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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 19, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in the far east and siberia, the flood is entering an active phase, in yakutia ice drift is in full swing, the number of flooded villages has increased to... the water has entered even places where there has never been a flood. the affected villages are 80 km from yakutsk. additional rescue forces and special equipment are being deployed to the region, and residents are being evacuated. in the tyumen region, the water level is rising in two rivers, tabol and irtysh. there are four settlements in the danger zone. the flood will peak at the end of next week. emergency situations ministry employees are working together with residents to strengthen temporary embankments, a 24-hour operation was organized.
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in regions of russia. the president discussed the situation with the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the minister of natural resources and environment, alexander kozlov. it was about the increasing severity of wildfires. they have already covered more than 40 thousand hectares throughout the country. this means we haven’t finished the wiring yet. i would like to hear your report on what is happening in these regions, but at the same time a fire is starting.
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the work of 44 assessment commissions was organized damage from the flood, 21,819 households were inspected, which is more than 70% of the total number of flood victims, the population was informed, work was organized and carried out to eliminate the consequences of the flood, 29,92 residential buildings and 747 individual squats were disinfected.
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26,700, of which 5.0 are paratroopers and paratroopers, that is, this is our entire group that we will attract. we also have the possibility of interregional maneuvering of our federal group, these are 700 people who are the federal reserve or safety, which also has the ability to extinguish explosively, that is, to stop a fire with a blast wave. and we also have the ability to cause precipitation, and we used this very successfully last year, especially in yakutia and other regions, too.
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a work plan has been built that corresponds to what is happening now, we have big plans with our korean comrades, we recently fulfilled some of them, we had a good exchange of tourist groups, that is, for the first time there was a large group from the primorsky territory visiting the modern ussr, kaliningrad region, a number of other regions of our country, we exchanged tourists, this time, we are discussing issues related to the development of agricultural selection, we have questions related to such ordinary things that the average person does not seem to understand, for example, the moscow zoo , recently visited, exchanged, our theater performed ballet in phinean, and a number of other issues that are constantly in contact, because well, people should communicate with each other, we have a lot in common historically. vladimir putin's visit to pyongyang
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is at the preparation stage, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov announced. he also noted that cooperation between the two countries in the field of environmental protection will continue. let me remind you that the leader of the dprk is kim chin. previously sent the russian leader personal congratulations on his assumption of office as head of state, the message was transmitted through the embassy of our country. for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraine. askafen - when you have a headache. you are a great audience! bye everyone! you owe the bank! you still owe the bank, i already ordered
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vtb, together everything will work out. the kiev regime denies the brutal terrorist attack in belgorod and tries to pass it off as some kind of russian provocation; in the kharkov region , meanwhile, they cannot understand where the defensive structures that zelensky personally praised suddenly disappeared. we’ll tell you more about everything right now in the stopfake program on russia-24. so, the tragedy in belgorod, where because of the attack by the armed forces of ukraine, the entrance to a multi-storey building collapsed remains an important topic not only for domestic, but also for ukrainian media, which included the traditional... anti-crisis training manual, at first they turned everything around as if the building had collapsed on its own, then they began to hint that in situation there is a quote, amazing nuances finally gave out a sensation with reference to the national security council, they say, the explosion occurred from within, which means
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some russian special services are responsible, in general, a completely predictable narrative and according to the idea of ​​​​professional liars, the evidence for him should have been a sensational video recording, where the hit of one or another was not visible , but an alternative, according to which the house was attacked by russian weapons. the topic was rocked by
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many, from the foreign agent of radio liberty to the resources of the extremist and also the foreign agent gordon. they say it is beneficial for the kremlin to make a sacred sacrifice out of belgorod, for which purpose they specifically dropped a high-explosive bomb weighing 500 kg on the city, although there are also versions of an unsuccessful launch anti-missiles. in short, the junta’s attempt to attribute its own cannibalistic methods to the russian troops is obvious. however, none. the stuffing doesn't stand up to criticism. the least powerful fap-100 contains 46 kilograms of explosives in vtratil equivalent, which clearly would not be enough to destroy an entire entrance. fab-500 , on the contrary, is too powerful. its detonation pulls 300 kg of waste, leaving craters up to 3 m deep and eight meters in diameter at the explosion site. accordingly, other entrances would also be affected. moreover, even the intermediate version of the fab-250, one way or another the blast wave would have covered not only the neighboring spans, but also the neighboring houses. as for the hypothesis. damage, as has repeatedly
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happened in ukrainian cities. the ukrainian side, it already has a very rich experience over the last 10 years, in general, to try, well, to build a picture that everyone is so accustomed to that no one is even on the other side, on the ukrainian side, that no one even thinks about how morasmatic she is anymore. defense, which, according to a number of information dumps, admitted its guilt in what happened, just like that yellow-bladed publications interpreted the statement
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of the defense department that fragments of the downed point u fell on the house. well, however, the victory of the fake launchers turned out to be doubtful, because in this way, firstly, they themselves confirm the ukrainian affiliation of the missile, and secondly, they do not take into account context, and it is extremely important. they hit belgorod indiscriminately in belgorod when the siren sounds. the notorious shelling of belgorod clearly failed to distract the ukrainian public from its main problem. we are talking, of course, about the situation in
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kharkov region, from where, as russian fighters advance , characteristic personnel are increasingly coming. let's film, let's film, quickly, that's it! the militants of the forbidden krakin are retreating under heavy artillery fire, unable to occupy defensive lines, since there are simply none. but it would seem that just recently zelensky personally assured that strong, or, translated into russian, powerful fortifications were built on the border. i even seemed to be inspecting the results of the expensive work on their construction, but after a couple of months statements to this effect by the leader of the gang with the bank mysteriously disappear from ukrainian telegram channels were preserved only in... these are the so-called canned food, which are thrown into the target audience in advance,
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indicating that everything is prepared in order to successfully conduct military operations, your task as citizens is only to go to the military registration and enlistment office to go directly to fight, these canned goods that were thrown in in advance, which said that supposedly zelensky, as the commander in chief , had prepared everything, they are now crumbling into smithereens, because , of course, there are no fortified provinces, and like that... boy who committed some bad action is trying to hide his traces, zelensky is now also trying to wipe out everyone behind him. however, the propagandists failed to develop a unified manual, and now they seem to be on their own. they know where to look for the causes of the trouble. some are pointing the finger at the regional golighter sineguby, others assure that mistakes have been made that are not too late to correct. still others reassure that the armed forces of ukraine have allegedly dug in a little further from the border, and the leptsov and volchanskaya districts initially belonged to the gray zone. but if everything is so, then from what article do the predators on the second line of defense photograph a trench with a depth of no more than half a man’s height, instead of
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full-fledged dragon teeth , only individual ones, chaotically located behind... contractors of different levels, are striking there, well, now it’s flaring up in ukraine scandal, for example, that one of the suppliers, it means, of parts for these fortifications is, well... by our standards , individual entrepreneurs, who was recently arrested for stealing a bottle of whiskey in a supermarket, and this individual entrepreneur received 20 million. naturally, in such conditions, it means it is very difficult to create a centralized defense, it, well, it was built haphazardly, in general it is not difficult to compare what was promised with what
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has been built. on the diagrams that were replicated by ukrainian media, the fortifications looked very impressive. kilometers of densely sown fields were spread out in continuous rows of reinforced concrete pyramids and yazhes connected by strong steel cables. anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, then well-equipped positions were designated for grenade launchers and militants with portable missile systems, in the next section machine gun nests were drawn next to deep trenches, and considerable money was allocated for such a project; according to official data, kiev’s expenses for fortification work for the current year exceeded 650 million dollars, 100 of which were received directly by the kharkov region, and, as the local administration stated, contracts were half of this grandiose sums have already been fulfilled. the contrast with reality, frankly speaking, is striking, and most importantly, the okrnazis themselves do not argue, but still put on a good face on a bad game. for example, they are telling stories about the quasi-successes of the russians, or convincing the target audience that slowly retreating is also
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an achievement, and therefore the famous meme about a negative offensive has essentially already come to life. is not. they explain to the internal audience, we also need to understand this kharkov topic, they are now chewing it out to their audience so much that we are retreating too slow, this is the merit of our troops, but how they sell it to the west, this is exactly the same slow retreat, they sell it as a big disaster, it ’s like two realities, the first, which is for our own, everything is fine with us, we have everything under control, and the reality that is going there is that everything is bad for us, give us as many shells as possible. but it is not enough to reassure svidomo with false victories; they must also be intimidated with imaginary russian crimes. a vivid example of a video with the participation of a certain pensioner from volchansk, who was allegedly shot in the arm by our military at his home. the story immediately became popular in the ukrainian blasphemy, but few people noticed that the seeding of the video on social networks began over the weekend, before the first reports about the departure
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of the northern group of troops, especially to volchansk. with volchansky there is a fairly classic situation when the enemy understands that this settlement - this city, this village can no longer be protected in this way, they are preparing an information operation, they are preparing some kind of narrative that they will cooperate with the russian authorities are not allowed, the problem with this information operation is that the enemy committed a false start, that is, he miscalculated the timing a little, dropped this content too early, meanwhile in the regional capital kharkov they are complaining about the arrival of a russian guided bomb, it allegedly crippled civilians and caused significant damage. area in the city center, however, in the photo from the scene of the event you can see broken glass and partial collapse of facades, the consequences of a strike by a factory or cab, this naturally does not apply, but what’s most interesting is that the misconception was involuntarily refuted by ukrainian propagandists; they demonstrated the fragments of the very bomb they claimed, and found in one of the courtyards a large metal part, which turned out to be the upper stage of an air defense missile. this is not
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the first time this part, a typical part for air defense missiles, has been passed off as some kind of... our weapon or something similar, here it is worth saying about the s300 that recently even a whole new york times article was devoted, in general, to missiles and russian missiles blow to those tables that are cited, for example, by the new york times, there are all types of missiles shot down, dagger, that means caliber, only s300 missiles are never shot down, as the new york times journalists conclude. comes to the conclusion that this is the most effective missile, well, because it cannot be shot down, once again out of 300 she becomes the heroine of such reports, but in the meantime, air defense systems in ukrainian... cities are causing a nightmare to the civilian population at the front, frankens was destroyed for the first time , let me remind you of another prodigy of the fvsu, only not quite nato, but rather a hybrid one. at the core is pretty ugly
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a homemade counterfeit launcher for the soviet buk air defense system, however, instead of standard ground-to-air ammunition, it was forced to be adapted for ship ammunition with the us-made sparrow, which degraded literally all its characteristics. to understand, a standard buk missile is capable of intercepting a target at a distance of up to 35 km at an altitude of up to 20. two. its high-explosive fragmentation tip contains about 8.00 damaging elements. while the american rocket has a much more modest launch mass and efficiency. its maximum range the flight is only 19 km, the altitude is limited to fifteen, and the forty-kilogram warhead is assembled from steel rods, which , upon detonation, form a ring with a maximum width of 8 m and do not hit every target. that is, serious shortcomings appeared even at the design stage, which did not stop the gang from the bank from boasting. the joint american-ukrainian development should be considered nothing less than revolutionary. i wonder how they will make excuses now that the mutant was easily dealt with by russian weapons. even in the title it’s clear that, well, how
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in general, its creators themselves relate to this system. the only thing you can be proud of here is resourcefulness, yes, when you put together something from what you had at hand, which somehow still fights and shoots, well, to say that this is a progressive ultra-modern development, well, of course, well here... there’s no question of that, and naturally, their production itself relies on a non-renewable source of spare parts for it, yes, that is, the same, that means, the running chassis of the soviet air defense that they use, they use without producing them, that is, only what can still be found to restore reserves, but with our technologies, regardless of whether they are defense or not, everything is still in perfect order, and even those who guaranteed failure cannot do without them. from everything connected with russia, in poland and lithuania, as it turned out, large-scale searches are taking place at the companies involved in the construction of the gas pipeline gipl, warsaw and vilnius proudly called it the first, completely european,
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they say not a single russian part was used, but soon the pathos had to be reduced. when they began to conduct this investigation, that the czechs bought russian parts and said that they produced them themselves, but this is gorgeous, to be honest, it makes me happy, thank god, that means. not everything is lost for them, they still figured out to erase these russian markings from the parts when they were building this pipeline, but one does not cancel the other, this is still such a fraud on the scale of the european union, i can already see how all these gentlemen who tore the hair on their heads and in all other intimate places must now go there with hammers, with crowbars and dismantle it as a russian threat, so that the strength of russophobia is tested. again did not pass, the sanctions put them in an extremely uncomfortable position, first of all , the west itself, although it, of course, does not admit this , will hide the truth until the end under the veil of ridiculous fakes, which we will certainly
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continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel. well, our broadcast the “week in the city” program will continue. good morning, we have the main story again. we can only rely on the skill of the pilot. firstly, we cannot see where we are going. rublevo arkhangelskaya. when will the next line of the moscow metro be launched? the most important thing is to create
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your own car. and what models will come off the assembly line at moskvich. we 'll show you everything. a car is becoming cheaper for russians. this will all be cut down and rolled into concrete. coastal defence. who wants to take away a century-old park from the residents of the moscow region? the administration is aware. and is it possible to defend the territory, high fences did not stop denis voskovsky. here they claim that they are going to do landscaping. in their stove, let's better try the bully. the modest charm of the bourgeoisie, what secrets does the legendary morozov mansion hide? he covers the hole in the wall. and why do merchants need a human-sized fireplace? irina baranova makes history. the family grew, became rich, built, bought and refurbished.
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so, the moscow automobile industry, which stopped for just a few months after the demonstrative withdrawal of french investors at the beginning of 2022, is reaching a new level; the moskvich sconbayra plant, which now produces three models of cars, has moved from skd assembly to the so-called full cycle technology, that is, for example,
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now it comes unfinished, it is completely welded and painted in russia. why is this important and what are the prospects for the legendary enterprise? we looked at what was happening in the assembly shops. the most modern industrial robots with the finest electronic tuning work in tandem with working professionals. some have tireless precision, others have experience and a sense of responsibility. this is a new small-unit assembly line. previously, cars were assembled from large units, this is loading the plant and loading new jobs, this is one, the second thing is that, of course, a car becomes cheaper for a russian, now it’s hard to believe that at the beginning of the spring of twenty-two there was twilight here, the staff was on vacation, and the silence of the suddenly empty workshops did not evoke any optimism, but this did not last long. we are moving to a full
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technological assembly cycle. perhaps the first in the country among those factories that were stopped by western investors, we will deepen localization, and most importantly, create your own car. two important workshops were opened at the plant: a welding paint shop, they are now an integral part of the production of the moskvich 3 models and its electric version, moskvich 6, while they are being assembled on the old line, this year they will start installing their own batteries and tires on the car, then the transition. on its metal and its stamping, in the next few months the plant expects to launch production of a new model of a seven-seat crossover. well, the moscow metro recently turned 89 years old, and despite such a respectable age, the subway continues to grow, it must be admitted that it looks much better than in its youth. during this time, the metro went from 13 to 294 stations, such a large-scale
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expansion. was not in any city in the world, this week new tunnels began to be laid on the future rublevo-arkhangelskaya line, it will serve the north-west of the capital, the construction of the troitskaya and beryulevskaya branches is in full swing, when trains will start running along them, to find out, we went deep underground. there are, of course, fewer monitors than on an airplane, but more than in the most modern car. the giant crawls forward using these instruments.
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shovels and jackhammers, a labor feat of incredible scale, a transport revolution. over the years, another 14 lines have been added, another beryulevskaya is being designed, and two are under construction, troitskaya will open its first section this year, and rubleva arkhangelskaya, it will have 10 stations from the business center to ilyinskaya, this is already a castle, we are launching two more tunnels accounts at rublevo the arkhangelsk line, a very important line, entering the novorizhskoe highway, will remove part of
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the load from... this very, very intense and overloaded direction.


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