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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 19, 2024 7:30pm-7:52pm MSK

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tel will receive grants in the amount of up to 500 million rubles. period up to 5 years with the possibility of extension up to 3 years. a gradual move to russia is an important condition for researchers receiving megagrants. during the first year they need to spend at least 3 months in the country, in 2025, at least 6 months, in subsequent years, that today our scientists have brought closer the deciphering of ronga-ronga, the mysterious writing of the ancient islanders, but they said about them that sami they were
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such savages that they picked up the idea of ​​recording speech with signs from european colonizers or even aliens. today on our air there is a special report about the upcoming film easter island, russian cipher. on the advice of other guests, glasses with the letters rongo-rongo. and this is what was cut out, interesting. this was carved, as is generally believed, either with the tooth of a cochelot or with obsidian. obsidian - volcanic glass, very sharp, cochelot tooth, you pronounce it like a routine for you, the yaropanuians adorn themselves with necklaces from the teeth of the inhabitants of the deep sea, that one of our learned compatriots who learned, all our stories are all ours doubts, so the colonialists left the muay statues alone, probably too heavy to destroy, but they would let them be destroyed...
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but you can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum every. open a deposit on! from fascism, there is a day without monuments to those who fell for freedom, there are no cemeteries without partisan plots, even if there are always flowers on the monuments of russian surnames, red lamps are burning, these are their heroes whom they buried next to theirs. 79 years have passed, italy not only... remembers, it is trying to return the name of every soviet soldier who died for their freedom. at dawn on april 8, 1944, the commander gave the order to hold out until 11 am; a couple of hours of head start and a volunteer were needed. knowing that
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he would die, he realized this, he understood this, that is why he did not leave anyone with him, to give everyone the opportunity to survive at the cost of their lives. they took it out, well, basically this whole town was cut down, nikola had a machine gun, a convenient position, oh-oh, nikolai buyanov’s feat saved the lives of three towns, a punitive detachment was sent to the kastelny area and sabioni at the beginning of july forty-four, the partisans gave no rest to the germans, raids began, they shot everyone, 200 people in 4 days, they still helped the partisans, there is a caduto here.
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he didn’t even know how long they had been looking for him with awards, this was the thirty-sixth brigade,
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it would cut off communications between florence and bologna, cut off the nazis’ telephone communications, bridges, trains, goyev didn’t write home about this, when he returned, he didn’t tell him what it was like to return from captivity , everyone knew, interrogations, questions, no rewards, palmiro tolyatti himself asked brezhnevo to find our sandro, having arrived in moscow, garibaldi. i understand very well why he didn’t say anything, he never said anything at all, here he is, and this is the only photo we still have there there are italian photographs, yes, there is a brigade, yes, this is the samoyat brigade, this is where they photographed it, they really loved to photograph, there are a lot of photographs, but this is the only photograph,
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and yes, among them is abramov. the autumn of '44 was very long. the germans are retreating, but they have the advantage. here the partisans hid their weapons and rested before the most difficult times.
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the highest award of a gold medal for military valor on the battlefield, italy awarded four of its heroes, our soviet partisans. buyanov died in tuscany, fedor poet, buried with luke in genoa. we are in the friul venezia region, the very border with
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austria, the last bridgehead of the wehrmarcht, and another tragic story of the war: a special operation. in order to keep the north from coping with the partisans who proclaimed this zone the free partisan republic of carnia, the fascists are transporting here by truck 30 thousand cossack families from the captured don, promising these lands after the victory against the cossacks an entire russian battalion under the command of daniil avdeev. july 27, 44th battalion commanded by daniel daniil avdeev they are entrusting your: the most important special operation, to cut off the oxygen supply to the punitive battalion of the wehrmacht, leaving them on the other side of the talyamenta river. our partisans blow up four pillars of a bridge near the village of braunilis, a strategic artery for the entire friuli region. soviet cavalry captain daniil fedorovich avdeev - hero
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of italy, posthumously. in november 44 , his brigade ambushed the german column and was destroyed. but daniel died, an orthodox christian, so he will bury the clausette behind the outer walls of the city cemetery, such were the rules, you can see how they suffered, but how the partisans tried, knocking out these lines in cyrillic instead of the soft sign b, this place is in all guidebooks, paths of memory, that’s what the italians call them, they definitely won’t get lost on these paths with memory, among them, among ordinary italians, everything is very good.
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now it’s 20124, i’m absolutely delighted, i ’m amazed, very cool, informative, i just love children, this is unreal, an unreal movie, this is right on the level, this is a childhood story, this is a lady from the future, a film from the future and... from the future to the past and from the past to the future, once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, but the music, graphics, i liked the humor, i’m not from the parent committee, i don’t have any substitute teacher. the main thing remains love, i see how he looks at you, the way he looks, well, the way they look, he looks like that, there are so many different things, surprise, of course, like that, 10 out of 10,
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brilliant choice, it will be interesting just everyone, we’ll meet in the future, tell me when 100 years from now.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. so, darkness and rain make it difficult to find the helicopter president of iran. the flight, despite the participation of forty emergency teams, on sunday the presidential plane made a hard landing near the border with azerbaijan. it is difficult to pass high.
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