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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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in ulanbater, it is customary to celebrate the victory at khalkhengol at the end of august; on anniversary dates , the holiday continues for several days ; individual events are held in may, including at the zhukov monument in honor of our great victory, which soviet heroes began to forge on the mongolian manjurian border in the summer months of thirty ninth. sergey mengazhev, alexey pechko, east asian news bureau, nasu, japan, ulanbater, choi-balsan, helkhingol, mongolia.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views change entire locations, easy to do, change the voice.
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russian troops have achieved significant success in the special operation zone; settlements in several directions have come under the control of our units, this is what the ministry of defense reported. units of the dnepr grouping of troops completely liberated the settlement of rabotina, zaporozhye region , defeating the manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, and units of the grouping of troops from the north, as a result of active actions, liberated settlements. deep and lukyans kharkov region, and also advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defense. three enemy counterattacks were also repelled. losses in the ssu amounted to 125 military personnel. ukrainian western intelligence services have sharply increased their activity in trying to recruit russians on the internet. a variety of techniques are used, some of which are reportedly based on developments in nazi germany. anton will tell you how to behave so as not to become a puppet in the hands of the sbu or the cia, and what threatens a traitor. potkovenko. don't post
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too much online, you won't get caught. elementary a rule of information hygiene, failure to comply with which may attract the attention of foreign intelligence services. they closely monitor the russian segment of the internet, instant messengers, and social networks. you must immediately contact the territorial security authorities at your place of residence. if you do not allow yourself to be drawn into a more difficult situation, if you remain silent and afraid, then the person is freed from criminal liability.
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official warning from the fsb, this is a warning about the inadmissibility of actions that create conditions for committing crimes, treason, for which by law up to 20 years in prison. recruiters may introduce themselves as foreign journalists or analysts of private foreign companies who are very interested, for example, in drawings of night vision devices and night vision devices. if a person has appeared on social networks that he works at a defense enterprise, he is already in the enemy’s sights. they will not lag behind, even if the target of recruitment refuses to answer the phone.
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our intelligence services, even when just out of curiosity he opens the website of the cia, fbi, gur, the ministry of defense of ukraine or the sbu or subsidiaries terrorist organizations. and any user is considered as a person, perhaps seeking to establish proactive contact. modern technical intelligence tools of the intelligence services of nato countries allow not only to identify the user, but also, if necessary, to gain access to the contents of his phone or computer. initiativeists are traitors who themselves are looking for a way out to foreign intelligence services, they have the same ending. this is how they took a former employee of the russian railways branch in khabarovsk, vyacheslav momukov, after the census with a representative of the ukrainian intelligence service, whom he himself contacted in messenger. momukov had work access to programs and
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codes that provide access to the design and estimate documentation of the far eastern railway. this is a state secret, the digital keys to which mamukov wanted to hand over to the enemy in the spring of twenty-two, understanding, by the way, what this meant. may be a long time, the fsb knew about everything, a set of measures was implemented to document illegal activities, further actions took place under the control of the authorities federal security service, the traitor requested half a million dollars in cryptocurrency and sent the data. momukov received 12.5 years in a maximum security colony for treason, a typical fate for any traitor. anton potkovinko, lead. ladelgus production began in izhevsk. the process was transferred from the factory. having freed up capacity to expand avtovaz production, we’ll find out the details from maria filippova, she attended the opening ceremony and is now in direct contact. maria, hello, has the plant already started producing new cars? yuri, greetings, the opening ceremony has just ended, and you can see that behind me they are producing
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new largus, but the first to come off the assembly line, of course, are new cars, they will soon go on sale, and the most important thing is that they are not only familiar. the largus will be coming out of production, but its electric version is the electric largus, which will become the most localized russian electric car, it will rightfully immediately take the title of not only the most highly localized, but i would say, the only truly domestic electric car, and the fact that it will still contain imported ones.
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this is a fairly large enterprise for the republic with a good salary, so personal income tax, it is clear that this is several hundred million rubles, but for profit and other taxes , you probably still have to wait, because the investment phase is underway in enterprises , the plant is 58 years old, they are legendary here cars were produced, and for the enterprise, for the residents of the izhevsk republic, preserving this site was very... very important, and the production of largus was moved from talyati for optimization production, including freed-up capacity, and will help the production of new models, such as the lada aura, it will appear this fall, and the preparation of the plant, i note,
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took place in the shortest possible time from september twenty-three to january twenty-four, they moved, installed and launched more 1,200 units of equipment, and as for the colors of the future... five solutions are planned, now there are two - these are silver and white, in the future dark shades will appear, well, in total this year it is planned to produce up to 50,000 new vargus, yuri, right? maria, thank you about the launch of production of lada larus vyzhevsky, my colleague maria filipova told me. egoist, that means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have heartburn from your food, this is easier, heartburn from food, take it, it extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, is active with first minutes, relieves heartburn. sportmaster represents the outventure brand, reliable travel
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equipment, order and pay in installments in the sportmaster mobile application. mom, write us a message, why? well, or we’ll call, we found out that the phone is working, even if it’s wrong, the account is wrong, you didn’t listen to the end, but how is that? it is safe. with beeline you are safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, activate support for zero in the beline application, girls, let's talk about security, so we already have deline, beline is the safest operator, under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, perfect planbier, airy, natural, a silver bullet brings happiness in the heat of july, i am something good, the best, and i’m useful, oh yes, and you
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manage me, regularly, and i’m a new vtb loyalty program, choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothes, groceries, sporting goods, you get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out. pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pintalgin, we will do without pain, for you, who wants to solve all the mysteries of nature, for you, this is a plus, you are especially attentive to the details, i checked, and to you, for whom curiosity opens new horizons. ruviki, you know where to find out. introducing the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100%
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malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. feel the perfection of taste. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone will go to the long-awaited one. vacation: megamarket sellers change the world. megamarket - just grow with us. when you're an adult it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us, and it does not need a reason. joy can be found in every moment. and see it where you don't expect it. the holy spring fills life with joyful moments. a source of joy for you. skripysh and top - a top comeback. only. magnet for every 500 rubles in the receipt. what are men silent about, painful urination,
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erection problems? these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langidase against prostatitis. this is the ivanovs. average russian family. in a year they 664 plastic bottles are thrown away. and if you sort waste from... this could result in: 21 backpacks for a son or 11 sneakers for a daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life.
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now footage from the presidential press service. i want
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to thank you for your work. did a lot, i know that they worked actively, always, as they say, with soul, they loved the subject they were doing and paid due attention to it, i want to thank you and suggest we talk about your future work, there are options, you you probably already know about this, if you would like something, yes, and of course i want to congratulate you on your state awards.
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life in the energy sector, worked successfully in large companies in administrative work at the highest, highest level, as a minister, i wanted to meet with my family not only to thank you for everything you have done, but to talk about how we can build a joint work, i think we need
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to continue it, but in a different capacity, now we will discuss this and i want to congratulate you. order for what have you done over the years of your work in all the responsible positions that you have held? thank you, but i wanted to thank you that at one time you entrusted me with this post, it was interesting to work, although the times were not very simple for the country, for the industry, well, i think that we are uh... energy everything but on the whole, litraenergetics managed it well, we went through this period, well , it continues to set new tasks and development in general. don’t stop there, we need to continue development, without energy the economy you know, he won’t be able to work, so i think that there are a lot of tasks ahead, but my
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destiny is there, even if there are no offers there on a voluntary basis, i will still find something to do, continue some projects, started, especially large projects, thank you, well, i hope that you will support the newly appointed minister, he has set up a corresponding unit in the structures in which the heads of the regions of the russian federation work for us, the council and of course, being the governor of kusbas, he knows energy is best from this side, and it is a very multifaceted energy, there are a lot of tasks, i hope that you will help him at the first stage and support him in this work.
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developed actively, thank you very much, i want to inform you that a decision was made to award you a state award for
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everything that was done, and before, by the way, you came to this high position, because as an international official you also developed sports, well then student sports, held very good events international. in order, as you correctly noted, to maintain the positive trend in the development of sports in the russian federation, a powerful foundation was created, despite all the difficulties, very bright sporting events were held, but
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of course, the main task was to create a strategy, prepare a strategy and make sure that sport has become such a norm of our life, the basis of cultural development, because our teachers have always said that... last year, as you know, they celebrated the centenary of the creation of the state governing body, sports - this is an ideology, sport is the basis of defense capability and sport is generally a factor of national security, as well as education and youth policy, so i am proud to have worked in your team, i hope you will trust me to continue working, we will do everything necessary to ensure that national goals are achieved have been achieved, and russia will be our great sports power, we have a lot... we will have to do - regarding - in the field - the development of mass sports, physical education sports, there is something to work on, movement, it is obvious forward,
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the number of people regularly involved in physical education and sports is growing, but we have not yet reached those indicators that would be optimal for us and the goals that we have set for ourselves, but... of course, we will do this, including with your participation, let's talk about it now. thanks a lot. so, vladimir putin, as he promised yesterday at a meeting with the new government, today met with members of the previous cabinet of ministers who left their posts. to other topics, before perugo pyotr ilivich cheikovsky aprichnikh was first shown on the theater stage of novosibirsk. this is one of the rarest works by the russian composer. tchaikovsky worked on the score until the end of his life, constantly making edits and changes. the mikhailovsky theater company took these notes into account and added their own interpretation. ksenia klimina about the impressions the opera made on the audience. in the harsh times of ivan the terrible,
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the thirst for revenge, justice, the struggle for love, musical passions performed by the soloists of the mikhailovsky theater unfold on the stage of navat. they even get nervous before the premiere the most experienced artists. today, for example, the weather is beautiful. it’s actually summer in novosibirsk, and i managed to visit the central park, and you won’t believe it, i enjoyed, of course, the musical fountain, saw the rides, allowed myself to plunge a little into my childhood and take my mind off the excitement. oprichnik , tchaikovsky's third opera, is a rarity on the stages of musical theaters; it is being performed in novosibirsk for the first time. the music edition is ours. it
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was based on the desire of peter ilvich to do something with this music and improve it stage life, because at the time, during the life of pyotr ilyevich, he was dissatisfied with what was happening with his opera, it seems to me that the result was a very dynamic spectacle, which, i think, pyotr ilyevich would, frankly, be pleased to see. the national team's orchestra, the musicians of the mikhailovsky theater and inovat played together over several rehearsals, spatial sound of the music, powerful vocals, among which...
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and a video projector. the background images change every scene. either royal chambers or lush gardens surprise even sophisticated viewers. in in the finale, the artistic director of the mikhailovsky theater, aka ivan the terrible, vladimir kekhman, appears on stage. there are no meanings here at all, it’s just the director’s decision, which is always exciting, of course, so i always take a rehearsal so that there are no problems directly at the performance. here. there’s no need to go for one simple reason, because i’m playing myself, yes, and the prischnik is part of the mikhailovsky theater’s tour, a gift for navat’s birthday, another premiere of the opera is expected at the end of june, which will be performed by the novosibirsk troupe. ksenia klimina and sergey babichev, elena goleeva, host novosibirs. i have been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you.
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finally she came. spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
3:00 pm
vladimir putin today meets with ministers and deputy prime ministers who...


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