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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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party in the oka tower on the territory of moscow city. the event then ended in a shootout and a series of criminal cases. according to media reports, medvedev took part in the so -called meeting. the event took place in one of the restaurants in luzhniki. there , a new leader of the russian criminal world was allegedly chosen; this person was supposed to replace the authority zakhary kalashov, known under the nickname shakro the young, in the highest criminal post. the authority was then preparing to serve a prison term and even told our story.
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povka built up an estate for himself three meters surrounded by a fence on an area of ​​several hectares there are cottages and guest houses, a tennis court, a football field and an indoor swimming pool, at the bottom of which, at the owner’s request , workers laid out tiles of a wind rose or a thief’s star, as they say in the underworld. before his arrest, medvedev lived in luxury and traveled in premium cars, organized social events, and during these receptions pop stars sang for the guests. the image collapsed after the arrest of oleg medvedev. the security forces accused him of creating the leadership of a criminal group. together with the cone 18 possible members of this gang were under investigation. they were accused of illegal weapons trafficking, banditry, robbery and murder. one of the most notorious crimes on this list is the reprisal of tatyana sidorova, deputy of the legislative assembly of the ramensky district, and members of her family. the woman disappeared in...
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now it’s up to the judge, who must impose the final punishment on the entrepreneur. andrey romanov, vasily irchuk, daniil prokudin, lead the duty unit. now we will take a break for a few minutes, there is still a lot of interesting news ahead, do not switch gears. a smile will make everyone brighter. a smile in
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dog treat, titbit, 59.99. magnet, price, what you need. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will come to.
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substances, a smart solution against poisoning. apply for a loan at sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate. more profitable with sberp. the duty department will conduct the legal program with you. we continue our release. another star of finik’s financial pyramid has gone out. in kazan , the court sentenced the accomplice of the organizer of the criminal scheme, liliya nurieva, to 4 and a half years in prison. she was found guilty of fraud amounting to 206 million rubles as part of a criminal community. about why to go to court the injured investors came, what was
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the value of nureyeva’s testimony and what did she lose along with her freedom - in the report of maxim shevchenko. friday morning at the vakhitovsky district court of kazan turned out to be especially busy. the announcement on the scoreboard is very loud: outside the hall door they are supposed to put an end to the case of the star of the financial conglomerate finik, which turned out to be a pyramid that collapsed miserably. i understand that human stupidity and greed have no limits, but everything that is being done? the businesswoman assessed her actions in the crypto empire, of course, in an unconventional way, but the prosecution, it seems, from the very beginning did not have a loyal position towards people who systematically enriched themselves on especially gullible people. the date pyramid is called the second largest after mmm, it was created in 2018, registered in the cayman islands, and opened the main office in kazan, which did not interfere with attracting funds from investors from all over the country, they brought rubles, but received virtual dates, no contracts, no
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receipts, only a promise to multiply the capital several times in a short period of time, officially affected 10,000 when the pyramid gave crack, a case of fraud was opened against its builders. did not go anywhere, he was detained in kazan, to our colleagues from the investigation program of eduard petrov, he stated that he did not invite anyone to the pyramid at all. there is not a single meeting where i speak, the guys are all behind me, there is not a single meeting, guys, now when you get rich you will all go nuts, nurieva in a murky scheme, it seems she was responsible for processing the hesitant public, they say she was good at convincing the population of tatarstan to carry into the date even what is not there, take money from banks to those who have been refused loans, but the point is that we have been in the real estate market for 10 years, and we work with all banks, we know how to apply correctly, we have experience in how to provide information to the bank so that there is a chance the conversion rate of approval of your application was higher when she was charged, she was the only one of
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all the arrested crypto pyramid participants who entered into a pre-trial agreement with the investigation, her criminal case was considered in a special manner without questioning witnesses, it seems that it was in exchange...
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although it’s a small one, norieva will still receive it; the time she spent during the season will be counted toward her sentence; in total, the star of the crypto empire will spend 3 years in the colony. maxim shevchenko, vladimir bazov, conductor, duty department. millions for air. the capital's police exposed a fake legal services company. the attackers entered into contracts with clients for large sums of up to half a million rubles, but as soon as they received the money, they disappeared without providing any legal assistance. on suspicion in the car.
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only seven people, why did we come to you, do you understand? yes, according to investigators, these men and girls, pretending to be lawyers, entered into contracts with clients and took money from them in their office in the center of moscow, but then they did not provide any legal assistance to citizens, things went uphill until the deceived people went to the police . the total amount of material damage amounted to more than 10 million rubles. based on this fact, investigators from the department of internal affairs in the south-eastern district of the capital opened 16 criminal cases under fraud, which were combined into one proceeding. fraudsters often pretend to be lawyers, this opens up great opportunities for deception, so there are a lot of fake law offices in the capital,
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for example, a case from the recent past, deceived clients are trying to get into one of these and return the money, but the firm was not happy with either former clients or the press, at first the guests were accused in a lie, either your employees or your managers, and then generally called the security, who was aggressive using obscene language, pushed out the dissatisfied, what are you trying to do? good, this company with the self-explanatory name is protecting citizens, but protecting citizens, it seems, is already need from her herself, this man, for example, ended up in the office after he was deceived in the previous one, he was promised to return the wasted money, of course not for free, they say, let’s give 110,000, now we’ll go and solve your problem in 5 minutes, but nothing they didn’t return it when alexey showed up at the company’s door with complaints, its employees beat him until he had a concussion, what are you doing, quiet, quiet, quiet. many clients of the office then wrote a statement to the police, they hope that the deceivers will receive a well-deserved punishment,
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the investigation by lawyers from the capital continues, the police are looking for accomplices of the swindlers and those who could have suffered from them. daniil dry-handedly, lead, duty department. state duma deputies propose to ban the sale of energy drinks to children throughout the country. the corresponding bill has already been submitted to the lower house of parliament, and it was supported by representatives of all factions. according to state duma speaker vyacheslav volodya. "in many regions there are already restrictions on the sale of energy drinks to minors, but at the federal level, the problem has still not been resolved, and this must be done before the end of summer, reporting by alexander ostakhov. trumpeter mikhail zadokhin leaves the entrance on his own two feet, although a couple of days ago he almost had to be carried out of the house on a stretcher. the artist called an ambulance after he had a snack at lunch. "the energy worker, something called a trumpet happened to my health, my stomach started to, like, well, rage, and then
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cramps started there, my stomach hurt very badly, to such an extent that i had to call an ambulance, it turned out that this had an effect the energy drink turned out okay, hospitalization was not required, but now mikhail is running to doctors and dealing with the consequences, along with him are other lovers of tonic drinks. the operator and i went to a store near our editorial office, look, there are dozens of multi-colored cans of energy drinks on the shelves, right away. .. by him or not, this measure has already been supported by more than half of the constituent entities of russia, including the moscow region. my colleague vladimir bazov went to the moscow region to check whether traders in cheerfulness were complying with the law. all, here, this is the one we took. this is footage of the so -called test purchase. a teenager, who is clearly under eighteen, brings a can of energy drink to the checkout. the store employees have no problem checking
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the goods and offering to pay. you just almost sold it to schoolchildren, how did that happen? well, why are you silent? high caffeine content can lead to insomnia, energy drinks really invigorate, this is not a myth, at what cost, the main secret is in sugar and caffeine, which is several times in one can of tonic drink more than a cup of coffee. adrenaline is released into the blood, the blood vessels constrict, the pulse quickens, the pressure rises, and all organs go into emergency mode. obviously,
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the body cannot stand this regime for long. so that children are not tempted to drink. and in the business of selling, deputies from all factions simultaneously introduced a bill to the state duma that would ban the sale of energy drinks to minors at the federal level, that is, throughout the country. there are cases when a young man drank a lot of energy drink and simply passed away. young man died. it is written in small, incomprehensible font: not recommended for pregnant women, not recommended with alcohol, not recommended for children under 18 years old, in fact not recommended for anyone. can be compared on the one hand. the growth in sales of energy drinks and cardiovascular diseases among children, therefore it is fundamentally necessary to approach the issue from the point of view of protecting the health of the younger generation. among other things, deputies propose to ban the bottle of energy drinks in cans larger than half a liter and generally advertise this product. but many market participants are against assembly lines, which produce thousands of colorful bottles every year. they say the main
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audience is people over 18 years old, and it’s not about the drink, it’s about its quantity. solve this problem not with bans, but with information, and moreover, the introduction of such a ban will increase interest in such drinks, with passionate minors, while there is no ban, everyone decides for themselves, while you can get a surge of strength in other ways, very good replacements would be be drinks such as green tea, different in composition teas containing, for example, ginger, cocoa, which... a huge amount of useful substances, the fate of the new bill banning the sale of energy drinks to children throughout russia is still vague, such proposals are not being made for the first time, but some deputies hope to make a decision before august of the year. alexander ostakhov, vladimir bazov, stanislav ponomarenko, lead the duty unit. identify weapons, find psychotropic substances hidden even in children's toys
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, or understand whether cargo is phonite. during the holiday season , traffic at airports increases significantly passengers, which means the burden on... niks, what travelers usually try to circumvent the law, how a customs post works , with the help of which they identify a prohibited person, my colleague andrei romanov spent the day with employees of the vnukovo customs. in the green corridor of the vnukovo customs office there is a bustle of international flights arriving one after another, passengers with huge trunks, small suitcases or only hand luggage are rushing to the exit, but before they find themselves in the vastness of russia they will have to communicate with strict employees of the customs post. please tell me, cevahir erali ugli, right? yes. do you have any cash on you? yes, i have. what is the amount? what is the amount? 3. 3. yes. rubles? yes. are you bringing dollars or euros? no. travelers can pass through the green corridor if they are carrying less than $10,000 in cash. and they do not have goods in their luggage that need to
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be declared. these are, for example, jewelry, cultural heritage items or weapons. strict inspection s'. customs officers inspect such luggage manually and often find very unusual items. very often cultural values moved. in our country, for example, orders are often moved during flights. when purchased on the territory of russia and exported from the country, icons and coins are also often included. undeclared valuables and prohibited cash are confiscated from passengers in excess of measures, these items
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cannot be returned, you will still have to pay a fine, and in especially severe cases you can become involved in a criminal case. last year we filed 27 criminal cases, most of them, as i said, related to currency smuggling, in addition to the fact that we have criminal cases there are cases of administrative violations. of course, there are many more of them; last year there were more than 3,500 of them. here, for example, is a cargo of diamonds worth 5 million rubles. a cunning traveler wanted to get them from the emirates and not pay the duty. the contraband was detained at customs. in this footage , customs officers catch a passenger from the united states who secretly tried to bring $100,000 in cash into russia. this is what half a kilo of cocaine looks like in your stomach. the passenger from istanbul had an x-ray taken at the airport, and later the security forces detained the recipient at the hotel. leash, this is what a luggage inspection looks like:
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in the baggage hall of the airport, angel works without each bag for only a few seconds, but there can be no mistake, the dog knows all types of drugs, smells them very clearly, there is nothing in this bag, here it is... it will take, well, no more than 15 minutes to check the luggage of everyone arriving on the same flight. the belgian shepherd angel has been working at vnukovo customs for several years; he and dog handler roman korzhov are inseparable; the dog spends weekends at his owner’s home and always misses work. dog when something smells, finds, she means freezes, over this luggage or over a certain parcel, she thus gives me a signal that there is something forbidden there. i know. these are cocaine, amphetamine, marijuana, hashish, methamphetamine, mephedrone. as a result, thanks to the work of the customs service , only law-abiding
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travelers enter the territory of russia, without unpleasant surprises in their luggage. andrey romanov, dmitry kanavalov, dmitry kanpsky, conductor, duty department. bloody fun for a select few reputable businessmen in our country. officials are increasingly are caught poaching, but such cases are not becoming less frequent, how do forest safari lovers have fun and is it possible to bring them to justice? don’t miss the premiere this weekend on russia 24 tv channel of a new investigation by eduard petrov, the peculiarities of the national vip hunt. the rich have their own quirks, they wanted to have fun in the forest and even if the grass didn’t grow. as a result of their indiscriminate shooting. dozens of animals die, poor elk, there is no supervision as such, the animal has no chance, they are sure that they have everything captured
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and paid for, such as the illegal business of shooting wild animals, but basically it’s all hunting, on the road, it’s just murder, but who has already been caught poaching? murders. the moskovsky district court of tver denied permission to a member of the tver wolves gang who wanted to go on a special operation. representatives of vsin explained that in accordance with the order of the ministry of defense, the ministry of justice and
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the ministry of internal affairs, persons sentenced to capital punishment are not included in the lists of those with whom a contract can be concluded to participate in the svo. reportage ekaterina likhomanova. one of the most notorious crimes in the modern history of russia still gives journalists reason to remember all the participants in this bloody crime. complicated story, however, this time they do not remember the details of the murder of the legendary chansonnier mikhail krug. the hero of the publication was a member of the tver wolves gang serving a life sentence. alexander ogeev decided to be released, no matter what happened. that’s when i just saw, well, i sort of knew that he took a pistol with him, although initially, since they climbed here, there was no thought of reaping or killing anything. this is footage shown by our colleagues.
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his innocence, that he is still trying to break free, looking for any loopholes, it is possible that the law on exempting volunteers who went to the northern military district from criminal punishment was considered as such. thus, the state gives criminals the opportunity to atone for their guilt. however, there is a nuance: not everyone has this opportunity. this, by the way, strictly corresponds to the goals of criminal punishment, the person is corrected, in fact, receives social adaptation. but not all
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persons who committed a serious crime. crimes have the right to go to defend their homeland. ogeev tried several times to get into the special operation zone, although it’s hard to believe, in order to atone for his guilt. yes, according to the law, persons who are serving a life sentence do not have the right to enter into a contract to be sent to hostilities . the convict went to court, where he was refused, and later filed a lawsuit in the moskovsky district court of tver. servants of themis spoke about the results of the review publication tas. we considered his appeal against the decision of the moscow district court. the decision of the court of first instance.
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don't miss our final episode today 18:15 see you later. now it’s 200 10024, i’m just delighted, i’m amazed, very cool, with a punch, simple, i love children, this is a real, unreal movie, this is straight up the level, this is
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the story of childhood. this is a guest from the future, a film from the future, from the future to the past, from the past to the future, once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, but the music, graphics, i liked the humor, i’m not from the parents committee, i don’t have any change in opi, the main thing is love, i see how he looks at you, yes how he looks, well, how they look, he looks like that, there are so many different things, surprise, well of course like that, brilliant choice , it will be interesting for everyone, we’ll meet in the future, tell me when 100 years from now.
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in the special operation zone, the commanders of the southern group of troops are clearing the strongholds recaptured from the nationalists. military engineers discovered unexploded shells at ukrainian armed forces positions. after neutralization sappers set up an
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anti-tank barrier. equipment that was moving towards russian units. the most important weapon of a sapper. or a sapper's tool, these are the eyes, you always need to look at your feet, well, not just at your feet.


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