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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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magnet - the price is right, all gold chocolate from 54.99. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases for free. withdraw cash. not just
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profitable, alpha profitable. there are classics that i like more and more. classic grant burgers and new ones. grand piquant with spicy tomato sauce. delicious, period. my back gets tired on my feet all day. and i lead a sedentary lifestyle to earn money. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect your joints. batrider - innovation in protection plants, will instantly identify and destroy the main pests of the vegetable garden, is safe for humans, the batrider will defeat the pests, but i myself did not think that i would become a driver, i haven’t had time to look back for the third year already, the schedule is free, there are orders for the money , it turns out decently, it turns out, if i didn’t try it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine, just like that, dad. the taxi driver's journey begins. yandex has never seen anything like this before,
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russian cold, 150 g of invisible, rich taste in one glass. try it, it's real russian cold ice cream, great, incredible taste. attacked by credit card debt? i 'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. halva - simple installment plans. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket, just grow with us. what are men silent about? painful urination, problems with an erection? these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate. consequence of
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prostatitis langitasis against prostatitis, again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy, if you knew how tasty it is, you wouldn’t be so bored, alexander petrov’s star combo for 355 rubles, i adore it, at a delicious point, in a whirlwind of life good luck or bad luck, hope fills you with wyquant. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another, the law
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has come into force, now you can receive a salary in one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable, transfer money to a free alpha card, receive: a super cash in rubles and a 16% rate on savings, not just profitable, alpha is profitable. hello, the live legal program is being hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. they protected themselves with signs and shoulder straps. in nizhny novgorod, security forces stopped the activities of two brothels that were operating under guise. salons, and seamlessly serve clients they were helped, as follows from the criminal case, by the deputy head of the criminal investigation department of the regional department of internal affairs, in order to detain the patron of putan, employees of the regional federal security service, their colleagues from the internal security department of the regional
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police headquarters developed a joint operation, the moths were caught in soft beds, here is the main person involved visited him in his office. it was established that the suspect was together. an official, using his official position, provided patronage to unimpeded activities of these institutions. all detainees were taken to court. fimida decided that the defendants would be in pre-trial detention until the end of the investigation. now investigators are identifying others involved in the illegal activity. business. passport control. a large channel of illegal migration has been eliminated in the capital region. according to operatives, two criminals were looking for foreigners, preparing fake documents for ukrainian citizens for them and handing over the papers to an employee of the migration department of the ministry of internal affairs. knowing about the falsification, he
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issued passports of russian citizens to migrants. each such service cost at least half a million rubles. about how they found the attackers and how many people in total came to our country with... documents from an official car, one by one, without taking care of this is footage of the detention of foreigners, which they follow for a conversation with the investigator. the main topic of conversation is who helped visitors settle in russia bypassing the laws. bypassing migration legislation, the newcomers lived in russia for a long time, worked illegally, using fake documents. documents, rented housing. foreigners received russian passports on the basis. false documents indicating ukrainian citizenship and registration in the kherson region in a simplified form. the newcomers lived in this rented apartment, literally five minutes from the capital’s market, where they worked. by the way, it was there that the criminal group, as they say, looked for their
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clients. as he told us, in this high-rise building, people had long been accustomed to such proximity; several guests lived on the same floor, for example, from asian countries, somewhere honor. in general, six apartments, mostly where they work, you don’t know, they, in my opinion, work in the market, that is , they try not to shine too much light, no, they actually worked mainly in large trade pavilions in moscow, opened a business , were trading, there was no need to even look for ways to circumvent russian laws, as they say, the right people found them themselves, one of them, by the way, was wearing shoulder straps, according to the investigation, a former migration service employee from domodedovo near moscow put together that same criminal group, who helped in legalization... through ukrainian citizenship. it was established that from july to december 2023, a migration service employee together with three local residents. a group of persons acting by prior conspiracy organized the illegal entry into the russian federation and the illegal stay of 11 foreign citizens.
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the purchase of documents turned out to be very expensive, and the corrupt police officers and their accomplices enriched themselves by several million rubles at the expense of those whom they, it would seem, should have brought to justice. the objects of inspection are passports of citizens of the russian federation that were purchased for funds from 400 to 700,000 rubles. the passports were seized, examined and recognized as evidence. whatever one may say, corruption schemes to promote illegal migration do not go unnoticed by conscientious colleagues. but visitors continue to be detained throughout the country, and they plan to continue work in this direction on a completely different scale. the day before, minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev announced migration reform.
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irina volk. the law establishes legal. grounds for introducing biometric personal identification upon entry into russia, reducing the period of temporary stay of foreigners to 90 days during the calendar year of the digital profile of a foreigner, a controlled regime of stay in russia for certain categories of foreign citizens, strengthening control over employers, customers of work or services that attract foreign labor force. a former police officer and his accomplices, who, according to investigators, helped eleven visitors do the paperwork, now is the season. the foreigners themselves are under subscription. while leaving , several criminal cases were initiated: organization of illegal migration, official forgery
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, use of a deliberately forged document. ekaterina likhomanova, sergey eliseev, news. duty department. the next few hours will be decisive in the treatment of slovak prime minister robert fitsoo. as a result of an assassination attempt that was made on him about 3 hours ago after a government meeting in the city of gandlovo. the politician is in serious condition. him gunshot wounds to the chest, hand and stomach. tsintula, he was an activist in the country's liberal party. several years ago, tsintula became the hero of a newspaper publication, journalists said. how a writer and a part-time security guard were attacked by a drug addict. robert fitz, who was wounded by him, was taken to
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the hospital by helicopter, while doctors are cautious in their forecasts. fitza is known for his independent politics, which is now a rarity for leaders of most european countries. in particular, he advocates ending military assistance to ukraine and an early peaceful resolution conflict. the reason for the attack on him is still unclear. slovak law enforcement officers began an investigation. state duma deputies propose to ban the sale of energy drinks to children throughout the country. the corresponding bill has already been submitted to the lower house of parliament and was supported by representatives. all factions. according to state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, in many regions there are already restrictions on the retail
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sale of energy drinks to minors, but at the federal level the problem has not yet been resolved, and this must be done to the end summer. report by alexander ostakhov. trumpeter mikhail zadokhin leaves the entrance on his own two feet, although a couple of days ago he almost had to be carried out of the house on a stretcher. the artist called an ambulance after he had an energy drink at lunch; he had a health problem called a trumpet. my stomach started to sort of rage, and then i started having cramps there, my stomach hurt very badly, to the point that i had to call an ambulance, it turned out that this was caused by the energy drink. it worked out, no hospitalization was required, but now mikhail runs to doctors and deals with the consequences, along with other lovers of tonic drinks. the operator and i went to the store closest to our editorial office, look at... dozens of multi-colored cans of energy drinks, it immediately catches your attention, which is probably intended for children, and pay
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attention to the prices: 79 rubles, 109 rubles every schoolchild can afford. now each region decides for itself whether to ban the sale of energy drinks to minors or not. this measure has already been supported by more than half of the subjects russia, including the moscow region. my colleague vladimir bazov went to the moscow region to check whether traders in vivacity were complying with the law. that's it, this is the one we took. this. footage of the so-called test purchase: a teenager, who clearly looks under eighteen, brings a can of energy drink to the checkout, store employees have no problem checking the goods and offer to pay, you just almost sold to schoolchildren, how did this happen, why shut up, analysts it was estimated that almost every fourth russians consume energy drinks; among young people under 30 this number fluctuates at 50%. meanwhile, doctors bend their fingers, voicing possible problems for those who pour into themselves... regularly, can ultimately lead to hypertension, irritation of
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the gastric mucosa also occurs, which can ultimately lead to gastritis or ulcers, also a large amount of sugar , it is very high in calories and therefore can lead to obesity, fourthly, increased caffeine content can lead to insomnia, energy drink really invigorates, this is not a myth, at what cost, the main secret is in sugar and caffeine, of which in one can of a tonic drink there are several times more at once, a cup of coffee, adrenaline is released into the blood, the blood vessels narrow, the pulse quickens, the pressure rises, all organs switch into emergency operation mode, it is obvious that the body cannot withstand this mode for a long time. to prevent children from being tempted to drink and businesses from selling, deputies from all factions simultaneously introduced a bill to the state duma that would ban the sale of energy drinks to minors on the federal level, that is, throughout the country. there are cases when a young man drank a lot of energy drink and simply passed away. the young man died.
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it is written in small, incomprehensible font: not recommended for pregnant women, not recommended with alcohol, not recommended for children under 18 years of age. in fact , it is not recommended for anyone; on the one hand, one can compare the growth in sales of energy drinks and cardiovascular diseases among children, so it is fundamentally necessary to approach the issue from the point of view of protecting the health of the younger generation. among other things, deputies propose to ban the dispensing of energy drinks in cans larger than half a liter and generally advertising this product. but many market participants, who produce thousands of colorful bottles every year, are against it. they say the main audience is older people. 18 years old, and it’s not the drink, it’s the quantity. this problem can be solved not by bans, but by informing, and moreover, the introduction of such a ban will increase interest in such drinks on the part of minors, while there is no ban, everyone decides for himself, but you can get a surge of strength in other ways. very good replacements would be drinks such as
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green tea, which have different compositions, in the omsk region, in particular, headed by presidential decree, colonel vadim bolotov. prior to this , he had already temporarily acted as head of the department, and had studied the region well and managed to begin an active fight against crime here. colonel dimitry grigoriev was appointed minister of internal affairs for kakalmykia. now in his area of ​​responsibility there is a rather difficult republic, where one of the main problem is poaching.
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kalmyks has access to the volga. mass extermination of sturgeon has been going on in this area for many years. and major general sergei nikiforov became the head of the regional department in the kaluga region; he is an experienced manager, with whose arrival big positive changes are expected in kaluga. it is clear that each territory has its own specifics, but there are general tasks that new leaders will have to solve first. vladimir kolokoltsev recalled the need to strengthen departmental and procedural control over the investigation and inquiry departments, demanded to improve the quality of operational work, especially.
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the minister also called on the new leaders to listen carefully to the residents of the regions and promptly suppress the activities of extremist communities. last week, the court sentenced the owner of the capital's flower base, where seven people died in a terrible fire, the fire broke out during welding work in the hangar, the flames quickly engulfed a huge room, there were no emergency exits, what did you decide? themis, maxim shevchenko will tell you. behind a high
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fence, a step away from komsomolskaya square , a dump of construction waste instead of hangars is now a large wasteland. the area behind the square of three stations has undergone enormous changes since the last visit of journalists here. now this area is almost unrecognizable. all the warehouses that stood here have been demolished, excavators are working, but with the exception of the ill-fated flower one. both buildings continue to stand in their place. these buildings survived fire twice, about which all of moscow spoke. the first occurred in 1812, when an artillery station stood here. yard, the second happened 210 years later. in november 2022 , a plume of black smoke rose over the center of the capital, a flower store, a wholesale warehouse, and a firefighter burst into flames.
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actions, the measure does not imply serious restrictions; he also participated in investigative actions. i remember exactly that there were fire extinguishers and... it seems, no, there were versions of why it happened here, and a fire alarm, the fire was considered different to me, up to arson, by our colleagues from the program during the investigation, eduard petrov and the investigators managed to look at the recordings from surveillance cameras, the last seconds before... the fire, welder bekzad telchikbekov climbs up, he just launches the equipment like a sheaf of sparks, immediately sets fire to dried flowers, and thick smoke covers everything
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around. techebekov did not have the appropriate education or qualifications as a welder, and the welding work that he carried out in the organization did not initially meet safety requirements. questions about why it was not properly organized the work of a welder, the investigators also asked vladimir kanovalov, it was he who was responsible at the warehouse. for fire safety and did not deny in an interview that important details were often overlooked, but at that moment there were no visible visible problems, that is, yes there were shortcomings, there were, well, like everywhere else, yes, that is, there is no one hundred percent certainty that there would be everything was done, everything was done one hundred percent, yes, there were some shortcomings, it was necessary to finish the fire alarm system, the investigation against anton mochelyuk lasted almost a year and a half, during the investigation it was established.
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invitation, i took it as a dependent, i will pay a monthly allowance until i am 18 years old. machelyuk will have to go to the colony in a few days on his own. vladimir kanovalov is still awaiting a verdict;
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only the fate of the old brick building where the terrible events took place remains unclear. inside the warehouse everything is the same, almost nothing has changed since the fire rescuers worked here, there are still fragments of bricks, wood and empty flower pots, but besides all this. there was also added garbage. either the warehouse hasn't had time to be attacked yet bulldozers, or they plan to restore it in the future, for now the only inhabitants of the thick brick walls are cats. maxim shevchenko, andrey mashkarov, dmitry frolov, kirill kryuchko and dmitry manyshev, lead. duty department. and now we return to the assassination attempt on slovak prime minister robert fitz. so, footage of the attack appeared online. the politician was shot with a short-barreled gun afterwards. government meetings in the city of gandlova. fitz received gunshot wounds to the chest, hand and stomach. now he is in serious condition in the hospital, doctors are not making predictions yet. the shooter
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, seventy-one-year-old writer juraj cintula , has been detained. investigators are looking into his motives. the head of the country's ministry of internal affairs said that this crime would be thoroughly investigated. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. by his decree, president vladimir putin appointed him to acting duties. governor of the khabarovsk territory dmitry demeshin. before that, he worked as deputy prosecutor general of russia. in the new post, demeshin replaced mikhail dekterev, who had been confirmed the day before
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as minister of sports. dmitry demeshin’s entire career is related to jurisprudence. in 1997, he graduated from the saratov state academy of law. at various times he was an assistant to the kolomna city prosecutor of the moscow region, a senior investigator at the shchelkovo city prosecutor's office, and a deputy prosecutor of the city of shchelkovo. and since 2006, he headed the supervisory department in mytishchi near moscow, and then in the kaluga region. since 2014, dmitry demeshin has worked in the prosecutor general's office. another scandal related to the clinic the notorious plastic surgeon timur khaidarov. the investigative committee charged two doctors of the clinic in the case of providing services that do not meet life and health safety requirements. this happened after the death of the patient, searches were carried out at the home of khaidarov’s colleagues, and tomorrow a preventive measure will be chosen for them. galina hungureeva has all the details of the arrest. the doctor's office was replaced by an investigator's office. in the retouched photos
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, plastic surgery clinic staff. surgery, despite the fact that persons pictures are not visible, the capital’s media almost instantly wrote about their personalities, shackled with iron bracelets, according to the publications ilya yalagin and tamirlan kadzaev, just like that, both worked in the plastic surgery clinic of timur khaidarov, the star doctor had a hand in creating the appetizing forms of many russian celebrities: the buttocks, lips , and waists of some shone brightly under the spotlights, the crippled and disfigured forms of others... were driven to despair, complaints and claims about poor quality were poured into the clinic medical services. i have some kind of constant pain, sometimes under my armpit, too. now these tumors are creeping in, and the most important thing, yes, is to rule out some kind of oncology and so on. and this winter one of the patients at the clinic died. moscow producer pyotr gavrilov, a friend of khaidarov. in winter , the showman underwent gastric bypass surgery. the man was recovering and was even discharged home, but soon the patient’s condition worsened, he fell into a coma, and then
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died. investigative actions with the detainees are associated with the death of the showman. called an ambulance. the ambulance arrived, i don’t know that they suggested hospitalization there, they didn’t. it is not surprising that a series of inspections began at the clinic, although the famous surgeon himself claimed that they were planned. rosdravnadzor specialists had questions about the quality of medical care in the field of plastic surgery. gross violations concerned licensing requirements. after the federal service for surveillance in healthcare filed a lawsuit, the clinic’s activities were suspended. according to my information, there are more than seventy. the man is just from a freak to an ona, well this, this is an unprecedented case, this has never happened here, nor in the world, there is no such thing. now the room where the appearance of all those suffering was brought to the cliched ideals is closed. on the spot, we were told that the masters of plastics and aesthetics rented this premises from a neighboring medical institution and saw how equipment was taken out of the building and employees left their jobs. at the entrance to the clinic there is a banner with advertising and miraculous manipulations that promise undoubted rejuvenation and healing
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of the body. in baskets. rolled up shoe covers, here it’s just gathering dust since april 27th , the entrance was sealed by the bailiffs. it is known that the detainees, and this is presumably the head of the surgical department elagin , surgeon kadzaev, were first summoned by investigators for questioning, and then detained and charged. the forty-five-year-old head of the surgical department of iq plastic and the twenty-eight-year-old surgeon at the said clinic carried out investigative actions, including confrontation interrogations. in the near future, the investigation intends to petition zamoskvaretsky the district court of moscow on the election of the accused to preventive measures related to deprivation of liberty. on thursday , a preventive measure will be chosen for those involved in the criminal case. galina khungureeva, leonid oronchikov, dmitry stepanov, conduct the duty department. driver sukhrob yusupov received 3.5 years in prison by decision of the moscow lublin court. last december, a foreigner hit a policeman in the area of ​​one of the capital's markets. the conflict
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began afterwards. after the district police officer decided to check isupov’s documents, he did not comply with the legal requirement law enforcement officer, stepped on the gas, hit him and dragged him several meters along the asphalt. afterwards, yusupov got out of the car and struck the security guards with a series of blows. in addition to prison terms, the court also imposed a fine on him (30,000 rubles). i remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news is in our telegram channels, the duty units are led by an honest detective. follow along with us. and while that’s all, tatiana was with you. petrov, see you at 21:30. vladimir putin met with the commanders
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of the military districts. let's show footage from the kremlin. first meeting of the new composition. the cabinet of ministers began its work. what challenges does the government face? plans and priorities, what was discussed at... the first meeting and how the president’s orders will be carried out. new appointment in five regions. who wants the president?


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