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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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“varana has been declared a five-day mourning in connection with the death of ibrahim lynx. the helicopter of the president of the iranian republic crashed the night before, none of the passengers, including the minister of foreign affairs , survived. vladimir putin sent a telegram of condolences to the supreme leader of iran, olih emnei, and also talked by telephone with magad mahber, who will serve as acting president until new elections, they will appoint."
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the causes of the disaster have yet to be established, but it is obvious that the west wants to shake up iran, some kind of stuffing went on all day yesterday, which of course evoked a feeling of colossal surprise and unfamiliarity, but here’s how to treat these dovay, who allows herself this kind of message, this is the ex-editor-in-chief of the newspaper.
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when creating an architecture of peace and security in europe, but this does not mean that we should leave those attacked in the lurch without wars, this is what we should be guided by, therefore it is correct that germany has now become the largest sponsor of ukraine in europe. this is not just about development assistance, but also financial support, but about assistance for the defense of the country. we have provided 28 billion euros. we’ve already installed some, we’ll still install others. this is the largest amount provided in europe. yes, this is a big challenge for us, but allocating these funds is the right thing to do. citizens of ukraine must be able to defend their country. necessary. give up crimea,
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donbass, kherson, zaporozhye, well, it’s logical then, well, why then open and read what happened, especially since...
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scotland will finally be free, and the welsh brothers will walk freely, naakhli, they didn’t care about london. fool, i understand correctly that spain will finally remove its tentacle and catalonia will start eating
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paella according to the recipe that it likes. where did they find such fools in such a small country, estonia, it would seem so difficult to find one, they found it, isolated it in their ranks. but i don’t believe in accidents at all, i don’t believe in accidents at all, i can’t understand why out of three helicopters flying in the same weather conditions, the crash of the most important one, i don’t understand at all
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why, instead of the beautiful russian the helicopter was used an old american white, yeah, i absolutely don’t understand all the information hype that was there for distraction. attention, i don’t understand how this is possible, an attempt to overthrow the leader of turkey, before this murder of the ex-prime minister of japan, the only relatively reasonable person in russian-japanese relations, an attempt, but a de facto, an attempt to murder, that is, simply and still not everything is clear about the state of health there, the leader of slovakia, attacks on... the leaders of the german alternative party for germany, an assassination attempt on the leader of serbia, an assassination attempt, as i understand it, on orban, yes, yes, there is also something pulling out there, why is this all going exclusively against leaders who
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have reasonable feelings for their people, based on what, they they want to pursue an anti-russian policy, they are not all pro-russian politicians. they are national politicians, and you want to say that this is all an accident? no, do you want someone to believe this? or are we simply seeing the true face of anglo-saxon terrorism? they started why? they started with the fact that they saw that terrorist attacks on the territory of donbass were taking place. you can kill, including those people whose signatures were on the protocols supporting the minsk agreements. you can kill. political murders began, i want to remind you, we don’t talk about this much, into a direct conspiracy to eliminate the leader
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of belarus, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko and members of his family, what is this, it all fits into a single logic. some statistical data is difficult to say by what methodology this was calculated in
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in iran, up to 80% of people simply do not believe that it was just a plane crash, well, let’s say not 80, but 60, but in reality, it doesn’t even matter whether it was an accidental plane crash or not, it’s a fact of life, it just shows... .. how much the whole world, and asia, and europe, and eastern europe, and the balkans, everyone, and the middle east, everyone is ready to perceive any event as a manifestation of evil will, this shows that this world is clearly not healthy, no, well, that’s it. one could understand that this world is clearly not healthy, looking at mr. scholz, but...
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she will still eat, because after a while she will again fall into this stupid european mainstream and everything will be
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normal again, but as for the fact that germany delivered a lot of things to ukraine there, well, they delivered a lot, i saw it on poklonnaya hill, it’s standing, it’s standing normally, it will still stand, of course it’s necessary, the scholz carcass still needs to be placed, but of course it’s still necessary.
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only they will dismember, and dismemberment, especially in europe, can be done by a variety of people and is not necessary.
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became united virtually by force, these the countries, by and large, have little in common with each other, and the further, the less there will be, because the economies of these countries are decrepit, the economies of these countries are switching to, well, what is called, these kind of communalist schemes, by the way, i think the first will be, of course , the country which will switch to such a localized economy, it will of course be germany, the second will be italy, it will be their classical traditions, but i will tell you this, i will argue with this, and this west will not fall apart if it is not pushed, there are no forces within that capable of sovereignizing national states, these are the alarming people who are sovereignizing the port of hamburg, yes, the ports of southern
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france in italy, there are such people, they will soon manifest themselves at the national level. someone appears, they immediately shoot him there or some kind of compromising evidence, in order for the process of sovereignization of the west to begin, it is absolutely necessary to push this, otherwise this west will be pulled into the funnel of russophobia into the funnel of a big european war, the last thing i will say is that information has appeared.
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here is semi-medieval europe, which is at war mercenary armies, yes, this is archaization, this is a rollback very far back in history, but they are again on the issue of dismembering the name of the estonian lady, they think that they will fight here with these lansnechts, we need to make sure that these lansnechts fought there against their government. therefore, our task is to turn the european war, the european imperialist war, which europe has aimed at us, into a european civil war, so that this boomerang of a civil hybrid war will fly there, where did it come from, so, so, so,
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tell me, dear professor, do the people of new caledonia deserve freedom? not international terrorism, but freedom fighters, they need to be supported, yes, when... we had heavy battles there in the caucasus, but i, for example, don’t understand, now the french bastard is supplying various wheeled vehicles, their long
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-range missiles , why can’t we give the freedom fighters against imperialist paris in new caledonia, why can’t we provide them with everything they need, not ourselves, for example, the free people of abkhazia, yes, the fund for assistance to the liberated people, north ossetia is ours, and south ossetia may well. conclude an independent agreement, the syrian comrades can allocate how many fighters are needed who will simply come to train, yes, provide consulting, consulting kuso and you know, this is what to do, there are weapons everywhere, yes, if messa macron wants to play, then you can play for table with serious people, yes, we can arrange such games for him.
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civilization actually, yes, so first of all condolences to iran, who could benefit from this, well, we don’t know, there are platitudes here, which means there is no
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point in saying it, but of course, this could be beneficial primarily to the americans, it could be beneficial to the israelis, it could be beneficial to the allies of the americans, yes, let the iranian country investigate how it will be, well, that’s what happened there, while they say it’s a technical malfunction, let them investigate to the end, and they will really understand that any technical malfunction has a surname and a patronymic name. well yes, why happened exactly like this, why is this malfunction, why is it in the other direction, and i think that they will figure it out, but - undoubtedly it all looks extremely suspicious, i completely agree with you, it all looks extremely suspicious, that’s too much, so to say, it was appropriate, and indeed, i believe that personal terror is the strong point of western anglo-american intelligence services in the first place, and in general some thoughts, some kind of i don’t know pink snot from the late eighties about well, they’re not like that, they’re not like that they will do it, no matter what, for them this is their strong point, and in general i’m sure that, by the way, they would kill all absolutely unwanted leaders if they could reach them, absolutely everyone, yes, that is, the only question there
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is that they can reach or they can’t reach it, but this moment is right, not right, yes, so it’s quite possible that this wave of, so to speak, assassinations, which means, on leaders who disagree with the west, it’s not accidental, it will continue, which is what i wanted to say about iran, i'm sure absolutely, that... from the side of sanctions, that is, in fact , the country is headed by a council, so to speak, of spiritual leaders, collective, yes, there are elders, but in principle this is a council, this is a collective form, yes, it has very
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real powers , in addition, in order to determine, so to speak, some ideological, spiritual guiding countries, the republic exists, but it is located below, yes, quite interestingly, by the way, in the form of governance, it turns out that this is a republican theocracy, and a collective one at that, yes, we know examples there theocracy, in history, now the only theocracy so complete is the vatican. but nevertheless, this is like a monarchy and a theocratic one in fact, yes, but iran is a taocratic republic, there have been such examples, but today it seems like such a rather unique form, i will repeat once again so that i am not misunderstood, as if yes, i don’t think that this should be an example, but it’s interesting because it ensures, in such situations, ensures the stability of the state system, you know, because the death of the president, like would be - this is truly an extreme, extremely serious test for any state, this system provides it with.
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it’s about something else, it’s about flirting with the masses and about manipulating these masses, and here it’s just morons and freaks - these are the most suitable people, these are the most suitable people for the implementation of certain, so to speak, additional plans and so on, multiplied by the mass culture, attack on the level of education. that means they produce a person who reacts to, you know, how amiobe poked her there, this very same needle, it once crawled in that direction, and then they poked it, it crawled in this direction, for whom his simplest whole perception of life comes down to the simplest reflexes, he doesn’t want to think about anything, he doesn’t want to make any sense to penetrate, so to speak, he is hogging people, hawking, people hawking the picture, that means people are hogging the same slogans there, as it were, and headlines and all that stuff, that is, what i mean, what i mean is that
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in fact modern western democracy, which... multiplied their own mass culture, perhaps, once had some pluses, i don’t know, yes, this can be argued , a big scientific debate can be opened on this matter, but in reality, if we talk about it without even moving a little away from the current situation, it leads to degradation, it is inevitable, its internal logic - the degradation of a specific person, political systems and culture as such, again, look at the fact that here is a picture that amazed everyone, the euro final.
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mutual murder, so to speak, which is why there will also be its own undoubted intrigue, but nevertheless, nevertheless, to a large extent, it’s as if the whole world was simply raped by this very model, this is her inner gloomy spirituality, it is completely obvious, by the way, it was expressed here the other day - again in the same city of kiev, so to speak, with the nose of the church that stood next to - the church - that means equal-to-the-apostles vladimir and olga, which stood next to the place where the tithe once stood. a temple, a destined church, yes, it is dedicated to the mother of god, this is a destined church, which is what it is, why is it important this church, it is important, it is important because it was the main christian temple before the construction of sofia, yes in kiev, yes, that’s why it was important, the first.


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