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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to allow history to be rewritten. this newsreel was captured by the soviets. soldiers in august 1945, where are you from the eleventh b? no hello, i’m from the eleventh b, we are also from the eleventh b, eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to watch this good film, why don’t you study this one, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, all these
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emotions, all these emotions, it was very cool, this was the first film that i was absolutely delighted with, the humor was good, i need to get to school 7:33, my nephew is there at night, yes haven’t been divorced yet, wait, i hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask, how could i even end up here, what kind of meeting, sometimes i want to cry at... i want to laugh, super, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years ago forward, watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website.
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hello, the legal program is being broadcast by the duty department, with you tatyana petrova in vologda, the former head of the city, evgeny shulepov, was sent under arrest. let me remind you that the ex-official, and now a deputy of the regional legislative assembly, was detained the day before on suspicion of exceeding official powers and receiving a large sum.
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bribes, according to the prosecution, while still the head of vologda, shulepov, carried out illegal fraud during the implementation of the program for relocating people from dilapidated emergency housing. fedor elseev has all the details. you didn't even need any special tools. the owner of the apartment himself let the employees in after assembling the house. a man standing facing the wall, the former head of vologda. and now, a day later, the fate of evgeny shulepov is being decided behind closed doors in hall number 19 of the vologda city hall. court, before the start of the hearing, while behind bars, in clearly unusual conditions for himself, the ex-mayor resorted to respiratory gymnastics, trying to calm down. the reason for the worry was two criminal cases, about abuse of power and taking a bribe, both from the time when the manager was at the head of vologda. shulepov himself does not admit guilt; he hastily shared his position immediately after his arrest on a page on a social network, right during the searches. and the goal of this event is simple: to remove competitors from the political field. both. the reasons are ridiculous and
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absurd, but the case is fabricated, there will be an investigation, but as commentators have noted, there is no smoke without fire, according to the investigation in from 2008 to 16, as the head of the city, shulepov, following from the investigation materials, filled his pocket with money that was allocated to the construction of new housing for those displaced from dilapidated houses; for the purpose of profit, he allegedly entered into contracts with construction organizations at inflated prices. in addition, investigators believe, the ex-mayor deliberately made sure that houses belonging to the city, uninhabitable and subject to demolition, were not recognized as such, naturally, they were not subject to resettlement, while during the interview, this it didn’t hurt to talk about the additional funds being allocated. we must deliver 230 apartments, and for this we are allocating additional money, we have received co-financing from the federal budget, and by the end of this year the task will be completed. but at the same time, apparently, he did not forget to carry out personal tasks. the former head of vologda is also suspected of receiving a bribe in...
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after several hours of meetings during the election of a preventive measure, the handcuffs on the wrists of the ex-head of vologda opened, but not for long, after a few minutes sixty-five-year-old evgeniy shulepov was taken into custody for 2 months. at the moment
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of the announcement, the imperturbable image of the former official began to crack; apparently it became clear that it would not be possible to hide the fact of his emergency situation. fyodor eliseev, lead, duty department. were protected by signs and shoulder straps. in nizhny novgorod, security forces stopped the activities of two brothels that operated under the guise of massage parlors. as follows from the criminal case, the deputy head of the criminal department helped them serve clients without problems. search for the regional department of internal affairs. the illegal actions of the defendants were identified by investigators of the investigative committee of russia in cooperation with operational officers of the federal security service and the russian government department of internal affairs in the region. moths for. they were in soft beds, so they visited the main defendant in his office. it was established that the suspect , together with two entrepreneurs , organized the activities of massage parlors in nizhny novgorod, under the guise of which intimate services were provided for
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monetary compensation. executive, using his official position, he provided patronage to the unhindered activities of these institutions. all detainees were taken to the themis court. decided that until the end of the investigations, the defendants will be in a pre-trial detention center, now investigators are identifying others involved in the illegal business. another scandal associated with the clinic of the notorious plastic surgeon timur khaidarov. the investigative committee has charged two clinic doctors in the case of providing services that do not meet life and health safety requirements. this happened after the death of the patient,
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searches were carried out at the home of khaidarov’s colleagues, and tomorrow they will be subject to preventive measures. galina hungureeva has all the details of the arrest. the doctor's office was changed to an office. investigator, in the retouched photos are employees of a plastic surgery clinic. despite the fact that the faces are not visible in the photographs, the capital’s media almost instantly wrote about their personalities, bound with iron bracelets, according to the publications, ilya ilagin and tamirlan kadzaev. both worked in a plastic surgery clinic surgery by timur khaidarov. the star doctor had a hand in creating the appetizing forms of many russian celebrities. the buttocks, the lips, the weathered lips of some, brightly... became passafits, the crippled and disfigured forms of others drove them to despair, the clinic was bombarded with complaints and complaints about poor-quality medical services, i have constant some kind of pain, either under the armpit, or to my wife, now these neoplasms do not appear, and the most important thing is to rule out any oncologies and so on. and died this winter
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one of the clinic’s patients, moscow producer pyotr gavrilov, a friend of khaidarov, in the winter the showman underwent gastric bypass surgery, the man was on the mend and was even discharged home, but soon with... nothing like this has ever happened in our country or in the world. now the room where the appearance of all those suffering was brought to the cliched ideals is closed. on the spot, we were told that the masters of plastics and aesthetics
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had rented this space from a neighboring medical institution and saw equipment being taken out of the building and employees leaving their jobs. on at the entrance to the clinic there is a banner advertising the miraculous manipulations that they promise. undoubted rejuvenation and healing of the body. there are neatly folded shoe covers in the baskets, but it’s still gathering dust since april the twenty-seventh. the entrance was sealed by the bailiffs. it is known that the detainees, and this is presumably. head of the surgical department elagin, doctor-surgeon kadzaev, the investigator was first summoned for questioning, and then detained and charged, the forty-five-year-old head of the surgical department of iq plastic and the twenty-eight-year-old the surgeon at the said clinic carried out investigative actions, including interrogations. in the near future, the investigation intends to petition the zamoskvaretsky district court of moscow to select a preventive measure for the accused. on thursday , a preventive measure will be chosen for those involved in the criminal case. galina hungureeva, leonid
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oronchikov, dmitry stepanov, lead the duty unit. portal for obscenities, less than a week later the exhibition that virtually connected american new york and irish dublin had to be closed due to indecent behavior of local residents. this is what the installation looked like, despite the distance of thousands of kilometers, people could communicate around the clock using the camera of large round screens on the streets. the artists wanted to emphasize globalization and the unity of peoples. everything would be fine, but some interlocutors began to expose each other’s private parts. and one of the famous models in the states lifted her shirt and showed off her breasts to the surprised crowd on the other side of the atlantic. people also exchanged obscene gestures and for some reason included shocking video, for example, of the twin towers burning. in general, the exhibition had to be closed, because of such art as humanity.
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false documents indicating ukrainian citizenship and registration in the kherson region in a simplified form.
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the newcomers lived in this rented apartment, literally five minutes from the capital’s market, where they worked. by the way, it was there that the criminal group, as they say, looked for their clients. as the concierge told us, in this high-rise building, they had long been accustomed to such a neighborhood, they lived on the same floor several guests, for example, from asian countries, where this is the honor of quaitorials. more, six apartments, mostly where they work, you don’t know, they, in my opinion, work in the market, well, that is , they try not to shine too much light, no, they generally worked mainly in large trade pavilions in moscow, opened a business, were trading, there was no need to even look for ways to circumvent russian laws, as they say, the right people found them themselves, one of them, by the way, was wearing shoulder straps, according to the investigation, a former migration service employee from domodedovo near moscow put together the same criminal group that helped in the legalization... of visitors through ukrainian citizenship. it was established that from july to december 2023, a migration service employee
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together with three local residents, acting as a group of persons by prior conspiracy, organized the illegal entry into the russian federation and the illegal stay of 11 foreign citizens. the purchase of documents turned out to be very expensive, and the corrupt police officer and his accomplices enriched themselves by several million rubles at the expense of those they it would seem that they should have been held accountable. the object of inspection are passports of citizens of the russian federation, which were purchased for funds from 400 to 700,000 rubles. the passports were seized, examined and recognized as evidence. whatever one may say, corruption schemes to promote illegal migration do not go unnoticed by conscientious colleagues. but visitors continue to be detained throughout the country, and they plan to continue work in this direction on a completely different scale. the day before, the minister of internal affairs affairs vladimir kolokoltsev announced migration reform.
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allow xenophobia to grow. earlier , the official representative of the russian ministry of internal affairs, irina volk, announced the completion of the preparation of a bill on tightening control in the migration sphere. the law establishes the legal. grounds for introducing biometric personal identification upon entry into russia, reducing the period of temporary stay of foreigners to 90 days during a calendar year, a digital profile of a foreigner, a controlled regime of stay in russia for certain categories of foreign citizens, strengthening control over employers, customers of work or services that attract foreign labor. the former policeman
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and his accomplices, who, according to investigators, helped eleven visitors to do the paperwork now in the season. the foreigners themselves are under subscription. several criminal cases were initiated while abroad: organization of illegal migration, official forgery, use of a deliberately forged document. ekaterina likhomanova, sergey eliseev, news. duty department. last week, the court sentenced the owner of the capital flower base, where seven people died in a terrible fire. the fire broke out during welding work in the hangar. the flames quickly engulfed the huge room. there were no emergency exits. maxim shevchenko will tell you what themis decided. behind a high fence, a step from komsomolskaya square, there is a dump of construction waste, instead of hangars there is now a large wasteland, the area behind the square of three train stations has undergone enormous changes since the last visit of journalists here, now this area is practically unrecognizable, all the warehouses that stood here have been demolished ,
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excavators are working, but with the exception of the ill-fated flower one, both buildings. the first happened in 1812, when there was an artillery yard here, the second happened 210 years later. in november 2022 , a plume of black smoke rose over the center of the capital, and a flower storage facility and a wholesale warehouse burst into flames. firefighters fought the flames for 9 hours, almost everything inside burned to the ground, and the remains of seven bodies were found . the main culprit in what happened. anton mochilyuk, the head of a flower company, was named when he was detained, he clearly outlined his position. i'm the director it's my fault, it's my company, it's my responsibility. anton mochalyuk was prohibited from certain actions. the measure does not imply serious restrictions; he also participated in investigative actions. i remember for sure that fire extinguishers and fire extinguishers
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evacuation plans were included with signs, that’s exactly what it was all about. 100% there was a fire alarm here, it seems to me, no, there were various versions of what caused the fire, including arson, our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program managed to look at the investigators recordings from surveillance cameras, the last seconds before the fire, a welder is climbing up, running back telchikbekov, he just starts the equipment, like a sheaf of sparks, and immediately sets fire to the dried flowers.
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maxim shevchenko, andrey mashkarov, dmitry frolov, kirill kryuchko and dmitry manyshev, lead, duty department. state duma deputies propose to ban the sale. he was supported by representatives of all factions. according to state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, in many regions there are already restrictions on the retail sale of energy drinks to minors, but at the federal level, the problem has still not been resolved, and this must be done before the end of summer. report by alexander ostakhov. trumpeter mikhail zadokhin leaves the entrance on his own two feet, although a couple of days ago he almost had to be carried out of the house on a stretcher. the artist called an ambulance after
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having an energy drink at lunch. something happened to my health called a trumpet. my stomach began to sort of churn, and cramps began there, my stomach hurt very badly, to such an extent that i had to call an ambulance, it turned out that this was caused by the energy drink. it turned out okay, hospitalization was not required, but now mikhail is running to doctors and unraveling. consequence, along with him and other lovers of tonic drinks. the operator and i went to the store closest to our editorial office. look, there are dozens of colorful cans of energy drinks on the shelves. it's immediately attention-grabbing and probably aimed at children. and pay attention to the prices: 79 rubles. 109 rub. every student can afford it. now each region decides for itself whether to ban the sale of energy drinks to minors or not. this measure has already been supported by more than half of the constituent entities of russia, including the moscow region. moscow region. my colleague vladimir bazov went to check whether the vigor traders were complying with the law. that's it, this is the one we took. these are the frames of the so-called test purchase. a teenager who clearly looks under
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eighteen brings a can of energy drink to the checkout. the store employees have no problem checking the goods and offering to pay. you just almost sold it to schoolchildren, how did that happen? well, why are you silent? analysts it has been calculated that almost every fourth russian consumes energy drinks, among young people under 30 years of age. this number hovers around 50%. meanwhile, doctors are bending their fingers, voicing possible problems for those who regularly pour the potion into themselves, which can ultimately lead to hypertension, irritation of the gastric mucosa also occurs, which can ultimately lead to gastritis or ulcers, also a large amount of sugar, this very high in calories and therefore can lead to obesity, fourthly, increased caffeine content can lead to insomnia, the energy drink is really invigorating, it’s not mi. and here's the price. the main secret is sugar and caffeine, of which there is several times more in one can of a tonic drink than in a cup of coffee. adrenaline is released into the blood,
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the blood vessels constrict, the pulse quickens, and the pressure rises. all organs go into emergency mode. obviously, the body cannot stand this regime for long. to prevent children from being tempted to drink and businesses from selling, deputies from all factions simultaneously introduced a bill to the state duma that would ban sales.
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every year thousands of multi-colored bottles come out against it, saying that the main audience is people over 18 years old, and it’s not about the drink, it’s about its quantity. this problem can be solved not by bans, but by informing, and moreover, the introduction... of such a ban, it will increase interest in such drinks among minors, while there is no ban, everyone decides for himself, while you can get a surge of strength in other ways, very good replacements would be drinks such as green tea, teas of various compositions containing, for example, ginger, cocoa, which contains a huge amount of useful substances, the fate of the new bill banning the sale of energy drinks to children throughout russia. it’s still vague, this is not the first time such proposals have been made, but some deputies hope to make a decision before august of this year. alexander ostakhov, vladimir bazov, stanislav ponomarenko, lead
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the duty unit. don’t forget to subscribe to our telegram channels, keep an honest detective on duty, we ’ll see you soon.
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your brother is there in donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger. i'm not a fighter, i'm for my brother came, i have to find him.
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