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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 21, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on, hello, the program’s correspondents will tell you about the main legal events of the day. and i'm maxim movchan. and we start with footage of a shootout in the south of the capital, where a mass fight between the participants ended with a bang. almost two dozen people became. the separated men started a brawl in broad daylight, unashamed by many eyewitnesses. drivers passing by cars recorded the doruchuns on their mobile phones. at the moment of the fight , one of the hooligans pulled out a pistol and opened fire on the opponents. according to sources , four people were allegedly injured. however, it is not specified whether they all received gunshot wounds or whether some were severely beaten in fight. the moscow prosecutor's office, meanwhile, is publishing footage of shell casings that investigators found at the scene of the shootout. apparently, we are talking about traumatic.
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the meeting of the council of judges of the russian federation will determine the further vector of development of the country's judicial system as a whole. 139 servants of themis take part in the meeting. everyone has a heavy folder in their hands. the pages contain numerous agenda items and talking points. quiet negotiations in the hall quiet down when the chairman of the supreme court irina podnosova. she speaks before the judicial public for the first time after replacing vyacheslav lebedev in this post. at the beginning of the chairman's report, the figures that indicate.
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thus, in 2023, 5.9 fewer requests for a preventive measure in the form of detention were granted compared to 2022. during the consideration of criminal cases on appeal and cassation
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, convictions were overturned in relation to 11 thousand people, and the sentences were changed with mitigation in relation to about 18 thousand persons. some of the key proposals. which was prepared by the main court of the country, relate to the fight against drug crime using artificial intelligence during the investigation of criminal cases, as for the latter, the judges are confident that modern technologies should serve exclusively to restore justice. in the near future, the supreme court is ready to present the innovation in detail. apparently, everyone is expected to provide their biometric data. personally, i am categorically against the constitution. well now the footage from presidential press service.
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constitution proposed to transfer part of the presidential powers to our citizens so that they, through their deputies, could participate in the formation of the government, and of course, for us this was a very important period, because for the first time we participated in approval with such powers. governments tried to approach this responsibly, the whole procedure took 4 days, this is the approval of the post of chairman of the government, which you introduced, the approval of deputy prime ministers, ministers, and, accordingly,
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as part of this procedure, there was a discussion in the committees of the state duma, they spent a whole day on this, there were a lot of questions,
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the tone itself was so favorable and it was obvious that strong candidates were proposed, especially for the positions of deputy and chairman of the government, they were all familiar to us , and there, let’s say, if there are changes, then this is, as a rule, an assessment of the effective work of this or that minister, that’s all, it gave its result somewhere... it’s even unanimous support, somewhere the support was in advance, because, let’s say, when considering candidates for ministerial positions, we had a number of candidates proposed from the governor’s corps,
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they, for their part, showed their work, i must say, these are the leaders of successful regions and the attitude towards them was appropriate, while there were critical questions, and also proposals for improving the work of those candidates who worked. to engage in football, volleyball, and hockey, through various opportunities, in the yard,
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there in the section, but in order for this to be accessible, they asked that the emphasis be placed on this, and not on the clubs, not on the federation, where the main attention is actually concentrated and we thought that here, together with the state duma...
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when there is no longer any need to blame the mirror, we approved, we supported, we discussed issues, well then we need to further lend a helping hand, somewhere - helping somewhere , suggesting, but responsibility must be taken jointly, so i would like to emphasize once again that this is the first time in the history of modern russia that the state duma makes such decisions, approving the chairman of the government, deputy chairman of the government and ministers, in the future this should definitely bring positive results, including the development of democracy and parliamentarism. and, of course, democracy. the formation of government bodies,
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executive bodies of power, first of all the government of the russian federation, after the presidential elections, this is a very important stage - in the work of the state duma, since, as i already said, there should be no failures, interruptions in work, in general there should be no be, in today's conditions, this is the more important, so i want to thank you too. all the deputies for the fact that the work was carried out based on the interests of the state, and not on the basis of some group interests, as far as i saw, the deputies approached precisely from these positions, such a fear was openly expressed when we were working on amendments to the constitution, this naturally, there is nothing special here, these are the features of parliamentarism, when the first persons in the government are confirmed in individual sectors, then of course, group interests, they are always present, to deputies
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the state duma of this convocation managed to avoid these problematic issues; on the contrary, as far as i saw, they were primarily guided by national interests, tasks and supported people, i do not repeat, not for any group considerations or even party ones, but for personal and business qualities, this very important, thank you very much, and... i know that you are leaving for tigiran tomorrow morning. on your instructions, vladimirich, early tomorrow morning i will fly to tyageran in order to take part in...
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therefore, of course, you correctly said that this is a huge loss. yes, indeed, the death of president resi is a great loss, first of all, of course, for iran, the iranian people, so i ask you to convey my sincere, sincere condolences in connection with this tragedy, indeed, he was a very reliable partner, a straightforward, self -confident person , first of all, a person. which was guided by national interests, but of course, he was a man of his word and it was a pleasure to work with him, keeping in mind that if we agreed on something, it was always possible to be confident that the agreements will be implemented, we, for our part, will do everything to ensure that russian-iranian relations continue in this
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vein, please convey these words of the iranian leadership and - we need to support our country’s partners, thank you, president i had a meeting with the chairman of the state duma, in a few minutes the program will continue to be broadcast by the duty department.
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italian style, delicious, period. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive your salary from one bank and transfer it immediately. to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive super cash in rubles and withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. live legal program to be conducted by the duty department, we continue the issue and return to the topic of the shootout in the capital. new details are coming from the capital. at the kmvd. so, police in the southern district have already found out that at least 15 people took part in the mass brawl. some of the suspects have already been detained. several more are being treated
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by doctors. moreover, it turned out that at least two victims had live wounds. that is, the participants in the fight allowed entry not only with traumatic pistols, but also with bladed weapons. the police are now looking for those suspects who managed to escape. the lessons of corruption in orel are judged by the head of the regional traffic police. investigators are sure where future police officers studied. didn’t teach, but the colonel regularly received a salary for it, and allegedly diligently helped some driving schools, preventing others from proceeding. details from andrey romanov. a paddy wagon carefully and slowly drives into the courtyard of the sovetsky district court in orel; this is the head of the regional state traffic inspectorate, as expected, with flashing lights arriving for the trial. they're just surrounding alexander korshunova, recently my colleagues were not from the traffic police, but from the convoy service unit. the police lock the colonel in a glass cell and the court begins hearing his criminal case. the court explains to you your rights under article forty-two of the criminal procedure code of the russian federation. alexander korshinov was detained in
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2021 in the sight of the security forces, the head of the traffic police in the oryol region was caught after it turned out that he systematically skipped classes at the oryol law institute of the ministry of internal affairs, and it would be nice if the colonel was student, but no. korshunov was listed as a teacher at the university, received a salary, but did not go to work. tell me, did the head of the traffic police teach you anything here, korshinov? well, my year no, did he teach at all, did he appear here? well, when i was studying, i wasn’t taught, i don’t know, he wasn’t there, and they didn’t see him anyway, right? along with alexander korshinov , former university employee oleg gubenkov was also in the dock; according to investigators, it was at his instigation that the kites, as people say, did nothing, but received money, all in his pocket the head of the oryol regional state traffic inspectorate, allegedly leaked. more than 250 thousand rubles. in addition to fraud with science, korshinova is accused of illegal business activities in the small town of mtsensk, which, 50 km from orel, the defendant
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, according to media reports, managed several driving schools through a proxy, and even reportedly caused trouble for competitors, about this on condition of anonymity to us said an employee of one of the enterprises where drivers were trained. the fifteenth, sixteenth, they pressed specifically, they came, which means the state traffic safety inspectorate of the oryol region, but korshinov still remains temporarily suspended from his job. for the first 2 years after his arrest, mr. korshinov whiled away his days under house arrest in this cottage overlooking
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the oka river. everything changed at the end of 2023. the case was transferred to the main investigative department of the investigative committee. the accused was taken to moscow by decision of the basmanny court and taken into custody. shortly before these events, the colonel spoke with our film crew by phone and denied all accusations in the conversation. oryol region is found guilty, he risks going to prison for a long time. andrey romanov, maxim movchan, khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty unit. for courage. rejection in the investigative committee was awarded to the heroes who, during the terrorist attack on city hall , risked their lives and rushed to save people. the chairman of the investigative committee awarded
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the brave souls who brought people out of grief.' courage and personal gratitude to the head of the department for his courage and dedication. in the altai territory they will begin to judge the monster who deprived life of 11 applicants. the so-called polytechnic maniac began operating in the late nineties, offering girls help in entering a university, and then luring them into a car, taking them out into the forest and killing them. for years he remained unpunished and even managed to become an official. details from alexander polivka. this footage is now one of the important pieces of evidence
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in a criminal case: a ruthless monster. who over the course of a decade has become the most terrible urban legend of barnaul, the so-called bloody rector, aka polytechnic maniac, vitaly monishin, confesses to the security forces in time of the investigative experiment. the alleged culprit of eleven cold-blooded murders calmly talks about how he lured his victims into the car. he hunted yesterday's schoolgirls, girls who dreamed of becoming students at the local university, and promised to help. i introduced myself as the person who has the opportunity to resolve the issue of guaranteed 100% income. manishin admits that he... felt thirst for blood back in 1989, then a girl he knew rejected his advances, the gentleman flew into a rage and strangled him her, and after the first murder he could no longer stop. meeting girls, where did you go with them? went out onto demetrov street to a car that was parked near the building. for 2 summers in a row , the bloody rector kidnapped one victim after another, students talked about an inconspicuous man who posed as an influential university employee. as soon as the girl got into the bloody rector’s car, no one else saw her. demonstrate
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the mechanism. murder that way? like this? the polytechnic maniac took the girl away into the forest, raped, killed, covered the body with broken branches. manishin remained unpunished for a long time, even made a career, became deputy head of the administration of the kalmansky district of the altai territory, and then they came for the official and he confessed to everything. and what were you doing at that moment, when she was scratching and kicking, i was holding her with my hands. employees of the first department for investigating particularly important cases of the regional department of the investigative committee of the russian federation found the fifty-three-year-old official when they returned to investigate him. and the first victim. they revealed the murder of a girl who refused manishin intimacy, and then they realized that the criminal’s handwriting was the same as that of the polytechnic maniac. during interrogation, manishin confessed to a series of murders and showed where he hid the remains, including those that no one had found over the years. numerous interrogations were conducted, both of the accused himself and of witnesses from among students, applicants, and university admissions officers during the period of the crimes, as well as interrogations of residents of the kolmansky and rodinsky districts, where the defendant lived and worked. having studied the readings again.
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the researchers found out another shocking detail: it turns out that at the beginning of the 2000s, one of the students once recognized manishin as the bloody rector, but the security forces simply did not work out this version then, and only a quarter of a century later , while investigating another murder, new investigators identified the alleged killer. in the near future, manishin will appear in court, his fate will be decided in the village of kolmanka, where his first victim lived. alexander polivka, khalimat kuchmezova, conductor, duty department. the main fighter of corruption in yekaterinburg detained along with the chief tax officer of the region, tas reports. the agency refers to... a law enforcement source , according to whom security forces raided the home of high-ranking police officer andrei dyakov. since january of this year, he has held the position of head of the economic security department, anti-corruption department of the regional headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs. another person involved in the same criminal case, according to the source, is the head of the federal tax service for the sverdlovsk region, sergei loginov. he is in unlike dyakov, among the old-time managers , the old-timers have been in positions since the end of 2011. at the same time, there is no data yet on what
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exactly loginovo is suspected of. there have been no official comments from investigators yet. new information continues to be received regarding the shooting and stabbing in the south of the capital. as it turned out, the alleged criminals fled in a bmw car. now the police are looking for this car using the city's cctv camera system. according to the official telegram channel of the investigative committee of russia, in fact mass brawl, a criminal case of hooliganism was opened. according to the ministry of internal affairs , at least 15 people took part in the confrontation. several of them have been detained, too. now in the hospital with stab wounds. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels from the duty department and an honest detective. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you. this is a big information evening. we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. he withstood the hail
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of enemy thrones. enemies hit him seven times drones and everything goes by. a story of incredible russian resilience.


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