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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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well, the west is horrified, gnashing its teeth, they say, so you will be given to someone else and you will be faithful to the century, he says, excuse me, dear chinese comrades, what do you choose for him, either putin or europe and america? they don’t even
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understand that the wording itself is offensive and impossible, because, as vladimirovich putin said today, remembering 1949, listen for yourself, we were talking about belody, musical sung songs, but the events are dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, famous songs of that time 75 years ago she often performed in our...
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the whole world is watching vladimir putin's first state visit to china after his re-election as president without involvement. we have already talked about the reaction of the west, hysterical, very serious, catches every word, every hint, understands how much. documents
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were signed, they understand that not a single word is simply spoken, they understand that the level of the delegation and their representativeness is very, very serious, i liked it when they showed the very first moment when the delegations are sitting, and the seating arrangement is always important, who is where vladimir vladimirovich on the left hand of sergei kozhega chaiga on the right sergei vittorovich lavrov, and they go further. on the other side , on the very edge, sits the ambassador of the people's republic of china in moscow, an absolutely brilliant specialist, speaks excellent russian, an expert on lermontov, loves mikhailovich very much, and he exchanges friendly signs with a number of high-ranking guests of ours and denis valentinovich's mantor, who will now be deal with sergei viktorovich lavrov, that is, it is clear how informally the
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sphere, which immediately causes a heart attack among westerners, to constantly increase the potential level of joint response to threat challenges, the principle of equal and indivisible security is specifically mentioned. and this is not the end, the concert, well , first of all, let’s see how the whole reception was and compare how our leader and some other strange people who came to china for some reason were greeted.
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of course, we learned how to take pictures, this is absolutely stunning beauty, this is how we met the us secretary of state, a certain anthony blinken, a little-known guitarist. he’s waiting, he can’t wait, and of course, a certain olaf
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scholz, popularly known as just a liverwurst, for some reason immediately brings to mind the famous donkey.
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in fact, this is how the most important decisions are made, i think that british and american intelligence are ready to buy all the trees in this park, if only the foliage quietly and carefully hinted at what they were talking about,
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comrade zinpin and vladimir vladimirovich putin, but something it tells me that the chinese intelligence services are acting confidently, there will be no leakage of information. well, of course i don't i pretend to be the foliage in this park, but i still took a beautiful risk that i think that the main, main topic for this informal communication was how many opportunities there are to build a new world, together, the americans and europeans missed out.
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for china too, but the west consistently acted, not even against its own interests, the west, especially europe. that this topic could not but be discussed at the meeting of the two leaders, because the main question is when we talk about how we we will build a new world, it will also consist of multipolarity, polycentricity, or consistently irrational, and i think, it seems to me that these are questions of the third order, a question of the first order, but very simple, and what is power in the future world, here i am ... i understand what power is, but in america i understand what power is,
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yes, although this is no longer certain, in europe i don’t even understand where it lies, these two, in general, are very mature, directly, let's say, political leaders who have seen a lot of things, having experienced very different stages in their development,
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the proposal, this goes beyond security, and this is a great geopolitical bilateral relationship, this is a great geopolitical proposal to the whole world, do you want to live? in a world where security is divisible, where it is not equal for different partners, or not, or let's talk about the fact that security is indivisible, it should be equal for everyone who is for, who one way or another, sometimes the will of history, sometimes the will of a very distant history, by the way, for example, china, yes, is involved in some conflict situations, the story with taiwan, it... extends much further than 1949, this is a very long history, but when
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solving these problems, let's proceed from the fact that security is universal, yes, this principle of the divisibility of safe, well, security, it has generally failed the world is very close to nuclear war, and let's move on from the second, here is another statement that i made. putin is about the need, about russia’s readiness to combine the development of eurasia and russia’s eurasian projects with the chinese initiative, one train, one road, which, of course, has been around for a long time has outgrown the framework of just a logistics corridor, but by and large this is a great geo-economic proposal to the whole world, but let's build a system that will be comfortable for... everyone, because the connection of eurasia and one belt of one road is not just what is called
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coordination in the area of ​​railway track width, although this issue is very important, yes, this is the question of how to pay, and whether it is possible to combine these two projects, and also to connect the northern sea route to these projects, what about. .. stated head of rosatom, within the framework of american-centric finance, well, probably not, which means there must be general economic rules, general rules of property, and by the way, this is already in the joint statement, about the issues of the impossibility of developing economically in a world where assets can be confiscated according to a political decision,
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and there is one thing i cannot do, but this is mine, this is my personal feeling, in all the statements, comments, let’s see what else happens tomorrow, it was not my question.
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speaks freedom, remembering, if you like, marseillaise citizens to arms, and it turns out that the french can’t do anything, volodya, they came to protect caledonia from azerbaijan, yes, this, this is absolutely brilliant, yes, everything was explained, absolutely, just like one of the europeans said here, he was silent for a long time, it was hard for him, then he said, the supporters of the caliphate should be shot, he was shot, he wanted to say, deported, but out of habit he shouted, he was shot and it became clear that everything was fine, fascisation was returning, they would soon begin to grow proper mustaches, click just in case heels, the main thing is that the fashion for growing mustaches does not start with ursula funder, although now you can expect everything, it will start easily, it will start easily, yesterday’s absolutely disgusting political crime, this is an attempt to kill birds,
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what is this anyway, yes, to make it clear, head, this is the ministry of internal affairs of austria, austria. that is, after all , schickel gruber, it is known what austria managed to do, to convince everyone that mozart was austrian, but hitler was not. so, the head of the austrian ministry of internal affairs, gerhard karna, speaking to reporters on thursday, made a reservation that the propaganda of the caliphate in the republic needs to be shot, i wanted to say deport, well, what should i do, i immediately apologized, repeated the phrase correctly several times, and then said, deport, but it’s better first anyway.
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tells us that they are trying to create such a belt to surround us, but it turns out that they surround us, because they have the territory of madness, and we have the territory of reason, which will lead to prosperity, but in fact it is very alarming, this is through the lip, oh what i said from the very beginning, let china choose, these idiots really think that now until now since the era of colonialism, that they can point out like this, come on, you’re just idiots, dmitry. yes, volodya, idiots, no, absolutely, absolutely, i looked at the reaction, you just said a couple of very important things in my opinion, i will build on them, i looked at their reaction, which...
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and a week later everyone votes, but trump tells his republicans, keep it down, keep it down, no need, keep it down, what happened, by the way, can anyone explain what happened, no one can, because this is not a public
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relationship, but that’s how it is with everything, so now, apart from this obsession with this madness for some kind of world domination or in other words, such total permissiveness, i have not yet...
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they abandoned european history, called it all criminal, to them, to reflection and there is no history, and also, besides , americans, who have nothing to do with it,
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so china entered the world stage, this is a completely new fundamental historical situation, well, at least europe with its history does not know this situation, but now let’s add more to this. we know that they will destroy us, they are 500 years old they are going to do this, and so, you see, there are two countries of civilization that... have entered
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a new stage of historical development with all that historical experience and the fact that they looked into the eyes of death, historical death, russia watched several times as civilization, as a people, china has looked death in the eyes several times, those who are against us have nothing like that, so they cannot understand anything about it. and they cannot understand about the world that we are going to build together with china, because they did not die, because they consider themselves immortal, they believe that everything is allowed to them, neither russia nor china think so, they have seen death and defeated its death, so we really have a completely different worldview,
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we really have a completely different one. attitude towards what the world should be like, if we talk about the european line, well, by the way, this is very important, you know, because we often utter the words of eurasianism, so i very modestly assess what our eurasians, well, have done with content point of view, which does not in any way imply their labor the fact that this whole story appeared in general, but the fact that in this union, like... which we don’t call a union yet, and you know, this also says a lot, we just do together what we consider necessary to do together, for this we don’t need, well, pieces of paper, pay attention, yes, the western world cannot make a single move without a piece of paper, it uses a piece of paper, by the way, not as
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a guarantee against deception. but as a way of deception, here is what is written in small, small print in the contract or in colorless ink, here is china and russia doesn’t need this, because neither they nor we have any intention of deceiving each other, because a piece of paper is needed when you know what the other one has. there is an intention, concluding this speech, i want to say that we are really now at the very beginning of a new historical phase, what is happening at the hands of china and russia is being done, has never happened before in the world, this is an absolute historical innovation, and
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accordingly... well, we need to use this, since we are one of the authors of the innovation, we and cards in hand, and don’t be surprised that those on the other side cannot understand anything about this, this is not accidental, they cannot understand anything, but so much the worse for them. advertising.
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