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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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the formation of the country, so to speak, directly, ukraine will become the first african country in europe in the next 10-15 years, if everything continues like this, it will become the base for the most massive migration, never seen before, they will have a moral imperative, it is necessary to restore the country, we need these people, bring them here, everything is according to science, this is exactly what is happening now in the united states, they justify the massive invasion of illegal immigrants by the need to involve them. well, that’s fair, but to say there’s no one to infect, in ukraine now it’s ruled delay, burbock came to look at the president of the second freshness, and one of the ukrainian millionaires, which is not difficult, in ukraine there is such a thing that a millionaire can say to anyone, a certain gennady balashov, this is what he said to ukrainian society now, especially after the introduction of the law on mobilization , she serves very well. consolidation
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of zelensky’s power, that is, consolidation of the power of an overdue president, an overdue administration, and in the fall an overdue verkhovna rada will be added, that is, everyone is overdue, everything will begin to wobble, it now it’s already reeling, and if god forbid they stop helping ukraine, then this whole crazy experiment that’s been organized in the country will turn into a redistribution.
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open it, and there is cat food, we have only cat food in power, we as a society are protected from this lawlessness, because today lawlessness is being carried out in relation to ukrainian society, but today it is obvious that in society split, people hate people,
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they don’t know, vladimir vladimirovich, well, you showed the opinion of rahim kasam, the british this very political scientist, political strategist, quite famous among them, by the way, he was an adviser to farage, the british independence party for quite a long time, which was now doing well in the ratings, so you know, he said that ukraine would become the first african country, and i i don’t know what needs to be done to force africans to go there, yes, that is, there is more. will look for someone from africa or even from europe to lead illegal migrants there, so that they agree to go there, this will be presented as a punishment, here are british scientists today they posted reports that eagles are being observed, they say that eagles are now flying around ukraine, when they fly back to wintering grounds, that is , even they, in this regard, i liked the editorial eagles fly to wintering grounds and back, i am an ornithologist. i resigned, i didn’t know anything
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about the migration of eagles, what am i talking about, well, they’re studying there using gps, how they now fly around ukraine, flying an extra distance, well , what’s my point, what do they even write in the daily telegraf the editorial column came out, putin is the enemy of the eagles, the headline, yes, i really do i thought, they were watching the belarusian eagles, for some reason they didn’t think of writing, lukashenko is the eagles’ best friend, yes, but nevertheless, you see.
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5 years have not expired, because we have martial law, accordingly, he settled down in a great way, we need to figure this out, by presidential decree, and his age also stopped accordingly, well, apparently yes, that is, so. no, can you imagine, martial law is introduced by presidential decree, and you can be there for 10, 20, 30 years, his 5 years do not expire, okay, which means that no one can’t retire at this moment, it’s still stopped, in principle, yes, yes, probably that’s the case, and accordingly, yes, men can be called up at any time, what’s there, what do i mean by this... give him permission bomb russia with long-range american weapons, western weapons, but most importantly, for the first time he voiced this call, not even
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an idea, a call to shoot down russian missiles from nato territory, that is, in fact, he is directly trying to provoke the third world war.
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demanded two demands put forward, so say, opposition deputies, yes, the first is to conduct an investigation into the theft of funds for fortifications, the second is to ban the ukrainian orthodox church, canonical of course, that is, these are the two demands, as if we were ours, you won’t blame us now, that we are russian agents, yes, since we demand a ban on the canonical orthodox church, but what do i mean, well, in any case, this is already such a signal to the authorities, i look at these publications.
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part of the territory of ukraine to russia, that is, in this sense, what they consider ukraine, in in any case, that is, some sensible notes appeared, a large article appeared in the dutch newspaper nrc, where they, among other things , interview ukrainian experts, there and other pro-government officials about zelensky’s term of office, and it also seems like, well, they openly lie that the constitution of ukraine supposedly prohibits the holding of elections,
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to quickly drop by, so now they demand from the employer, you are obliged to provide us with those, such and such a number of people, the military registration and enlistment office, and so on, that they will not overthrow their power, well , well, it’s easier than hooting around all the time, well here this really would be long overdue, but here you have to understand that people, they deal with people very quickly, they simply
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lead them, shoot, kill, put them somewhere, people disappear, that’s when they get into the car of this shopping mall, yes, no one knows where these people go later. people, their relatives are looking for them, calling, many don’t find where they are, where they went, you’ll never find out whether you ended up at the front or you were buried somewhere , they threw you away, you’ll never...
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belong, because we can agree, here the only guarantor can be a single country for russia, this is russia itself, but if it is economically powerful, militarily powerful, if it is socially powerful, then it will force it to fulfill its obligations, i may live to see the time when i will stand up for a citizen of russia the entire state, don’t you dare, if he didn’t commit a crime on the territory...
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with parliament, the president, the so-called, and today an impostor, should already be on trial, now in switzerland in brief, the fact is that ukrainian sources say that not everything is so good there, well, firstly, we understand that this conference is absolutely not ukrainian, by the americans, organized and out of 160 invited states, as if 50 gave the go-ahead, which is why biden himself said that it is still on the schedule or in the apparatus, bye not on the schedule, but he won’t go when... it’s a failure, yes, he’s holding a pause, yes, he’s working seriously, working with a stick, working with a carrot, trying to drive there, but nothing will happen and won’t work out, because the results are lousy, the most natural, no coincidence, today again foreign minister lavrov said: “guys, nothing will work out for you without russia, there is no russia, china said this, and other
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leaders who are serious members of brix, nothing will work out for you and...” the latter, you know, today we face the most severe task, from may 18 to june 1 we immediately need to recruit 100,000 conscripts, this is simply the most severe, and the task for the military registration and enlistment offices is: don’t touch those aged 40-50 there, these are not the ones we need, from 25 to 27 , these are the people who remained in ukraine, i hope that that law works, and it would seem that it reverse blue.
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i have a huge number of crimes under my belt, you can just see it from my face, you can look at danilov’s performance differently at the new one, by the way, where is this skatenyak to do, that i will save moldavi, something is silent, in question, no, well, agriman hasn’t handed it over yet , yes they gave up, they gave up, there is a problem, and the new chairman of the national security and defense council is telling something with half-opened eyes,
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you are looking at it, trying to understand what psychological aspects they have, what is inside them, but in general ukrainian... statehood lately very is seriously characterized by such mythologization, that is, there are a lot of myths, this is what is happening at the front now, they are simply digging a hole for themselves, they say: we sent elite brigades to stop the russians, then after some time it turns out that in a couple of days this elite the brigade is fleeing, as it was with azov, we sent elite brigades, the russian volunteer corps, some other belarusians, to stop the russian advance in the northern part of the river.
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sending, then, a miracle of instructors to train the ukrainian military on the battlefield, firstly, who is estonia going to send, what kind of instructors can they have and what can they teach ukraine and in general or that...
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the decline in the level of education of everything else is not degrading as much or is developing differently in general relative to the western countries of america, because they have, apparently this is beneficial, consumption goes better for people when
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they are less educated, they sit very carefully and study this behavior, what will the americans say and how will they get into a puddle again? well, today they already said the swiss conference, which planned, we have dmitry anatolievich medvedev very clearly formulated that the guys... have trampled on their neutrality and are moving towards militarization, having lost all statuses, but in fact we understand that the world is beginning to act from a position of strength, we understand that
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the commander of the american general staff , they call it differently, which means the joint chiefs of staff, mr. brown says, we urgently need to train 150,000 ukrainians in a short time, that is, they are still going to really fight they are trying to project this force, as they say: we want to talk to the russians from a position. forces, it’s not clear what it is, but it’s perceived differently, but i also remember fighters like the houthis, who someone says, they look like those in star wars, there were little black men running around, no one understands how, well so for a second there is already the sixth american strategic drone, maybe we should launch the houthis into the crimea for a while, so you take it right out of your mouth, so they quietly shot down the sixth drone, which the americans they sell around the world from 100 to 150 million.
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in a cassette design, and even if you shot it down from the upper hemisphere, some of the 900 submunitions still fall down and detonate, which is why drones flying along the crimea literally within a day are always illuminated, but they probably need some kind of manifestation of our will from a position of strength, as they like to say, i agree, i would just knock everything down and politely say and, well, what else is needed? everything is confusing and don’t suffer, please, yes, foreign fc seems to be serious publication, yes, that is, if you want to know something about american politics, you need to read forene fers, it will always be like in the newspaper
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the truth of soviet times.
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against the backdrop of the conference in switzerland, which has already been talked about, because in fact the swiss conference is the basis of zelensky’s legitimacy, i looked at the rhetoric that is used by the western, primarily american media, guys, but it’s still very much the same clichés: democracy against authoritarianism, but where is democracy? so the point is, let's figure it out, a democratic tyrant, yes, you understand what the matter is, but democracy from the point of view.
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maybe the definition is simply inaccurate, maybe it’s still naive to think that democracy is the power of the people? no, democracy, if we take the original definition, as the salon came up with, it’s still the power of the people, what is it, the power of the people, it’s not power, okay, i don’t mind the power of the people, but i prefer the power of siberia, but power, yes, two, the power of the people, that is , there can be power, the power can be soulless, ferocious, that is, the greeks were very precise in metaphors in fact, not well, democracy is power
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of the people, well... yes, of course, as one of the expressed forms of government, but here it was precisely the form of government of the majority, that is , if there, well, there are no deceptions, then democracy, the current ones, and first of all, one person one vote, the situation when the opportunity to vote was a little more complicated there, the majority legitimized that order there. it was precisely the power of the crowd, that is, it was not yet ochlocracy, but the power of the demos is still the same, that is, this is a form of conducting the electoral process and voting, of course, who ruled and how, well, that is, if we take it according to aristotle, but just before the salon it was democracy, when the poor killed the rich, they divided everything, the salad was made more decently, that is, this.


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