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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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how ordinary residents of russia, as well as commercial companies, help troops in the northern military district zone and what devices and units are being developed to replace foreign ones, watch everything for the front in the documentary, immediately after the advertisement. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, custom jewelry, who will buy it, but you didn’t listen. after all, you're doing everything wrong. continue. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account in alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of free payment sticker. children's savings card. approach
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we are now completely focused on helping the front. strength, we are a huge country, small and yurky
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bugs the all-terrain vehicle appeared at the front quite recently, but has already come to the fore; the developers named the bugs in honor of the central asian shepherd dog allabai. over rough terrain, such an allabay can reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. the small, nimble vehicle is simply irreplaceable on the line of combat contact, especially when evacuating the wounded. stretcher with wounded. can be attached on both sides, a shepherd dog on wheels will take you out from under fire on any off-road terrain. all-terrain vehicles for the front are produced by a small company from fryazin near moscow.
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these are bugs and bugs wolfhound, this is the most, let's say , modern, most advanced development in the field. dual-use all-terrain vehicles, this particular vehicle worked in the krynok area in the kherson direction and now it has just returned for service, if you don’t count the bullet holes, there are not many of them, then the bugs coped with the combat mission well, the soldiers are happy, and so are the designers , the vehicle came under machine gun fire, but took out the soldiers and the wounded, what is special is that this vehicle has a very high maneuverability, very powerful... the fryazza company for the production of all-terrain vehicles has existed for almost 15 years, until recently it actively took part in
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cross-country sports racing, but now there is no time for competitions. we participated in the russian rally raid championship, we are athletes, we have our own factory team, we are now. completely focused on helping the front, when the words run out, then we’ll return to the sport. a trolley, which, well, this is an extreme modification, it is very convenient, so to speak, it unfolds, folds literally in a few seconds, look, that’s it, you can carry it, that is, this cart. of course, the most advanced, here in the horizon, for example, let’s say, sitting, a soldier needs to be transferred, look, just a few seconds, please, here’s a sitting position, a collector and restorer of military equipment was amazed at the losses that arise when
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evacuating the wounded from the battlefield. it takes six people to get a wounded person out, a seriously wounded person, can you imagine, six people are exposed to the danger of these drones and...
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equipment, there are unique exhibits in a single copy, and everything is running. gaz-61, which belonged to marshal konev, a unique katyusha. in order to organize assistance to the front, we had to sell. the rarest german t2 tank, in addition to these carts we make krasnogorsk turnstiles, when the war began, i sold some of my equipment and decided to help the guys, look how it works, well, it unpacks like this, well , this is just the first one we took, here is its lock, let’s say you need it, you need it, it has a rubber base, it doesn’t turn, we made 27,000 for the front pieces, such turnstiles were sent to the main part in 2022, well , it can be removed very easily, here it is, now
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there is no such need for these turnstiles, we, in general, have almost stopped making them, although this is the most reliable turnstile, look at him, 15 of these multifunctional evacuation carts are sent to the front, vyacheslav len made more than 400 of these carts, however, at the front even ordinary stretchers are welcome.
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the whole world collects sewing machines for materials, as is customary in churches. some have relatives in donbass, while others grandchildren and children are fighting. how could irina palovna not come, you see, a mother whose son is fighting there. and everyone is the same, everyone is caring. we don't want to turn a blind eye to what's happening. the parishioners attach small icons and prayer books to each stretcher. god forbid that someone gets hurt, but if...
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if everyone united, we are such a force, we are a huge force, we are a huge country. small workshops like those at the kopchevsky church opened throughout the country. thanks to the organizers of the “golden hands of an angel” project, the front received, think about it, 250 thousand tactical stretcher. now... well, more than 100 cities in our movement were counted recently, because they made a presentation, 139 sukhov, in which people come and sew, sew products, this is all humanitarian support, it makes them feel that yes, they really are are needed, now i was distributing body armor to sappers there, there was something else, and i also gave children’s letters, they say, we felt that we were needed.
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information terminals, but quickly switched to producing military products, they started with machine gun handles, which asked to do it... familiar fighters fighting in ukraine. it turned out to be such a good, effective thing that many people began to ask for it, and we have already done it, we are already making several thousand pieces at the moment, and we send it to whomever we can find who needs it. and now tons of containers are being shipped to the front for dynamic protection of tanks. these are metal boxes with a plate installed inside. when an anti-tank grenade hits such a box, the cumulative jet is dissipated
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by an oncoming explosion. it's simple, but containers you need a lot. a set for one tank consists of 300 boxes and weighs more than a ton. after almost every battle, dynamic protection needs to be changed. this is a very large consumable, the tank comes into landing and loses the sides, but it works on the tank. let's say copters and fragments are already damaging the dynamic protection, it can no longer work that way, rpg shells also arrived and knocked out a nickel, but this place is needed. new boxes. andrey is a former tanker, but due to health reasons he now helps his fellow soldiers in the rear. it was he who convinced entrepreneurs to start something so necessary for the army. gradually, they began to attract manufacturers throughout the country. a lot of enterprises, from the irkutsk to the rostov region, in more than 53 cities, began to help the
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dynamic defense front. some people manufacture, others buy metal absolutely free. they make only one container, they are equipped with explosives already at the front. it is believed that dynamic protection increases the survivability of a tank on the battlefield by one and a half to two times. this is what was missing from the plastid. plastid was still here we hung up a self-made one, then it slammed, well , there were hits on this car, unfortunately, we had them right here. here this box has already been replaced, there was another box hanging from the factory, a comedian flew there, the dynamic protection worked, the old one was torn apart, of course, well, we already hung a new one here in this place, and even before that an anti-aircraft gun flew to us, we also met the little one, burned through our barrel, the protection in front of the turret worked, well, so far the score is this, we see, and so that
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this score does not change, only improves in ours benefit, in the rear... the state must stand behind this one way or another, that is, the state itself must wink at the manufacturer and say: so, producer, in short, come on, you want to continue to produce normally, help the front, help. this is the third year since, instead of hawaiian beach shirts, the michurinskaya garment factory sews only military equipment in camouflage colors. production increased fivefold,
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and we had to urgently recruit female workers and build a new workshop. its façade has not yet been plastered.
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support, we were given a grant for which we equipment is already being purchased, i think that in the second quarter we will already launch production on our premises - helmets for armor plates, and we will already complete armor protection systems entirely with our own products. making body armor has always been considered incredibly difficult and prestigious. our country here has always been in the role of catching up, but only recently dozens of companies have opened in russia, producing their own armor from ceramics, it is much lighter than steel, but just as durable, this is a ceramic-polymer methril plate br5, our development is implemented here, this metal mesh, it helps
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to significantly reduce and reduce post-creep kinetic trauma. protection, side protection, protection, we have developed protection for the neck, shoulders, groin, protection for the back of the head, we are now sending all this to the front, previously there were ceramic plates for such... hello, i am collecting for you. they also produce anti-fragmentation shields and sew all other equipment here. the owners
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of the company, guys with humor, called it a morder. for the western world, we are orcs, so well, this is just such a kind irony, that’s why orcs are orcs, please. now there are small ones all over the country. in order to earn some profit, the guys practically work at cost, and invest a little, they practically do not work for profit, they work for
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our victory, and this is very cool, and there are not one, not two such enterprises there, dozens, dozens in the tambov region, i am sure, dozens in other constituent entities of the russian federation, this is the only way we can win. the country was once proud of conversion when instead of ballistic missiles, defense companies began to produce pots and pans. now, having almost ruined the entire military-industrial complex, we are seeing the opposite process. and here even the conversion slave, which is produced by the local gunpowder factory, demonstrates an understanding of the political situation and resistance to economic shocks. at the beginning of a special military operation, we came up with the following slogan: we will not be overwhelmed, victory will be ours. we as a people have become stronger because of this, war is a terrible, ugly thing, but sometimes in order for us to again
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to feel like a single, big people, so we have to go through this, somehow cleanse ourselves to understand in general who is worth what and what is important in this world in general, this will be a good lesson for us for everyone. pavel seryogin was involved in outdoor advertising in tambov, posters, signs, billboards, but first. military operation, his company began to sew tactical blankets that can easily be turned into tents and even stretchers for the wounded. instead of criticizing our defense industry, i decided to help the front with concrete work and humanitarian aid. when they start talking, here they did nothing, if the ministry of defense and those areas of our industry had not done anything, we would have been hit in the head long ago and everything would have ended for us. you know, very often this humanitarian aid is perceived as such threads. that connect you with this peaceful life, with the house, with the neighbors, with something else, and the more of these threads, the more
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attached you are to the house, and you understand that you are holding on to them, they are to you hold on, he devoted almost 30 years to the search and re-preservation of soviet he knows firsthand the soldiers who fell in the great patriotic war, what that war became for the country, and so that the price of a new victory would be disproportionately less, recently he himself... it was very scary to go to the military registration and enlistment office, hand over documents and do something, again a lot children, the family seemed to be accustomed to some kind of comfortable life there, quite well-fed, then to give up this whole thing overnight, of course i felt incredibly sorry, well, we gathered, we have no other option, we... like many years ago, we we need one victory, we need peace. the most famous tambov products for
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front - these are fpv drones bikasy, the production of which was established at a local bakery. almost the entire world press managed to talk about them. the degree of mobilization of russian civilian enterprises shocked everyone. from buns to drones. as putin's arms race leaves the west behind, russian bakery makes killer drones to support putin's war, break bread create a drone, putin's ambitions and bread-scented drones. russia forced a bakery to bake with drones. in the war against ukraine, moscow is betting big on fpv drones. despite the blatant propaganda, the report demonstrates a number of interesting details about the realities of uav assembly in russia. almost all the world's news agencies wrote about us, we also came under sanctions from the ministry of justice and the united states, but we did not remain in debt, we sent biden's stage
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to pieces, well, so that he... would be received normally in the house, after such fame for the production of drones we had to enlarge, and move the assembly workshop to another location. why did you still move from the bread factory? it turns out don't drones and loaves get along in the same oven? they can’t get along in one oven, but production volumes have increased. it just became cramped, well , it became a little cramped, so we had to move, here is a more spacious place, an opportunity for expansion, now we are... for research, for testing, so it is much more convenient here, this place is calm, quiet, unknown to anyone. regional authorities, in response to global recognition for tambura drone manufacturers, have reduced taxes. if we previously paid 6% taxes, then from this year, from january 1, 2024, we pay 1%. we are
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of course grateful. that such benefits were provided and i want to say that we, in turn, also reduced prices for our products by the same 5%. volunteer businessman from moscow dmitry polikov acquired a batch of bikas at the request of the airborne forces unit. for the boys, i’ll just say in one word, for the boys. there are a lot of loved ones who are fighting, many have died, my son is fighting, so he’s just fighting for the boys. where, to whom exactly will he go, to what places? the airborne forces are going to solidar, the situation there is really difficult so there, there the guys just need it. the ministry of defense now works closely with frequent drone manufacturers. for all types of drones , one unified ammunition has already been developed to make it easier for soldiers at the front to deal with it. our military-industrial complex has developed ammunition, a dummy of this ammunition according to the drawings. was
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manufactured by us, which means that when used, as with a drop, the drone flies up to the object, at the operator’s command it is triggered, an activation signal is given, ammunition is dropped, an order is one of the means to protect personnel, what is the most basic, the most fundamental, the most precious thing for us, we know, this is our human life, we cannot replace it with anything else. constantly uses snipes at the front, he has a direct connection with the developers, the fighters suggest, and the designers immediately make changes to the drone, recently soprykin himself was hit by an enemy uav, the cumulative ammunition dropped from the quadcopter burned through the roof of the dugout and the officer’s hand. we are doing everything one thing at the moment, and as they said in the great patriotic war and other conflicts, then there will be no victory without a strong rear. by
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request. for military operators, special goggles for flight control were attached directly to the armored helmet, now it’s one piece, it’s more reliable and safer. but the most unexpected update of drones is the replacement of imported engines with domestic ones. it is generally accepted that our industry is not capable of mastering miniature electric motors for drones. but during the svo. an entire plant was built in bashkartastan, where they produce engines of various modifications with three branded screws on the body, as it is written capital of the republic in bashkir. we were given samples for testing to check their characteristics, which means this drone has a payload capacity of up to 3.5 kg, we check the weight, which means it’s a little more than 3 to
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3,700. now we will test in modes and check the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. domestic engines turned out to be no worse than imported ones and can cope even with excess weight. they have already been installed on 300 new copters. the main thing is now there will be fewer problems with delays in components from southeast asia.


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