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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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dozens of cooperation agreements in various fields from industry and agriculture to culture. this is the result of the first day of vladimir putin’s state visit to china. for the russian president, this is the first. foreign trip after the re-election of the official assumption of office, and the fact that china was chosen confirms the high level of relations between the two countries. anastasia efimova will talk about the russian-chinese partnership and the warm welcome of vladimir putin in beijing. the state grand theater of china, of course, does not applaud surprise, but you do n’t hear such applause even here often. by the way, when vladimir putin came
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to the microphone, the applause sounded no less modest. together with sizenpin, the russian president today launched the cross year of culture between russia and china. their relationship today is a model of cooperation between neighbors. 75 years ago, it is often performed, in ours there is a phrase that has become a catchphrase. russian and chinese, brothers forever, i am sure, i am sure, it is in this fraternal spirit that we will continue to strengthen the harmonious russian-chinese partnership. we will continue to act in unison for the sake of the successful development of the two countries, the prosperity of the two peoples, to increase the authority of the influence of russia and china in the world. our cooperation has no limits. the formation
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of diplomatic relations between moscow and beijing. the soviet union is the first country in the world to recognize the independence of the people's republic of china in 1949. the experience of good neighborly interaction accumulated over 3/4 of a century was called invaluable by the leaders of the two states. music unites the hearts of like-minded people, chinese culture.
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to many international and regional problems are close or coincide. both countries pursue an independent and independent foreign policy. we are working together to form a more just and democratic multipolar world order, which should be based on the central role of the united nations and its security council, international law, cultural and civilizational diversity, and a balanced balance. in the interests of all participants in the world community, we consider it necessary to work towards building a reliable and adequate security architecture in asia-pacific region, in which there is no place for closed military-political alliances, we believe that the creation of such alliances is very harmful and counterproductive. for my part, i will inform the chairman of the people's republic of china about the situation that is developing around the ukrainian crisis. we are grateful to the chinese. friends,
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colleagues, for the initiatives they put forward to resolve this problem. the negotiations themselves lasted about 2.5 hours today, and such a detailed dialogue is understandable, because everyone.
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judging by what the leaders said today, neither russia nor china intend to retreat from. a representative of the british embassy in moscow was summoned to the foreign ministry in connection with the expulsion of london from london on may 8 by the defense ottache
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at the russian embassy. the foreign ministry noted that they regard this step as an unfriendly, politically motivated action with a pronounced russophobic character. the ministry emphasized that this action causes irreparable damage to bilateral relations. in response, the ottache british embassy for defense is recognized as persona nongrata. as the russian government stated, the response to unfriendly anti-russian actions does not end with this step. a unit of the group of russian troops north advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defense in the kharkov region. the ministry of defense reports this. it was possible to improve the situation in other areas. details from denis alekseev. the north group already holds part of the kharkov-liptsy highway under fire control, which now makes it much more difficult the supply of ammunition and the change of personnel of the armed forces of ukraine,
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which is not a day, then the ukrainian line of defense in this direction is bursting at the seams. every convoy that comes out seems to go out with impunity, just drive around like that. they persist, the fuse is not the same, and human ones , as our military notes, the militants are not particularly limited in resources, counterattacks are bogged down, even the involvement of specially trained thugs, nazis, mercenaries, a subdivision of the northern group of troops as a result of active actions does not help. and the foreign legion, manpower and equipment of the 125th brigade the territorial defense of the armed forces of ukraine, the fifteenth border detachment in the areas of dergachi, leptsov and volchansk,
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repelled two counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of staritsa and glubokaya. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to up to 205 military personnel, three tanks, and two armored combat vehicles. vehicles, eight vehicles, 155mm self-propelled artillery mount crab, 122mm howitzer d-30, 122mm combat vehicle bm-21 deg. meanwhile, at the entrance to volchansk already the russian tricolor flaunts, here it is, our military continues to clear the city, there is also video confirmation, ukrainian soldiers surrender at the first opportunity, how many will you have? three, not yet, again, where the militants were based, either a school, or a hospital, or a kindergarten, in general, they do not betray themselves, today the ministry of defense published details of the liberation of the village of rabotina, zaporozhye region, assault groups of
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the dnepr group of troops participated in the operation , the capture of the supports occurred when air support, precise strikes on the pividrons ensured the advancement of our attack aircraft, they could not do without artillery, and here... the result: the russian flag on one of the surviving buildings, as a symbol of the complete liberation of the populated area. enemy equipment, enemy personnel, grenade launchers, and machine guns were destroyed. the pressure gun was taken away, these are the shots of the iskander cruise missile arriving at the industrial base in nikolaev. reconnaissance directed the rocket men to the assembly shops of unmanned boats. there were also several warehouses with just arrived sea drones, about 40, no less. kiev is having more and more problems with aviation. while american fighters are waiting there, the ukrainian air force lost three of its own in the skies over donbass within 24 hours. 3 migas 29 is a strong argument in favor of our air defense systems; they work perfectly. during the day , 25 drones, seven atakoms i.u operational-tactical missiles, guided bombs and
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kharm anti-radar missiles were also intercepted. denis alekseev, lead. well, continuing the topic, russian military personnel provided safe conduct of the next rotation of magathe mission observers at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the military, together with units of the russian guard, escorted us away. observers, inspecting the roads and destroying explosive objects. a ceasefire was declared from 6:00 am to 6 pm. as part of the mission, four inspectors arrived at the station to monitor its safety. now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us.
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temporary accommodation point. to date , more than 2 thousand people have already been taken to safe areas. the international islamic economic forum began its work in kazan. this is the leading platform for discussing issues of cooperation with countries of the islamic world. my colleague maria kudryavtseva works in the capital of tatarstan. maria, welcome, what issues are being discussed, what will be discussed, in general, tell us the news. artem, good
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evening, just in the days of the fifteenth anniversary russia islamic economic forum. more than 120 thematic sessions are planned around the world, in which both foreign and russian experts. the program was divided into 12 sessions and sections, including international cooperation, sports, islamic finance and investment, tourism, culture, business, economics, personnel, science and technology. and in each of these sections we are waiting for presentations, lectures, business meetings, and, of course, round tables. thus, the presentation of the first atm in russia has already taken place at the forum. tenkov with functionality in the tatar language, i remind you that on april 19 , 2019, tenkov was among the participants in the experiment on the development of islamic banking. the experiment is now taking place in four regions, this is not only tatarstan, but also bashkiria, dagestan and chechnya. moreover, it is important to note that translating the functionality of the atm into the tatar language is not
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a prerequisite for participation in the experiment, but of course it creates a very convenient service for customers, and if you look at open sources. about 4 million people now live in tatarstan alone, for whom such a service would be relevant. also at the forum, tenkov presented an islamic card that allows conduct financial transactions in accordance with shariah and islamic ethics. and here’s what the head of islamic finance tenkov, askhad geniyatov, said about this. today we are the second bank in terms of the number of active retail clients. and all the processes that will happen.
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these are theatrical performances, these are film screenings , a large projection show, well, at the halal fair, more than 4 thousand products from all over the world are presented. there has already been a discussion at the forum where they discussed the development of tourism according to halaal standards, well in an interview to our tv channel, the head of rosakreditatsiya nazariy skrypnik spoke about the creation of a new register of accommodation facilities. essentially these are hotels, campsites, glampings, and there are also... icons indicating all the services that you can get there. a key event will take place on may 17, this is a plenary session, but today at the forum there are round tables, business meetings, and,
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of course, agreements are signed. artyom, maria kudryabtseva was from kazan, maria, thank you and see you later. the european commission does not intend to speculate on the reasons for the attack on robert fitz, this is how brussels officials responded to journalists’ questions about the policy of inciting hatred within the eu. but in turn, the nato secretary general condemned the assassination attempt on the slovak prime minister, noting that the crime undermines european democracy. natalya solovyova with details. the main news on the front pages of local newspapers.
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chintula provided an invaluable service to the western hawks, simultaneously pleasing the ukrainian neo-nazis, who had been gloating on social networks for the second day, because it was fitz who spoke out against pumping arms into ukraine for friendly relations with russia, placing himself outside the european stream and earning the label of the kremlin.
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the vest has been worn for the last 20 years, this is unfortunate for today’s europe, although, alas , not a unique case, we have seen how,
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unfortunately, hyblitic figures in other european countries, obviously the appropriate conclusions will need to be drawn by those politicians who hold similar views. russia was one of the first to send a telegram to the president of slovakia.
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private shots, the spiegel publication published an article with the following headline: how fitz poisoned the climate in his country, although within a few hours it was changed to a more neutral, marvelous western world, in an eternal movement towards new horizons of democracy, was never able to abandon the medieval methods of fighting for its own superiority. natalya solovyova and evgenia zemtsova, news. well, back to the russian agenda, today about 6 million people live and work here
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and there are long-term goals for migration policy. we must proceed from the fact that labor migration to russia is forced in the post-soviet space of the world, in conditions of demographic decline, war with the west and northeast military district in ukraine, to prevent further flight of people from the cis countries, from the cis and the eurasian union. labor migration should not be a problem, but a tool for the socio-economic development of russia. we need to increase labor productivity and restore it. about in those formations, which today has become an obstacle to filling labor vacancies, because there are no people, well, now about events. to which we have
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a special relationship with the russia-24 team, it connected with our colleague boris maksudov. the winners of the competition named after him were awarded in sochi. boris died in november last year after being wounded in the combat zone in zaporozhye, without finishing his reporting. the competition in memory of him was established for those who love the journalistic craft, at the same time, know how to share the pain and joy of people. about the first laureates, pavel melik.
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the kuban union of journalists and the governor of the krasnodar territory supported the idea of ​​​​establishing an award, preserving the purity of thought, the truthfulness of speech, the community of the region is gathering and from all over the country, presenters, colleagues, leading journalists are here, who are probably a guide somewhere. boris’s daughter received a special prize; she dreams of becoming a journalist. the history of people,
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what fascinated boris so much about reporting; he loved to communicate, and not only on camera. in sochi for half a day, let's go to lunch, well, where, of course, here, the famous sea promenade of the resort, where all year round you can meet acquaintances, friends, colleagues, sochi, how he loved it so much, and which opened the doors to his profession, here it is , radio studio vesti sochi, here, behind these chairs, behind these microphones, boris began his career. support young journalists who write about important things. the main idea of ​​the competition within the framework of the kuban journalism days is that it will be held annually with the support of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company and certainly in sochi, where a bust of boris maksudov will soon appear. pavel melnik, nikita kalchenko and regina sovchuk. news from sochi.
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