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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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today marks the second day of vladimir putin's state visit to china in harbin. the president paid tribute to the memory of soviet soldiers who died in the battles for the liberation of this country from the japanese invaders. putin laid flowers at the monument. red army soldiers, in general, the head of state’s program, as on thursday, is extremely eventful; in the near future the president will take part in the opening ceremony of the forum for cooperation between the regions of russia and china, as well as the russian-chinese expo. putin is also expected to meet at a high level and communication with students and teachers of both countries, after which he will sum up the results of the visit in a conversation with journalists. let me note that harbin has a special connection with our country; there is a large russian community here. this is the capital of
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heilongjiang province, which borders on five regions of russia. vladimir putin arranged a trip from beijing, where he was received by chinese president xijen ping. the leaders spent the day together at negotiations and other events, including a concert in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries. already in the evening vladimir putin and sezen ping discussed some international issues again at the informal meeting. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov noted:
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the years of culture of russia and china were solemnly opened in beijing, specifically 2024 and 25, the leaders of the two countries launched the events, they are dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our states. at the ceremony in the great theater of china, a joint orchestra of folk instruments performed, that is, a team of chinese and russian musicians, our damrists balalaika players, and nearby, literally looking at the same scores, chinese performers on the erhu - this is a version of the violin, xiao - this is a bamboo flute and schenk - a mouth organ, the large program will end with our kolinka, it is loved all over the world. projects in 2023, including
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large-scale tours of russian groups in china, the first russian-chinese library forum, a festival of chinese culture in russia, exchange film festivals and other events. residents of russia and china show great interest in the rich heritage of the two states; they are confident that holding culture of russia and china will take cooperation between our countries to a new level. we all, of course, know about the powerful history and culture of china, we remember that... they invented porcelain, gunpowder, that they began to weave silk there back in the fourth millennium bc, but for a long time our lovers of beauty were turned to the west, interested italian cinema, american pop art and german expressionism, now is the opportunity to enrich yourself, learn more about the music and fine arts of the middle kingdom, there are plans for more than 230 events from concerts to exhibitions and lectures. the russian museum will open at the same time.
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three exhibitions in three chinese provinces decided to shoot with the avant-garde, and here the collection of the state russian museum has no equal, for example, almost the entire legacy of pavel filonov, here is a black square, a version painted in 1923 and many other masterpieces by malevich, petrov votkin and other avant-garde masters. all three exhibitions, they, they are dedicated to the russian avant-garde, of course, that direction,
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the exhibitions at the national museum of the middle kingdom will be spectators, that is, interesting absolutely everyone. russian feast from the royal feast to the government reception, a story about the traditions of russia in the region. culinary art in the 18th-20th centuries in items for serving the royal tables, one cannot do without masterpieces from the factory of the grachev brothers, pavel ovchinnikov and of course faberge. but if we talk about cultural institutions that have been working with china for decades, then in first place is the st. petersburg academy of arts, there are now about 400 students from china studying here, they really value the russian academic school in three chinese cities this year they will show a grandiose exhibition of our academic school.
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created an emblem: a russian brown bear in the costume of a 16th-century boyar for the opening of the years of chinese and russian culture, a panda in the traditional phoenix crown, they hold hands. we will definitely return to the topic of the state visit in the near future, but for now let’s move on to other news: in the belgogorod region , a mother and child were killed during an attack by drones of the armed forces of ukraine, as the governor of the region said, militants attacked them with attack drones, but now the broadcast is from
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china. dear friends, colleagues. greetings you at the opening ceremony of a large-scale joint exhibition event of the eighth russian-chinese expo, as well as the fourth russian-chinese forum on interregional cooperation organized within its framework. it is very symbolic that these two important events are held in the city. one of the largest scientific, educational and innovation centers in china. this is my first time here, and the city is truly impressive; it is a modern, beautiful, dynamic metropolis, and
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at the same time truly original, with a rich history of tradition. since its founding at the end of the 19th century. arbin personifies the closest ties and intertwined destinies of the peoples of russia and china, the mutual enrichment of cultural traditions. by the way, we drove through the center of the city, its historical part is preserved, and this is good, you can immediately feel it, it also preserves the russian trace, because our specialists from russia, engineers, scientists contributed.
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build and implement ambitious plans. the prospect of further development of such close and multifaceted cooperation was just discussed in detail at the negotiations with the chairman of the people's republic of china silpin, it happened last night. i think we can rightfully be proud of the results of russian-chinese economic ties and russian-chinese economic cooperation. several yet.
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production and high-paying jobs, improves the well-being and quality of life of our countries and our citizens. our strategic alliance in the energy sector, which has become the supporting pillar of the entire global energy market, i am confident will continue to strengthen. russia is ready and capable of uninterruptedly and reliably supplying the chinese economy, enterprises, cities, towns, environmentally friendly accessible.
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russia not only welcomes the intention of chinese business to localize production on our territory. economic benefits, assistance and support, as well as access to the unique russian technological base and our highly qualified personnel. at a time when the world is on the verge of the next technological revolution, we are determined to consistently deepen bilateral cooperation in the field of high technology and innovation, to unite our scientific and research potentials. this is necessary to confidently occupy leadership positions. increase the competitiveness of russia and china in the global economy from tomorrow.
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i would especially note the dynamic development of transport infrastructure, which closely connects our countries. so, in 2022 , two transport bridges were opened on the amur river, cross-border bridges: a road bridge and a railway bridge, along which there is already intensive passenger and cargo transportation. here in the border areas of russia and china there are reliable and high-speed logistics corridors are especially in demand for both businesses and citizens. we will continue to reconstruct checkpoints to reduce the time it takes to inspect transport cargo at the border. our countries are working together to diversify bilateral trade, stimulating changes in its structure. in particular, exports of russian products to china are now actively increasing. agro-industrial complex, yesterday the chairman and i also talked about this in some detail, these
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products are of high quality and environmental friendliness. growing volumes in china, from russia is presented with fish and other seafood, grain, and pork. in essence, we are moving towards creating a strategic russian-chinese production partnership, similar to our close interaction in the energy sector. this expo exhibition traditionally represents a good opportunity for the development of industry relations, which has been held alternately in russia and china for several years now and each time attracts the interested attention of an increasing number of participants, representatives of business and public circles, regions of our countries. so the eighth expo, which begins today in harbin, was no exception. heads of the largest companies, leaders in their industries, such as
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rosatom, rostec, russian railways and many others, came to the expo from the russian country. the coverage of economic sectors is very wide, from the extraction of mineral resources and petrochemical chemistry to construction and metallurgy, light industry and digital technologies. through numerous events, expos, panel discussions and... investments and technology exchange, reach new joint projects and agreements, which, i am sure, will be fully supported by the governments of both russia and the people's republic of china. in accordance with the wishes of chinese friends , a fair of goods made in russia was organized as part of the expo, where guests can try and
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purchase more than a thousand different types of high-quality russian products. the central event of the exhibition this year will be the russian-chinese forum on interregional cooperation. i would like to note that today the overwhelming most constituent entities of the russian federation maintain ties with chinese partners. both for our part and for china, almost all provinces and administrative entities are involved in such cooperation. over 300 cities and municipalities up to. countries have established sister-city relations, such as with china in a wide network of direct contacts , russia probably does not have such a number of interregional agreements on trade and economic cooperation on cooperation in humanitarian spheres with any other country in the world. in the forum delegations from 25 constituent entities
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of the russian federation are taking part, 17 of them are headed. senior officials, plans to create new mutually beneficial partners will be presented to their chinese colleagues by moscow, tatarstan, bashkiria, tula, nizhny novgorod, amur regions, khabarovsk territory. such initiatives have been thoroughly developed by our regions and specified by industry. for example, the kaluga region is determined to develop cooperation in the automotive sector and create an entire production cluster. building materials, and we, of course, we see great potential for deepening ties between the russian far east and the northeast of the people's republic of china. taking this opportunity, i would like to invite chinese friends to the ninth eastern economic forum, which will take place in vladivostok in early september. there it will be possible to continue a detailed
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discussion of the possibilities of cooperation with russia, including in the advanced territories. socio-economic development, where convenient preferential regimes are created for external investors. well, in conclusion, dear friends, i would like to wish the organizers, participants and guests of the expo this large, respectable forum, productive work, useful and constructive discussions, all the best personally, thank you for your attention, thank you.
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these were shots from harbin, vladimir putin spoke at the opening ceremony of the eighth russian one. chinese expo and the fourth russian-chinese forum on interregional cooperation. about the details of the informal negotiations between vladimir putin and sedzenpin, which took place the day before, to my colleague, author and presenter of the program moscow, kremlin putin, assistant to the russian president yuri ushakov told pavel zarubin. how much detail did they discuss ukraine in putin’s informal group, sidinpin? well, you know, very detailed, but it was in tet format, not even narrow. when the chairman and our president had a separate conversation. in the belgorod region , a mother and child were killed during an attack by ukrainian armed forces drones. according to the regional governor, militants attacked a car in which the driver was carrying his family with strike drones. parents of a four-year-old boy. the woman died on the spot, her they managed to take their son to the hospital, but the doctors were powerless.
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the driver also required medical assistance; he suffered from shrapnel wounds. the head of the family was almost not physically injured, but is still there. in deep shock. another attack in iisu was carried out on a gas station in the belgorod region; a fuel tank caught fire, which was quickly extinguished. powerful explosions were heard the night before in the regions of ukraine. the roar of detonation was also heard in the vinnytsia region. several series of attacks took place in kharkov. information about the consequences is being clarified. explosions occurred in poltava - this is the central part of the country. the air raid alert was announced several times in the evening and at night. in total, it covered six regions of ukraine, but in the kharkov region, in terms of duration, the alarm became a record, the sirens sounded for more than 16.5 hours. results.
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dollars, we hope that this will help kiev in the confrontation. the wol street journal reports: during the special operation, the russian army became many times stronger, the ukrainian military, to which the newspaper refers, they claim that ukraine is physically unable to resist the russian military-industrial complex, so russian planning aerial bombs are called weapons that significantly influenced... the conflict. prime minister of slovakia robert fica regained consciousness after a complex operation, but remains in serious condition.
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president-elect peter pellegrini was able to visit fitz. it turned out that the prime minister remembers how he was given first aid immediately after the attack. as a result of the assassination attempt, the politician received three gunshot wounds. the next hours and days will tell us whether he can handle it? organism, because he might get an infection. i am, of course, not a doctor, we would not like to go into details, but at the moment this is a very difficult situation, and we cannot say that the prime minister is completely safe. the assassination attempt on robert fitz occurred on wednesday after a government retreat; the head of the cabinet went out to talk with citizens, one of them approached the prime minister and shot five times. the criminal was detained on the spot; he turned out to be seventy-one years old. juraj tsintula. according to the ministry of internal affairs, the attacker was unhappy fitz's refusal to help ukraine. the ministry of defense
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reported the successful launch of the soyuz launch vehicle. military satellites on board. the rocket has already launched them into the desired orbit. what tasks these devices will perform is not specified. the union of the northernmost cosmodrome plesetsk has launched. the launch vehicle lifted off from the platform at 0:21 minutes moscow time. time, the launch was carried out by the russian aerospace forces. already 14 million russian families have received a certificate for maternity capital. the program was launched in 2007 as part of the national project demography. 12 million used funds recipients. since january 1920 , a certificate began to be issued at the birth of the first child, and the amount is constantly indexed. now it is 631 rubles for the first child. and 834,000 for the second, and the mechanism for obtaining the use of the certificate was made as simple and convenient as possible. the certificate has already
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been issued to the 14 millionth family with the date of the program’s inception, that is, 14 million families have already received certificates, most of this number of families have already actually resolved their issues with the help of this program. we also do everything possible so that she can spend it conveniently, and there are services on the public services portal. masha, good morning, trade relations between russia and china, one of the key topics of vladimir putin’s visit to china. roman, good morning, the potential of both countries is demonstrated by a large-scale exhibition. vladimir putin, as part of
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his state visit to china, is now taking part in the eighth russian-chinese expo and the fourth russian-chinese forum on interregional cooperation. the president took part in the opening ceremony, that's what, that's what he said. according to the organizers. will be visited by over 5,000 professional buyers, about 120 delegations from 44 countries and regions. the exhibition area is 388 m2. it will present over 5,000 types of goods produced in russia and china. the business program includes 15 events, these are forums, thematic sections and panel discussions dedicated to issues of trade and economic cooperation. to other topics. china sold in the first quarter.
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in april, the figure came close to 5%, which is the highest level since 2015. against the backdrop of the escalating trade war with the united states, such steps seem more than obvious. beijing once again pointed out the double standards that washington uses to put pressure on china, accusing it of imaginary excess capacity. so-called excess capacity is not related to production capacity. but rather with the concerns of the countries concerned about their own competitiveness and market share. this is just another example of double standards and trade protectionism. this practice will not hurt china's progress, but will undermine these countries' own development and complicate the recovery of the global economy. the latest steps that washington is taking regarding chinese products and europe's plans have raised new
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concerns. the international monetary fund and the imf said that they consider it extremely important to ensure the security of supply chains around the world in the context of significant fragmentation of the global economy, which is already significantly inhibiting global gdp growth, and this is only at the current stage. global losses from fragmentation have quite a wide range, they can range from 0.2 to 7% of global gdp, and to put that into context. then 7% of world gdp, which would be some kind of serious fragmentation, is the combined size of the economies of germany and japan and, of course, the cost of fragmentation would be higher if, for example, technological fragmentation were added to it. a rosatom subsidiary that exports uranium has warned american customers of force majeure due to the us ban. bloomberg reports this. u clients have 60 days to obtain
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a temporary exception from the law, otherwise they will have to. at the same time, the russian company stated that it would continue to fulfill contractual obligations in the states, but bloomberg analysts fear that in response to us actions, russia will preemptively stop fuel supplies, which could lead to a 20% jump in prices for uranium enrichment services. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 90 rubles 92 kopecks, the euro is 98 rubles and 89 kopecks. that's all i have.
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