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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the forum for cooperation between the regions of russia and china, the opening of the expo, a large final press conference, and this is only part of the program of the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to china. the presidential plane landed in harbin. this city has a special connection with our country. there is a large russian community here, and it is the capital of the hailundian province, which borders immediately on five regions of russia. and vladimir putin began his trip from beijing, where he was received by chinese president xidzenping, they noted.
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about improvement , including a joint declaration, where it is relations and the special nature of the connection between moscow and beijing, and this can already be regarded as a signal to the whole world. about the official results of the day and more, in the report of our columnist alexey golovko. on the main square of china , tenian men, a company of honor guards from the very morning prepared to greet the russian leader in terms of the scale of the military incidents involved. it was more like preparing for a parade in the flags of two states, the crew commander straightened it with an elegant movement of his hand. one of the most iconic places in china is tianyan square. exactly here is the house of people's assembly, this is where the maozedun mausalle and other significant places for keiner are located. it was on this square on october 1, 1949, madun.
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announced the creation of the chinese people's republic. already on october 2, this country was recognized by the soviet union. moscow was the first in the world to do this. the line of chinese journalists, eager to see and show everything, stretched for several meters. a special group arrived with a camera recording on film. on the steps of the house of people's assembly, russian a delegation approved by the government in almost its entire composition. the new minister of defense andrei belousov and the new secretary of the security council sergei shaigu also arrived. finally, vladimir putin’s car, the leaders, appeared.
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this will be followed by the traditional tour of the honor guard company and a musical surprise from the military orchestra for the guests from russia. and so, even half an hour before arrival , children, students of local schools, among whom there were many russian children, were training to greet putin and xi, loudly shouting welcome . we are very worried it’s great that we... see the president and the chairman and the children did it at the right time. china is a country of ceremony, along carpets marking the path, the leaders again come to the center. military listeners representing various branches of the military pass in front of them in perfect synchrony. at this time, the last specks of dust were collected from the carpets, in the house of people's assembly, in this building all the employees walk in step and formation. of the people's
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assembly is just a gigantic structure, there are incredibly high ceilings, a huge hall, in general the area of ​​the entire house is 171. m. one could get lost, but the leaders know exactly where to go, to where the russian and chinese flags stand. the president and chairman begin their communication on the way to photographing, apparently discussing successes in agriculture. our harvests have already begun and here is a photograph that will become a symbol of friendship between the two countries. russia and china celebrate 75 years of establishment.
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sino-russian relations have stood the test, changing international situations have become the standard for relations between major powers and neighboring countries, these relationships are characterized by friendship and mutual benefit. over the past years, we have met at least forty times. such close ties allow us to outline strategic directions for maintaining the sustainable rapid growth dynamics of chinese-russian relations.
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these calculations. large russian businesses are watching the leaders' conversation. under sanctions , the position of the chinese financial system is important for industrialists and bankers. i don’t think it can be said later that they refuse to cooperate with russia, but of course they are under enormous pressure, especially the large banks that do a lot of business in the west. now, but as far as our bank is concerned, we don't feel pressure here.
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energy plays a major role in this growth; we also plan to soon complete the review and sign a contract for the construction of a gas pipeline with a capacity of 50 billion meters of gas through the territory of mongolia. there are also other new projects. chinese goods have a place in the russian consumer market. we welcome the active expansion of our presence in the russian market of chinese automakers. manufacturers of household appliances, we know that the chairman just spoke during our negotiations about the negative impact of any illegal actions, sanctions, restrictions, we welcome cooperation with chinese friends, and in the field of automobile production,
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where chinese manufacturers are achieving clear, completely obvious successes and advantages in competition, fair competition . russia.
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russia today, together with the xinhua news agency , will hold a brix expert forum in st. petersburg, and tas agency with its colleagues from china will now cooperate. in the field of economic information, but they talked behind closed doors about more than just economics. we discussed everything, economics, politics. in the international arena, the positions of russia and china are also largely similar. moscow values ​​beijing's opinion on the situation around ukraine. we agreed with the chairman to discuss in detail the entire complex of foreign policy agenda at an informal meeting this evening. of course, i will inform you for my part.
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putin is going to a new meeting, this time with premier of the state council of the people's republic of china, litsan. i know that you have a good and business-like relationship with the chairman of the government of the russian federation, mr. we hope that your close and truly working, professional interaction will continue. a little later, vladimir putin is again in the central square of beijing. there is a monument to national heroes here. the shape is the hilt of a sword stuck into the ground, which the colonialists tried to take away for several centuries. the russian president laid a memorial wreath here. together again vladimir putin and xinping have already appeared on the stage of the state grand theater of china, where. gave rise to cross years of cultures of two countries, so different, but so close spiritually. the musical culture of russia has
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an ancient history, and today's performance of russian musicians will leave a deep mark in the hearts of like-minded people. the chairman of the people's republic of china today recalled popular soviet songs and katyusha evenings near moscow. by the way, i have heard our chinese friends sing these famous and popular songs with inspiration more than once. melodies. “sorry, please, i spoke for a long time, there was no translator, i just feel at home, so i decided that everything here lives in russian. on the eve of the visit, in an interview with chinese journalists, the russian president admitted that his family is interested in chinese culture, and some even learn the language, vladimir putin himself is interested in the original traditions of china. in the famous songs of that time 75 years ago, it is often performed, in ours there is a phrase that has become a catchphrase, russian and chinese are brothers forever.
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favorite genres of china, it was precisely such works that the osipov academic orchestra of folk instruments and the central orchestra of folk instruments of the people's republic of china performed for the leaders and guests. well, after the concert, the leaders of the two countries continued to communicate. xidin ping invited vladimir putin to an informal dinner at his residence.
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area video of target elimination published by the ministry of defense. the department clarified that our
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fighters carried out the attack using the iskander operational-tactical missile system. in addition to the command post also a warehouse with ammunition and about 50 militants of the kiev regime were destroyed. according to the ministry of defense, our military took more advantageous positions in different directions of the special operation. the advancement of fighters in the western, eastern and central groups is reported. the enemy is suffering colossal losses on the battle line. a ceremony was held to officially introduce the acting governor; this position will be
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held by dmitry milyaev. the title of honorary citizen was awarded to ex-governor alexei dyumin. the former head of the region is emotional said goodbye to the tula region and emphasized that it was a great honor for him to lead the region for 8 years. all the details are in the material by polina ermolaeva. not just standing, on the wave of avat. and this is how they greet the presidential assistant, together with you we managed to transform the appearance of small historical towns of the regional center, build schools, kindergartens, large sports facilities, hospitals, and quite serious medical institutions, change the overall mood of people, return and raise pride in tolsk region and pride in their small homeland. almost immediately , the official tone gives way to a paternal one, in 8 years the tula region has become native, and therefore even
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symbolic forgiveness with the region is not easy, and these unconcealed emotions are from a general, a hero of russia, a person. and also a strong male character is worth a lot, thank you, there are allergies in the hall, you can’t sweat the carpets, success, glory to the tula land for new victories, thank you very much, in the hall there are people of completely different professions, everyone has something to say.
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says at the checkpoint: where are you from, we are proud, we say, we are from tula, right away, but how is your governor? alexei dyumin’s closest mentor, his father, was present at the ceremony. this man followed his son’s career as head of the region from the first days. the main parting advice at the beginning of the journey was to earn the respect of people. alexey managed to earn respect, sincere respect, i followed, of course, social networks, business affairs. and so on, so what i wished came true, the parting words were fulfilled 100%, as a sign of gratitude for the enormous contribution to the life of the region, alexey dyumin awarded the title of honorary citizen of the tula region, this is a great honor for me, and this is great pride, that’s it, guys, you can’t escape me, neither can i from you,
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there was no need to introduce the governor for a long time, dmitry milyaev is well known to tula residents in his own business for over 20 years. work in various positions, including in the team of regional leaders, and from the post of minister of agriculture to the first deputy head of the region. i am sure that all my professionalism, all my energy, new ideas he will be able to effectively use it for the benefit of the tula region and the residents of the region. all his achievements and achievements as head of the city of tula and first deputy governor of the region will be in great demand. the acting governor promised new duties to the tuliks. adhere to the pace of development of the region set by alexey dyumin. for my part, i will make every effort to justify the trust of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. your trust, alexey gennadievich and, of course, the expectations of the residents of the tula region. alexei gennadvich, now many are calling, writing, asking to convey to you words of sincere gratitude and sincerely wishing you success in your new high position. you are in the hearts of tulyakov,
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this can be said without exaggeration. and tula, i have no doubt, will remain in yours forever. alexey dyumin’s favorite phrase: “we don’t abandon our own” today is addressed to the tuliks. going to new victories, he promised to always be there and help. polina ermalaeva, oleg antonov, tula news. at the ministry of agriculture, at a meeting of the operational headquarters, deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev introduced the minister of agriculture oksana lut. patrushev expressed confidence that effective interaction between the ministry and the regions will continue. at the operational headquarters they discussed the progress of seasonal field work, it has begun in... already in all federal districts, about 25 million hectares have been sown with spring crops, this is almost half of the forecast area. at the same time, in the territory of a number of subjects of the central and volga federal districts, as well as the volgograd and rostov regions , recurrent frosts were recorded in may. according to available data,
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a state of emergency has already been introduced in eight regions, perhaps their number will increase even more. colleagues, the most important thing in the regions is not to waste a single day; promptly organize reseeding. it must be started now in order to meet agrotechnological deadlines and fulfill the planned structure of areas to the maximum extent possible. stocks of seeds and other resources are available. in a number of regions of polozhye, due to the late snow melting, it is necessary to catch up with the pace of spring sowing. and, of course, we had return frosts in may. collectively, this affected 23 regions. according to initial data, total deaths is about 830,000 hectares, on a general scale this is about one. percent, but we need to clearly define plans for reseeding in order to maintain the approved parameters of the area structure; in addition to the crops, we
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also have damaged perennial plantings; now our specialists, together with the regions , are conducting an assessment to obtain reliable data. new sports facilities are being built in the village of sokolova, saratov region. military families live there. the speaker of the state duma checked the progress of work the day before. improvement is underway with his direct support. the village already has a modern clinic and an overpass to the city center. the local stadium was also reconstructed. an ice arena and a swimming pool are currently being built. ice arena, swimming pool, there is already a clinic. we are settling in, the overpass. it will be a completely different village. yes, he has completely changed, of course. its name is "falcon".
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operational work, the drone flies up to the object, an activation signal is given, without a strong rear there will be no victory, our soldiers, our help, now i was distributing it to the sappers there drone vests, and also gave letters to children, they say: we felt that we need russia, help the front, help, the guys are working on our victory, we won’t be overwhelmed, victory will be ours. your brother is there in donbass, in short, you have to go there,
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call sign is a passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him, we’re watching to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we’re watching, we’re watching. in the application or on the website. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. may 17, 1727, russian the throne was taken by the grandson of peter the great, who went down in history as peter ii. he was not even 12 then and his fate was tragic. the boy became a toy in the hands of eminent dignitaries fighting for power. first , alexander menshikov, a former associate of peter i, took over. after whose death he de facto ruled the state under his widow, empress catherine i. menshikov moved the young tsar to his palace in st. petersburg and was even going
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to marry his daughter. but the opposition, represented by the long-armed clan and vice-chancellor andrei osterman, had her own plans. osterman became peter's tutor, and the young prince ivan dolgoruky accustomed him to adult amusements and openly got him drunk. when menshikov fell ill, the long-armed asterman turned the boy against him. menshikov was arrested in exile, but in january 1730 in moroz, peter ii hosted a parade in moscow, caught a cold and died at the age of 14 years and 3 months. with his death, the mouth of the romanovs was cut short and the throne was taken by the niece of peter the great, anna ioanovna, the first of the russian empresses of the 18th century. may 17 in 1918, soldiers of the czechoslovak corps rebelled in russia, and this led to civil war engulfing the entire country. the corps was created during the first world war, even before the revolution, from czech slovak prisoners of war who decided to fight against
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germany and austria-hungary. they were hostile to soviet power; the bolsheviks allowed them to evacuate through vladivostok, but the evacuation was stopped. the germans did not want corps of 50,000 soldiers to appear on the western front. the echelons with them stretched throughout trans-siberian railway. discontent matured and the starting point was the incident in chelyabinsk. there, the czechoslovaks had a clash with prisoners of war from germany and austria-hungary, who were also leaving russia, but were moving not to the east, but to the west. the red guards tried to restore order, but failed. and then the czechoslovaks captured chelyabinsk, and then other cities, the volga region, the urals, siberia and the far east, where anti-soviet governments were created. but the red army quickly proved its superiority and... the czechoslovaks decided leave russia so as not to share the fate of the entire white movement. on may 17, 1956, the soviet
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government called on young people to build their own... future, literally. on this day, the central committee of the cpsu and the council of ministers of the ussr adopted a resolution on measures to provide labor for critical construction projects and enterprises located in the eastern and northern regions of the country in the donbass. then the slogan appeared, the party said it was necessary, the komsomol answered yes. they built a gas station. irkutsk, bratsk, kokhovskaya, metallurgical plant in timertau, abakan taishets railway, mines in donbass. entered the baikal-amur mainline and kamaz. they worked in the most difficult conditions. many construction projects were declared komsomol strikes. the construction profession has become the most popular among young people. they made films. today one can only admire the enthusiasm and dedication of millions of boys and girls who were attracted by the romance of distant travels, the exploration of new lands and who believed in the future of their country. may 17, 1980. the second
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film of the star wars saga, the empire strikes back - episode five, was released. for this premiere the creator of the saga, george lucas, added the number five to the title, and designated the first film as the fourth, because he decided that in the future he would definitely make the first three, about what happened before. in the distant, distant 1980, no one yet believed in the success of the film in a sequel, and even more so, such star wars could not be so interesting to an adult educated audience. wrote film critics, but episode five set the success of the entire saga, there are already nine films, composer john williams wrote an imperial march for it. according to the plot, the main character luke skylocker participates in rebellion against the sinister all-powerful empire, in life george lucas himself opposed hollywood. he invested his own money in the project, but the studio continued to impose conditions on him. directors guild of america,
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as from the first episode. demanded that the introduction with text be replaced with traditional credits, threatening to ban the premiere altogether. lucas paid a huge fine and left the guild, that's what he said in an interview with hollywood magazine. they are pretty sneaky, unscrupulous people, they make deals in classic american corporate style, you can cheat and do whatever you want just to get more profit. they don’t understand what filming is, for them cinema is a transaction, i don’t want to have anything to do with them. this is such a retaliatory strike and such a day in history. on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured
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beijing. puyi appeared in the northeast not by chance, all this was planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet. mass killings of civilians then occurred throughout nanjing. it was russia and china that paid the most the price for this common victory is humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945, where are you from 11 b? no hello, i'm from the eleventh b, we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to watch this good film, why are you so lucky, i really
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liked it. there were all these emotions, it was very cool, it was the first film, that’s from which i was absolutely delighted with, the humor is good, i need to get to school 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but it’s not like that yet, i wait, hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if if you have any questions, ask how i am in general? i could end up here, what a meeting, sometimes i want to cry, sometimes i want to laugh, super, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years in the future, we are watching to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we are watching, free, no registration, in the application or on the website.


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