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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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the freedom we are supposedly fighting for seems to entail a lack of freedom for ukrainians and the risk of dying in battle, this corruption requires a constant system of brainwashing and propaganda to keep the us population from asking questions and not actively opposing the war. i think exactly that. therefore
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, secretary of state antony blinken decided that he should perform with the ukrainian orchestra on his last visit to kiev. but not he, and not those who support him, this is precisely the song about that in the free world not everything is so good and not so free.
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that this step would mean crossing a red line for russia and could lead to civil war. as we know, wikileaks were published, julian assange is in a british prison, awaiting extradition to a country that is persecuting him for revealing these secrets. latest efforts. were made by the people's republic of china, which has developed a plan, a comprehensive 12-point plan, which can lead to the end of destruction and suffering, destruction suffering, if taken seriously, finally, i would like to appeal to the un so that they use their power to investigate the events that are associated with the ukrainian conflict, was destroyed -
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i now give the floor to those members of the security council who wish to make their statements. i give the floor to the representative of the russian federation. first of all, in a national capacity, in our national capacity. is there a translation?
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suffering of ukrainian residents who found themselves without light and food due to aerospace strikes russian forces on various infrastructure facilities of ukrainian cities. all this was accompanied by panegyrics to the zelensky regime, which is supposedly fighting for the freedom and
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independence of its country and enjoys the support of its population. however , in parallel with our meeting, us secretary of state blinken. dashed and danced in one of the nightclubs in the city of kiev, and before that he devoured pizza in a kiev pizzeria, the walls of which were decorated with neo-nazi symbols and photographs, from all this it follows that western colleagues to you and me you have once again gathered, there is light and food in ukraine, despite the two-plus years that first passed a special military operation, there are also neo-nazis there, with whom the kiev... leaders are not going to fight, since they pointedly invited the american guest to similar establishments, the one who came there once, intends to continue to flow with them in this way. colleagues, i think it will not be a revelation for you if i say that these are not the only
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aspects related to ukraine on which western representatives consistently lie to us or do not tell us, let's bring more, let's bring more. clear examples, for several weeks now in western circles of supporters of kiev’s continuation of hostilities with russia, the mood has prevailed in connection with the release by the united states of a long-awaited large package of military assistance to the zelensky regime. ukraine will really get something from it. this is something that high-ranking local corrupt officials are already happy about. however, the lion's share of the allocated resources will be spent in the united states itself; american officials do not even hide this. in particular, according to according to pentagon chief austin, of the $61 billion tranche allocated in april, about $50 billion will be invested in
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the american military-industrial complex. it is worth adding one more element to this statement, which he omitted. the largest weapons manufacturing companies, rtx corporation. its capitalization increased by 547%. if you don’t believe us, listen to the ukrainian leader. this is what he said about the new american tranche in a recent interview with abc. this is money, this money is not
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given to ukraine. this is money spent on american factories, creating jobs in the usa. end of quote. in addition, it is obvious to military experts that there is no such super-snake.
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it is these crimes, as we know, that the bandera junta commits, regularly shelling belgorod, donbass and other russian regions. the west not only shows miracles and selective blindness in such cases, but also openly allows attacks on russian targets. this is already having an impact on the mood of western voters, which washington, london and brussels are trying to attribute to the harmful influence of russia. the truth is that since 2014, washington and its allies have created an experimental guinea
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pig in ukraine and set themselves the task of growing it into something that would annoy russia and, ideally, would interfere with our development. however , the main element of the transformation of this pig was pumping ukraine with weapons under the guise of the minsk agreements and brainwashing it in a russophobic, nationalist and neo-nazi spirit.
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the same puppeteers who did not allow ukraine to conclude a peace treaty acceptable to her. today they are leading ukraine to complete and unconditional collapse. mr. chairman, those who really care about ukrainians about ukraine are persistently trying to find an effective way to resolve the ukrainian crisis. i think they paid attention to mr. bareilles's confession of beauty. european garden, that if the west stops supplying weapons to the kiev
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regime, the conflict in ukraine will end in 2 weeks, you can’t say more precisely, and no matter how western sponsors of kiev try to imagine their help as a contribution to the self-defense of ukraine for any unbiased, unbiased, or even just thinking person, it is obvious that without their harmful intervention the conflict would have ended long ago, or rather, would never have begun. after all, russia and ukraine are fraternal to the people and they will remain so even after the puppet kiev regime ceases to exist. it is no coincidence that millions of ukrainians fled from him to russia and feel completely safe in our country. dear colleagues, it is important that this was understood by those of you who are trying to make efforts to resolve the ukrainian crisis diplomatically. we have never given up diplomacy. unlike the kiev leader, who, in addition, legally prohibited himself from any negotiations
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with russia. since, as the western ukrainian press admits, today is the last day of his legitimate stay in power, in accordance with the constitution of his own country, any possible mediators must take this circumstance into account, because discussing any issues, especially signing any documents with leaders who have lost legitimacy is contrary to common sense. in addition, any potential negotiations must take fair consideration of russia's security concerns and be based on new territorial realities. the pseudo-peace conference planned for june in switzerland is a continuation of previous failed meetings held in copenhagen, jeddah, malta in dawas, and in principle does not bring any added value. the basis of the discussion at this meeting will be as follows: the so-called zelensky peace formula, which
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a representative from kiev confirmed to us all during a meeting of the security council last week. the kiev leader does not hide that the main task of the meeting is to develop an ultimatum divorced from reality, which they will subsequently try to impose on our country. of course, all these efforts will be countable. now the west is actively inviting countries of the global south to these gatherings in order to present their participation as comprehensive support for kiev. we will probably hear similar calls today. not make a mistake, evil plan to the sponsor. the event consists of presenting guests with a supposedly non-confrontational agenda, with particular emphasis on issues of nuclear and food security, freedom of navigation, exchange of prisoners and prisoners, and the return of children, and then presenting their presence as supposedly joining a hopeless ultimatum to russia. it looks frankly strange
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for switzerland to pretend to be a neutral mediator. as is known. was demilitarized and denazified, and the rights of its russian-speaking citizens of national minorities would be fully ensured, in other words, so that the root causes that provoked the start of our special military operation would be eliminated. if bern and his allies were interested in finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict, they
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would have proposed these very issues for discussion at the conference. however, they are still in illusion. that the hands of ukrainians can inflict defeat on russia on the battlefield. in this, of course, they are mistaken, which is exactly what the russian army is proving on the field battle. i hope that you all understand that without eliminating the root cause of the ukrainian conflict, it will not be possible to ensure lasting peace. we are ready to work with everyone who shares this position, who does not want, together with the collective west and the zelensky regime, to bear responsibility for the senseless destruction of tens of thousands. ukrainians who do not want to continue hostilities, thank you, this was a live broadcast from the un, where a meeting of the security council is taking place. benefit generator in bemfidio eldorado, interest-free super discounts
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the personnel problem in medicine and more. today this topic was discussed by vladimir putin at a meeting with the head of the republic of kazbek koku. about the results of this conversations with our colleague varvara nevskaya. the focus of this meeting in the kremlin is the development of kabardin balkaria in the socio-economic, tourism and agricultural sectors. russian federation, this includes the development of a resort in the elbrus vtrc. today , it is planned to invest 14.5
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billion rubles in budget funds for 24-26. all this money goes towards infrastructure solutions, namely the expansion of the ski area to 35 km, new lifting mechanisms, parking areas, and so on, but in addition to this, there will be investments there. namely participants of the free economic zone about 39 billion rubles will be invested in hotel complexes, leisure facilities, investment projects are being implemented both in the field of agriculture and housing construction. more than a million square meters of new housing will soon appear in two large microdistricts of nalchik. according to the head of the republic , ternauzsky will also be launched in the near future.
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they work, they need the necessary infrastructure, because they are all now located on commercial premises, this is where we want to support them, this is in terms of investment, in general they are invested in fixed capital in the twenty-third year, about 68 billion or 108% compared to the same period last year, a good result, good. the republican budget allows you to solve social issues at the local level without resorting to assistance.
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for new construction of a clinic and fap. just a few words: as for kindergartens, on your instructions we have already started work, prepared, out of 305 publications, we need to repair 202. even this year, we are already renovating two large kindergartens at our own expense, in addition, through the program integrated development of rural areas, it is also effective, two children's.
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kokova, one of the best in the north caucasus. a new clinic will open at the end of the meeting, the head of the region expressed gratitude to the president for the decision to overhaul the children's republican clinical hospital. now 17,500 children receive help there every year. kazbek kokov also called it the most important for the healthcare system.
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bodyanskaya, she joins the facts live. maria, welcome, who will be most affected by the tax changes? system, and what will they be? and colleagues, i welcome, well, indeed, those who earn a lot, for example, for 95% of small businesses no changes are envisaged. today in the state duma, it must be said, the first public discussion of changes to the tax system took place, this was the expert council of the committee on the tax budget, and as its participants noted, the main goal is to make the tax system more fair, such... a request, as the deputies said , society was formed a long time ago, but it is necessary to gather the opinions of both citizens and businesses and regions. the main task that we have to solve is to make the current tax system fairer, more stable, ensuring its fundamental conditions, fundamental parameters,
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for at least... 6 years, the predictability of the tax system is perhaps one of the most important requests that today was voiced both by business and by regions and municipalities. according to finance minister anton siluanov, specific parameters of changes have not yet been resolved, but in terms of, for example, taxes for individuals, changes should only affect those who earn a lot.
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the proposals were heard, a direct linear increase in tax rates will lead to an increase in the gap in regional income, which means differentiation will only increase, so we need to look for mechanisms for redistributing income between regions, it is obvious, in my opinion, that the easiest way to do this is through the federal budget.. .


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