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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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may 20, that is, today vladimir zelensky’s term of office as head of ukraine expires, but he is trying in every possible way to hold on to power. what will the kiev regime do without a legitimate president? let's talk about how western propaganda is trying to circumvent ukrainian laws. the russian military is moving deeper into the enemy’s defenses in the kharkov direction. the goal is to push back the formation of the armed forces of ukraine from the border of the belgorod region. we are waiting for the last ones.
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and the finish line before the unified state exam. rosubornadzor gave answers to the questions most interesting to graduates. is it possible for graduates of previous years to take the unified state exam and what rules will apply to ninth-graders and eleventh-graders in sevastopol. so, at these moments , a memorial ceremony for the deceased president ibrahim raisi is taking place in iranian tabriz. the bodies of other members of the delegation who died as a result of a helicopter crash were also brought to the city. tomorrow is the funeral. we will find out more details right now from our correspondent in the region, leila alnazarova. leila, welcome, please tell us what known by this moment? georgy, natalya, greetings. the iranian government held
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an emergency meeting and issued a statement after the death of president risi and other government officials of the country. the cabinet of ministers expressed condolences over the incident and emphasized that there would be no disruptions in the governance of the country. it seems to me that the iranians have developed a whole system of measures aimed at ensuring that in case of possible surprises.
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political and religious figures of the country, according to article 131 of the constitution of the country, in in the event of the death of the president, his powers are transferred to the first deputy from 2021, this position is occupied by 68-year-old muhammad mukhber. the first vice president is considered close to supreme leader hali khaminiya, who has the final say on all iranian government matters. according to the constitution, the first vice president will act as president; a council consisting of the head of the judiciary, the speaker of parliament and the first vice president are required to decide on the election of a new president in within 50 days. it is reported that iran's acting president has already created six special committees to govern the country in the near future. vladimir putin has already had a telephone conversation with muhammad. the leader
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expressed his deepest condolences over the tragedy in iran. mogber, in turn , expressed sincere gratitude for the words of sympathy and support in this difficult time for the country on both sides, which will emphasize the mutual desire to further strengthen the comprehensive russian-iranian interactions. let me remind you that the head of iran’s ministry of foreign affairs was also on board the crashed helicopter; his duties will be temporarily performed by assistant minister of foreign affairs ali bagheri kani. also.
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as already noted, the funeral will take place tomorrow in tabriz, the governor of the province of east azerbaijan announced this, iranian authorities say that the bodies of president ibrahim reisi, who died in... the disaster, and his entourage were burned, but they could be identified. therefore, dna tests are not required. the message emphasizes that only the body ayatolah al-hashem was in better physical condition, had fewer burns, as he was alive within an hour of the helicopter crash and even made phone calls to the head of the presidential administration. in connection with the tragedy in iran , five days of general national mourning have been declared in the country and in all countries abroad. flags are flown at half-mast and mourning is declared in pakistan and lebanon as a sign of solidarity. colleagues. yes, thank you, leila. our correspondent leila alnazarova was in touch with the facts. she spoke about the details of the helicopter crash, on board which iranian president ibrahim raisi was present.
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the iranian embassy in moscow lowered its flag at half-mast after the death of the country's president and foreign minister. as a sign of memory, some representative offices on pokrovsky boulevard leave roses. people come with bouquets of themselves. all over the world , condolences are being expressed in connection with the death of iranian president ibrahim rasi. in addition, the arab and turkish media are discussing what could have caused the tragedy. natalya goncharova collected the latest data. the russian embassy in tehran expressed condolences after the death ibrahim raisi and his associates. the diplomats wished the iranians patience and mental fortitude. we were very eager to help iran, according to the decision of the president. rescuers from the russian ministry of emergency situations were urgently sent to russia as a sign of solidarity with our iranian friends; the national flag of the russian federation on the embassy building will be lowered. prime minister of pakistan shahbat sharif addressed the citizens of the islamic republic. islamabad declared mourning as a sign of solidarity
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with the people of iran. the countries of the arab world also joined the words of sorrow, for example, the president of egypt abdulfattah assisi and mirkator, sheikh tamim ibn hamad al thani, the president of the uae. muhammad ibn zayed al-nahyan. ricep tayyip erdogan also shared his memories of working meetings with reisi. i remember mr. raisi with gratitude and respect as a colleague whose efforts to bring peace to the iranian people and our region i personally witnessed. three days of mourning after the death of raisi were announced in lebanon and syria ; the iranians were contacted by the european union. the president of the european council, charles michel, said that brussels expresses condolences to the families of the victims. meanwhile, the arab media is analyzing the causes of the accident. the iranian president and his associates flew from azerbaijan on an american-made bel-212 helicopter. an aviation analyst on al-jazeera expressed his opinion on the possible reasons for his fall. i believe the weather played
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a key role here. there was fog, rain, snow, mountainous terrain. most likely, the helicopter was hit by a main rotor blade during the pilot's maneuver when he was trying to land the plane. there may have been a technical problem but we also cannot exclude the possibility that the helicopter’s tail rotor stopped working. now, until the elections, presidential powers will pass to mahammad mahber. he is an experienced politician and served as an officer in the medical corps of the islamic revolutionary guard during the iran-iraq war. he was on the eu sanctions list for 2 years. arab and turkish media are analyzing how tehran's policy will change after raisi's death and whether this was outside interference. iran's president occupies a different position than many countries, but for example in the president of turkey is the head of the country in the usa , the same thing, an important link in the structure of the entire system, and if he is not there, the system
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will break, but in iran there is a religious leader, it is he who makes the main strategically important decisions for the state, if you look from this position, then a change of president... will lead to significant changes. no disruptions to the government system are expected in iran. in an islamic republic, all aspects are provided for in the constitution. this has been proven over 40 years of its work. the country can quickly adapt. even before the official announcement of the death of racey and other high-ranking officials, the american atlantic published a material with the headline who benefits from the death of the iranian president. the publication predicts a fierce political struggle in the islamic republic and at the same time. spreading fake news about fireworks tonight in tehran. elections in iran after the death of the president, according to the country's constitution , must be held within 50 days. natalya goncharova, lead. vladimir putin spoke with the acting head of the executive
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iranian authorities by mahamed mahber. the russian leader expressed his deepest condolences to the supreme leader of iran ali khaminiya, mohammad makber to the entire iranian people in connection with the tragic death of forever. signs international agreements, is responsible for the state planning budget, but the work of the government is led by the spiritual leader and the majlis. magber will perform the functions of russia, not until the end of his presidential term in...
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their views in politics have not been quite popular in the country for the first decade, however, there is
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another candidate, the speaker of parliament, mahammad ghalibav, a former officer of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, the media call him a technocrat, but this does not mean that he is devoid of political ambitions; he ran for the presidency in 2007, in 2013, in 2017, but lost each time. the names of former foreign minister mohammed javad are also named. and former parliamentary speaker ali larijani. they are considered more liberal politicians than raisi makhber, the world press is now speculating on a different topic. ibrahim reisi was called the most likely successor the spiritual leader of iran, ayataly khamenia, who is already 85. well, now, and as politics writes, in fact, the only contender for the highest post in the country remains khamenia’s son matshtaba. so these are the layouts. now directly. in connection with the facts, co-chairman of the group on cooperation of the federation council with the assembly of the islamic council of iran, first
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deputy chairman of the federation council committee on science, education, culture, dmitry vasilenko, dmitry yuryevich, hello, yes, dmitry yuryevich, hello, thank you for taking the time, to talk to us about how the federation council as a whole reacted to this tragedy in iran and , above all, how russia can help in the investigation of this catastrophe and how we can generally support iran now. yes, we know that the president had a meeting. was realized, you know that from january 1 , iran entered the brix system, we had
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big plans, and risi set the task of economic development of russia and iran, now it is 4 billion dollars, he asked to raise the bar to 40 billion dollars, at the very least when our delegation was 4 months ago in iran, he already asked for 50 billion dollars, he was for development, he was for us exchanging scientific... personnel , before we exchange, first of all , cultural personnel, everything that related to development , this, of course, concerned, naturally , security and defense, he always supported the russian federation, so of course, after the first reports came that the helicopter with president raisi had disappeared from the radar, it was not surprising that the head of state russian...
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flew to the place, but unfortunately, to great misfortune, it was still a disaster, so it happened, and russia, as far as external political matters are concerned, of course, lost a very big ally in the person of the president of russia, yeah, but what about now in connection with this tragedy... cooperation between russia and iran in general, how closely do our countries interact at the interparliamentary level, what do you think? projects will now slow down or well this will not affect our cooperation there is nothing wrong nothing bad will happen at all nothing bad will happen mahamed makhbar, firstly, he is also a comrade-in-arms of russia and they have pursued a very serious joint policy, i would like to say that on the contrary, now
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there will be a consolidation of society, misfortune it consolidates society, well, unfortunately, this is what is happening. i would like it for other reasons, but nevertheless, there will be a consolidation of society for about 2-3 weeks, then there may be some provocations from western services that will try to hold presidential elections within 50 days, and there of course they can start to interfere with something, try to introduce some of their own programs, some of their own, some kind of color revolutions, but this is unlikely to work with iran, because iran has experienced very difficult losses more than once. i want to tell you that we are always deeply immersed in history, there was the year 1981, the prime minister died on the same day, the president died during a terrorist attack, and yet iran withstood this blow, that’s what concerns, something else will happen, i don’t see any difficulties for
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suddenly, some things would suddenly begin to interfere with the development of russia and iran, i think it’s the other way around. mahad will now do everything, as acting president, as a presidential candidate, as the main presidential candidate, everyone else, i think that they are good candidates, they have chances, they naturally have their voter, but i think that most likely that will win this race, it seems to me that most likely this will happen, accordingly, he will naturally pursue policies that will be beneficial to russia, and if we look at the whole the state of affairs in the region, how tragic do you think these are? events in iran, can they have an overall impact on the entire middle east conflict? now, maybe you understand that now a lot of people will try to speculate and start saying that, well, for example, it was not an easy plane crash, let’s try to collide a couple of states there, yeah, besides,
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we don’t have very good examples , well, let's take the murder of sulaymaniyah. well, they practically took a person and destroyed him on the territory of the airport, yes head of intelligence and will naturally try to do everything in order to shake up the situation as much as possible and push heads together there as much as possible, for example israel, excuse me for saying that, that’s how the russian language sounds, let’s push israel and iran together there, let’s try to shake things up there this situation, there will certainly be such specialists. but the iranians are a very self-possessed nation, a very smart nation, a very fair nation, and i think everything that will happen now, all the investigations that will take place, all the examinations that will take place appointed in the very near future, all those studies that will probably happen, they will be exposed to the public, they will show
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and tell what really happened, so there is some kind of speculation, some kind of swinging or... a smile will make everyone brighter, from smiles in the sky, your radula will wake up, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely and conveniently
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reported to the president on breakthrough initiatives in the region, vladimir putin paid special attention to the implementation of investment projects. let's start with investment projects, i looked at yours there and this bruss zone is developing little by little and the it park is developing. now we are planning construction, yes, vladimir vladimirovich, we have breakthrough projects that have been approved by the government of the russian federation, this is the development of a resort in the elbrus vtrc, today it is planned to invest 14.5 billion rubles in budget funds for 24-26, all this money goes to infrastructure solutions, namely the expansion of the ski area to 35 kilometers of new lifting mechanisms, parking areas, and so on, but in addition to this , it will be invested there, namely by the participants of the free
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economic zone, about 39 billion rubles will be invested, these are hotel complexes, places of leisure, investment projects are being implemented both in the field of agriculture and housing construction, in two large microdistricts of nalchik very soon in... direction our guys are working well, today prepare guys who work well in programming, they need the necessary infrastructure, because
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they... are all now located on commercial premises, this is where we want to support them, this is in terms of investment, in general in the main capital invested in the twenty-third year was about 68 billion, or 108% compared to the same period last year, a good result, good. the republican budget makes it possible to solve social issues at the local level without resorting to the help of the federal center. the gdp of kabordin balka is also growing. according to forecasts, in 2024 it should reach 320 billion rubles, which is twice as much as in 1918. during the meeting, the president called for special attention to be paid to the construction of new social facilities, in particular kindergartens and schools. of course, you need to pay additional attention on the condition of kindergartens, schools, timely repairs, it is necessary to carry out new construction of a clinic and... just
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a few words, as for kindergartens, on your instructions, we have already started working, prepared, out of 305 publications we need to repair 202 , even this year we are already renovating two large kindergartens at our own expense, in addition, through the program for the integrated development of rural areas, it is also effective, we have renovated two kindergartens, and so in general in the eighteenth year... we introduced 55 new preschool education buildings, and we will continue accordingly. the republic is also implementing a program for the modernization of primary care until 2025; 7.2 billion rubles have been allocated for it. already this year a new clinic will open in nalchik, according to kokov, one of the best in the north caucasus. at the end of the meeting, the head of the region expressed gratitude to the president for the decision to overhaul the children's republican
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clinical hospital. now 17 children receive help there every year. also kozbek kokov called vladimir putin’s decision on social additional payments to doctors the most important for the healthcare system. in the republic this year, more than 5,000 employees of medical organizations will receive such a bonus for a total amount of 1.2 billion rubles. varvara nevskaya, news. russia should be among the top ten leaders in the development of photonics. the task was set by mikhail mishustin. we are talking about the field of science and technology, which studies the properties of light and photons. such knowledge is also used in the field of telecommunications and lasers. the prime minister held a meeting on this issue in sorov. he also visited an exhibition organized by the state corporation rosatom. this is his first trip after being reappointed as head of government. taking into account current tasks and challenges, we adjusted the strategy scientifically.
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technological development of the country, and now it is important to prepare national projects of technological sovereignty in its logic. their implementation will make it possible to create deeply localized high-tech products, raw materials and components in all key areas, and of course, which will allow us to develop science at an accelerated pace, and technology, and the technology that is based on it. of course, this requires a dynamic expansion of the component base, but it also means... both photonics and laser technologies have potential in this area.
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