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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s a belly, no one knows anything. alexander mikhailov. in short, you have to go there, this is war. vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready for moska, okay, let’s register as missing. no, that won’t work, i came for him, i have to find him. nadezhda markina. looks a lot like him. sergey gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then not i know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, the call sign passenger, militiaman, passenger, becomes full.
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to the soldiers of the aurora battalion.
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the fifth studio is on the air, my name is anton potkovenko, and we are talking, of course, about vladimir putin’s visit to china, at the invitation of chinese president sinzenpin, this is the first visit of the head of state to the middle kingdom, after re-election to a new presidential term, meetings have already taken place in a limited format and. in an expanded format we are talking about deepening the comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction about the relationship between moscow and beijing in the economic and political and many other spheres, as well as about the relationship between the middle kingdom and western countries, we will talk with the director of the eurasian bureau of the chinese media corporation, mr. wang bin, we now have connections with the fifth studio, hello, mr. wangbin, hello , hello, first of all...
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in china there is once again evidence that the two leaders have a very good personal friendship, and they are strategically leading ours. state in the right direction, i am sure that in this time the meeting took place and there will be more, even today an informal meeting is being organized between the two leaders, and i think that everything will work out between them, and today it is clear that the chinese media, including the world media, are also closely following putin’s visit to beijing, already there were several... like direct inclusions, how he greeted, and how it goes, how the meeting ceremony took place, i think that everything will be fine here, this is proven by the level of our relations of comprehensive
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partnership and strategic interaction, yes, the level of interaction is really the highest and this visit is covered in the media in the most detail, so moving on to... to directly specific points of contact, let's talk about this: lately russian business has had some problems with payments to china, that is, it’s no secret, that the chinese banks began to cancel some financial transactions, well, probably under the threat of actually falling under western sanctions, as you think during this visit of vladimir putin to china, will it be possible, maybe...
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something happened, it is possible because of these bank payments, and here i think that many experts believe that the roots here are not in chinese or russian business, it is the westerners who are waging cyber wars against russia, against china because of geopolitical interests and so that ... their hegemony in the international arena and such a question, i think that it is necessary, to resolve such issues we need to promote jointly, and we know that tomorrow president putin will still be
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in kharvin to open participation in ceremony opening of the eighth russian-chinese expo and the fourth russian-chinese forum. on interregional cooperation, and we know that the province of hirunziyan, where vladimir budin will visit the northeast of china, there are three provinces there and they have very close ties with the russian regions, and cross-border trade is developing very much there, and there, too, already established . trade patterns over decades, i think that this forum and expo also give, will give very positive results, both russian and chinese businesses, and regional governments will actively
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develop such measures to solve the problems that are now temporarily arising between them. now, continuing the theme of western sanctions, in particular in relations with the people’s republic of china, following the americans, the europeans are threatening and preparing to impose large duties on chinese exports of electric vehicles to the european union. please tell me how china can respond to this ? yes, well... here we will see that europeans are no longer as independent as they are there must be, all of them, they are following the us prime minister, and according to the chinese passenger car association, for the first 3 months,
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4 months of this year, chilean companies are the only car manufacturers, chinese manufacturers. which are exported to the usa there, but in just 4 months only 2.27 units of cars were exported to the usa, so here... uh, how correct, yesterday our minister of foreign affairs, mr. wangi noted that the usa is already using so many things based on their article 301 trade law of 19774 on contrary to all the rules of the world trade relations and vania correctly noted that this is the united states. already, in order to preserve, to preserve their kekemonies, they have already lost their minds, and this
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cannot prove their power, this cannot solve their own problems, and this also does not interfere with the development of china, but as for the europeans, we also noted, noticed that not all european leaders will agree, agreed with the leadership of the united states, but here i think that - well, economic issues need to be resolved economically, well, firstly, we need to increase the competitiveness of our products, and china, i think that here to become the first priority, it would also be permissible to turn to the wto, to solve all this within the smallest framework.
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the entire updated cabinet of ministers of the russian government, a large corps of governors, and representatives of big business, that is, there will be a really large number of meetings at this level too, please tell me what there may be, in what areas of the main progress we should expect, in what industries, in your opinion , from the point of view of interaction between moscow and beijing? i think the level of interaction between china and russia has already reached such a high level,
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russia and china and, accordingly, ukraine and the united states, how is it possible that it is growing,
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what prospects can you see here? yes, we see that nato is not only... engaged in a crisis in ukraine, but now everyone is trying to transfer such such a theater to asia, to the south of china, to the east, from all sides, one might say, but as representatives, representative, chairmen have repeatedly noted kadimpiya and russian president vladimir putin, our diplomats, relations between russia. and china are not a military-political alliance and this is a form of cooperation such that our interactions are not bloc and confrontational in nature and not directed against third countries, and here i think that we,
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china and russia, advocate cooperation with all countries and... but, of course, here it is necessary on the principle of mutual respect and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, and as the chairman, chairman xi noted in his global security initiative, here we must firstly, we must protect the principles the united nations and... and these are our starting points, and during a recent trip to europe, the russian representative noted today’s joint press conference with vladimir putin, he also once again emphasized that china has repeatedly stated its position on the ukrainian crisis , china did not
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create the ukrainian crisis and is not its... participant and, at the same time, is not an outside observer, plays an important role in the world, in preserving peace, our special representatives, the chinese representative office for eurasian affairs have already held the third round human diplomacy and that china maintain a balanced, effective , sustainable security architecture. in europe and that we strive for dialogue here and will maintain peace on the european continent. thank you, thank you very much, mr. wang bin, director of the eurasian bureau, china media corporation, was in contact with the fifth studio, thank you very much for your detailed comments, we move on to another high-profile
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international topic, this is an assassination attempt on the example of slovakia, roberta fitso, he was shot 71. robert fitz's life operations are nothing he said so, at the moment, after making threats, the country’s deputy prime minister stated this, fitz regained consciousness after an induced coma, the assassination attempt came as a shock to the political circles of slovakia, to international political circles, this is being discussed in the media, of course, roman mihelko, deputy of the coalition slovak national party, head of the committee on culture and media, is here now.
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as for robert fitz, this was an attack on the work of the slovak government, firstly, and secondly, maybe some special security measures have been taken in relation to other ministers, other members of the government, well, security is very much the ministry of internal affairs and the secret police.
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repeatedly spoke out against military support for ukraine, firstly, and secondly, against ukraine’s membership in nato, what can be said about society in general, the position of society and in slovakia on this issue ...
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he also only said why he encroached murder, some say that he...
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thank you, thank you very much, roman mikhelko, a coalition deputy, was in touch with us slovak national party, head of the committee on culture and media. we continue the topic of the assassination attempt on robert fitz, jan chernogursky gets in touch with the fifth studio. chairman
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of the slovak-russian association, prime minister of the slovak republic within czechoslovakia, 1991.92. yan pavlovich, hello. hello. so, what is now known about the progress of the investigation, the assassination attempt, in your opinion, is it still the work of a single hand, as they say, as reported in the media, or could it have been? an organized action, yes, someone is behind it - juraj tsintula, who could benefit from this assassination attempt from a political point of view, do you think? well, uh, and, uh, all that is known is that, well, who did the assassination attempt on juraj tsintul, he worked several years ago, he worked in a private, uh,
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today voices are starting again from different camps and that means from the government camp and from the opposition camp, well, attacking oneself, one another, means, yes, a little, a few days, maybe it will be calmer in words, politically calmer in words...
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and these are the consequences.


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