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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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control of my expenses payment sticker , apply now children's sber card - adult approach, i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am new. thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, the emperor is deprived of real power. often took out
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his irritation on the palace servants. in his memoirs, he writes: “i became so cruel that i began to beat people and even resort to torture. i could order any person from my circle to beat the offender. there is a known case when, by his order , a servant boy, sun boyan, was beaten to death. he tried twice escape from the palace." to escape the bullying. after this, puyi was afraid for a very long time that the soul of the dead child would come to him with vengeance. the emperor went to bed at 2-3 in the morning and slept until noon. his main hobbies were fortune telling and preparing medicines from chinese medicinal herbs. in his chambers, he kept a whole pharmacy warehouse. in addition to
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concubines, puyi had four official wives. newsreel footage captured the emperor’s first wife, wan rong. she was married to him at the age of 15, but was never able to give birth to an heir to the throne. in a relationship the spouses began to cool down. falling into depression, wan rong became addicted to opium, which was ordered by puyi. the japanese gave her in huge quantities. the result of daily smoking of this drug was a severe mental illness that drove wanrong to the grave in 1946. most of all, the emperor was attached to his third wife, tan yulin, whom he met in 1937 . she did not like the japanese openly.
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the words of the chinese ministers had no force, only the orders of the japanese mattered, the chief minister then... the occupiers erected the pagoda of the faithful souls of jun ling in changchun. it was dedicated to japanese soldiers who died in china, including during the capture of manchuria. this footage captures the annual spring
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ritual that took place on may 30th. on this day, puyi had to personally bow to the enslavers of his homeland. the service was conducted by a priest from tokyo in accordance with the shinta rite. the ceremony was attended by units of the kwantung army and the puppet troops created by the japanese, maijo-ugo. by creating the jau bu state, japan pursued clear strategic goals. it was a kind of role model, an example for future territories that the japanese hoped they could capture in asia. the japanese understood. that they would not be able to turn every captured territory into a colony, as was the case with korea or taiwan, and china was too big for this, so the japanese hoped to take away piece by piece from china to create puppet states in these territories that would depend on japan
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and japan will prosper thanks to them. in summer in 1937, the japanese invaders unleashed a second treacherous blow on china. to provoke a full-scale war, they resorted to their favorite method, armed provocation. on july 7, 1937, japanese troops unexpectedly opened fire on chinese soldiers near the lugo xiao bridge near beijing. after this, they blamed the chinese side for the attack and ordered their army to begin the invasion. according to the famous anti-japanese war researcher and professor at tsenghua university, wang
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jianlan, starting a new war against china, japanese leaders pursued far-reaching strategic goals. in the 19th century, japan developed the concept of the so-called continental policy. it was to first capture manjuria, then occupy all of china and expand its expansion to the rest of the world. in 1936, according to the clarified imperial national security doctrine, japan planned to fight against the ussr and the usa in the future. thus, the japanese plan for a war of aggression was not only directed against.
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under the guise of fighting communist international, members of the new axis berlin-rome-tokyo planned to carry out a new redistribution of the world to establish their dominance in europe and asia. later , countries such as hungary, spain, finland, romania, bulgaria, croatia, denmark, slovakia and the puppet state of mangeau-hugo joined this pact. on july 29, 1937 , japanese troops captured beijing; they entered the city along tsian men street, which leads to the forbidden city square of heavenly peace. on the posters that the japanese
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occupiers hung around that day city, they declared that they had brought a new order here, for the chinese people it meant only death, enslavement and... in the russian state film fund we were able to find footage of japanese troops marching along tian street. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers. as a military trophy during the defeat of the kvantum army in august 1945. the japanese presented these images as a great triumph of their military machine. but in the case of china, they made the same fatal mistake as hitler, who attacked the ussr in 1941 year. japan's calculation was lightning speed. japan expected in a matter of weeks, at most months, to capture
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the most populated, most developed cities of china, these are beijing, shanghai, nanjing, goangzhou, having captured them, force the chinese to capitulate, and, accordingly, to found one or more puppet states in the captured territories, but the chinese army did not capitulate, china turned out to be too big, and the will... of the chinese people to resist turned out to be too strong. the battle of shanghai will strike the first serious blow to japanese self-confidence. beginning on august 13 , 1937, it lasted more than 3 months and was characterized by incredible cruelty. here the japanese army suffered heavy losses when faced with the massive heroism and tenacity of the chinese soldiers. in retaliation, japanese aircraft barbarously
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bombed civilian targets and residential areas of shanghai. the next target of the aggressors was the capital of the republic of china, the city of nanjing. the walls and towers of nanjing were built in the 14th century during the ming dynasty.
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the japanese who carried out the massacre hunted mainly for young people of military age, but
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destroyed not only them; many women became victims of brutal reprisals, from seventy-five-year-old grandmothers to nine-year-old girls, as well as boys and old people who were 70-80 years old, massacres of civilians and prisoners of war. then proceeded all over nanjing. the bloody orgy lasted 6 weeks. these days, japanese newspapers wrote about an unusual competition organized by lieutenants mukaeta shiaki and noda tsuyoshi. which one will kill you faster? samurai sword of 100 chinese prisoners. eventually. having lost count, the lieutenants increased the number of their victims to 150 people.
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today, one of the last witnesses to the monstrous massacre, xiashu ting, lives in nanjing. she was born in the southern capital on may 5, 1929. she has three children, two daughters and a son, now her large and friendly family numbers 19 people, you don’t... in 1937, before the eyes of xiashu qsin, japanese soldiers brutally killed almost all of her loved ones. only she and her four-year-old sister survived. relatives they will be found among the corpses only after 2 weeks.
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in 1937 i was 8 years old. december 13th to our house. suddenly the japanese broke out, then there were nine people in our family, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, two older sisters, me and two younger sisters, one of them was 4 years old, the japanese killed seven people, and they hit me with a bayonet three times, after what have i lost?
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in total, 300,000 people were killed during the nanking massacre. in 1985 , a memorial was opened in nanjing to commemorate the victims of the bloody massacre carried out by the japanese. occupiers. over the past decades, it has been significantly expanded and added new halls. at the entrance, visitors are greeted by bronze figures. made by chinese sculptor wu waishan. each composition is created based on a true tragedy of one of the nanjing families. tens of thousands of women and girls were raped during the massacre. many were killed after being abused. the brutal japanese soldiers did not spare even
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pregnant women. later, tens of thousands of chinese women were forcibly sent to the so -called. comfort station for satisfying the lust of the japanese occupiers. the foreigners who then lived in nanjing, together with the red cross, would be able to save more than 250 thousand chinese from massacre by providing them with refuge on the territory of their representative offices and companies. among them were germans, austrians, americans and russian emigrants. thanks to their testimonies, the world learned for the first time about the horrendous atrocities committed by the japanese in nanjing. one of the most savage massacres occurred on december 18, 1937. then the japanese executioners tied the hands of thousands of chinese prisoners and built columns on
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riverbank. one of the buildings was erected over a huge mass grave discovered during the reconstruction of the museum. in total , three similar mass graves of victims of the nanjing massacre were found on the territory of the memorial. it’s scary to imagine what these people experienced in
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the last moments of their lives. today is their mass grave. has become a place of memory and mourning for a new generation of chinese residents who come here from all over the country. at this time , cheerful songs about a happy life were heard from the estrada in manzho hugo. under japanese rule, for example, such as manzhurskaya young woman. in these shots he performs it.
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syis was supposed to go exclusively to the needs of the japanese army and the occupation administration. if a chinese person secretly bought rice from the black
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market, it was called an economic crime and punishable by imprisonment. but the production and consumption of opium was encouraged by the occupiers in every possible way. the japanese occupiers, just like the british in the 19th century, tried to use... opium to suppress the will of the chinese people to resist and to obtain additional income for waging war. in order to to force the peasants to allocate more land for growing opium poppies, they resorted to all sorts of tricks. for example, in some provinces of northern china, for the production of raw materials for drugs, the japanese authorities promised peasants exemption from land taxes or compulsory military service. in the province.
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the soviet union was one of the first to provide assistance to china in repelling japanese aggression. on august 21, 1937 , a mutual non-aggression treaty was signed between our countries, which created the necessary. conditions for receiving military and material assistance from the ussr. arms deliveries began already in october 1937. these were planes, tanks,
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guns, machine guns, ammunition and various equipment. in addition, the soviet union sent more than 3,500 military specialists and advisers to china. in the early forties, chief military adviser to the chinese army. there was the future legendary soviet marshal, defender of stalingrad, vasily chuikov, as part of the red army, the son of mao zedong, mao an, and the famous chinese pilot tando fought against the germans. of course, neither russia nor china deny the contribution of the allies, and it, especially in the pacific, certainly made a big contribution to the victory, but we must clearly understand that it was russia and... it was china that paid the greatest price for this common victory humanity, and this gives us a special right to demand the preservation of historical
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truth. about these events and gives us the right to fight for the preservation of historical memory and not allow history to be rewritten.
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in eight regions of ukraine this night and in the morning an air raid alert was announced in sumy, poltava, kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev, odessa, kirovograd and cherkassy. sirens also sounded in the kiev-controlled parts of the kherson and zaporozhye regions. reports of explosions came from the vinnytsia region, and a certain energy
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infrastructure facility was damaged in the poltava region. messages also arrived. the tos-2 multiple launch rocket system goes into combat operation, the crew’s task is to destroy the enemy stronghold. the formidable vehicle carries 18 220 mm thermobal projectiles, in terms of power and efficiency russian ammunition for heavy flamethrower systems has no analogues. it’s impossible to describe what happens after ours, from our work, what happens there, it’s, well, impossible to describe. well, it’s not for nothing that they call it the second weapon after
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nuclear weapons. the crew of the group unit.


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