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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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captured the basement indicated to him, pursued every minute by kamikaze copters. and this is a soldier of the seventy-first regiment of the forty-second division fighting in rabotino itself for several days, they change him and he goes to the rear, pursued by copters, sitting in pits until dark. he films himself. it’s already light,
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you can’t move anymore, now you still have to run, even crawl, damn it, but you still have to stretch this kilometer to the camp, oh again, and these are prisoners captured by the fifth brigade in...
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in this 105th border guard detachment. the company is divided into three outposts, so the company is divided into three outposts, of which the outpost has the same number as your outpost arrived. 28 on the list, all the rest are some kind of related units, right? a prisoner of war, he is also a person, of course, and is fed, watered, and, as they say, surrounded by care and affection, to the best, so to speak, of our capabilities; he was wounded in battle. accordingly, a medical facility will now be sent for examination and, accordingly , medical care, at the beginning of this year, during the fighting in krasnogorovka, the fifth brigade took the ukrainian soldier morozov prisoner, they came up to us and pointed a gun at us, they said the guns, well, throw them away, like we threw away the guns, and then they said you go out one by one, then morozov was exchanged and he ended up back in the army and in krasnogorka, where he died, here he is ...
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one escaped, the second was killed, i climbed onto the roof and stayed there on the roof, and where was it when, red-horned, the territory of the plant, let's go to the right, that's there, we won't go past them, i wanted to go around here, go around, great eagles, alexander sladkov, victoria shinkarenko, denis vedyaev, lead donbass. concrete anti-tank pyramids lie on the ground and apparently no one even intended to place them. these are eloquent photos from the kharkov region, from which, in principle , it is not difficult to understand why the very same ones were not on the first line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces. powerful
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fortifications that zelensky promised to build. of course, the propaganda of the kiev regime tried to brand the footage as fake, or staged, they say, they brought the dragon’s teeth with them and dumped them in a pile of russian ones. troops to discredit the invaders, however, here you go, satellite images dated last year, they show a similar picture, fortifications were simply thrown to the sidelines, therefore, the version of the assimilation of tens, or even hundreds of millions of dollars allocated for fortification work is once again confirmed, well regional gouleiters, judging by ukrasmi’s publications, are at a loss as to what to do, well, whether to organize a so-called debriefing , to open a criminal investigation... on the fact of corruption, or to urgently begin construction of barrier trenches now, although both options look frankly belated, and evgeniy nipyt will explain why. millions of hryvnia have been stolen, and in order to somehow hide the scale of the use of money sent by foreign partners,
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zelensky’s governors in the kharkov region are driving people and heavy equipment as close to the fighting as possible . the logical result, clearly visible in these frames, is that... the excavators that began digging trenches for the militants were destroyed, this is the first drone, quadrocopter, it’s a pity, and most importantly, an unscrupulous attempt by corrupt officials to save the situation for themselves, they should have thought about this earlier, the disgraced deputy of the verkhovna rada dubinsky notes that kiev is not even able to organize the creation of trenches, and if it can, then with colossal kickbacks, for which other deputies from the rada they demand that the culprits be shot, the protege... in the region of the sinegubs, fighting off the accusations, said that he was preparing a report on all fortification work, justification for the poor, from those who got rich on the construction of fortifications, then there is from the blue-lipped people, because they allocated millions of hryvnia to a one-day company, its
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nominal director was caught stealing a half-liter bottle of whiskey from a supermarket, 52 million hryvnia was received by the organization of the gasket, which is led by a lady in quotes who forgot about her own... corruption has reached incredible levels heights simply because those who have access to the corruption trough are trying, as they say, to steal for life to the maximum because then there will be no such opportunity, the publics that feed the banks are playing the anti-crisis show that they say everything was built, throwing in the march shooting, zelensky is not lagging behind, but who believes him, because the head of the regime previously lied that all the fortifications in the most dangerous directions are supposedly
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more than 90% ready, his pocket general staff assents to his ukrainian fuhrer, they say they have built up mined on a deaf note, but where did it all go, is it really the russians... and as the experience of our offensive actions in the kharkov sector of the front showed, they even have a support zone, but it is called the forefield, it was not so thoroughly prepared in first of all, what the forefield does is mine the area, but it was actually not mined in some areas. the problem is recognized by imakhrov's ukrainian radical propagandists, declaring that there is a fortification, the russians will soon reach them, but these lines are not where they are needed, for example. tied to tactically advantageous heights, that is, they are simply bypassed, but the main thing they are silent about is the heroic efforts of our fighters; under their pressure, all the miscalculations of ukrainian strategists are revealed. there have been many cases when it is permissible according to the staffing schedule in
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brigade, there could be a battalion, a company, an engineering chain, they were simply stupidly halved and sent to different sections of the front or to different directions, some are abandoned. as such, the engineering and sapper units did not have any experience, so dumps of anti-tank gouges of the dragon’s teeth appear, which have already been dubbed the lips of the dragon, the efficiency is zero, the materials ultimately go to the russians, ukrainian analysts complain, and this is the clearest example of a formal approach, even with all their desire would not have been able to work as well as worked harmoniously, all building.
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way to the european union when it adopted the law on enoagents. this was said in tbilisi, where the foreign ministers of lithuania, latvia and
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estonia arrived immediately after the vote in the georgian parliament. moreover, the heads of the baltic diplomatic missions not only allowed themselves to directly criticize the actions of a sovereign state, but also joined the opposition protests. the result was a very clear demonstration of the reasons why the georgian authorities decided to protect the country from foreign influence. for the situation in tbilisi, boris ivanin is watching. near the parliament in tbilisim. iceland, friends in difficult times, as they called themselves, the purpose of this completely undiplomatic visit.
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they called for not to be allowed into the republic, so that even before this meeting, stray ministers would not interfere, as they do now, in the internal affairs of georgia. the day before , deputies from five european union countries, germany, lithuania, the czech republic, poland and finland joined the protest march. heads of parliamentary committees on foreign policy.
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because of the protest, there were traffic jams in the center of tbilisi, the crowd simply did not allow cars pass, the west is also pressing, the balts are already threatening sanctions if the law is not repealed. responsibility will fall solely on the georgian government if this stops georgia's further progress towards joining the eu and nato. this law is incompatible with the european elections. this is what this european choice looks like? protesters near parliament went on a rampage, smashing iron fences.
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the united states has approximately $319 million in aid at its disposal, which we plan to spend together with the georgian authorities, half of them will be directed to military assistance, and another third to projects necessary for economic development to create civil society institutions. all this needs to be reconsidered if we are now seen as adversaries rather than partners. the us assistant secretary of state, who had spoken with the head of georgia for an hour and a half the day before, is blackmailing in the usual washington manner, although the bible adopted a law on transparency of foreign influence, essentially a copy of the american one, only the rule is much softer. the npo will be granted foreign agent status only if more than 2% of its income comes from abroad will be forced to count, but why are the states against it?
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people who usually advocate transparency also, in the spirit of double standards , said that the georgian law does not correspond to the democratic values ​​of the eu. in tbilisi itself, the opposition is acting no less hypocritically.
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ukrainians, but this will not reduce the funding of information dumps. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design,
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concert, performed in front of the soldiers of the 114th motorized rifle brigade, and also recorded congratulations on victory day, yes a very painful background for the knowledgeable public. hello everyone, we are in the area, and this is a destroyed ukrainian tank, happy victory day to everyone, ukrainian internet activists could not stand the burnt tank and a coordinated attack began, as the media write, because of the threats the producer of the group was forced to contact the police, but however, fans of the kiev regime do not like not only those who support russia, they even hate other agents who openly work against our country for the good square, evidence was collected by anastasia ivanova. they cried on all social networks, asked for forgiveness from the ukrainians, but... they didn’t get any chalk, a new topic of crying for haters of their homeland, whom square now hates, complains to the american publication time begly and agent khodorkovsky,
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did not wax verbally, but summed it up: for ukrainians he is just another evil russian, he did not receive due praise from ukrainian netizens, this is a bit of a crafty position on khodorkovsky’s part, because he understands perfectly well... he didn’t whine, he said that he will not go to fight on the side of the so-called russian volunteer corps, which is banned and recognized as a terrorist organization in our country. what he said is that he
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can’t shoot well, that’s actually his argument, why is he not in the banned terrorist organization russian volunteer corps? khodorkovsky signed that he is ready to fight against russia, against the russians, and what stops him is that he is a bad shooter. this badass foreign agent keeps getting into the pockets of the media. the very wording is “foreign agent khodorkovsky bought the independent telegram channel astro.” apparently there is nothing more to buy on western sites; they don’t allow you to turn around. formerly editor-in-chief astro anastasia chumakova, reportedly simply could not find a sponsor, announced closure. but now the authors of the channel continue their activities. for example, they write about the collapse of an entrance in belgorod, without indicating in the post who is to blame for the tragedy. what kind of objectivity is there? taking khodorkovsky's astra under the wing is a stage of redistribution of the opposition clearing, this redistribution began with squabbles between the singers and khodorkovsky over the film traitors, well
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, perhaps this is just such a marketing ploy of the bloody oligarch, but as for chumakova, she has been living in the usa for a long time, and here leads astria, which adheres to the tough kiev agenda, accuses russia of invading ukraine since 2014, such... one of the leading rupers of bandera propaganda. enoagent rupers abroad are quieting down, although they break through from time to time, but they cannot say anything new. foreign agent viktor shindorovich announces a performance in london and promises to show excerpts from programs from the nineties and 2000s that were shown on russian tv. very unusual. and most importantly, how much do the british need this? when soviet relocants are not bad lived in the west and built, but as a rule, what kind of people were they? these were? people there with a reputation in art or science, they were not a burden, but smaleninov, khamatova, well, who are they, the
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same shenderrovich who performs there, but they are emptiness, they were emptiness here, just like foam bubbled on the waves, but they went there, who needs them, while they are interesting only to a small russophobic audience abroad, so to the agent smolinin. but as for the fact that they will help someone, this is an ordinary party move, that is, they don’t go to them, here suddenly, maybe for help in ukraine, someone will come to them and
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give them some money, that’s purely. russia, but the agents did not abandon the russian language, because they will not listen to them in another language, whatever one may say, it is not interesting to either european or ukrainian viewers with the tones of running russians, it is not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but you can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank every. rate up to 17% per annum on deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on great news. in shops magnit has free shipping. and also a 40% discount on popular products. order in the magnit app. hemorrhoids prevent you from enjoying life. thanks to its complex action , prooctoglivinol can help cope with
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11:00 pm
a monstrous crime for which there is no justification. this is exactly what vladimir putin called the attempt on the life of the head of the government of slovakia, robert fitzo. russian leader.


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