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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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and oman are tourism, energy, housing construction, transport and logistics . russia is now working with oman on the participation of partners in the development of transit traffic along the international north-south transport route. a meeting has also already taken place with a delegation from kyrgyzstan. let me remind you that russia is the country’s leading trade and economic partner; russia now occupies second place in foreign trade turnover. if you look at the volume of mutual trade at the end of 2023, growth to a record 3.6 billion dollars, there is a strengthening of the economic cooperation between the two countries is also possible due to the development of the international north-south transport corridor, well, in total , over 125 thematic sessions are planned during the fifteenth anniversary international economic forum in kazan, the entire program is divided into 12 sections, including international cooperation, sports, islamic finance, business, investments,
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and of course, culture, but we follow all business meetings, important statements, we will definitely tell you about everything in the next live broadcasts, what will we do wait, thank you, it was maria kudryavsova from the russia islamic world forum, let me remind you that it is now taking place in kazan, catching the feather of a firebird is not easy, but everyone can get the heat from... the rate on a deposit at gazprombank. interest rate up to 17% per annum on deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit at thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - you are with us, the secret of great
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open the grill, buy everything in a magnet, play in the app, grill prizes, get, formula for an excellent grill in a magnet, eat something wrong, what to do, in case of poisoning enterum, a new generation enterum absorbent removes toxins while preserving nutrients, smart solution against poisoning, coffee maker or vertical vacuum cleaner kitforrd with discounts up to 15% on the yandex market, i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program, vtb, you choose desired categories each month, for example, clothes, sports goods and get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, we found out that the phone... works even with zero, with zero
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account, with with beeline you are safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and kats work, connect support for zero in the belay application, bililay is the safest operator, just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you, with a 300 rubles discount on the first order, buy construction goods at low prices on avito. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, we have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, it won’t
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go well, i came for him, i have to find him, hope markin, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenko, they went there on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then i don’t know. anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger becomes full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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in the capital 10:35 and further briefly about the main thing. relations between moscow and beijing are reaching a new level; the strategic alliance in the energy sector, which has become the supporting pillar of the entire global market, will be strengthened. vladimir putin expressed this confidence when speaking at the opening of the eighth russian-chinese expo in harbin. today is the final day of the russian president's state visit to china. the program is extremely intense. premiere of slovakia. martofits was brought out of an induced coma after a difficult operations. the politician was in serious condition, but regained consciousness and was able to receive a visitor. president-elect pilligrini said after a meeting with him that the head of government remembers how he was given first aid immediately after the attack. during the assassination attempts, let me remind you, fitz received three gunshot wounds. this
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night the ssu again attacked populated areas in the belgorod region. in october. as a result. hit a car, a woman with a four-year-old child died, the father and driver survived, near the village of besonovka, after an explosion at a gas station, a tank caught fire with fuel, the fire was quickly extinguished. the united states considers the situation in the ssu, i quote , incredibly desperate, such a statement was made by the state department. the british garden building , in turn, notes that the offensive of russian troops in the kharkov region has proven that the kiev regime is not capable of converting. the results of the russian offensive in the kharkov region have proven the inability of kiev to defend itself, the garden publication reports this with reference to the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine. in their opinion, the ukrainian military were not ready to conduct military operations near volchansk, and
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there was no fortification line there due to the corruption of senior military officials. the us state department called the situation of the ukrainian armed forces incredibly desperate. it is obvious that the situation of the ukrainian army is now incredibly desperate, but we are confident that our military assistance will be able to change the situation on the battlefield. yesterday we announced a new package of $2 billion, we hope that this will help kiev in the confrontation. the wall street journal reports that during the special operation the russian army became much stronger. the ukrainian military men referred to by the newspaper they claim that kiev is physically unable to resist. russian military-industrial complex. thus, russian glide bombs are called weapons that significantly influenced the course of the conflict. prime minister of slovakia robert fica regained consciousness after a complex operation, but remains in serious condition. president-elect pilligrini visited the head of the cabinet of ministers;
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it turned out that the prime minister remembers how he was given first aid immediately after the attack. let me remind you that as a result of the assassination attempt, the politician received three gunshot wounds. the next hours and days will show us whether he can handle it body because it can get an infection. i am, of course, not a doctor, we would not like to go into details, but at the moment this is a very difficult situation, and we cannot say that the prime minister is completely safe. the assassination attempt on robert fitz occurred on wednesday after a government retreat. the head of the cabinet of ministers came out to talk with citizens, one of them approached the prime minister and shot five times, the criminal was detained on the spot. according to the ministry of internal affairs, the attacker was dissatisfied with fitz’s refusal to help ukraine. and to other topics. in the tyumen region , the evacuation of residents from the village of bolshoi karagay is being completed. the day before, due to the flood of the irtysh river , the earthen dam was washed out,
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and 70 houses were in the flood zone. rescuers are taking people to temporary accommodation centers. a group of rescuers remains in big karagay. additional forces of the ministry of emergency situations were deployed to the omsk region in the area. in ishim, where several hundred houses were flooded, an airmobile group arrived. next is the report by elena belyaeva. almost a dozen villages near... tishimsky district remain completely cut off, rescuers on a boat are preparing to go to flooded settlements, there are people who still do not want to leave their homes, food is delivered to them and they are urged to evacuate. here everyone who has watercraft rushes to help. alexey and his comrades noticed the dog on the remaining dry patch, surrounded by water, and launched an entire operation to rescue the dog from captivity. the dog is scared, but... after a couple of minutes the volunteers still manage to take him on board, the dog is a living being, i want
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to help, the residents are accommodated in the local building boarding school, and then evacuated to temporary accommodation centers in neighboring areas; the aerial group of the ministry of emergency situations additionally deployed a second floating transporter to the flood zone, and it is on it that everything they need is delivered to people and domestic farm animals are evacuated. all efforts are now being devoted to saving the local electrical substation. caught in a ring of water, the entire area risks being left without electricity communications; rescuers, volunteers and local residents are building a dam of sand and clay around the clock. the water level in artysh continues stay another + 3 cm overnight. it’s very clear, zhukova street used to be in this place, but now it is completely hidden behind the water, and the houses are completely hidden under water and flooded. one of the key tasks is to quickly assess the consequences in order to provide everything necessary. support for flood victims. more than half a thousand houses now remain flooded;
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federal ministers are taking personal control of the situation in the ustishimsky district; the peak of the flood is still ahead. elena belyaeva, egor kireev, valeria pronkina, news, omsk. developer of one of the russian mobile operating systems announced the creation of a full-fledged ecosystem, from its own software platform to a full set of tools necessary for the creators of third-party applications. about what this means for users and how it all relates to the production of microelectronics in russia. an update to one of the russian mobile operating systems and zamakh is much larger. a new version of its platform was presented by quadra, a division of the server equipment manufacturer core. the operating system has expanded the range of basic services, like their own cloud for backup, they announced new features, for example, a simplified file transfer system. between devices, similar to apple airdrop, all this is actually timed to coincide with
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the release of quadra t’s own tablet into wide sale. this device, produced, by the way, in dubna, moscow region, became available to ordinary users a couple of weeks ago. however, what is more important is that at this presentation they announced the creation of a full-fledged mobile ecosystem, up to an analogue of google mobile services, abbreviated as gms. let's face it, our ecosystems are super powerful, yes. systems from geolocation or delivery of notifications to the payment system of the find
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my device service, in fact all this allows you to control the ecosystem, even one that seems open. we want to buy a ticket, relatively speaking, there is an application of the same eroflot there, yes, but it is extremely difficult to do there and in part of the ecosystem, we want to use push notifications, we want to use geolocations, we want to use a lot of things, that’s all it seems yes it is inaccessible to russian ecosystems, which... actually dominates, yes, so this is not about replacing someone, we inevitably need to create this, a separate history of microelectronics production, which is also tied to the same ecosystems, that is, convenience for users, which means sales. quadra aims to sell hundreds of thousands of tablets, which sounds very optimistic, given the small capacity of the tablet market in general and the considerable cost of this particular device in particular, but if everything works out.
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these are the forecasts, there are plans there, yes, the chemistry there is already domestic, we predict the appearance of some simpler components within a year or two, the appearance of complex components is possible, well, the answer is probably also yes. question, we have to get big. in particular, a year ago it announced its own processor based on the open architecture risk 5. from a conversation with the management of quadra and yadro at the current presentation, there was a feeling that some prototypes, perhaps, were already being tested, but there was no official answer there is no answer to the question about launch dates yet. philip trofimov, yuri marchenko, alexander sidorov,
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lead. tomorrow a large-scale campaign will start throughout russia. night of museums. hundreds of events have been organized for this event, in particular, the russian museum will for the first time extend the work of its main exhibition at the surikovo exhibition. you can admire the paintings of the outstanding painter until midnight. general director of the state russian museum allalova spoke about this in an interview with russia-24. the theme of the night of museums is the same for everyone, of course, this is the year of the family, 2024 in the russian federation. therefore, family heirlooms from generation to generation, that’s the name of our action, it will be held in the eastern pavilion or, as we say to the cardguard of the mikhailovsky castle, for the first time the russian museum, on the night of museums , extends the work of its main exhibition, the exhibition that became the famous
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surikov exhibition on may 18, ah... the exhibition will not be open until 21:00, as is customary on saturday, a day off, but until midnight. for the full version of the interview with the general director of the russian museum, allai manilova, see today at russia-24 after 14:00 moscow time. and to other topics. more than a billion people in the world experience problems with excess weight. these are the data of the world health organization. statistics show that among countries in which the majority of residents are significantly overweight , the united states leads the way. our broadcast will continue with the america program with valentin bogdanov. watch it right now. i say goodbye to you until monday. see you and good news. this is america, a program about a country that
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is difficult to understand. hello. almost half citizens of the united states suffer from obesity. this is not just a burden on the body. this is also the road to more severe diseases from cardiovascular to alzheimer's disease. the burden on the budget is also high. the budget of the united states. all this costs almost $200 billion annually. a theory that is gaining popularity says that obesity is a disease that... cannot be overcome with one regimen or diets, and if so, then here is a pill for you to lose those extra pounds, no matter the cost. any medicine is, first of all, effective substance, in this case we are talking about simoglutide, simoglutidide imitates the action of a hormone that enters the body when the body gives
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a signal that the stomach is full of food, and thus... additional insulin begins to be produced, a feeling of satiety occurs , and this leads to the fact that a person’s feeling of fullness does not leave longer, but accordingly he takes this food less and less often. initially, this type of active substance was used to treat patients with second-degree diabetes, and this is how the drug came into being azempic, which was prescribed only to these patients, but after some time... it became clear that it could be used just to control the amount of food consumed, then, as they say, it began, i felt like i was leaving in a wetsuit, which the inside is filled with heavy sand that cannot be removed, suddenly all the pain disappeared,
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thanks to ozempic, nothing worked like it, such drugs as... it has gotten to the point that every eighth american is now taking weight loss drugs. naturally, for this for nova nordisk, entering the american market was a cherished dream; in a very short time they became the richest company in europe, number one in the american market. if you look at the history of medicine, then perhaps only the invention of penicillin comes to mind, this is the same revolution. the company is experiencing a crazy rise, no one expected this. this is a test for us because we cannot control the whole situation, and we only urge that doctors properly study our drugs and how to use them. conversations about a revolution in medicine were conducted
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quite openly in the united states, until it came, as always happens when new drugs appear, that they began to pay attention to side effects. i took azempic for only 4 months, after which i ended up in intensive care, spent 10 days there and almost... died. doctors said it was the perfect storm. a side effect from azempic caused pancreatitis, which in turn caused uncontrolled vomiting. the entire hospital saved me. the list of side effects is scary because the risk of intestinal obstruction, and it requires surgery, grows 450%. the risk of pancreatitis - this is also a very unpleasant thing from which you can die, increases by 900%. some of the latest evidence of... side effects caused by taking azempic refers to the fact that these drugs unexpectedly reduce the effects of contraceptives, they
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even began to talk about a certain azzempic baby boom. weight loss generally improves fertility, so women who lose weight while taking the drug may contribute to this. trends. in addition, vomiting caused by simoglutide may interfere with the effectiveness of contraceptives taken in pill form. the following picture is painted: ozempic, vigovi, and mongiara have not been fully studied, researchers, doctors are still collecting data from patients, but there are so many people willing, in america there is even a certain shortage of these drugs, for people who really need them for the sick diabetes of the second degree, why? because as the popularity of these drugs grew, hollywood stars began to literally snap them up, who were not embarrassed that... a monthly course of the same azempic could initially cost several thousand dollars, and many stars initially did not admit that they were drinking azempic; the most famous
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story here is with oprah winfrey, a famous tv presenter who advertised various exhausting diets , she herself looked great, but at some point oprintva even had to apologize for the fact that she had been misleading people for years, because recently... she was just taking azempic and lost weight on it. when i i heard about medicine for weight loss, i thought: i need to take them too, because this is an easy way out. willingly or not, azempik got involved in the culture wars in the united states, against the backdrop of the popularity and growth of this liberal agenda, which has taken root here, or they tried to root it , with such a concept as body positivity, they say, don’t be ashamed of your fatness. accept yourself as you are, how cynically this stereotype turned out to be imposed became clear, because these are the very hollywood stars who were initially openly
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advertised such a point of view, they say that being positive is good, as soon as azempic appeared, they ran to buy it all up, that is, body positivity is for the poor, and the rich will take azempic, they will lose weight and look good. they called me a thug and a shrek, by whom? they just haven’t called me names yet, including publicly, i refused slogans like accepting yourself as you are, unfortunately, the whole idea of ​​body positivity is a big lie, because it’s better not to be fat. together with azempik, even new words entered the american lexicon. a popular expression has become the azempic face, this is the azempic face, this is the face of an emaciated person, wrinkled, caused by sudden weight loss. the fact is that azempik does not choose where to remove fat on... the sides, on the legs, on the arms, on the face, a person also loses weight, so many such people appeared among american stars, elon
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musk became such a person at a certain stage. , another victim, so to speak, of what is called the azempik face is the wife of the famous musician ozy osbourne. i think i've gone too far and now i can't type the right weight, i don’t know what happened to my metabolism, it’s a big temptation to try how much.
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in the fight against pain, it was prescribed, so to speak, right and left, not very much in accordance with how much people really need it, and not at all concerned about the catastrophic consequences to which all this could lead, that is, healthy people who people who simply needed painkillers or who had no serious problems at all became addicted to opioids before our eyes. i played... football tore my ligament in knees, asked the doctor to give me some pills, he said that i needed to take a larger dosage, otherwise it wouldn’t work, in the end i got an overdose for the third time and almost died, i don’t want to live like this, it’s terrible, oxycantin has left the market, but all these addicted people began to look for some kind of replacement, as a result, america was filled with
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other artificial opioids... and this is a real disaster for the health care of the united states, there are whole outbreaks, but for example, the largest open-air fintanil market is located in the east coast of the usa, probably everyone has seen these shots, this is kenxington avenue in philadelphia, under the subway overpass, a drug addicts' rookery, our film crew filmed there, let's just look at a fragment of the report. to feel the whole atmosphere of this terrible social crisis. called the most dangerous street in america, kencinto avenue in philadelphia is the largest open-air drug market in the united states, like a zombie movie set come to life. every day , up to ten people die from overdose here. of course, and neither ozempic nor vigovi will leave the market.
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moreover, the companies that produce them and the companies that produce generics hope for an increase in consumers, an increase in those who will buy these drugs, because according to various estimates, by the middle of this century, the number of diabetics in the world will increase to 1,300 million people, many of them, as these drugs become cheaper, will be prescribed them, and so... this often happens with many drugs that bring profit to big pharma, big pharma will not be very interested in eliminating the causes of these diseases, in the same, for example, america, the cause of the disease is cheap food, this is fast food, everyone is fed, but many people eat cheap food, and this causes exactly the same diabetes, in general, they
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do not treat the causes, they treat afterbirth. they make a lot of money from this, this was america, all the best to you.
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the second day of vladimir putin's state visit to china.


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