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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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partnership and strategic interaction, entering a new era of relations, new large-scale tasks and long-term guidelines for the development of the entire complex of russian-chinese relations have been set. this document is timed to coincide with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries, which is being celebrated this year, as you just said, you mentioned it. over 7 and a half decades... russian-chinese relations have dynamically developed to an unprecedentedly high level, they are built on a solid foundation good neighborliness, equality, mutual respect and support. it is this strategic course that meets the fundamental interests of the peoples of russia and china. and in this regard, i would like to express my gratitude to you personally, dear mr. prime minister of the state council, and all colleagues.
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together, we managed to achieve impressive results in practical cooperation. today you already provided specific data on bilateral trade turnover, you also said this now, according to chinese statistics, over 240 billion. according to ours, it’s a little less, but that’s not... is energy. russia is a reliable supplier of energy resources for the growing chinese economy. and, by the way, last year record levels of supplies of russian oil, gas, and coal to friendly china were achieved. we are expanding cooperation in industry, including the automotive industry, and increasing trade turnover in agriculture.
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1958, he became widely known thanks to his paintings made using the technique of multi-layer watercolor painting; the genre orientation of his works includes urban and rural landscapes, still lifes, etc. the total complexity and heritage of the master amounts to several thousand watercolor works.
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on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing. it was not by chance that puyi appeared in the northeast; it was all planned in advance by the japanese. he was a real japanese puppet.
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where are you from from the eleventh b? no hello, i’m from the eleventh b, we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is... i had to come all this way to watch this good film, what are you doing such lucky, really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, exciting, all this, all these emotions were there, it was very cool, this was the first film that i was really delighted with, the humor is good, i need to get there to school at 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but it’s not like that yet, wait, i hey, it was funny, right? the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask how i could even end up here, what kind of meeting, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, super, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is it situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years from
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now, we are watching to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we are watching, we are watching, for free, without registration. well, now let's return to the topic of vladimir putin's meeting with the premier of the state council of china letianam.
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, 大家晚上好。今天我们欢去一堂, 共同出席中国文化年人 开目市。及庆助中和建交 75周年专场音乐 2024 2025 2025办, 中央文化 年。今天,双方正式启动这一文化胜事。相信
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这将为中额友,注入 新动力。 to gather with you at the opening ceremony of the year of culture of china and russia, a concert, honoring the seventy-fiveth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. last year , president putin and i agreed to declare 2004-2025 the years of culture of china and russia. we are confident that the series of colorful events starting today will serve
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the purpose. 。 顺应国际社会期待和
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和亮 the年。双方将举办一系列,丰富 , ,流的新未来。
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都是世界文明白中的卷里化。 今晚, 中国中央民族月
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团, 和俄罗斯奥西科夫月团的艺术家, 连昧呈现的 曲目中, 既由莫斯科郊外的板上卡秋在中国家户小的 俄罗斯民。也有余州唱板, 花hal 等独据东方运的 中国民乐,我们相信这场音乐生会必将成为中俄文化教育 户件的精彩花章。 means for expressing feelings and emotions, and the musical culture of russia has
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a rich and ancient history, has enormous attractive power, folk music of china and russia always takes its rightful place blooming garden of world civilization. today on this stage are remarkable artists of the state folk music orchestra of china and the osypov orchestra of russia together. performs not only well -known chinese-russian melodies, including the evenings near moscow and kadyusha, but also fragments of unique chinese music with an oriental flavor, these are the evening songs of the fisherman, beautiful flowers and the moon, without any doubt, today's musical substance will leave a bright mark on history, cultural exchange between us and russia.让我们以中国文化年为气期,以
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75 协助伙伴关系增天曾光天才, 共同开创中额友好, 新的美好未来。
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75 years of diplomatic relations is an important anniversary for our countries. let me remind you that the soviet union was the first state to recognize the people's republic of china, the very next day after the announcement of the new state. our country also provided large-scale assistance at the initial stage of the formation of the new chinese state and
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helped strengthen its independence and sovereignty. and we are, of course, glad that chinese people. under the leadership of the communist party, he was able to achieve such impressive successes in the development of his country, filling his ancient civilization with powerful vital energy. 75 years is a short period by the standards of the centuries-old history of russia and china, but during this period of time we were able to achieve serious results and accumulate invaluable. 經大事
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1949 ,并在新中国发展状大初期结断, 向他提供 了大量的原住,促进了中华人民共和国在国际舞台上 恐怖其度力和主权,我们为中国人民在中国共产党 领导下取得的卓越成就感到十分高兴,甚至对贵国在 经济发展
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被i would especially like to point out that the program also includes an all-china competition for knowledge of the russian language.
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to the monument to the people's heroes.
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