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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documents. look, look in the application or on the website. an event that was followed by the whole world and on which the structure of the world in the future largely depends. vladimir putin completed a two-day state visit to china and...
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he summed up the results of this trip in a detailed conversation with journalists. he recalled that the strategic partnership between moscow and beijing was not directed against kobuto, and called the atmosphere at the negotiations both friendly and pragmatic. the president's answers to questions about the partnership between moscow and beijing, the ukrainian conflict and the multipolar world, collected by anastasia efimova. an event that the whole world is watching, vladimir putin’s state visit to china, and as a result, the russian president.
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without any doubt, it should take into account not only our interests, but also the interests of all participants in international communication, and of course, we need to strengthen the emerging multipolar world, the fact that it is now taking shape before our eyes, and the world is becoming multipolar, there is no doubt about that, i think what all they understand this very well, they are aware of this, it is important that... those who are trying to maintain their monopoly on decision-making in the world on all issues do everything that depends on them in this case, so that this process is natural , i repeat once again, peacefully, without conflict, and so that the opinions of all participants in the international process are taken into account in full, and so that we all look for compromises on the rather complex
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decisions that we all face. the day before in beijing, vladimir putin and sizen ping in a limited meeting discussed a number of important issues, the ukrainian crisis among them. the chairman of the kanr presented his theses on the results of a recent trip to europe, as well as in connection with the peace initiative proposed by beijing. russia analyzes everything that happens, including around the announced meeting in geneva, and has never, again, the president recalled, refused to negotiate. unlike the ukrainian side, only here ’s who to talk to: kiev withdrew from the negotiation process in 2022, the west is aimed at the strategic defeat of moscow. russian troops are now consistently moving forward in the kharkov direction and in ukraine’s losses there, but not only there. ukraine itself is to blame, which attacks the russian border, shoots at civilians in belgorod, forcing our country to create a kind of sanitary zone, a zone... all today's authorities in kiev
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have their source of origin in the coup d'etat, allowing the coup d'etat, and western sponsors are facilitating it, by organizing it, they created the conditions for the transition of the smoldering conflict into armed conflict, they are to blame for this, they are trying to shift the blame from a sore head... to a healthy one and place the blame on russia for today’s tragic events, but this is the result of their policy. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and, unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod. well, civilians are dying there, it’s obvious that they’re shooting right in the center of the city, in residential areas, and i said...
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publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, and as for kharkov, there are no such... plans for today. the peace conference mentioned by the president in switzerland will be held in mid-june. russia will not take part in it, because it is not invited there. nato members don’t see it in this peace process; to quote the president, they don’t see it and don’t need it. we are not going to discuss from the center of the field what we do not know, some formulas are based on how? on your wishlist?
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everyone accuses us of not wanting to take part, so they don’t invite us, but what they want to do is gather as many countries as possible, convince everyone that the best offer is some conditions proposed by the ukrainian side, and then present this is for us as an ultimatum, to say, well , you see, the whole world thinks so, agree, there was an attempt to inflict a strategic defeat , it didn’t work, an attempt to impose it will end in the same way, moreover, maybe the organizers... he didn’t hold elections in may, on question about the legitimacy of such a leader, vladimir
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putin noted, can only be answered by the political and legal system of ukraine itself, there are all sorts of options in the constitution, this... this is a matter of assessment, this assessment, of course, first of all should be yes, and the constitutional court itself even said it would be so, the political system of ukraine itself, but for us this of course matters, because if the conversation comes, it will come to signing some documents, of course we must sign documents in such a fateful area,
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we discussed, well, we just touched on , today's international sports officials violate the principles of the olympic charter, they themselves politicize sport, which is completely unacceptable, bearing in mind the purpose of sport as a platform for communication between people and for finding compromises during this communication on other, including political issues, if they themselves violate, including in this case in relation to russia, not allowing our athletes to perform at the olympic games with their banner, with their flag and with their national music, with the anthem, in relations they violate us, but they want us, in turn, to follow the rules that
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are dictated to us, this does not occur to anyone, does this correspond to some elementary norms of justice. there is nothing like that, so imposing someone else’s conditions or someone else’s decisions on moscow will not work, as the president emphasized when resolving the ukrainian conflict, russia will proceed from the real conditions developing on the ground, and not from the quote: the wishes of the west. that is why the head of state spoke about this more than once, in particular in a conversation with the new cabinet of ministers, all resources, including financial and administrative, should now be focused on achieving the results the country needs. as part of a special military operation. mikhail mishustin approved the distribution of responsibilities between his deputies. a detailed list is published on the government website. thus, first deputy prime minister denis manturov is also entrusted with the implementation of programs for the development of the nuclear rocket and space,
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shipbuilding, aviation and radio-electronic industries state defense orders, as well as digitalization in these industries. the management of tatyana golikova was transferred to the federal agency for national affairs, as well. will continue to be responsible for issues of the social block, under the coordination of the deputy prime minister, chief of staff of the government dmitry grigorenko, given over to digital development and communications, the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as... alexander novak remains in charge of the energy sector, at the same time, he is now also the curator economic block, alexey overchuk retains coordination tasks state policy in the field of integration in the eurasian space and due to russia’s interaction with international organizations. dmitry patrushev takes responsibility for the field of agriculture, as well as issues related to the use of natural resource protection. the transport block is assigned to vitaly sovelyev, deputy prime minister. president in the far eastern federal district yuri trutnev, will continue to be responsible for the far east, the far east and the arctic,
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oversee the activities of the ministry of eastern development, marat khusnulin questions to state housing policy. in addition, he is responsible for construction, architecture, urban planning activities and land relations. general and secondary vocational education, as well as youth policy, were transferred to the jurisdiction of dmitry chernyshenko. behind him remains the tourism industry, the sphere of mass communications and media, sports culture, as well as interaction with religious organizations. in a week, ukraine lost more than a thousand of its fighters in the area of ​​operation of the north group, as well as 10 tanks and 14 armored combat vehicles cars the ministry of defense reported this. during this time, about a thousand more militants were destroyed by the vostok group of troops. the enemy was defeated in the area of ​​vugledar, velikaya novoselovka, vodyanoy and vladimirovka in the dpr. the head of the kiev regime signed a bill on the mobilization of criminals serving
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sentences in prison to increase fines for draft dodgers. and this is in addition to the law on the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians, which comes into force today. because of this document , car queues formed on the border with poland to leave . from the country. but military commissars still recruit everyone indiscriminately into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine in different cities of ukraine. about atrocities to ukrainian mobilization. material by maria valieva, i said back, i said back, back i said, i took my hands off, this is the bright democratic future that ukraine was so striving for, mired in gang warfare in the style of the dashing nineties, one careless step and execution, a tsk employee with a machine gun from the volyn region is clearly not joking, threatening to open a line of journalists and activists if they take another step. to the garage, where forcibly they are holding several potential invaders of the square, but there were
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different ones there, men of different ages are sitting there , both young and old, i then came here to the smoking room, there was one serviceman sweeping, i asked how long they had been kept here, he replied that exactly two days , after the adoption of the new law on mobilization, ukrainian citizens have no rights, only responsibilities, to go die for zelensky’s bloody regime, the police did not help the hostages in the garage. employees arrived, walked around the territory, did not find any violations, yes, people are sitting, we we talked to them, they made us understand that they like everything, no one is stopping them, everyone likes to sit in dark garages or in the dungeons of military registration and enlistment offices so much, that on the streets of ukrainian cities they fight off tecnologists as best they can, footage from odessa, a man is trying to push the zealous military commissar from the bus, i’m just telling you to take your hands off, but what is the constitution? i like it, we have a rule of law state, but what are you doing here in this state, who are you, what are you
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asking me, monster, you are the monster, nothing, your people will rise up everyone, the lawlessness of the dancers in odessa knows no bounds, five of them attacked one man in the transport, they wanted to quickly pack him, so to speak, but he fought back, then the military commissars used pepper spray, all the passengers were hurt, why are you being shy, listen ? cherkasy region deputies were invited to a meeting with the new military commissar, he greeted them and immediately handed them summons. with respect from cherkasskaya, i request that on may 18 a new law will come into force, according to which various enterprises will have to establish
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handing summons to your employees themselves and also monitoring their attention so that they still get to the military registration and enlistment offices, from where they are unlikely to return, men are fleeing the country, here are the next shots from the polish-ukrainian border, a guy tried to cross it in a secret section of the bus, ukraine , shanovnye, exit, men, the summonses from... control women while they are in reserve, but they are in no hurry to visit military registration and enlistment offices. in mukachevo, a court fined a woman with a secondary medical education for failing to appear at a shopping center. she publicly repented. she apologized, paid 5,100 hryvnia, more than 10 thousand rubles, but there was no desire to go to the front, there were a lot of dead defenders, as evidenced by the huge number of photos on social networks. maria valieva and natalya uvarova, lead. in balashikha, moscow region , russian guardsmen were tested to the right of wearing a maroon beret. this is the most difficult exam
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in which the best of the best are selected. they take it twice a year. i forced a 5 km cross-country. rivers, mountain assault and hand-to-hand combat. of the 58 special forces, only seven. the examination was observed by foreign delegations from iraq, iran and belarus and families of fighters. to develop the arctic regions and develop the northern sea route, it is necessary to combine the efforts of scientists and industrial engineers. all participants in the round table, dedicated to two historical dates at once: the 300th anniversary of the great northern expedition and the russian academy of sciences agreed with this. the discussion was held at the permanent representation of yakutia under the president, with the participation of senators and deputies, representatives of the ministry of labor of the largest universities. today there was a round table dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the organization, holding the first
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vyalika. the previous speakers today talked about this and how relevant this topic is. the liege court refused to transfer the corruption case against ursula fonderlein to the eu prosecutor's office. the trial will continue in belgium on december 6. this is what the protesters, including the governments of poland and hungary, sought. there were suspicions that the case
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against the head of the european commission might be hushed up when transferred to brussels. meanwhile, talk about the 2020 deal on...
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from the audience, politician florianne filippo, who came from france to attend the trial in belgium. he is one of the authors of the conderline lawsuit. there are many questions for her, the contract was concluded before the completion of clinical trials of the vaccine, fiser es is obliged to purchase until 2027, although there is already a surplus that has to be disposed of. plus, it somehow coincided that when the husband of the head of the european commission was in the leadership of a company close to faiser farm, its shares soared by 364% during covid. they keep hiding no democracy, that’s why we are here, but they don’t hear us and don’t listen, this has been going on for years, since 2021 since covid crisis, they need to understand that we...
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although the lawsuit is a collective one, in addition to european activists, entire governments are putting forward claims: hungary, poland are already suing the head of the european commission, slovakia and
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romania are approaching. he left a message on the answering machine of emmanuel macron, our president, for which he was detained. at 6:00 a.m., the door to his house was broken down by 15 masked police officers, they tore him out of bed, handcuffed him, took him to the police station with flashing lights, and took his fingerprints. about similar deaths in their families, we are suing provoke the vaccine, many people wrote to me with fizer, we want the side effects to be recognized, we ask governments to look into
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this, but they do not answer us. the chance of contracting the fatal creutzfeldt disease is supposedly one in a million. over 30 years , there were only 28 cases in europe, but since 2021, when the fizer vaccine began to be widely used , there has been a surge in deaths, fifty people in a few months. the first symptoms of the disease appeared on average on the eleventh day after the injection against covid-19 with the fizer, moderna and astrazeneca vaccines. meanwhile, the liege court while he postponed the transfer of the case to the european prosecutor's office, the proceedings will continue in belgium. the next meeting is scheduled for december, ursula fondelein may no longer be summoned to it. as head of the european commission, it will not be easy for her to be re-elected in the summer amid the scandal. denis davidov, ilya bernatsky, irina kudesova and maria egorova, news from belgium.
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sanctions, a topic that is relevant for both russia and china, which are also subject to restrictions from a number of western countries, but in the opinion of the russian president. sanctions policy causes direct damage to the entire global economy, and not just to those countries in relation to whom such decisions are made. vladimir putin called the sanctions triple illegitimate. here they introduced sanctions
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against such goods, such goods, such goods. where it leads? towards inflation in the usa. this is what it will lead to. because they will try to produce it themselves at their sites, for their wages to their workers, for their already expensive metal. for its expensive on the basis of its expensive energy, this is the result, which means german the economy in europe is already almost in minus, and the french economy is teetering on the brink of recession, and if the german economy there still sneezes, as it should, it will feel unimportant, the entire european economy behind it will not feel very healthy, well, to put it mildly, how to fight with... the policy to develop joint production - the russian president said following the results of the state visit. russia agreed with automakers from china on the growth of localization. this also applies to
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platform opponents, including russian cars aurus may appear on the chinese market, said first deputy prime minister denis manturov. russia is ready to cooperate with china to create a long-range aircraft; the possibility of supplying russian aircraft engines for this project is being considered. the implementation schedule for another project, the creation of a russian-chinese heavy helicopter, is being met. well, in general , trade and economic relations between countries are developing dynamically; last year, trade turnover increased by more than a quarter to china. the party calls the figure 240 billion dollars, this is an absolute record. growth is hampered by problems in remittances, vladimir vladimir putin admitted, but in recent years countries have been developing instruments that would not depend on unfriendly states, these are payments in national currencies, they already occupy a 90% share in trade. first of all , issues related to calculations are discussed at the level of participants in economic activity.
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solutions are possible, they exist, and, of course, they should be supported at the state level one way or another, i hope this is so it will be possible to understand, understand, as it were, the motives of the behavior of large financial institutions , but no one wants to suffer any losses in connection with illegal, even illegal, actions of the us authorities. the chinese economy is growing and requires energy resources. and there is nothing more reliable than their supplies from russia, said president vladimir putin. therefore, both parties to the negotiations confirmed their interest in implementing the power of siberia 2 project. it provides for the supply of up to 50 billion cubic meters of gas per year to china through the territory of mongolia from the resources of western siberia. by the way, according to vladimir putin, an oil pipeline from russia to china can be laid in the same corridor with the power of siberia-2 gas pipeline. i'm not ready right now. these are technical
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details, but interest on both sides in the implementation of these projects has been confirmed, because because the chinese economy is growing, it requires a corresponding increase in energy resources that are necessary to maintain this growth, nothing more reliable, it seems to me that this is an obvious thing , nothing more reliable than supplies from russia, we have a huge common border, and no one will interfere here. during the visit, the president inspected the exposition of the russian-chinese expo in harbin, innovative developments and joint russian-chinese projects in the field of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, logistics and other areas. the president was also shown a project for a new district of moscow, sber city; it will be the world’s largest area of ​​460 hectares, created according to international
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green design standards. there will be innovations in heat and energy saving, vacuum waste disposal, smart homes and even artificial intelligence in housing and communal services. the president also visited the stand of the russian direct investment fund. through rdif, russia and china have already financed 50 projects amounting to 780 billion rubles. 600,000 new jobs were created by our new projects; they affect infrastructure, industry, and the financial sectors of education. i already talked about the bridge, you know. it was also financed by chinese co-investors in industry together with the ministry of agriculture, we financed the pharmaceutical holden, which produced sputnik vaccine. among the new projects that are yet to be implemented are the construction of a terminal for the transshipment of liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the far east, the localization of production of innovative russian vaccines in china, and the creation of a joint cinema fund.
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