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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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the country will pass the stress test very quickly and answering specifically your question about what will happen next, well, we can say the following: indeed, now many people are pinning their hopes on interim president mohammed mokhber, who, well, in fact, is such a certain risi's successor from the point of view of his views, from the point of view of his positions, he is actually his follower, so in principle, by and large , nothing will change, now, of course, the gentleman will need to work on how to strengthen their position is in...
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danger, well, i must say that it is quite possible that in the near future the first results of the investigation will be known, although it has already become known, which means that weather conditions were precisely the reason the crash of a helicopter on board which carried the iranian president, the ambassador of the islamic republic in belarus in minsk said this, and as if, in principle, this version was put forward as one of the most important topics, that is, by the specialists who are involved in this matter, but that’s all... well one way or another it will happen initiated, that is, people will observe accordingly, a special commission will be created, which will, say , monitor the main aspects of the provisions of what actually happened, because this is of course a high-profile case, ibrahim reisi, let the president of iran be there - this means such a second person in the hierarchy state system of iran and of course its death is a blow to the iranian state system as such, and naturally the iranians will not leave this matter one way or another, i think that after a while we will learn quite interesting messages, but...
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the country still continues to have problems, by the way, i want to remind you that in the modern history of iran something similar already happened in 1981, when, strictly speaking, as a result of a terrorist attack , both the president and prime minister of iran were killed the system has survived, despite the fact that iran is in the midst of the iraq war, so i think that there won’t be any particular problems here, now the system is much simpler, stronger than in the eighty-first year, so i think in principle there won’t be any problems , failures it definitely won’t, but how can the usa and israel use this situation now, what to expect from them? hand, especially in the context
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of the upcoming elections in the united states. well, it must be said that israel, first of all, declared yesterday, also declared that it had no part in what happened, has no relation to what happened, moreover, even today since the israeli official authorities have stated that they have nothing to do with this, their position, as it were, in principle, is that, well, how iran would be an enemy state for them, but that means they are abstracted from this kind of, any... or such issues, because i think that, of course, there are certain lines that should not be crossed, as for the americans, then here , too, very delicate nuances arise, why? because, in principle, initially, the biden administration tried to improve relations with reisi with minister abdalakhian, who, by the way, initiated the negotiation process on the nuclear deal, thanks, by the way, that means because our country had just launched the negotiation process, and we were trying to bring them closer together.
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iran, in principle, just realized for itself how the deal could be put to an end, but that they have nothing to negotiate with the west, the americans understand this very well, so now we see with you that iran, in fact, is precisely through the efforts of the just work was done on how to determine their geopolitical vector, that is, where they are, what they are...
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people who recognize its physical syndrome do not always have a clear idea, they definitely do not agree with each other regarding its nature and origin. in 2008, a woman named chris newby made a documentary about lyme disease, at that time it was becoming a serious global disease, and its origin was a mystery, there were various rumors, but no one knew for sure. the documentary is called under our skin, here is a selection. some infectious disease doctors. they don’t believe in lyme disease and they say that i’m pretending, i’m faking it so as not to go to school, lyme is the most a rapidly growing infectious disease in the country, 2000 cases per year, maybe more, it is a political and economic disease, as well as
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a bacterial infection, i would never have thought that a bacterial infection could be so politicized, what really? can be so distorted, i am in despair every day, i cry every day, i want to die every day. when i met the doctor, he said: “you have a long road ahead, it won’t be easy, so it scared me, the unknown is very scary, it’s a crisis.” national health care, which is completely ignored, is hushed up. what 's happening? you could, and some have, chalked it up to your imagination, but there are real neurological symptoms, and if you know anyone who has had it, you know it's very real. so again, what is it? chris newby has spent a lot of time researching this topic. she has personally experienced lyme disease and
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is the author of bitten, the secret history of bioweapons and lyme disease. she joins us now. thank you very much for the interview. so, would you? thank you for inviting me. oh sure, so can you give us a quick overview of what a lime is? so, lyme disease is caused by speroketal bacteria and you can get it through a tick bite. and if you immediately receive treatment with doxycycline or amoxicillin, it will go away. the problem is that very often the diagnosis is made incorrectly.
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so if there is a disease spread by ticks and there are a lot more ticks, there will be a lot more cases of the disease, has that been measured, is that measurable? yes i would say just. cases of lyme disease are on the rise, which proves that ticks bite people, the centers for disease control and prevention estimates that there are half a million cases a year, that's an average of 1,300 people a day, so it's important why they
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spread so quickly, i talk about this a little bit in the book, there's definitely global climate change happening, which means the winters aren't as harsh and... by the way, maine and other northern states, but the question is, how is that, i mean, if you're 75 , you don't know lyme disease unless you're 15, you're worried about it, it hasn't been that long, where do you think it came from? while researching for my book, i discovered that lyme disease was not a problem, a noticeable problem, until the mid -seventies. my research has shown that there are in fact three very dangerous tick-borne diseases that have emerged in
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the area around lyme, connecticut at the mouth of the connecticut river, right across from plum island, which was the headquarters of the us bioweapons research program. so at the end the sixties at the peak of the us biological weapons program. these three bizarre diseases appeared: first , lyme arthritis caused by spirachetes, then rectiosis, rocky mountain spotted fever, and then a parasite of cattle. this was the second time it was found in people in that area. the parasite is called babesia, and i contracted lyme disease and babesiosis, which can be fatal and are serious diseases. so, all three, that is, are actually observed. concentration three previously rare diseases right across the river from government
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bioweapons testing centers, i heard you correctly. yes, if you work at the centers for disease control and prevention, monitoring natural or unnatural disease outbreaks, the emergence of three new tick-borne diseases more...deadlier than before will trigger your attention and investigation, which is what happened. sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory to me if rare early diseases suddenly appear nearby with the place of biological weapons development, this does not mean. okay, the ministry of health agency conducted an investigation, what did they find? well, a housewife from lyme. conn. paulie murray was the first to start documenting, she started knocking on the doors
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of local health departments and the centers for disease control and prevention, and it took 7 years before the center responded. there was a doctor named allen steere from yale university, he was an employee of the epidemic service intelligence and he started investigating and he realized that it was transmitted by ticks, but pathogenic. and this is where he discovered. so, the common story is, he discovered that spirachete causes this ring-shaped rash. he said that exactly... it is the cause of the disease, and you should not panic, just take doxycycline for 2 weeks and the problem
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will disappear, but it did not disappear, then my book gained popularity, i began to study the prehistory and wonder what really happened case, and people related to this story behaved unusually, as a rule, when you discover a new dangerous disease, you say: oh, this is terrible, give us money, we will study it, but instead they became more and more secretive, so you believe that willy burgdorfer, who i think is no longer alive, knew the truth about , what happened, and what do you think is true? well, i was working on a documentary about lyme disease with a fresh perspective, because i knew nothing about this disease until my husband and i got infected, and unusually, the symptoms listed on the center's website for...
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"i need to attend this interview, there are things willie can't talk about, and the director indignantly kicked him out, but during this interview, willie hinted that lyme disease is more than the public health version. this disease is not just a rash, it greatly affects the nervous system and is especially dangerous for children. and two weeks of doxycycline doesn't help, they know that the disease can become chronic, this was our first convincing evidence that with lyme disease not everything is as it seemed at first glance, and we released a film, and one thing, one of the aspects that we touched on in the film was the conflict of interest in medicine,
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because around the same time that lyme disease was discovered, researchers from the university. as intellectual property to monetize, anyway we released the film, there were rumors about lyme island and lyme disease as a bioweapon, but we knew enough to tell the patients' stories the story of the conflict, and then i ended up with it and got a great job on article writing for stanford medical school, i
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was going to stop and move on with my life, but then two things happened within a month, i... said: i can't let this story go, i just need to know what 's really going on with this disease. he said that in 1962, he did the strangest thing in his entire crazy career, which was dropping poisonous ticks on cubans working in sugar cane plantations. the operation was called mongoose. so, this was the first evidence that we were introducing ticks into another country. v as a biological weapon and one more thing: one of my director friends turned to vela burgdorfer at the end of a very long interview , he said: yes, when i was researching lyme disease in the late seventies, early eighties, there was another organism, not only the causative agent of lyme made people sick, it happened, and i was told to hide it,
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it was probably rickettia, he didn't reveal all the information, but what he said was... confirmed by copies of his laboratory books and subsequent interviews i had with him i took, excuse my ignorance, what kind of disease you just described, that other one, requetsia, so requetsia, the same organism that causes rocky mountain spotted fever, and it's the deadliest tick-borne disease in the united states. at that time, the us military was using this microorganism as a weapon, they were trying to introduce it into ticks, so what is a tick as a weapon? in an interview, willie said the following: i spent over 10 years in the biological weapons program working for a contractor
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fortric, working to weaponize fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. trying to mass produce them by infusing fleas with plague, infusing comoros with the deadly trinidadian virus, and then infusing ticks with fatal or incapacitating diseases such as relapsing fever, venezuelan equine encephalitis , rabies, leptospirosis, which is caused by another spirachete, so... . is trying to create new diseases by mixing bacteria and viruses in ticks to create the perfect hidden one. weapons are nukes for the poor, you throw these insects on the enemy, it weakens the population, ties up
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medical resources, but does not destroy infrastructure, unlike a nuclear bomb, one military report said, tuleremia, tick-borne tuleremia, aka rabbit fever, can kill 1000 people at a cost of $1 and 33. similar experiments were carried out on plum island, is this confirmed? well, on plum island they only dealt with animal diseases. there was
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another branch in maryland of ford detrick, they produced weapons against people, but i don’t know exactly where and what leaks took place, because what if you drew a five mile circle around a lime tree, and several military bases. many pharmaceutical companies were funded by the military to develop treatments for these diseases, so they had to have samples of them in place. so, my investigation continues, and there are a couple of, well, first of all, let's go back. to turn a living system into a weapon, such as a beetle.
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and then there will be larger studies, for example at the dugway proving ground in utah, so there were many possible places leaks from any accidents that may have occurred under this program. on weapons development, so what willie said, and i think he's a really credible witness, because he had
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the most to lose by admitting at the end of his life, i hid something really important, and now i feel guilty. his fame came at age 56 when he discovered lyme disease. so he said, and he didn't give me details about the organism that was the biological weapon. but he said: accidents have happened, so my next job is to try to figure out where the leak was, and most importantly, why in this very, very small area there were a lot of tick-borne diseases, some of them also appeared in northern wisconsin, where we had biological weapons is a place where genetic engineering was carried out as part of a program to create biological weapons. so,
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breezy virginia, the tick researchers had an army contract and a contract with the atomic energy commission and were testing ticks. lone star as a potential weapon. the thing about these ticks is that they were from the south, and they were originally identified in texas, below the mason dixon line, but here he was on the mason dixon line, testing hundreds of thousands of alien ticks, and he wanted to see how far they could go.
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pregnant ticks, they are called pregnant, they contain from two to 400 eggs, he injected them with a radioactive isotope. the ticks hatched all their larvae, and then they remained radioactive throughout their lives. so, first of all you are going to release them into the wild, will this cause mutations within the organisms, but one way or another he took a thousand ticks. thousand ticks per square put them in a swampy field, and then he and his assistants went out there every month, they used a geiger counter to find out how far the ticks had penetrated during that time, and then wrote studies that are actually in the open access, but this is an open-air test on the atlantic
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bird migration route. and really after after these trials ended, long island experienced an unusual epidemic of rocky mountain spotted fever, which is spread by this species of tick. many people died, usually there was one death a year on long island in the late sixties, but after this experiment more than 100 people became seriously ill. there were quite a few deaths, which is why willy burgdorfer opened up to try to find out what happened there, the fact is that this is just one experiment that we know of as part of the program to create biological weapons, why is this important now, because of human arrogance, we cannot control nature, and if we are going to play god create new microorganisms inside the mites and then
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release. thank you, yes, yes, thank you very much for talking.
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iran mourns the death of members of the delegation; a five-day mourning period has been declared in the islamic republic. the funeral will take place tomorrow in tabri. the russian president expressed his condolences; flowers are being brought to the iranian embassy in moscow. in the lpr, a series of powerful explosions, security forces are hitting civilians in the village of yubileiny, already french-made rockets are known. how is the situation there now? meeting of the president of russia with the head of the region kazbek kokov, a conversation about the development of kabardino-balkaria, where the head is aimed at attracting investments.


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