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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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russian aviation, artillery and missile forces within 24 hours hit more than 135 areas of concentration of manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. such data is provided today by the ministry of defense. let me clarify that in the donetsk direction alone the enemy lost over 340 personnel, and in the kharkov sector he lost up to 380 militants, according to the latest report in denis alekseev’s material. our troop groups are expanding. control in all
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directions, the fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine are turning into ruins one after another, behind this lies difficult work: artillery preparation, assaults, cleansing terrain, the process is labor-intensive and daily, somewhere the enemy gives up positions and flees without a fight, and somewhere you need to explain to the militants that it’s time to retreat, you won’t last long, and counterattacks won’t help, and how many of them are being undertaken on all fronts, but to the desired this does not lead to results, in the kharkov region a unit of the group north of... two counterattacks, one of them in the staritsa area, this settlement came under russian control a couple of days ago, but apparently, the armed forces of ukraine cannot accept this fact, it is even harder to accept that it's getting more and more difficult hold positions in volchansk, ours are pressing on a hundred meters a day, moving forward towards the city, and these are good results, in this direction kiev’s losses per day are about 400 people, in order to contain the russian advance kiev is sending reserves to the northern direction, from where it is possible, including including western equipment, with which... what
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comes out is that it was an american armored personnel carrier striker, it didn’t last long, it met with our lancet, and so it remained without signs of life on the south-eastern outskirts of volchansk. fighters from the south group liberated strategically important settlement - belogorovka, taking more advantageous positions. during active operations, units of the southern group of forces occupied more advantageous positions. the enemy's manpower and equipment were defeated in the areas of sporny, rozdolovka, and kleshcheevka. and konstantinovka. as a result of successful military operations, belogorivka of the lugansk people's republic was liberated. enemy losses amounted to more than 340 military personnel. three tanks, three cars. in belogorovka everything is tied to a key hill village of belaya gora. the armed forces of ukraine tried to hold it for a long time, but now the line of defense here has fallen. and from this mountain, as the fighters say, seversk is clearly visible, and this is another logistics hub of kiev, for which the militants are fighting. holds out, but after
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leaving belogorovka, the natural question is: how long will they last? on the dnieper, the group of the same name calculated the location and destroyed the enemy’s drg. the fsu officers tried to make a sortie, but they were unable to advance further than the island of pereislavsky. the enemy is now on the defensive, not is taking some offensive actions, based on this we can draw the conclusion that now they are not stockpiling shells, because even for counter-batteries. fighting against us, they use fewer shells than they should use. and these shots do not specify from which direction our artillerymen liquidated the temporary deployment point of the armed forces of ukraine, a lot of personal transport, the militants were hiding somewhere in the private sector, so our military had to demonstrate filigree accuracy, they did not let us down, here are also high-precision pilots a couple with rocket men destroyed the pls of the german iris anti-aircraft complex and the s-125 air defense missile launcher again a blow to... to the sick, without
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that, the poor arsenal of ukrainian air defense systems is losing combat units. denis alekseev, lead. it is extremely difficult, the formation of the mvsu takes place in the ovdeevka sector, where the fighters of the central group of our troops improved the situation along the front line and eliminated more than 330 ukrainian militants, well, in ovdeevka itself. meanwhile, employees of the investigative committee are working, recording the consequences of the occupation of the city by the kiev regime , including the discovery of unmarked graves of civilians. report by pavel prokopenko. a truck with the identification mark 200 drives around avdeevka, stopping in almost every yard. graves in the courtyards of residential buildings, a sign of avdiivka, ukrainian soldiers did not allow the bodies of the dead to be taken to the cemetery, only in this area, say three such deposits. heavy frames, bodies in bags, most often simply wrapped in diapalo, crosses with signs are installed on shallow graves, but there is also an unnamed one. majority people who buried theirs here. relatives
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turn away from the camera, they survived under the fire of the ukrainian armed forces, but could not save their loved ones, during the battles for the city, when the road to the cemetery was cut off, graves grew under the windows of residential buildings. the cemetery is mined, closed, everything is covered, well, that is, it’s better not to go there for your own safety, another grave is in the private sector, among the warning signs there are mines, here in residential buildings ukrainian armed forces soldiers have equipped firing points, there was a machine gun right behind my house , explosions, explosions caused this with those who objected, the conversation was short, in front of alexander’s eyes, they beat up his pregnant daughter-in-law, there were two of them, then... they sent a third one, a young man, so i talked, i say, what are you doing against whom, for what ? why do you pay for these creatures, a gunshot wound is the main cause of death, say forensic experts, we can judge the range of the shot, the weapon
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from which the shot was fired, snipers often shot at civilians, soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, while in avdiivka used civilians. as a human shield, a favorite technique of the neo-nazis of the kiev regime, we tried not to show ourselves on the street, so that this is the same, my husband, because it’s scary, they are with weapons, they will kill everything, they shot all the time, yes, we were hiding in the basements, of course, there was no way was to leave, all the facts collected in avdeevka will become the basis of criminal cases, in the city there is a lot of evidence of war crimes of the kiev regime.
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line , which is slightly 1.8% less than in the same period last year, but we assume
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from the fact that we have agreements on opec plus, and this is a voluntary reduction, in addition, and this reflects general positive trends in the economy, production,... the consumption of electrical energy is steadily growing. since the beginning of this year, compared with the same period last year, this increase was 6.1%. well, also about today’s schedule of the president, vladimir putin held a working meeting with the head of kambordina balkaria on the agenda: the tourism potential of elbrus, the it-park in nalchik, new investment projects, and also construction schools and kindergartens, as well as solving personnel problems in medicine. the results of the meeting will be summed up by varvar nevskaya. the focus of this meeting is in the kremlin.
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yes, vladimir vladimirovich, we have breakthrough projects that have been approved by the government of the russian federation, including the development of a resort in the elbrus vtrc. today, in the twenty-fourth to twenty-sixth year , it is planned to invest 14.5 billion rubles from the budget, all this money goes towards infrastructure solutions, namely the expansion of the ski area to 35 km of new lifting mechanisms. parking places and so on, but in addition , about 39 billion rubles will be invested there by the participants of the free economic zone, these are hotel complexes, places of leisure,
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investment projects are being implemented both in the field of agriculture and housing construction, in two large microdistricts of nalchik more than a million square meters will appear very soon meters new. according to the head of the republic , the ternaus mining and processing plant, specializing in the extraction of tungsten and malebdenum, will also be launched in the near future. work is also underway on its creation.
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or 108% compared to the same period last year, a good result. the republican budget makes it possible to solve social issues at the local level without resorting to the help of the federal center. the gdp of kabordino balkaria is also growing. according to forecasts, in 2024 he should yes...
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already this year a new clinic will open in nalchik, according to kokov - one of the best in the north caucasus. at the end of the meeting, the head of the region expressed gratitude to the president for the decision to overhaul the children's republican clinical hospital. now they receive assistance there every year.
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such tasks, according to prime minister mikhail mishustin, are facing our country in the field of photonics development; the future of one of the most promising markets in the world was discussed today in sorov, where the head of government held a meeting on technological sovereignty; alexandra perfilyeva will tell in more detail. it is important that these devices are now undergoing different, different levels of clinical trials, that is, they are already preparing for work in the medical network. the head of the nuclear center tells the prime minister about the tasks and achievements of the nuclear center. rosatom.
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mishustin, not only an economist, but also an engineer by training, was also interested in working with a 3d printer. photonics is a field of science that studies the properties of light, especially its interaction with matter. the practical application is enormous; the volume of this market is tens of billions of dollars. become a world leader to strengthen the country's technological sovereignty. the prime minister outlined this goal during the meeting.
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in-demand companies that would also open modern ones and be based on these scientific solutions. with taking into account current tasks and challenges, today the market for this technology has been adjusted ; everyone knows this very well; it is one of the most promising in the world. photonic technologies underlie a number of experimental ones. installations created by the state corporation rosata. for example, this giant white ball weighs 120 tons. fel2m has the most powerful laser in the world. its power on target is 2. the most modern technologies and the result of the work of a huge team. unique research in the field of plasma physics is already being carried out on it, thanks to which, of course, it will be the range
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of our own high-tech products has been expanded and significantly expanded. at the meeting in sorov, where the country's nuclear shield was attacked, special attention was given. work on personnel training is important. every year rusatom hires more than 2,700 young specialists. the country's leading universities, united under the auspices of niyau miphi into a consortium of leading universities, are working towards this. a separate topic and special attention is devoted to issues of theoretical physics, and the branch of moscow state university in sorovye is also involved in this work in a special way. the first 42 graduates left the walls moscow state university last year, 32 of them remained in the industry, in vnief, 17 of them are specialists in photonics, thanks to, among other things, young specialists , russia has established its own production of solid-state lasers, one of the main goals is to provide our own russian
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equipment, starting from materials to finished products. alexandra perfileva, news! donald trump wants joe biden to undergo a drug test and intends to make the drug test mandatory for the debates that will take place in june, and the ex-president of the united states made such statements to those affected by the hurricane in texas, where the current head of the american state is in no hurry to come; in general, he prefers to work with a different electorate, which one specifically will our correspondent in the united states valentin bogdanov tell? in pursuit of the elusive african-american voters , joe biden rushes on the jet thrust of all four. his motorcade drove through empty streets, the limousine
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nicknamed the beast, accompanied by motorcyclists , sped off. will biden be able to gather a crowd? they are waiting only people who need to cross the street. it’s still a contrast here; a month ago , donald trump flew to the same city. and the republican who lost in the last election in the state, where there is now a criminal trial against him, was greeted as if he were family, and trump treated them all like family. we 're going to order 30 milkshakes, we 'll give them away to the customers and take some for ourselves. trump then plunged into the crowd at a diner, biden was in a hurry to meet with marhouse college students, but he was not welcome there either. biden's presence spoils our graduation, no one wants to go on stage, we don't want to be political pawns. but he
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himself looks a little like a queen, so biden is clearly discouraged. when i was vice president and things got really bad with the pandemic, barack told me: go to detroit and help there, the poor mayor there, he had to spend much more time with me than he wanted. the well-mannered mayor pretended that everything was so, but in reality, biden spent the entire pandemic in his basement in delaware and has been president of the united states for 3 years in 2020.
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not obama, but trump. the head of the white house has not yet confused him with anyone, this is already at the level. trump doesn't want to lead america, he wants revenge, but you can't build a future based on revenge. trump doesn’t really hide the fact that he wants revenge. just think, our president is a man with a low iq, and he has to deal with steel with chairman xi. we will start negotiations right now. these are not games. trump will be in his face on june 27, during the first round of debates. president biden hopes that at the debate, he will be able to justify his main argument, which is that... that donald trump, in his opinion, poses a threat to national democracy. this democracy works in a very specific way; the opinions of millions of americans are not
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taken into account at all, because they support the third candidate, robert kennady jr., and he was not even invited to the debate. the white house pretends that robert kennedy jr. does not exist at all, and donald trump has not yet responded to his proposal to hold a debate at the next libertarian convention party, where... he himself is going. 13% support for an alternative candidate is a headache for both democrats and republicans, because it is unknown how much more he will bite off from which of them. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and vlada tsurkan, lead the usa. chinese authorities today imposed new sanctions against several american companies that supply weapons to taiwan. thus, the prc leadership responded to the information noise around the new president. who was elected back in january, and has now officially entered position and first of all demanded from beijing recognition of taiwan's supposed independence, that is, he immediately set a course for aggravation in strict accordance with
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washington's guidelines, a report by the chief of our beijing bureau, alexander baletsky. taiwan welcomed its new leader with a military parade, but they say there was a transvestite show right in the administration building the day before. laitz made it clear that he will continue the previous course of the democratic progressive party... the kind of regressive actions challenge not only sovereignty and territorial the integrity of china, but also international justice, conscience and the post-war international order. among
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the ukrainian deputies invited to taipei, the taiwan democratic party has a lot in common with them. having lost their majority in the local parliament, the other day they staged a mass fight in it with the theft of documents; political opponents came to the headquarters of the democratic party a few hours before the inauguration. the main complaint is that none of the previous promises in the economic and social sphere have been fulfilled, but the military budget has grown to $18 billion, recently it became known that back in april, the fleet of taiwan and the united states staged some secret maneuvers in the pacific ocean that continue to escalate. china has launched what is believed to be the world's first dedicated unmanned aircraft carrier, and the communist country already has the world's largest navy. the american press publishes materials from military experts that... have already lost the scenario and determined the so-called five fields of these battles: the battle for space, the missile war, small islands, but just one of these small islands controlled by taiwan,
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jinmen, which is a couple of kilometers from mainland china, the chinese are just now building a bridge to develop the economy and trade, that is, they are not thinking about war. daden island in china has the official status of one of the three islands of heroes; in the fifties, here was the leading edge of the armed confrontation of the chinese people's liberation army, the guomendan troops. which were supported by the united states, well, now there is a park for patriotic education, and what’s curious is that the coastline is no longer visible there, instead there is a scree sand quarry. the chinese seem to emphasize that they do not look at the other side of the strait through the gun sights. but beijing still imposed sanctions on three corporations of the american military-industrial complex for selling weapons to taiwan, obliging boeing’s military space division to pay a fine of twice the amount of contracts with taiwan. for the first time in the history of mexico, two women are fighting for the post of head of state, the country is preparing for big elections, in 2 weeks mexicans will vote not
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only for a new president, but for a new parliament. regional authorities also have to be re-elected. polling stations will open in two weeks, so the election campaign is in the home stretch, and the presidential candidates have already laid out all their arguments in the final debate. my colleague, sergei brilyov, appreciated the degree of political tension. the central square is called mexico city. that is, a candidate and a candidate, that’s right, one man is an outsider on all issues, for the first time in the history of the country there are two women who are really fighting for the post of president
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of the republic. as a candidate from the ruling party claudia sheinbaum spoke on the topic of social policy, oppositionist socin galvis, laid out everything and laid out a poster saying that her rival was lying. when it came to foreign policy, she chose this intonation. of course, i love the people of cuba, nicaragua, russia, venezuela, but i will not invite their military to march in mexico city. soldiers of the russian preobrazhensky regiment took part in last year's parade in honor of mexico's independence day. the spanish editorial office of the american cnn naturally covered this the topic from the angle that the ukrainian ambassador in mexico city actively opposed the presence of the russians, but the president rejected any criticism. we invited all governments with which mexico has relations. supporters of the president's relationship with russia indeed. i consider
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it extremely important to have an alliance and exchange with such a rich country as russia, and i mean wealth not only in the literal sense of the word, but in every sense; what is also important is what the culture of russia and the russian people represents. let's not exaggerate anything, final lopez obrador, who is not a pro-russian politician, has completed his constitutional term, and mexico is bound by a trade agreement with the united states and canada, but the president calls himself a supporter of peace, for example, he condemned the supply of german tanks to ukraine, right?
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