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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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urieva was counting on the fact that the trip to jail would seem like an easy walk, or on the contrary, she felt that she didn’t deserve an uncomfortable bed behind an iron door, when she was given the opportunity to say the last word, liliya nurieva focused on the main thing - money, i have experience working in there is business, entrepreneurship, in real estate, paying off my debt, working, the sphere of influence is all that remains, i think i will be able to pay off my debt in the near future.
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i remember the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels the duty department and the chesny detective. and that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you. see you on the russia 24 tv channel. vladimir putin called the state visit to china rich in content. the heads of the two countries discussed many issues and signed a number of joint documents. we will tell you in more detail about the main events of the second day of the president’s visit to china. over the past 24 hours, more than a hundred enemy drones and 25 unmanned boats have been destroyed by the russian military in the south of the country. the kiev regime does not give up attempts to attack civil infrastructure of the regions closest to the border. our soldiers are looking for new opportunities to repel enemy raids and sabotage. massive attacks by drones of various types on russian territory, kiev’s reaction to failures at the front. the russian army is advancing on... the man who shot the prime minister of slovakia
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has been charged and will appear in court tomorrow, may 18. we learn about the condition of robert fitz after the assassination attempt. for a year and a half at a drifting station , the north pole 41 expedition returned to murmansk. the route is remarkable and what results were achieved. vladimir putin described his visit to china as working, rich in content. the president summed up the results at a press conference. a number of questions related to the resolution of the ukrainian crisis. the russian leader emphasized that moscow, unlike kiev, has never refused negotiations. putin called the agreements reached in istanbul in the spring of 2022 the real basis for them. the president too.
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both for russia and for china, which is also subject to restrictions from a number of western countries, however, according to the russian president, the sanctions policy causes direct damage to the entire world economy, and not just those countries in relation to whom such decisions are made; vladimir putin called the sanctions three times illegitimate, they were introduced here. sanctions against such goods, such
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goods, such goods, what will this lead to, inflation in the usa, this is what it will lead to, because they will try to produce it themselves on their... sites, for their wages to their workers, for your already expensive metal, for your expensive one based on its expensive energy, this is the result, which means that the german economy in europe is almost in the red, and the french one is teetering on the brink of recession, and if the german economy still sneezes there, as it should, will feel unimportant, the entire european economy will... behind her, she doesn’t feel very healthy, to put it mildly. how to deal with sanctions policy and develop joint production, the russian president said. following the state visit, russia agreed with automakers from china on growth localization. this also applies to vehicle components
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of platforms. at the same time, russian aurus cars may appear on the chinese market, said first deputy prime minister denis mantura. russia is ready to cooperate with china to create a long-range there are instruments that would not depend on unfriendly states, these are payments in national currencies, in trade they already occupy a share of 90%. first of all, issues related to calculations, they are discussed at the level of participants in economic activity,
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solutions are possible, they exist, and of course, they one way or another should be supported at the state level, i hope it will be so, understand, understand how the motives of behavior of large financial institutions can be, but no one wants to suffer any losses in connection with illegal, even illegal, actions of the us authorities. the chinese economy is growing and requires energy resources, and there is nothing more reliable than their supply from russia, said president vladimir putin. therefore, both parties to the negotiations confirmed their interest in implementing the power of siberia 2 project. it provides.
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joint russian-chinese projects in the field of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, logistics and other areas. the president was also shown a project for a new district of moscow, sber city, which will be the world’s largest area of ​​460 hectares, created according to international green design standards. there will be
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innovations in heat and energy saving, vacuum waste disposal, smart homes and even artificial intelligence in housing and communal services. the president also visited the stand of the russian direct investment fund. through rdif, russia and china have already financed 50 projects worth 780 billion rub. 6,000 new jobs were created precisely by our new projects; they affect infrastructure, industry, and the financial sectors of education. i have already spoken about the bridge, you know, for example, the four buzovsky prospekt, it was also financed by chinese co-investors in industry, together with the ministry of groom and trade, we financed a pharmaceutical holding that... produced the sputnik vaccine. among the new projects that are yet to be implemented is the construction of a terminal for transshipment of liquefied hydrocarbon gases at far east, localization of production of innovative russian vaccines in china , creation of a joint film fund. over the past week, a subdivision of
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the dnepr group of russian troops occupied the settlement of rabotina in the zaporozhye region, and a subdivision of the center group occupied the settlement of keramik in the donetsk people's republic. group troops. occupied 12 settlements in the kharkov region and continue to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. the ministry of defense reported this today. will tell you more about the progress of the special military operation margarita semenyuk. the situation in the kharkov direction is closely monitored by the volchansky battles on the outskirts of the village of liptsy, the enemy positions on the northern front are being ironed with thermal bars, the heavy flamethrower system is working thickly on the fortified areas of the enemy, well, their cowardice is visible immediately, they are running, that is, we see how we are passing, we are now running positions they leave, but we are working, guys, artillery helps everything, that is, well, we denounce the work. the enemy sees all this, of course, we are already a completely harmonious organism. commander-in-chief of the vsso alexander syrsky admitted
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the situation in the kharkov direction is complex. the russian army is moving forward. our military repelled two counterattacks in the villages of staritsa and glubokaya. the militants lost 205 people, three tanks, two combat vehicles, a polish krap self-propelled gun, a d-30 howitzer and a grad rocket launcher. they were defeated by the formation of the nationalist krakin battalion of the foreign legion, manpower and equipment 125. the kiev authorities are trying to stabilize the front, they are drawing up reserves , they say there are heavy battles ahead, they are strengthening defensive lines with militants from other directions and mobilized. i was going to work, a car pulled up, they loaded it, and then the service got in, but how does this happen, that is , the cargo is immediately taken out and they were taken, that’s all.
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fighters of the northern group liberated 12 settlements of the kharkov region in a week, igor konoshenkov, official representative of the russian ministry of defense, announced this in a weekly briefing; he emphasized that our army continues to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. repelled 21 counterattacks of assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine in populated areas
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deep, quiet and staritsa of the kharkov region. over the course of a week in this direction , enemy losses amounted to 1,175 military personnel, 10 tanks, 14 armored combat vehicles, 45 vehicles, 13 combat vehicles-multiple launch rocket systems, including six combat vehicles, rszz, czech-made vampire, 26 airborne assault units are approaching the hour ravine, the paratroopers in a shooting battle eliminated the enemy group in the artyomovsk direction, forward, forward, forward, forward, forward, you are there so i can help you i saw that in the southern donetsk direction the su-34 crew was destroyed by dropping fap-500, the enemy’s strong point and manpower were working. from a great height, with 500 kg caliber bombs, and the task
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was completed. the southern group of troops is making progress; the fighters are moving forward, breaking through the enemy’s defenses. the enemy lost up to 3,725 military personnel in this direction over the course of a week. eight tanks, including five leopard 2.1, manufactured in germany, 13 armored combat vehicles. 55 vehicles, combat vehicle, hail multiple launch rocket system, 47 field artillery guns, of which 22 were foreign-made, three electronic warfare stations, nota and bukovel ad, two us-made counter-battery stations, and 16 field ammunition depots were also destroyed. aviation and air defense forces shot down six mig-29.1 su-27 aircraft of the ukrainian air force in a week. over thirty attack missiles from french air bombs, almost 200
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hymers, vampire, grad and alha missiles were intercepted in the sky. margarita semenyuk, evgeny poddobny, irina zaborskaya, anna nikulaesh, news. from tomorrow to a new law on mobilization comes into force in ukraine. on the same day , a mobile application will be launched, which must be used by all those liable for military service. all in order to replenish the dwindling units of the armed forces of ukraine. telegram messages have already appeared that in at least several ukrainian cities. all-out raids are taking place in cities. in one of the cities of the cherkasy region, agendas were distributed to deputies of the local city council right at the meeting. well, it’s quite expected that huge cars have appeared on the ukrainian-polish border.
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activist, if they take even one more step towards the garage, where several potential invaders of the square are being forcibly detained, but there were differences there, men of different ages are sitting there, both young and old, i then came here to the smoking room, there was one serviceman sweeping, i asked , how long have they been kept here, he replied that exactly two days, after the adoption of the new law on the mobilization of ukrainian citizens, there are no rights, only obligations to go die for zelensky’s bloody regime. the police did not help the hostages in the garage, employees arrived, walked around the territory, did not find any violations, yes, people are sitting, we talked to them, they let us know that they like everything, no one is stopping them, everyone likes to sit in dark garages or in the dungeons of military registration and enlistment offices, that on the streets of ukrainian cities they fight off tetsekashniks as best they can, footage from odessa,
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a man is trying to push the nazoel military commissar out of the bus, i don’t like it, we have a rule of law state, but what are you doing here in this state, and what are you like, what are you asking me, monster, it's you monster, nothing, the people will rise up , all of you, the lawlessness of the takashniks in odessa knows no bounds, five of them attacked one man in a transport, they wanted to quickly pack him, so to speak, but he fought back, then the military commissars used pepper spray and suffered in... all the passengers, what are you doing, listen, you know that you will talk to your wife like that, be amazed, beating women is a common thing for military commissars, they take out the evil of the weak after an unsuccessful attempt to catch a fighter, increased mobilization in ukraine leads to the introduction of new sophisticated ways and methods of catching predators, in the cherkasy region, deputies were invited to
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a meeting with the new military commissar, he greeted them and immediately handed them summons. honored cherkassy art captain. on may 18, a new law will come into force, according to which various enterprises of institutions will have to hand out summonses to their employees and also monitor their attention so that they still reach the military registration and enlistment offices, from where they are unlikely to return, men are fleeing the country, here are the next shots from polish-ukrainian border, the guy tried to cross in a secret section of the bus, men run out, summonses are sent to women while they are in reserve, but they are in no hurry to visit military registration and enlistment offices, in mukachevo, the court fined a woman with a secondary medical education for failure to appear at the tsk, she publicly repented, apologized, paid 5,100 hryvnia, more 10,000 rub. but i have no desire to go to the front. there are a lot of dead defenders,
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as evidenced by the huge number of photos on social networks. suspect in the assassination attempt on slovak prime minister robert fitz will appear in court on may 18. the agencies reported this with reference to the investigation. juraj tsintula has been charged with attempted murder for political reasons. and, as the media write, searches have already been carried out in tsintula’s house. meanwhile, the health of the wounded fitzo remains a concern. details about natalia solovyova. third day in intensive care at the hospital, where doctors are fighting for.
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with evidence, the computer was confiscated, juraj tsintula’s wife was brought in for questioning, and here she silently walks past the journalists, covering her face with an advertising brochure. writer yaray tsentola for the assassination attempt threatens life, the liberal activist, a regular at anti-government rallies, was hastily recorded by the western press as a pro-russian extremist and at the same time presented as an ardent fighter against violence. one thing they didn’t take into account was that tsintulo advocated military assistance to ukraine, and even claimed it. i didn’t plan to kill robert fitz, but he was indoctrinated with left-liberal ideas and shot fitz for political reasons.
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the parties must somehow comprehend this, we must learn from what happened and find what unites us. the chosen one president, he will take office on june 15, and the incumbents intend to adopt a joint document in which they will speak out against violence, reduce aggression, and call on the press. i told the media that they must bear their share of responsibility, both the media and public figures, as well as politicians and political parties. that is why it is right that... we agreed with the president to invite representatives of all parliamentary political factions to the presidential palace next week to ask them to submit at least for a moment
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a signal of some solidarity and some reconciliation at this critical moment. representatives of 77 countries, including the hungarian leader, have already expressed their solidarity with the republic and support for the wounded man. orban called the incident a big loss for europe, where elections to the european parliament will soon take place. robert fitze holds similar views to me on many international issues, including the conflict in ukraine. we pray for the prime minister of slovakia, worry about him and of course wish him to get well. at the same time, if you look at this situation from a political point of view, it is a big loss for hungary, since even if he recovers, he will not be able to work for several more months. there are about 3 weeks left until the most important elections to the european parliament, which have already been called a clash of civilizations. in 27 eu countries, the political landscape is so polarized that there is no room for compromise; officials are afraid of far-right candidates. asht press asks
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whether the june vote can even take place without violence? in germany , mp martin schmidt was beaten last week; he was injured head and neck. a week earlier, the party candidate, chancellor scholz, was wounded while he was putting up election leaflets. in belgium, a radio host live on air suggested shooting the prime minister... now a short advertisement, then we will continue, stay with us, children are growing up, we need
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digitalization. artificial intelligence, as well as antitrust policy. alexander novak remains in charge of energy, at the same time, he is now also the curator of the economic block, alexey overchuk retains the tasks of coordinating state policy in the field integration. related to the use of natural resources. the transport block is assigned to vitaly sovelyev. deputy prime minister and presidential plenipotentiary envoy to the far eastern federal district, yuri trutnev, will continue to be responsible for the far east and the arctic and oversee the activities of the ministry of development of the east. zamarat khusnulin issues of state housing policy.
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over the past year and a half, the region has already concluded four cooperation agreements with sber, thanks to which opportunities are created for training it specialists and support is provided research and innovation work, as well as improving urban infrastructure. new technologies, including those using artificial intelligence , help solve problems in the financial sector, industry, agro-industrial complex and other industries. also among the key areas of interaction is the development of infrastructure for children and youth.
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well, a truly systematic, constructive, truly partnership relationship between the volgorod region electors, and you and i have taken a very serious step in the development of it technologies, artificial intelligence, and our steps are very noticeable, in the near future, i think, we will open school 21 in the territorial region of the city of gerovolgograd. the joint projects that we are doing together with sber are exactly... the answer to the tasks that you you set for everyone, and the tasks are very simple, so that citizens in the volgograd region can live better, so that they can receive better services, social services, medical, educational, and so on. it conference brought together more than 60,000 specialists from the field of digital technologies organized by mts. top managers, professors and developers discussed industry trends and problems on one platform. details from
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