t hurt if appetite sausage dad can catch a firebird’s feather it’s not easy, but everyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprom bank, a fire rate of up to 17% per annum on a deposit for 6 months, get real income in a reliable bank , open a deposit on we found out that the phone works, even with zero, with zero account, with beeline you are safe even with zero account,
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thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out . thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. attacks credit card debt, i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple techniques. protics, these are the ivanovs, the average russian family, per year they throw away 664
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plastic bottles, and if you sort waste, this could make 21 backpacks for a son or 11 sneakers for a daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort the waste, give things a new life. now there is footage from canada, in the west of the country, large-scale forest fires, one of the largest national parks has been damaged, the authorities are warning residents about emergency evacuation, about 6.00 people will be forced to leave their homes, yeah. a law on nagents has been adopted in georgia, those who disagree with the voting results held a rally in
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tbilis, daily demonstrations take place in in the city for more than a month, and during this time the police have arrested 180 demonstrators. about the latest events in georgia by oleg komarov. they work according to the ukrainian scenario. georgian demonstrators at rallies against the law on foreign agents sing songs, dance and knock on the fire. and for some reason even the flags at the rally in tbilisi were also ukrainian. after the law was passed, two opposition parties declared a boycott of parliament. even at the voting stage, their deputies started a fight right in the meeting room. supporters of such democracy at the same time tried to break into the building itself parliament, knocked on the iron fences, entered...
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this is russian law. the georgian law is an absolute copy of the american document on foreign agents, only much softer in terms of
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fines, and the presidential veto will not help in this case, it will be broken by the absolute majority of votes of deputies. but zurabishvili’s appeal reached its addressee. american senators called the adoption of the law on foreign agents a dark day for georgian democracy. we are afraid of losing control, we essentially admitted to the white house. this weekend we saw one of the largest protests in history. for the first time in 30 years, the exhibition will present a complete retrospective of the works of olga
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rozanova. the artist is called the amazon of the russian avant-garde. the exhibition included more than 120 works from the museum’s own storage facilities, and dozens more were brought from museum collections in the regions. viewers will see both early works and mature compositions, including the iconic green stripe, which is often compared to malevich’s black square. the exhibition will last until september. olga vladimirovna rozunova is one of the most significant characters among those who make up a wonderful, very important... significant phenomenon in the history of russian artistic culture, the russian avant-garde, this is the same avant-garde that, back in the sixties, was called by western researchers, not russians, the great experiment of russian art. the opera abrichnik was presented for the first time in novosibirsk; the production was brought to the mikhailovsky
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theater during its siberian tour. the artistic director himself, vladimir kekhman, appeared on stage in the role of ivan the terrible, and the audience was also surprised. powerful and rare vocals. ksenia klimina will tell you the details. the harsh times of ivan the terrible, the thirst for revenge, justice, the struggle for love, musical passions performed by the soloists of the mikhailovsky theater unfold on the stage of navatat. even the most experienced artists get nervous before a premiere. today, for example, the weather is beautiful in novosibirsk, it’s actually summer, and i managed to visit the central park, and you won’t believe it, i enjoyed, of course, the musical fountain, saw the rides , allowed myself to plunge a little into my childhood and take your mind off your worries. the oprichnik is
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tchaikovsky's third opera, a rarity on the stages of musical theaters; it is being performed in novosibirsk for the first time. peter ilyevich to do something with this music and improve its stage life, because during the life of peter ilyevich he was dissatisfied with what was happening with his opera, it seems to me that the result was a very dynamic spectacle, which, i think, peter to be honest, it would be nice to see ilyech. orchestra of the team of musicians of the mikhailovsky theater. and navata played together over several rehearsals, spatial the sound of the music, powerful vocals, including a rare countertenor, a unique super-high male voice performing the part that tchaikovsky himself planned to give to a woman. bright
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colorful scenery, an exact copy of those in the theater, they were specially scaled for the novosibirsk stage, and a video projector was used for complete immersion. the images in the background change every scene, now the royal chambers, now lush gardens, surprising even sophisticated viewers. in the finale , the artistic director of mikhailovsky appears on stage theater, aka ivan the terrible, vladimir kekhman. there are no meanings here at all, it’s just the director’s decision that this is always the case.
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kholva - simple installment plans. when you cook with pleasure. dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. sam gold tablet with intensive cleansing formula effectively removes baked-on dirt. let you have a delicious meal together, and let samat take care of the dishes. it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a supercake in rubles every month for free, withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create. in an apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at a megamarket are changing the world, megamarket, just grow with us. the state
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has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive immediately transfer your salary from one bank to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to... a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles and withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, apply for a loan in sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% rate , it’s more profitable with sberim.
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stormy winds could fan wildfires in southern siberia, where the air flow will accelerate more strongly today. in total and how much precipitation will the cold front bring to the region, this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fubus center, i’m olga mikhailova, hello, a cold front
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will hit the siberian metropolis today, until now , winter and spring coexisted quite peacefully beyond the urals, and even within one region the weather could differ radically, for example, these photographs were taken in the extreme north-west of the tomsk region, snow fell in the city of strizhevoy the day before, the landscapes were so reminiscent of january that many motorists did not... dare to drive on the road, everything is in order, may 14, strezhevoy, a few cars are driving, because they had already changed their shoes to summer tires, and this is already the extreme south of the tomsk region, it’s hard to believe, but on tuesday the air here warmed up to july temperatures of +28, and against the backdrop of abnormally hot weather , a forest caught fire in the vicinity of tomsk. according to space monitoring data, the day before natural fires were also observed in the kemerovo, novosibirsk regions and krasnoyarsk territory. the culprit for such contrasting weather in siberia is clearly visible in a satellite image; it is a cloud ridge of an atmospheric front stretching in the middle latitudes of the region. north of this zone
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arctic air spreads, so precipitation passes over snow, and to the south, drier conditions, create favorable conditions for the occurrence of natural fires, but gradually masses of clouds make their way further into the southern latitudes, so that here, too, the period of abnormal heat will soon end. the collision of air masses of different signs provokes a sharp increase in wind. today it will blow over a vast territory from the steppes of kazakhstan to the western uluses of yakutia. the most powerful gusts are up to 20-25 m/s. expected in altai, sayan, upper and nesee. of the major cities, krasnoyarsk falls into the storm zone. just yesterday it was as hot here as in tomsk, but today the situation will change dramatically. by evening the temperature will drop to just +9. in addition, the wind will accelerate. the storm will peak in the afternoon. during bad weather, we recommend that city residents do not take shelter under trees and avoid weakly secured structures.
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along with the storm is a cyclone. siberia brings fields of rain clouds, precipitation will pass from the banks of the lena to the verkovi irtysh, while in the north it will again turn into snow, the heaviest downpours will hit the central uluses of yakutia, sayan, the upper abi and yenissei, here in some places more than a quarter of a month's volume of moisture may fall in just 24 hours. let's say, in novokuznetsk by the end of wednesday , 15 mm of rain will pour out, this is how much is usually collected in one ten-day period of may, and the daytime temperature will drop from yesterday's +27 to +16, which is quite normal for this time of year. in the following days the weather will improve and the air will begin to warm up well again. on weekends in the city +20-21°. well, a few words about the capital of our homeland. in moscow warming will continue. today the thermometer will rise to +16. well, then the temperature regime of the megapolis will be within the limits of the may climate, during the day + 17-19°. highest
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chance of showers. on friday, that's all for me, goodbye. vladimir putin met with the new government, what statements were made? on the eve of the state visit to china. foreign intelligence services recruit russian citizens via the internet, what are their methods? another protest against the law on foreign agents took place in tbilisi, and the united states is going to impose sanctions regarding georgia, if democracy is undermined in the country, we will tell you all the details.
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tour in novosibirsk the mikhailovsky theater presented the opera oprichnik. what is special about the production? there are fires in the south of siberia, and a long-awaited warming in the center of the country. we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists. vladimir putin held a meeting with the new government and gave the first instructions. the president emphasized: the cabinet of ministers needs to act in... in unison with parliament and the regions, to promptly resolve personnel and financial issues. brief the meeting took place after the signing of the decree on appointments. the head of state also said that he plans to hold a meeting with those who are not included in the government today. the previous team will receive state awards for their worthy work. anastasia efimova will tell you what else vladimir putin paid attention to during the meeting with the ministers. there are many
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tasks ahead, and it is important for confident development. act together, a reminder from the president to the new government, with whom the head of state met on tuesday evening in catherine's hall of the kremlin.


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